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Subscription resources

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

A subscription lets a customer use a service for a certain period of time. Not all fields apply to all subscriptions. Many fields only apply at certain points in the life cycle, such as if a subscription is suspended or canceled.



The Subscription resource has a rate limit of 500 requests per minute per tenant identifier.

The Subscription resource represents the life cycle of a subscription and includes properties that define the states throughout the subscription life cycle.

Property Type Description
ID string The subscription identifier.
offerId string The offer identifier.
entitlementId string The entitlement identifier (an Azure subscription ID).
offerName string The offer name.
friendlyName string The friendly name for the subscription defined by the partner to help disambiguate.
quantity number The quantity. This property is set to the license count for license-based billing.
unitType string The units defining quantity for the subscription: "Licenses", "Usage-based", or "Benefit."
parentSubscriptionId string Gets or sets the parent subscription identifier.
creationDate string Gets or sets the creation date, in date-time format.
effectiveStartDate string in UTC date time format Gets or sets the effective start date for this subscription, in date-time format. This property is used to back date a migrated subscription or to align it with another.
commitmentEndDate string in UTC date time format The commitment end date for this subscription, in date-time format. For subscriptions that aren't autorenewable, this property represents a date far away in the future. New commerce end dates are inclusive, meaning the end of the term is at the end of the full day. Legacy end dates aren't inclusive.
commitmentEndDateTime string in UTC date time format The commitment end date and time for this subscription, in date-time format. For subscriptions that aren't autorenewable, this property represents a date far away in the future.
status string The subscription status: "none", "active", "pending", "suspended", "expired", "disabled" or "deleted."
autoRenewEnabled boolean Gets a value indicating whether the subscription is renewed automatically.
billingType string Specifies how the subscription is billed: "none", "usage", "license", or "benefit."
billingCycle string Indicates the frequency with which the partner is billed for this order. Supported values are the member names found in BillingCycleType.
hasPurchasableAddons boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the subscription has purchasable add-ons.
isTrial boolean A value indicating whether the subscription is a trial.
isMicrosoftProduct boolean A value indicating whether the subscription is a Microsoft product.
publisherName string The publisher name.
actions array of strings Gets or sets the actions that are allowed. Possible values: "edit", "cancel"
partnerId string The PartnerID of the reseller of record, used in the indirect partner model.
suspensionReasons array of strings Read-only. If the subscription was suspended, indicates why.
contractType string Read-only. The type of contract: "subscription", "productKey", or "redemptionCode."
refundOptions array of RefundOption resources Read-Only. The set of refund options available for this subscription.
scheduledNextTermInstructions scheduledNextTermInstructions Gets or sets the scheduled instructions executed when the next term starts.
nextChargeInstructions nextChargeInstructions Gets details for the next term billing instructions for pending billing cycle changes at the end of the current term.
links SubscriptionLinks Gets or sets the subscription links.
orderId string The ID of the order that was placed to begin the subscription.
termDuration string An ISO 8601 representation of the term's duration. The current supported values are P1M (1 month), P1Y (1 year) and P3Y (3 years).
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes corresponding to the subscription.
renewalTermDuration string An ISO 8601 representation of the term's duration. The current supported values are P1M (1 month) and P1Y (1 year).
ProductType ItemType Read-only. The type of product the subscription is for.
consumptionType array of overage resources Gets or sets overage for a given customer.
promotionId string The promotion identifier if applied to the subscription. Format example: "39NFJQT1PJQB:0001:39NFJQT1Q5KN"
CancellationAllowedUntilDate DateTime The last date for cancellation.
BillingCycleEndDate DateTime Gets or sets the billing cycle end date for this subscription, in date-time format.
BillingCycleEndDateTime DateTime Gets billing cycle end date time for this subscription, in date-time format.
productOrderId string Identifier for a specific product purchase (for example, Reservations or Azure savings plan).
lineItems SubscriptionLineItem A line item contains the purchase details of a particular subscription.

The SubscriptionLinks resource describes the collection of links attached to a subscription resource.

Property Type Description
offer Link Gets or sets the offer.
parentSubscription Link Gets or sets the parent subscription.
product Link Gets the product associated with the subscription.
sku Link Gets the product sku associated with the subscription.
availability Link Gets the product sku availability associated with the subscription.
activationLinks Link Gets the list of activation links associated with the subscription.
self Link The self-URI.
next Link The next page of items.
previous Link The previous page of items.


The SubscriptionProvisioningStatus resource provides information about the provisioning status of a subscription.

Property Type Description
skuId string A string that identifies the product SKU.
status string Indicates the provisioning status: "success", "pending" or "failed."
quantity number Provides the subscription quantity after provisioning.
endDate string in UTC date time format The end date of the subscription.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


The scheduledNextTermInstructions resource defines the instructions to be applied at the start of the subscription's next term. Only present if scheduled changes are set or for all trial subscriptions.

Property Type Description
product product A GUID formatted string that identifies the product SKU.
quantity number Provides the subscription quantity after provisioning.
customTermEndDate string in UTC date time format The custom end date for the subscription when aligned to another subscription's end date


The scheduledNextTermInstructions.product resource and attributes a scheduled change will apply at the next term.

Property Type Description
productId String The ID for a product.
skuId String Provides the subscription quantity after provisioning.
availabilityId String The ID for this availability. This ID is unique only within the context of its parent product and SKU. Note Availability IDs can change over time. Partners should only rely on this value within a short time span after retrieving it.
billingCycle String Indicates the frequency with which the partner is billed for this order. Supported values are the member names found in BillingCycleType.
termDuration String An ISO 8601 representation of the term's duration. The current supported values are P1M (1 month) and P1Y (1 year).
promotionId String The promotion identifier to be applied for the next scheduled term. Format example: "39NFJQT1PJQB:0001:39NFJQT1Q5KN."


The nextChargeInstructions resource defines the billing cycle instructions applied at the start of the subscription's next term. Only present when pending billing cycle changes are pending.

Property Type Description
product product A GUID formatted string that identifies the product SKU.
quantity number Provides the subscription quantity after provisioning.


The SubscriptionRegistrationStatus resource describes the collection of links attached to a subscription resource.

Property Type Description
subscriptionId string The subscription identifier.
status string Indicates the registration status: "registered", "registering", or "notregistered."


The SupportContact resource represents a support contact for a customer's subscription.

Property Type Description
supportTenantId string A GUID formatted string that indicates the support contact's tenant identifier.
supportMpnId string The contact's Partner identifier.
name string The name of the support contact.
links ResourceLinks The support contact related links.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes. Contains "objectType": " SupportContact."


The overage resource represents the consumption subscription overage might be assigned to, whether it's assigned and the Reseller assigned.

Property Type Description
azureEntitlementId string A GUID formatted string that indicates consumption subscription identifier.
partnerId string The partner identifier of the reseller associated with the subscription.
type string The type of overage can be "PhoneServices"
overage boolean A value indicating whether overage is enabled.
links ResourceLinks The overage related links.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes. Contains "objectType": "Overage."


The RegisterSubscription resource returns a link that can be used to query the registration status of a subscription. The registration status is returned in the response body of a successfully accepted request to register an Azure subscription.

Property Type Description
httpResponseMessage object Returns HTTP Status Code 202 "Accepted", with a Location header containing a link to query the registration status. For example, "/customers/{customer-id}/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/registrationstatus"


The RefundOption resource represents a possible refund option for the subscription.

Property Type Description
type string The type of refund. The supported values are "Partial" and "Full"
expiresAfter string in UTC date time format The timestamp when this option expires. If null, the refund operation has no expiration.


The AzureEntitlement resource represents the Azure entitlements for the subscription.

Property Type Description
ID string The entitlement identifier
friendlyName string The friendly name of the entitlement.
status string The status of entitlement.
subscriptionId string The subscription identifier the entitlement belongs to.


A line item contains the purchase details of a particular subscription.

Property Type Description
ID string The subscription line item identifier.
friendlyName string The friendly name for the subscription line item defined by the partner to help disambiguate.
scope Scope Scope indicates where benefits apply.
autoRenewEnabled Boolean Gets a value indicating whether the subscription is renewed automatically.
status string The subscription status: "none", "active", "pending", "suspended", "expired", "disabled" or "deleted."
purchaseCommitment Purchase Commitment The fixed amount committed on compute services.


Scope indicates where benefits apply.

Property Type Description
type string The scope type for a purchase: "Single", "Shared", "Resource group", or "Management group."
subscriptionId string The ID of the Azure plan that would be used for a purchase. Required for Shared scope.
entitlementId string The ID of the Azure subscription that would be used for a purchase. Required for Single scope.
managementGroupId string The ID of the Management group that would be used for a purchase. This scope can only be selected through Azure portal today, but updates reflect in PC.
resourceGroupId string The ID of the Resource group that would be used for a purchase. This scope can only be selected through Azure portal today, but updates reflect in PC.

Purchase Commitment

The fixed amount committed on compute services.

Property Type Description
amount string The fixed amount commitment.
grain string The period for the commitment.
currency string The currency of the commitment.