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Ferrari 4000 test drive (Part IV)

Yesterday was review time, so not too much time to “play”. I already installed the base OS like mentioned earlier. Missing “out of the box” drivers were no big deal; except for the wireless driver. So far no feedback from AMD on that. But I should have sent an email to Broadcom anyways. Will do today.
One more remark about the OS install. Since the Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet driver is currently not available "out of the box", PXE boot and install over the network did not work. The missing driver is detected by the install and the installation is aborted.


Another story is the wireless Bluetooth mouse. In 32-bit, just enable Bluetooth via the big blue button on the front of the system, locate devices in range, press the discovery button on the mouse and off you go. On 64-bit? Same thing! Just as easy. The only important difference I found is the following:

In 32-bit I picked the standard passcode 0000 to connect the mouse. The same trick did not work for me on 64-bit. I tried 000 and the mouse got connected and everything looked fine. It just did not work. I deleted the mouse from the device manager and reconnected as described above. This time, with “no passcode”  option. Now I am happy Bluetooth mouse user on XP x64, too.


After the mouse ran, I activated this copy of Windows XP and updated (Windows Update) the installed Windows build with all necessary security updates. Works as expected and everything looks great after a required reboot.


Currently the system is not joined to the Microsoft domain. Will be the next step so that I can install Office and other tools as I would for 32-bit Windows. After updating the OS via Windows Update I installed an early build of the Microsoft Firewall Client for ISA Server 2004. This version, not publicly available yet, installed and works like a charm on XP x64.


Another important feature is virus protection. I installed eTrust Antivirus for Windows on x64 platforms. Don’t know if there is a newer version but the version I run is not picked up by the Windows Security Center and therefore virus protection is constantly flagged as missing.