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Reed Me

Development schtuff, SQL Server & other random geekness. Now with more [fill in the blank]!

More required reading: AntiPatterns

Steve thinks every coder should read the classic GoF "Design Patterns": Are Design Patterns A Bad...

Author: reedme Date: 07/13/2007

Incorrect logic operator selection

Trika asked whether "nudie pics" as a response to a silly question was funny or inappropriate....

Author: reedme Date: 07/12/2007

Who's doing code reviews these days?

I wish more people were doing code reviews... It's hard enough to get people to read my code when I...

Author: reedme Date: 07/11/2007

What would I do?

Jason poses an interesting question... WWYD (What would you do) - A random story for feedback I see...

Author: reedme Date: 07/11/2007

But do you want to be great?

I can't remember the name of the Steven Seagal movie the title quote comes from (maybe the Demon Alz...

Author: reedme Date: 07/03/2007

Goodness! Be careful, people!!

20,690 work-related injuries of IT folks in 2005? Wow! Just in the U.S.? Thankfully those were the...

Author: reedme Date: 07/02/2007

Business Intelligence Best Practices?

Although the primary sponsors are not necessarily always Microsoft-friendly, BI is still a small...

Author: reedme Date: 07/02/2007

Yeah, me, too. I always forget on a fresh install.

Thanks for the reminder, Davy! SSAS: Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154...

Author: reedme Date: 06/29/2007

Plug-n-Play command line in Vista

Pain: my [censored] Tablet PC will often (usually!) not recognize my beautiful, wide screen HD LCD...

Author: reedme Date: 06/21/2007

Back Burner: Evaluate Change Director for SQL Server

Well, after Code Project "spammed" me about it this morning, I was interested to download and check...

Author: reedme Date: 06/20/2007

Note to self: SSRS Scale-Out Checklist

Since I had to look it up (again) for a client, odds are good that I'll need it agin' in the future....

Author: reedme Date: 06/20/2007

OK, more fun with Vista on x64 with VIA SATA RAID VT8237

Time to repurpose the x64 dev server as a development workstation. I expected to have trouble with...

Author: reedme Date: 06/17/2007

The same can be said of data architects...

For the love of all that's holy, people, show some appreciation! Even the civil engineers are...

Author: reedme Date: 06/15/2007

Microsoft eScrum now up on Download Center!

For the agile among us, this is pretty cool. Microsoft eScrum Version 1.0 I'm looking forward to...

Author: reedme Date: 06/14/2007

I normally hate these things...

And I guess I hate this one, too. Programmer Personality Test It would be funnier if it had pirates,...

Author: reedme Date: 06/07/2007

I didn't miss him while he was gone...

I don't remember when Jonathan went off the air; it's been a while. A long while. I still believed...

Author: reedme Date: 06/05/2007

Microsoft on SourceForge?

This was announced in April, I think, but at that time I was living in a Building 40 cave (helpfully...

Author: reedme Date: 06/05/2007

The Quiz Lives!

Okay, so Grant's article is not actually The Quiz that I used to give as a hiring manager before...

Author: reedme Date: 05/30/2007

38. 39. Whatever it takes.

Over brunch, Confucius might have mentioned that a joke isn't funny if you have to explain it. He...

Author: reedme Date: 05/20/2007

So long 32-bit. We barely knew ye...

As the digital millennium approaches in 2048, you are planning for your purchase of 64-bit hardware...

Author: reedme Date: 05/19/2007

Can you hear me now?

I don't know where the time went, but the past couple months sure blew past... All the best laid...

Author: reedme Date: 05/18/2007

Mirror, mirror

Somebody asked me for help on mirroring questions earlier this week; this is just another...

Author: reedme Date: 03/29/2007

SourceForge getting into the contract coder marketplace?

Focused on buying or selling services for open source software? Yet Another Foray into Contract...

Author: reedme Date: 03/27/2007

Is this like dreaming about having a dream?

I avoid thinking about the potential recursion paradox. There lies madness... IBM Launches...

Author: reedme Date: 03/22/2007

Note to self: 0xC0047041

It's as good a time as any to push out one of my backlogged SSIS posts. It wasn't any fun jousting...

Author: reedme Date: 03/15/2007

Thanks, Len! More SSAS performance than the law allows...

For all those people who wanted it from amore authoritative source, here it is: SQL Server...

Author: reedme Date: 03/15/2007

Yes, I got the memo, but I'm not sure it's entirely accurate...

I'm not knocking surveys generally or CompTIA specifically, but I do question the methodology of...

Author: reedme Date: 03/13/2007

Is this why we can't get kids to study computer science?

It goes without saying the DavidM blogs like a guy with an attitude waaay overdue for a consulting...

Author: reedme Date: 03/12/2007

It's not an addiction. It's work. Honest!

A 12-step program for email addiction? Seriously, just because I have a wireless broadband PC card...

Author: reedme Date: 03/07/2007

Patent applications to become a full contact sport?

In theory, I support the idea of public review of patent applications, but I can also imagine that...

Author: reedme Date: 03/07/2007

Is there a reasonable expectation of encryption?

Oh, dear. I think the privacy advocates are going to have a hard time with this one. I don't know...

Author: reedme Date: 03/06/2007

Next? Oracle to bet $3.3 billion on BI?

Oracle's intention to buy Hyperion for big bucks is more evidence that the war for executive...

Author: reedme Date: 03/01/2007

Good advice for consultants, too, not just employees.

If you've been consulting for a good while, the advice aimed at employees in Four Tips for Fitting...

Author: reedme Date: 02/27/2007

An obsessive-compulsive by any other name...

I personally think that that Nick is a nom de plume and that the author actually lives in Houston,...

Author: reedme Date: 02/26/2007

What's the most expensive bug you've ever written?

DoD contracts may be lucrative, but when your custom navigation-and-communication software package...

Author: reedme Date: 02/26/2007

Video Games May Lead to... Surgery?

Although this article does its best to preserve the media template that "Playing Video Games Too...

Author: reedme Date: 02/21/2007

Registration opens in 2 days...

No, I'm not blogging about the much anticipated Halo 3 Beta. Sorry! That's somebody else's job. Heh....

Author: reedme Date: 02/20/2007

It must have been Official Download Day yesterday: Virtual PC 2007 was RTW, too.

The beta of VPC2k7 was much happier on my Vista tablet than 2004 was, and I'm now happily coding my...

Author: reedme Date: 02/20/2007

Cool new data mining toys!

The Data Mining Addins for Office 2007 were released to the web with SP2. Download DM Addins Videos,...

Author: reedme Date: 02/20/2007

To my boss(es): See? It's not my fault!

For the bosses (including my lovely and gracious wife), I have a new excuse! I'm a highly reactant...

Author: reedme Date: 02/16/2007

Oooooh! Pivot diagrams in Visio...

It might seem inappropriate to some for me to suggest a Homer Simpson "Oooooh! Donuts!" moment over...

Author: reedme Date: 02/13/2007

As cool as PerformancePoint is...

As cool as PerformancePoint is... it's not here yet. So, you're probably still putting Office...

Author: reedme Date: 02/12/2007

Note to self: Update BizTalk documentation

Something I'll want to find and download (again) later, I'm sure. Published 20070206. Download...

Author: reedme Date: 02/12/2007

High Stakes Data Miners?

The title might bring to mind the BI specialists in Vegas, where arguably the most complex...

Author: reedme Date: 02/08/2007

Uh-oh. I might have to root for Apple again?

First the Norwegian thing and now tweaking the RIAA's nose? It's almost enough to make Jobs an...

Author: reedme Date: 02/07/2007

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