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VolkerW's WebLog

Stuff mostly about Windows Fundamentals Also chirping at: https://twitter.com/volkerw

Ferrari 4000 test drive (Part VI)

Now I am happy. Barb Bowman (MVP-Windows Networking/Media Center/Security) sent me a link to Acer's...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/11/2005

64-bit CPU pricing

Even 64-bit computing does not com for free. It is, compared to the value in terms of performance...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/11/2005

Cheapest 64-bit CPU

The INQUIRER did some investigation which might be the cheapest 64-bit CPU in the market.Also, check...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/08/2005

Ferrari 4000 test drive (Part V)

Still no luck with the Broadcom driver. It seems to be a BCM4318 and there is currently no driver...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/08/2005

Ferrari 4000 test drive (Part IV)

Yesterday was review time, so not too much time to “play”. I already installed the base OS like...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/08/2005

Ferrari F4000 test drive (Part III)

Just finished the x64 XP install on the second partition of the 100 MB hard drive. The disk is...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/07/2005

Ferrari F4000 test drive (Part II)

Haven't had a chance to install the 64-bit OS yet. AMD told we, once all drivers for 64-bit are...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/07/2005

Ferrari F4000 test drive (Part I)

But I have to share this with you! A few minutes ago a colleague from a company we work a lot with,...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/06/2005

Dualcore, Multicore, Multithread (II)

Intel just posted an article about the basics of parallel programming and related algorithms:...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/06/2005

MKS Toolkit 9.0 is available for x64 and Itanium

"Customers deploying performance-intensive applications on 64-bit Intel® processor-based systems can...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/06/2005

Longhorn 64-bit Preview at PCWorld

“Microsoft has yet to announce minimum Longhorn system requirements, but for PC buyers seeking...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/06/2005

You just installed 64-bit Windows and can't find your printer driver?

ThinPrint might have what you are looking for. Haven't tried it yet but the idea sounds compelling:...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/01/2005

I want a 64-bit native Windows Media Center...

...now that Gateway announced its first 64-bit dualcore Media Center PC. According to MCPW, it will...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/30/2005

Dualcore, Multicore, Multithread

It is getting better and better. Even in the PC world, processors become "wider"...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/29/2005

How many IBM employees does it take to implement a project?

I guess I should not make jokes like this but I could not resist. Knowing that we have/had some ad...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/28/2005

Virtuozzo supports Windows and soon Opteron

SWSoft, another player in virtualization technology like Virtual PC/Server or the VMWare products,...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/28/2005

Looking for affordable and powerful mobile 64-bit computing?

The new nx6125 laptop from hp/Compaq received some promising reviews. c|net even speculates it could...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/25/2005

Alias' 64-bit mental ray Standalone

"Alias is shipping mental ray® Standalone 3.4 64-bit, which is fully compatible with the Maya® 6.5...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/25/2005

Raise the speed limit even further with AMD and Microsoft (II)

Earlier this month I encouraged people to sign up for the AMD/Microsoft Tech Tour. Then The Register...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/25/2005

64-bit computing opens the doors for solving much larger problems on engineer’s desktop system

Subby Rajan, Professor and Director of the Computational Mechanics Lab at Ira A. Fulton School of...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/25/2005

Larry talks Visual Studio 2005 aka. Whidbey on MSDN TV

Larry Sullivan gives a brief overview of Visual Studio 2005 on 64-bit with an eye to what the CLR is...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/25/2005

Don't miss the Longhorn Q&A with Microsoft's Chris Jones

It can be found here and is part II of a two-part interview. Part I appeared on 17 June. Here the...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/20/2005

Itanium II or EM64T?

Itanium II or EM64T, That Is The Question . . . What Architecture Is Best For Your Database...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/17/2005

Dell Says He’d Sell Apple’s Mac OS

Sweet. Maybe will help Dell selling nicer looking laptops in the future. For 6+ (six+) years I do my...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/17/2005

News from the Institute of BT (Backup Trauma)

Hilarious. And don't forget to push the third button, Monty.

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/17/2005

The beauty of 64-bit computing ...

... has been reviewed by pcmag.com and many others. Can't wait to test drive one of these beauties...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/16/2005

Microsoft Separates Tools from Compute Cluster Edition

Redmondmag.com knows details about the Compute Cluster Edition SKU and a companion or tools CD that...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/15/2005


"byWINDOWS IT PRO and SQL SERVER MAGAZINEDual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) processor also adds "Attendee's...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/14/2005

Don't miss: The .NET Show: Win64

Hot off the camera (Dohhh) a 2 section story around 64-bit Windows and application...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/10/2005

No OS X on non-Apple PC but Windows on the Mac

Yeah. No longer only powerful but mostly poor designed hardware for Windows. Again, please join me...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/08/2005

Microsoft 'hypervisor' plan takes shape

Read the article on ZDNet."...Bob Muglia, senior vice president in the Windows Server Division, said...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/07/2005

PDC registration is live

Go and register. Thi is going to be one of the coolest PDC events ever. Register now and be one of...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/07/2005

Veritas embraces 64-bit Windows/Linux on Opteron

Really good news over at The Register. From what I see on Veritas' website, they not only support...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/07/2005

Please welcome Apple to the world of x64

I guess they will go x64, right? x86 wouldn't make sense, neither would Itanium. Cool. In the future...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/06/2005

Board allows you to switch between Intel's Pentium processors and AMD's Athlon 64 and Turion chips

Quoted from PCWorld. ECS is already selling the board and has seen some success in Europe, says...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/02/2005

Looking for a (64-bit) blogger near you

Blogdigger can help you finding one blogging about your favorite topics.

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/02/2005

Raise the speed limit even further with AMD and Microsoft

At the AMD/Microsoft Tech Tour 2005, you’ll gain valuable insight on: · — How to capitalize on...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/01/2005

eWeek 64-bit Desktop Special report

Website: https://www.eweek.com/category2/0,1738,1425416,00.asp Content: HP to Double Up on Dual Cores...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/01/2005

BYOB64 (3.5)

Now back to reality. (Incited by my last attempt,) Ryan Hoffman clearly does better. Here's how.

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/20/2005

BYOB64 (2)

Even though, 64-bit hardware can be as cheap as 32-bit stuff today, your own real box may still be a...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/17/2005


Build Your Own Box for 64-bit Windows. Here's how. The article has some very useful links to find...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/16/2005

Viva Las Vegas

While Robert Scoble and family enjoy their time in Vegas, here's some history in pictures about the...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/15/2005

What is Multi-Core (for AMD)?

Of course, cool content also from AMD. But a bit too high level I guess. AMD's multi-core web starts...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/12/2005

Multi-Core: Intel's new processor architecture explained

Nice primer based on Andrew Binstock's publications. Something not only for beginners who want to...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/12/2005

That's it then with CherryOS


Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/12/2005

AMD And Crytek Join Forces To Unveil Action-Packed Far Cry® 64-Bit Game

“Gamers who play the 32-bit version of Far Cry will be ecstatic with the 64-bit version of Far Cry...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/10/2005


Can’t promise anything. But. The CCE team submitted 3 sessions for PDC. As always, submitting does...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/06/2005


Kaum zu glauben, seit der WinHEC ist das Longhorn Fieber (wieder) ausgebrochen. Zurecht? Na klar!...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 05/06/2005

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