Bendrinti naudojant

az sql midb ltr-backup

Manage SQL Managed Instance database long term retention backups.


Name Description Type Status
az sql midb ltr-backup delete

Delete a long term retention backup.

Core Preview
az sql midb ltr-backup list

List the long term retention backups for a location, instance or database.

Core Preview
az sql midb ltr-backup restore

Restore a long term retention backup to a new database.

Core Preview
az sql midb ltr-backup show

Get a long term retention backup for a managed database.

Core Preview
az sql midb ltr-backup wait

Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the managed database is met.

Core GA

az sql midb ltr-backup delete


This command is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels:

Delete a long term retention backup.

az sql midb ltr-backup delete [--backup-id]


Delete long term retention backup for a managed database.

az sql midb ltr-backup delete -l southeastasia --mi myinstance -d mymanageddb --name "3214b3fb-fba9-43e7-96a3-09e35ffcb336;132292152080000000"

Delete long term retention backup for a managed database.

az sql midb ltr-backup delete --backup-id '/subscriptions/6caa113c-794c-42f8-ab9d-878d8aa104dc/resourceGroups/mygroup/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/southeastasia/longTermRetentionManagedInstances/myinstance/longTermRetentionDatabases/mymanageddb/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups/3214b3fb-fba9-43e7-96a3-09e35ffcb336;132292152080000000'

Optional Parameters

--backup-id --id

The resource id of the backups. Use 'az sql midb ltr-backup show' or 'az sql midb ltr-backup list' for backup id. If provided, other arguments are not required.

--database -d

The name of the Azure SQL Managed Database.

--location -l

The location of the desired backup(s).

--managed-instance --mi

Name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance.

--name -n

The name of the LTR backup. Use 'az sql midb ltr-backup show' or 'az sql midb ltr-backup list' for backup name.

--yes -y

Do not prompt for confirmation.

Default value: False
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az sql midb ltr-backup list


This command is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels:

List the long term retention backups for a location, instance or database.

az sql midb ltr-backup list --location


List long term retention backups for a managed database.

az sql midb ltr-backup list -l southeastasia --mi myinstance -d mymanageddb

List long term retention backups for a managed instance (list only the latest LTR backups, which belong to live databases).

az sql midb ltr-backup list -l southeastasia --mi myinstance --database-state Live --only-latest-per-database

List long term retention backups for a managed instance (with resource group argument).

az sql midb ltr-backup list -l southeastasia -g mygroup --mi myinstance

List long term retention backups for a location (list only the latest LTR backups, which belong to live databases).

az sql midb ltr-backup list -l southeastasia --database-state Live --only-latest-per-database

List long term retention backups for a location (with resource group argument).

az sql midb ltr-backup list -l southeastasia -g mygroup

Required Parameters

--location -l

The location of the desired backup(s).

Optional Parameters

--database -d

The name of the Azure SQL Managed Database. If specified (along with instance name), retrieves all requested backups under this database.

--database-state --state

'All', 'Live', or 'Deleted'. Will fetch backups only from databases of specified state. If no state provied, defaults to 'All'.

--latest --only-latest-per-database

If true, will only return the latest backup for each database.

--managed-instance --mi

Name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance. If specified, retrieves all requested backups under this managed instance.

--resource-group -g

Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az sql midb ltr-backup restore


This command is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels:

Restore a long term retention backup to a new database.

az sql midb ltr-backup restore --backup-id


Restore a managed database using LTR backup.

az sql midb ltr-backup restore \
    --dest-database targetmidb --dest-mi myinstance --dest-resource-group mygroup \
    --backup-id "/subscriptions/6caa113c-794c-42f8-ab9d-878d8aa104dc/resourceGroups/mygroup/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/southeastasia/longTermRetentionManagedInstances/myinstance/longTermRetentionDatabases/sourcemidb/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups/3214b3fb-fba9-43e7-96a3-09e35ffcb336;132292152080000000"

Required Parameters

--backup-id --id

The resource id of the long term retention backup to be restored. Use 'az sql midb ltr-backup show' or 'az sql midb ltr-backup list' for backup id.


Name of the managed database that will be created as the restore destination.


Name of the managed instance to restore managed database to.


Name of the resource group of the managed instance to restore managed database to.

Optional Parameters


Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.

Default value: False
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az sql midb ltr-backup show


This command is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels:

Get a long term retention backup for a managed database.

az sql midb ltr-backup show [--backup-id]


Show long term retention backup for a managed database.

az sql midb ltr-backup show --backup-id '/subscriptions/6caa113c-794c-42f8-ab9d-878d8aa104dc/resourceGroups/mygroup/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/southeastasia/longTermRetentionManagedInstances/myinstance/longTermRetentionDatabases/mymanageddb/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups/3214b3fb-fba9-43e7-96a3-09e35ffcb336;132292152080000000'

Optional Parameters

--backup-id --id

The resource id of the backups. Use 'az sql midb ltr-backup show' or 'az sql midb ltr-backup list' for backup id. If provided, other arguments are not required.

--database -d

The name of the Azure SQL Managed Database.

--location -l

The location of the desired backup(s).

--managed-instance --mi

Name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance.

--name -n

The name of the LTR backup. Use 'az sql midb ltr-backup show' or 'az sql midb ltr-backup list' for backup name.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az sql midb ltr-backup wait

Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the managed database is met.

az sql midb ltr-backup wait --database

Required Parameters

--database -d

The name of the Azure SQL Managed Database.

--managed-instance --mi

Name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance.

--resource-group -g

Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>.

Optional Parameters


Wait until created with 'provisioningState' at 'Succeeded'.

Default value: False

Wait until the condition satisfies a custom JMESPath query. E.g. provisioningState!='InProgress', instanceView.statuses[?code=='PowerState/running'].


Wait until deleted.

Default value: False

Wait until the resource exists.

Default value: False

Polling interval in seconds.

Default value: 30

Maximum wait in seconds.

Default value: 3600

Wait until updated with provisioningState at 'Succeeded'.

Default value: False
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.