Blogs, Wikis and RSS
I am a guest speaker at the upcoming Blogs, Wikis & RSS conference being held in Sydney. Back to Darling Harbour for me!
I am speaking on Tuesday, which also marks my 1,000th day of blogging on
Speakers & topics:
- Information sharing and its impact: Trevor Cook, Director, Jackson Wells Morris
- The role of media in a connected society: Hugh Martin, Editor,, News Interactive
- Engaging with your consumers using blogs and podcasts: Keren Flavell, co-founder OMG,tv and Lecturer, AFTRS
- Determining the benefits of incorporating online collaboration tools into your communications mix: Mick Stanic, General Manager, Dreampool Digital
- Connect, Communicate, Collaborate: Garry Putland, General Manager, Ltd
- Strategic blogging and podcasting for collaboration and community: James Farmer, Community Editor, The Age, Founder of, Co-Founder of Blogtalk Downunder and publisher og BlogSavvy
- Designing your blogging strategy using the latest tools available: Frank Arrigo, Group Geneal Manager, Technical Communities, Microsoft Australia
- Implementing your online collaboration startegy: Michael Axelsen, Director of Inforamtion Systems, BDO Kendalls
- Using new online tools to enhance marketing and PR initiatives: Derek Lark, Executive Director, Industry Capability Network Ltd (ICN)
- How the Bibby blog has been effectively used as a marketin and client communications tool: Ashley Sharma, Sales and Marketing Director, Bibby Financial Services Australia
- Assessing the legal liability of using online collaboration tools: Patrick Fair, Partner, baker and McKenzie
- Helping organisations to develop and embrace new communications strategies: Steven Noble, Associate Director, Hill & Knowlton
- Assessing the risks and common fears of using new collaboration tools: Des Walsh, Business Coach and Blogging Evangelist, Thinking Home Business
- Incorporating RSS into your blogging and content management strategy: Ricki Mulia, Head of Communications and Network Products, Yahoo!7
- How Fairfax Digital have incorporated blogging and other online collaboration tools to exist in the same space as traditional media: David Anderson, Product Director, News and Content, Fairfax Digital
- Knowledge and information management in online collaboration tools: Des Paroz, eBusiness Director, Acer Computer Australia
It will be nice to catchup with some old friends, such as Keren, Trevor, Steven and Mick, as well as some "online friends" such as Des (x2) and James.
This has also got to be the biggest and most well thought out conference on blogging and its effects ever put on in Australia...
"If you are working in media, public relations, marketing, publishing & journalism, internal communications, client relationship management or corporate communications, it is imperative that you gain an understanding of the impact blogs, wikis, RSS and other forms of social media will have on the way you communicate with your stakeholders."
I had better work on my presentation soon. What am I talking about again??
[ Current Listening to : Smiley Faces - Gnarls Barkley ]
August 28, 2006
      i am typing this infront of some people during my session at blogs, wikis &...Anonymous
August 28, 2006
Another sample blog post from the blogs, rss & wikis conference
This is from wordAnonymous
August 28, 2006
Today I spoke at the blogs, wikis & rss event, which was held in North Sydney Here's a map...Anonymous
August 29, 2006
Hi Frank. Hope the conference went well. Unfortunately I had to pull out as I needed to travel interstate. Hope to catch up sometime...Anonymous
May 26, 2009
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