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Junfeng Zhang's Musing

things about the world, world of things

Less is more

Brad Abrams reports four less dlls loaded in Whidbey than in Everett for his helloworld application....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/16/2004


If you are brave enough to look at Whidbey's native image cache, you will see some odd directories...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/16/2004

Codebase hint in config files

If your assemblies cannot be found by the standard fusion probing logic, you have two options: 1....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/16/2004


If you are using Whidbey, you may notice a dll named mscorlib.ni.dll is loaded in every managed...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/11/2004

You don't want to initialize global variables

** This is not a .Net blog ** According to C-FAQs, global variables are guaranteed to start out as...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/06/2004

Single Servicing

What is Single Servicing? Single Servicing is that when you fix a bug in your component, you drop a...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/05/2004

Programming Legends Debate .Net, J2EE

Interesting read from eweek.com Programming Legends Debate .Net, J2EE...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/04/2004

Assembly.LoadFrom/LoadFile/Load(byte[]) prefers GAC

Starting in Whidbey beta2, for Assembly.LoadFrom/LoadFile/Load(byte[]), if there is an assembly in...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/03/2004

Windows XP Look & Feel with manifest

Windows XP has a new Common Controls library comctl32.dll version 6, which implements XP's look...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/02/2004

Error 500--Internal Server Error ---- From https://www.theserverside.net

One day when I visit https://www.theserverside.net, I hit this error: Error 500--Internal Server...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/26/2004

Manish on Remoting

If you care about remoting, you should check out Manish's blog. https://blogs.msdn.com/manishg Manish...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/20/2004

.Net 1.0/1.1 applications on Win64

Josh Williams posted a blog about .Net 1.0/1.1 applications on Win64....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/17/2004

.Net framework SP and Publisher Policy

Omer asks me why we do in place servicing for .Net framework SP, and not following our own...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/11/2004


I come cross this web site (https://www.JavaRss.com) when reading newsgroup Comp.Lang.Java.Adcocacy....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/09/2004

Should we put apphack in .Net 2.0?

AppHack is a terminology used in AppCompat. Basically AppCompat detects a specific application, and...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/09/2004

Diagnose "Access Denied" error on Assembly Loading

I posted a rather long reply in newsgroup microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.clr, to help diagnose...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/09/2004


Jamie asks about what is aspnet.config. Alan has a detailed discussion on binding policies....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/07/2004

Contact me in email

I usually would like to keep the discussion in the blog so that the discussion can be shared to...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/07/2004


https://techpreview.search.msn.com is back. I frequently scan Microsoft public newsgroups, including...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/06/2004

Via said, Our chips can do 64 bit computing

According to this zdnet article, Via's next CPU release will be compatible with AMD64....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/06/2004


Some people asked me about obsfucation and IP protection. Myself is strongly against obsfucation....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/05/2004

October 1, China's National Day

October 1st is China's National Day. Today, it is China's 55th anniversary. As a tradition, tens of...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/01/2004

Microsoft Community Blogs

You won't believe how many Microsoft people are blogging. https://blogs.msdn.com just hits the...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/01/2004

Platform SDK for Windows XP Service Pack 2 is released

https://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/ Including support for MDAC 2.8, Tablet...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/01/2004

J2SE 5.0 released

Java 2 platform Standard Edition 5.0 is released today. https://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/01/2004

Assembly binding vs Assembly Loading

This is purely terminology we used internally. Assembly Binding is the process of probing. A.k.a,...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/30/2004

When AssemblyResolve handler meets AssemblyResolve handler

When CLR loader cannot find an assembly via the standard probing, CLR loader will give you a chance...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/29/2004

Update of Managed GAC API wrappers and test applications

I added the functionality to enumerate install references of GAC assemblies to the managed GAC API...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/29/2004

Diagnose Assembly Loading Failures

Majority of the time, you can use fuslogvw.exe to find out why an assembly load failed. There are...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/23/2004

Gacutil does not show ngen cache's content in .Net 2.0

Gacutil shows the content of ngen cache in v1.0 and v1.1. In v2.0, this feature is removed from...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/20/2004

Why do you use GAC APIs?

I can think of three reasons that you need to use GAC APIs, instead of the existing tools. 1....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/20/2004

ATI's latest driver's Catalyst Control Center Written in .Net framework

In case you don't know, the contral center from ATI's latest driver offer requires .Net framework...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/19/2004

Sample for using GAC APIs, Sample of Managed GAC API Wrappers, and a Test Application for Managed GAC API Wrappers

In case you did not notice, there is an "Article" link in the blog's main page I added three...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/14/2004

Test Application for Managed GAC API Wrappers

//-------------------------------------------------------------// GACTest.cs//// This is a test...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/14/2004

Sample Managed GAC API Wrappers

//-------------------------------------------------------------// GACWrap.cs//// This implements...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/14/2004

Fusion GAC API Samples

For displaying purpose, error handling is skipped in all the sample code. Please don’t skip error...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/14/2004

Assembly Display Name

Every assembly has so-called "Display name". As of today, the display name of an assembly is shown...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/14/2004

The new MSDN web site

When I was searching for some MSDN links for Whidbey stuff in https://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/library...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/13/2004

GAC Assembly Trace Reference

When you install an assembly to GAC, you have the option to specify an Assembly Trace Reference. And...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/13/2004

mscorlib.dll is in GAC now in .Net framework 2.0

Mscorlib.dll is in GAC now in .Net framework 2.0, contrast to v1.0/v1.1, where mscorlib is in...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/12/2004

GAC, Assembly ProcessorArchitecture, and Probing

As I mentioned in a previous post, assemblies in .Net framework 2.0 now have ProcessorArchitecture...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/12/2004

Deploying assemblies using cab files

You can deploy assembly using cab files....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/26/2004

Reflection Only Assembly Loading

.Net Framework 2.0 introduces several new assembly loading APIs....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/24/2004

Assembly binding Closure discovery tool

This is a tool I use to figure out the binding closure of one or many assemblies. Per request, I...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/18/2004

Assemblies in GAC and their dependencies

Global Assembly Cache (GAC) is a machine wide central repository of shared components. For that...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/15/2004

Funny Techie Stories

Speaking of funny technology related stories, PC Magazine had a column under Personal Technology...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/14/2004

Assembly ProcessorArchitecture

This is not news: .Net framework 2.0 will have 64 bit edition. As expected, Microsoft only support...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/11/2004

AMD64? X86-64? EM64T? X64? Anymore?

Apparently, the naming for AMD's 64 bit extension of x86 is a mess. AMD calls it "AMD64...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/11/2004

CLR Managed Debugger (mdbg) Sample

It is very frustrating to write a managed debugger in v1.0 and v1.1. There is a word document...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/08/2004

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