Stylus Class
Stylus Class |
Provides access to general information about a tablet stylus.
Members Table
The following table lists the members exposed by the object.
Method Description Equals Determines whether two Object instances are equal. Inherited from Object
Finalize Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object
is reclaimed by garbage collection. Inherited from Object
GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Inherited from Object .
GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object
MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object . Inherited from Object
Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object
ToString Returns a String that represents the current Object
. Inherited from Object
Property Description Buttons Gets the stylus buttons that are available on the stylus. The buttons may include the pen tip, the eraser end, and the barrel. Id Gets the GUID of the stylus. Inverted Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus is inverted or not. Name Gets the name of the Stylus object. TabletContextID Gets the context identifier for the tablet device to which the stylus belongs.
Inheritance Hierarchy
This object represents the physical stylus that the user holds. Physical stylii may have multiple tips (such as normal and eraser ends), with each stylus tip corresponding to a different Stylus object. Some Tablet PCs allow multiple stylii. Each Stylus object has an associated globally unique identifier (GUID) that is unique on a system. For more information about how stylii can be used with a Tablet PC, see Pen Overview.
Stylii exist within the scope of a RealTimeStylus object. When a RealTimeStylus object encounters a new Stylus object, the RealTimeStylus object calls the IStylusSyncPlugin.StylusInRange method of each of its synchronous plug-ins, and finally the IStylusAsyncPlugin.StylusInRange method of its asynchronous plug-ins. The RealTimeStylus object maintains a list of the Stylus objects it has encountered. This list can be accessed by calling the RealTimeStylus object's GetStyluses method.
Class Information
Namespace Microsoft.StylusInput Assembly Microsoft.Ink ( Strong Name Microsoft.Ink, Version=1.7.4009.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a2870d9cc4d021c8
See Also