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az functionapp plan

Manage App Service Plans for an Azure Function.


Name Description Type Status
az functionapp plan create

Create an App Service Plan for an Azure Function.

Core GA
az functionapp plan delete

Delete an App Service Plan.

Core GA
az functionapp plan list

List App Service Plans.

Core GA
az functionapp plan show

Get the App Service Plans for a resource group or a set of resource groups.

Core GA
az functionapp plan update

Update an App Service plan for an Azure Function.

Core GA

az functionapp plan create

Create an App Service Plan for an Azure Function.

az functionapp plan create --name
                           [--is-linux {false, true}]


Create an elastic premium app service plan with burst out capability up to 10 instances.

az functionapp plan create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyPlan --min-instances 1 --max-burst 10 --sku EP1

Create a basic app service plan.

az functionapp plan create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyPlan --sku B1

Create an App Service Plan for an Azure Function. (autogenerated)

az functionapp plan create --location westus2 --name MyPlan --number-of-workers 1 --resource-group MyResourceGroup --sku B1

Required Parameters

--name -n

The name of the app service plan.

--resource-group -g

Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>.


The SKU of the app service plan. e.g., F1(Free), D1(Shared), B1(Basic Small), B2(Basic Medium), B3(Basic Large), S1(Standard Small), P1V2(Premium V2 Small), I1 (Isolated Small), I2 (Isolated Medium), I3 (Isolated Large), K1 (Kubernetes).

Optional Parameters


Host function app on Linux worker.

Accepted values: false, true
--location -l

Location. Values from: az account list-locations. You can configure the default location using az configure --defaults location=<location>.


The maximum number of elastic workers for the plan.

--min-instances --number-of-workers

The number of workers for the app service plan.


Space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. Use "" to clear existing tags.

--zone-redundant -z

Enable zone redundancy for high availability. Cannot be changed after plan creation. Minimum instance count is 3.

Default value: False
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az functionapp plan delete

Delete an App Service Plan.

az functionapp plan delete [--ids]

Optional Parameters


One or more resource IDs (space-delimited). It should be a complete resource ID containing all information of 'Resource Id' arguments. You should provide either --ids or other 'Resource Id' arguments.

--name -n

The name of the app service plan.

--resource-group -g

Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

--yes -y

Do not prompt for confirmation.

Default value: False
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az functionapp plan list

List App Service Plans.

az functionapp plan list [--resource-group]


List all Elastic Premium 1 tier App Service plans.

az functionapp plan list --query "[?sku.tier=='EP1']"

Optional Parameters

--resource-group -g

Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az functionapp plan show

Get the App Service Plans for a resource group or a set of resource groups.

az functionapp plan show [--ids]


Get the app service plans for a resource group or a set of resource groups. (autogenerated)

az functionapp plan show --name MyAppServicePlan --resource-group MyResourceGroup

Optional Parameters


One or more resource IDs (space-delimited). It should be a complete resource ID containing all information of 'Resource Id' arguments. You should provide either --ids or other 'Resource Id' arguments.

--name -n

The name of the app service plan.

--resource-group -g

Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az functionapp plan update

Update an App Service plan for an Azure Function.

az functionapp plan update [--add]


Update an app service plan to EP2 sku with twenty maximum workers.

az functionapp plan update -g MyResourceGroup -n MyPlan --max-burst 20 --sku EP2

Optional Parameters


Add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. Example: --add property.listProperty <key=value, string or JSON string>.

Default value: []

When using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to JSON.

Default value: False

One or more resource IDs (space-delimited). It should be a complete resource ID containing all information of 'Resource Id' arguments. You should provide either --ids or other 'Resource Id' arguments.


The maximum number of elastic workers for the plan.

--min-instances --number-of-workers

The number of workers for the app service plan.

--name -n

The name of the app service plan.


Remove a property or an element from a list. Example: --remove property.list <indexToRemove> OR --remove propertyToRemove.

Default value: []
--resource-group -g

Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>.


Update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. Example: --set property1.property2=<value>.

Default value: []

The SKU of the app service plan.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.