Larry Osterman's WebLog
Just another Developer Network site
What does style look like, part 8 (the end)
So over the course of the past week, I've spent some time talking about various things that make up...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/18/2004
What does style look like, part 7
Over the course of this series on style, I've touched on a lot of different aspects, today I want to...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/17/2004
What comes after Quaternary?
Valorie asked me this question today, and I figured I'd toss it out to everyone who runs across this...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/17/2004
What does style look like, part 6
Previously in the series, I've touched on indentation and commenting, The next aspect of "style"...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/16/2004
What does style look like, part 5
Continuing the discussion of "style".. The other day, I talked a bit about how comments affect the...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/15/2004
What does style look like, part 4
Continuing the discussion of "style".. Yesterday, I showed the code reformatted into "BSD" style...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/12/2004
What does style look like, part 2
In my previous style post, I took a piece of code from Robert Sedgewicks algorithms book, and...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/10/2004
What does style look like?
Building on my post on style last week. So what does "coding style" look like, anyway? Well, the...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/09/2004
How did we make the DOS redirector take up only 256 bytes of memory?
In one of my early posts, I mentioned a status review we had with BillG for the DOS Lan Manager...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/08/2004
I don't normally cross-post, but this was just too funny.
From TheDailyWTF: DBA: Do you want usernames to be unique?Developer: Yes (next day)DBA: Should...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/05/2004
Fifth video's up
The fifth (and last) video's up here, if you've been reading my blog, it's not new, but :)Sorry...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/05/2004
And the fourth video's now up on Channel9.
Robert just posted the fourth of the videos he shot last month.This one's short, about the hardest...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/04/2004
Third video's up
Robert just posted the 3rd video, it can be found here.Enjoy!
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/03/2004
Still more videos posted
Robert just dropped the second of my Channel9 videos up, you can find it here. Enjoy :)
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/02/2004
November 2nd
Twenty four years ago, on the Tuesday of the first full week in November, I dutifully filled in my...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 11/02/2004
Awesome article on how a hacker can compromise a network
Jesper Johansson just posted an article in TechNet magazine describing how a hacker might take over...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/29/2004
What's in a WAV file?
So yesterday, I mentioned that a WAV file is just a wrapper around raw PCM data. Well, that’s...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/28/2004
Really cool new app just released
I just learned that the PhotoStory 3 team finally released their app today. I’ve seen demos of...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2004
So how do I play sounds anyway?
Well, the answer to that is WAY more complicated than I can answer, there are LOTs of different...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2004
What IS audio on a PC anyway?
This may be well known, but maybe not (I didn’t understand it until I joined the Windows Audio...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/26/2004
Wow, Jim Horne's blogging too...
Darned, Everyone’s getting into the act. I’ve known Jim for a really long time (back in...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/25/2004
Sharron absolutely Rocks!
Sharron and Oliver (and the rest of the family) spent Sunday at the Whidbey Equestrian Center,...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/25/2004
Fascinating article on Passphrases just posted
I just ran across a totally fascinating article by Jesper Johansson about the use of passphrases...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/22/2004
What's wrong with this code, part 7: The answers
To fix the newsgator issues, I switched to using blogjet to post to my blog. Unfortunately,...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/20/2004
Hey wait, I'm a published author now!
As a couple of people have noticed, November's MSDN magazine just went online, and the article I...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/19/2004
IE Code quality commentary...
I just saw this post by Michal Zalewski on BugTraq. From the post: It appears that the overall...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/18/2004
IIS vs Apache vulnerabilities chart.
Michael Howard just posted this analysis of relative vulnerabilities between IIS6 and Apache 2.0...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/18/2004
What's wrong with this code, Part 7: The answers.
As I mentioned in yesterday's post, there are two intentional bugs in the code. The first bug is a...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/18/2004
What's wrong with this code, part 7
This rather fascinating issue came up in an internal DL on Friday. Consider the following...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/18/2004
So what exactly IS COM anyway?
A couple of days ago, David Candy asked (in a comment on a previous COM related post) what exactly...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/15/2004
Cool Speaker: Ben Mikaelsen
Last night, I was privileged to be able to go to my son's school and listen to Ben Mikaelsen speak....
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/15/2004
Fall Foliage
As I mentioned last week, I spent last weekend in upstate New York. As a part of that, I drove from...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/14/2004
Can my STA object create worker threads?
For some reason, a bunch of COM related stuff's been coming onto my radar lately, so for some...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/13/2004
How does COM activation work anyway?
One of my co-workers came to me the other day and asked why on earth COM had this "dwClsContext"...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/12/2004
Innovation in the computer industry
The germ of this post was a comment I made on Robert Scoble's weblog, but it deserves broader...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/11/2004
Oh wow, Bruce Schneier's blogging.
I just discovered that Bruce Schneier, author of Applied Cryptography is blogging. His blog...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/07/2004
I recently received an email message with the following: "....involves the canonicalization (it's a...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/07/2004
Larry's rules of software engineering, Part 3: "Zero Defects" doesn't result in zero defects
I've held off on writing this particular post for a while, since it's somewhat controversial, but...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/06/2004
Ok, so I lied (a bit)
Last week I posted that work was getting busy and the blog would likely go dark. Well, that was a...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 10/05/2004
Microsoft Exchange 5.0's credential cache security problems
The other day, I wrote about the Exchange 5.0 NNTP (and POP3, and Exchange 5.5 IMAP) server’s...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 09/30/2004
Desigining an authentication system
I ran into this a while ago, and thought it was a wonderful discussion of how to go about designing...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 09/29/2004
Hey, why am I leaking all my BSTR's?
IMHO, every developer should have a recent copy of the debugging tools for windows package installed...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 09/28/2004
When I moved my code into a library, what happened to my ATL COM objects?
A caveat: This post discusses details of how ATL7 works. For other version of ATL, YMMV. The general...
Author: Larry Osterman [MSFT] Date: 09/27/2004