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Reed Me

Development schtuff, SQL Server & other random geekness. Now with more [fill in the blank]!

The geekiest instant message that I've sent (in a while)...

As I'm getting ready to roll off the current engagement, I've been having conversations with the...

Author: reedme Date: 11/28/2007

I quit!

Well, not exactly. This post title is just my nod to the yellow journalism that pervades the media...

Author: reedme Date: 11/27/2007

I've read some Dumb Science in my life, but...

This takes the cake... "The intriguing question is this," Prof Krauss told the Telegraph....

Author: reedme Date: 11/26/2007

I think they're eventually going to have to give it away for free...

Just my guess... Even if they priced ebooks under dead tree books (they're not right now), it would...

Author: reedme Date: 11/20/2007

Need to Renumber All Your Packages?

If you do quasi-template driven development for Integration Services packages, you might find...

Author: reedme Date: 11/11/2007

If you have to look it up more than once, blog it.

The corollary of "if you have to do it more than once, automate it" is "if you have...

Author: reedme Date: 10/22/2007

Data mining from casinos to counterterrorism...

I guess DHS has figured out that bad guys are bad guys and existing expertise and technology...

Author: reedme Date: 10/22/2007

Don't hate the game...

Don't hate the game, hate the...? I won't finish that famous line, because it would be bad advice to...

Author: reedme Date: 10/16/2007

Thanks for being a great audience!

The folks from the UH computer science department and other guests were a great audience yesterday....

Author: reedme Date: 10/11/2007

Tech Talk. Today. University of Houston.

I've been remiss in posting this until now. Sorry for the late, late notice. This elasticity of...

Author: reedme Date: 10/10/2007

The Troubleshooting List?

I guess having "a list" is better than not having a list. Too few shops at risk have anything like...

Author: reedme Date: 10/03/2007

Consulting: It's a lot like running your own business...

Every once in a while* somebody will ask what it's like to be a consultant @ Microsoft. The...

Author: reedme Date: 09/14/2007

Little installation gotcha with PAS 6.3

Note to self: when installing ProClarity Analytics Server 6.3, if the installer fails to be able to...

Author: reedme Date: 09/13/2007

Do we need a new term? Metametadata?

Malcolm's got a good perspective that doesn't get discussed often enough by practitioners of the...

Author: reedme Date: 09/13/2007

Yet Another Disingenuous Headline? RDBMSes Obsolete?

Let me see if I can translate this headline into English: Relational database pioneer says...

Author: reedme Date: 09/10/2007

Medical economics in geek humor?

A little (inexpensive) copper mesh would go a long way toward protecting our health care equipment...

Author: reedme Date: 09/10/2007

Dreamstar: A Cosmologist's Nightmare?

What happens when you commingle an organic chemist with his own laboratory concoctions and stir them...

Author: reedme Date: 09/06/2007

The Reluctant Customer

Although the headline is VERY misleading, speaking strictly as a shareholder, this is NOT the kind...

Author: reedme Date: 09/04/2007

It's good to be the DBA!

It's good to be a data dude. At least if you're starting a new career as a DBA. DBAs top the list of...

Author: reedme Date: 09/03/2007

A 'wulf of my own?

I wonder how long it'll be before we can run Compute Cluster on hardware this cheap? Microwulf: A...

Author: reedme Date: 09/03/2007

So, this explains why FPS are the most immersive types of games?

Hrm. I guess feeling like you're somewhere else is the next best thing to actually being there......

Author: reedme Date: 08/28/2007

RE2: The value of a little failure here and there

Not exactly phoning in a correction to the record, he just wanted to make an observation or two. The...

Author: reedme Date: 08/24/2007

First quad-core laptop hits U.S.? Ooh, shiny!

I've always wanted an Alienware machine, I just could never justify pushing the button on a...

Author: reedme Date: 08/22/2007

Hello, SkyNet? Your SkyDrive is almost full.

In the immortal words of Scooby Doo, "Ruh-roh." Robot wars are a reality (Guardian Unlimited) I love...

Author: reedme Date: 08/22/2007

Bungie: You've got to give us more warning than that!

You can't tell us the day before and expect us to make travel arrangements to be present in Redmond...

Author: reedme Date: 08/21/2007

Got rbar blues? You're not the only one.

He could've just said, "Go read Itzik Ben-Gan's books." and been done with it... but then he...

Author: reedme Date: 08/16/2007

Which Serenity Character Are You?

These are not the results that I was expecting when somebody on the browncoats distribution list...

Author: reedme Date: 08/15/2007

Conchango puts a nice little Vista Gadget out there for SQL Server

Besides being a good guy to work with, Jamie apparently moonlights as a Gadgeteer... (Well, maybe...

Author: reedme Date: 08/15/2007

Getting Serious About Gaming?

The work being done on XNA Game Studio doesn't seem all that far off the mark, now does it? Getting...

Author: reedme Date: 08/14/2007

Games Workshop could learn a thing or two from our XNA license...

I'm a big fan of XNA because it continues to fuel my life long dream of making video games for a...

Author: reedme Date: 08/13/2007

How is that possible? I guess some people can't hold their caffeine...

I've heard the expression, "can't hold her liquor" but she overdosed on a paltry seven expressos?...

Author: reedme Date: 08/13/2007

Meet the Rangers (Houston, Tejas)

Although I'm preparing for a more formal event for later this year (before SQL PASS, I hope!), there...

Author: reedme Date: 08/07/2007

Welcome the newest Microsoft BI blogger!

I'm not sure what he's doing over there on Technetium, but... I'm sure he'll have some good stuff...

Author: reedme Date: 08/07/2007

If I were in sales and Steve Jones were my customer...

First of all, fortunately for our shareholders (myself included!), I'm not in sales, technical or...

Author: reedme Date: 08/06/2007

It’s Good to Be in Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing?

I would have to agree. It's the most fun set of challenges that I can imagine being paid to...

Author: reedme Date: 08/02/2007

Shiny! Four-player online co-op campaign mode for H3.

Being able to connect two split screen sessions is pretty cool, too. Bungie.net : Inside Bungie :...

Author: reedme Date: 08/01/2007

A show of hands, please. Who is NOT taking the day off on Tuesday 25 September 2007?

Non-geeks (managers, marketing people, etc) seem to keep trying to schedule things on this holiday....

Author: reedme Date: 07/30/2007

Ooh, the free market actually impacts public universities? Wow!

The ivory tower is under capitalist siege? Oh noes!! Shock! Surprise!! Dismay!!! [I'll restrain...

Author: reedme Date: 07/29/2007

Ooh, more free-time filler! I heart XNA.

If I don't leave a note2self, I'll forget where to find it later. Microsoft XNA Developer...

Author: reedme Date: 07/29/2007


Michael may ask himself whether mirroring or log shipping is better... Database mirroring and log...

Author: reedme Date: 07/29/2007

The value of soft skills.

Despite being "hard to teach" and "hard to quantify" these skills are still considered "soft." They...

Author: reedme Date: 07/23/2007

This is only funny if...

This is only funny if you believe that there are stupid questions and you believe that people should...

Author: reedme Date: 07/23/2007

RE: The value of a little failure here and there

Although Bob seems to stop short of suggesting "intentional" outages, he seems to elude to creating...

Author: reedme Date: 07/17/2007

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