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https://techpreview.search.msn.com is back.

I frequently scan Microsoft public newsgroups, including the Whidbey newsgroups. In my laptop I did not configure any newsgroups in outlook express. And I rely on the online newsgroup reader at microsoft.com (https://communities.microsoft.com/newsgroups/default.asp?icp=whidbey&slcid=us.)

I did not have it bookmarked initially. I simply go to google.com and search "whidbey newsgroup". The first one is the right page and I am happy.

The other day I decided to give search.msn.com a try. Very disappointed. It points me to microsoft.private.whidbey.xml. And there is no sign of the parent page where all the newsgroups are listed. I really don't understand why they decide the sub newsgroup is more important than the parent page, and the parent page is irrelevant.

Anyway, I complained to MSN team. MSN team pointed me to the new search engine. I tried it and the right page is the first hit. I am very happy.

The new search engine is https://techpreview.search.msn.com, and it is available for you now.