Reporting from MEDC, Las Vegas
This is the first day of the Mobile and Embedded Developer’s Conference(MEDC) 2005 at Las Vegas. I am attending this conference along with a couple of my team members. The XPe sessions and hand-on-lab haven’t yet started but there was a pre conference tutorial presented by Sean Liming today. It was one of the very best sessions that I have attended on XP Embedded so far. He did a really good job on giving an overview on XP Embedded and the various EEF features in his 3 hour talk. He started the talk by giving a good comparison between XP embedded and Windows CE and when should a customer choose to go for XP Embedded. For EX: The smallest footprint size for XP Embedded is 8MB which is a minlogon runtime. To provide the same functionality in Windows CE one would have to go for a 350KB image. Any driver that works on XP Pro will work on XPe as long as you satisfy the dependencies in the runtime. On the other hand one needs to create his own drivers to work with Windows CE.
The presentation covered a wide range of XPe topics like:
- creating component packages
- running TA vs TAP
- going trough FBA on an embedded device and the common 7B error during FBA
- EWF and its API sets and how one could use .net framework to call the EWF APIs in your application
- XPE deployment mechanisms like remote boot, SDI, WinPE
- XPe servicing mechanisms like DUA and SUS
- the various steps in creating an XPe image the XPe tools like component designer & target designer.
He talked about some third party and Microsoft tools that can be used with XPe like Remote Recovery, Component tracker(developed by Sean Liming), DUA script generator. There were couple of demos that went with each sub topic that he presented like one for DUA and one for Hibernate Once Resume Many(HORM). For HORM, Sean showed a demo wherein he resumed from the same hiberfile couple of times on an EWF protected volume and his embedded device now resumed to the logon screen in a couple of seconds as opposed to tens of seconds when he didn’t hibernate and resume.
Overall the presentation was very useful and if I were a XPe newbie I would have come out of the session knowing a lot about XPe and pretty convinced to at least try it out.
- Nandini
- Anonymous
May 10, 2005
The fun of MEDC 2005 has well and truly started. The anticipation began yesterday with Sean Liming’s... - Anonymous
February 09, 2006
The Mobile and Embedded Developers Conference is going to be held this year at the Venetian Hotel in...