frankarr - an aussie microsoft blogger
Ponderings from the Pacific Northwest by an Aussie Geek who works at a software company
The things kids brag about at school these days
I asked my young daughter Emma how school was today. She told me that today she had library , and...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/14/2006
Zune Unveilling Tomorrow ?
Techcrunch reports Microsoft is conducting invite only press conversations tomorrow to discuss the...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/14/2006
AFL Ladder Gadget
Back in July, I put out a call for Aussie Gadgets for Windows Live Last month, we saw the team from...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/13/2006
Going Dark for a few days
I've got a 3 day "mandatory" training course starting a 9am today . I am not going to be easily...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/12/2006
VSTS Tech Brekkie - Croissants, Coffee and VSTS
Now, this is a cool idea. VSTS Tech Brekkie's are a series of free breakfast presentations on topics...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/12/2006
Bank to lead in Vista uptake
Spotted this in Australian IT today Bank to lead in Vista uptakeWESTPAC will test Microsoft's...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/12/2006
Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET
Local ASP.NET MVP Paul Glavich has a new book out - "Beginning AJAX in ASP.NET" I meant to blog...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/11/2006
Observing a new Windows Vista User
So, it's been a while since 'Rigo installed Windows Vista RC1, and I have been intrigued watching...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/10/2006
Installing Windows Vista RC1
I purchased one of those TechEd Dells PCs for use at home. Today I finally got around to setting it...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/10/2006
Emoticon Plugin for Windows Live Writer
Got a cool plugin which let's me insert emoticons Today it's , so don't forget the [ Current...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/09/2006
Podcasts from The Sydney Institute
I have been involved in a little side project which kicked off recently. Some folks within Microsoft...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/09/2006
Photos from TechEd Sydney
A bunch of photos were posted from TechEd Sydney Look at me on the big screen Look its Rob Farley,...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/08/2006
The Students are taking over TechTalkBlogs
I have finally gotten around to getting our new TechTalkBlogs guest bloggers their account details....
Author: frankarr Date: 09/07/2006
The Daily Developer Movement
David Lemphers is on a mission. He announced his intentions a while back with a post outlining the...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/06/2006
Microsoft Expression Web Beta 1
Expression Web Designer has a new name - It's now Expression Web.Beta 1 is now available for...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/05/2006
Findit : New Aussie online classifieds
In my last post about map mashups, I had a comment pointed me to look at Now,...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/05/2006
More Map Mashups
A few weeks ago I wrote about the Student Partner Windows Local Live mashup. Now, we have a few user...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/04/2006
How to Pitch Windows Vista & Office 2007 to GenY
Today I had the opportunity to sit and listen to presentations from 5 teams of Marketing students...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/04/2006
OT: Crikey!
Front page of Gnoos Front Page of Technorati Big Story! [ Current Listening to : Crocodile Hunter -...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/04/2006
NilsV is Blogging !
Nils van Boxsel – who is he? He's a senior member of the team and he is blogging (finally) So, the...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/03/2006
TechTalkBlogs: New Guest Editor(s) coming up....
First off, let me thank Paul Glavich, Geoff Appleby and Damian "Tech.Ed" Edwards who were our Trio...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/03/2006
Update to Currently Listening Plugin for Windows Live Writer
A new update to Currently Listening Plugin has been posted The features look sweet I'm going to have...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/02/2006
Vista RC1 is here
W00t! Vista RC1 is ready and available for download soon. Nick White of the Windows Vista Launch...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/02/2006
Top 20 Posts & Search Keyworlds for August
As I did last month, I looked back on BlogBeat for my top 20 posts for the month of August. Not...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/01/2006
ASCCA Conference Next Week
Not long to go before I get to speak at the the 8th ASCCA conference. It's on next week. There are...
Author: frankarr Date: 09/01/2006
Global Corporate Challenge : 100 Days of Walking
A big milestone today. Not only is it the first day of Spring, but it's also the 100th day of the...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/31/2006
Melbourne Aerial Maps are Live on WLL
As a Melbourne boy, I am really happy to see these aerial views of Melbourne on Windows Local Live [...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/31/2006
TechTalkBlogs: +188 Days
So TechTalkBlogs has been alive for 188 days, that's half a year! I am so happy to see this little...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/31/2006
Microsoft Corp looking for top technology graduates
I had a number of conversations at TechEd last week about people working at Microsoft. Recruiters...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/30/2006
The Dude who took my shirt - Spotted!! Do you know this man??
Ok, this post has been long over due. As some of you know, I had a saga with my LOUD Mambo Shirt....
Author: frankarr Date: 08/30/2006
My Slides and OPML from Blogs, Wikis & RSS
Ok, I have finally gotten around to posting the slides from my presentaion. I used a feature in...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/29/2006
Some Stats from TechEd Sydney
In the lock note, I quoted some stats We ran 5km's of CAT5 cable We've used 1000 power boards You...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/29/2006
Speakers from Blogs, Wikis and RSS Conference
Update: Slides and OPML Posted Today I spoke at the blogs, wikis & rss event, which was held in...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/29/2006
Blogging Demo From Blogs, Wikis & RSS conference
The following is a picture of my and my baby son Antony. The photo was taken 15 years ago, when...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/29/2006
1,000 days of blogging here
Last month, I celebrated my 1,000 Posts and Today marks my 1,000th day of blogging on...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/28/2006
This time i'm blogging from word 2007
Another sample blog post from the blogs, rss & wikis conference This is a post from word 2007....
Author: frankarr Date: 08/28/2006
My LS800 Gets Around
One of the things that I took all over TechEd was my MotionComputing LS800. And yes, I would play...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/28/2006
DeepMetrix, Live Stats Software and Microsoft
I got enquiry about a product (Live Stats) from a company (DeepMetrix) which Microsoft recently...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/28/2006
TechEd Sydney : The Passions of the Attendees
On registration, we asked attendees to identify their passions, and I hilighted some of these at the...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/28/2006
My News from TechEd Sydney
I did a bit of media during the week at TechEd. Here's a summary of the news which featured me Be...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/27/2006
Blogs, Wikis and RSS
I am a guest speaker at the upcoming Blogs, Wikis & RSS conference being held in Sydney. Back to...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/27/2006
FrankArr photos from TechEd Sydney ?
One of the surreal experiences for me was having people asking to have their photo taken with me. It...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/27/2006
Some Windows Live Writer Plugins I Would Like to See
I've noticed that there is a new blog focusing on Windows Live Writer Plugins. It got me thinking...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/26/2006
Mark's New Laptop
Mark Cohen stopped by to show me his new laptop Nice machine there Mark. Who's the OEM again? :) [...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/26/2006
Podcasts Podcasts Podcasts from TechEd Sydney
Podcasts, have we got podcasts Glavs has been busy, busy, busy. Eric Deily - IIS Team George Moore -...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/24/2006
Top 10 Things I learnt at the TechEd Sydney Party
Speaking about the TechEd Party, I learnt a few things during the evening: Apparently "I am the...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/24/2006