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the road to OOPSLA 2008

Today I'm in Nashville, attending the spring OOPSLA committee meeting. The early submissions (research papers, Onward! papers, essays, development papers, tutorial proposals, educators' symposium proposals, workshop proposals, panel proposals, and DesignFest proposals) have all been submitted. The decisions about acceptances are being made now, and the authors will be notified in the next few weeks. We're also making the final decisions about invited speakers.

The major task to be completed at this meeting is to have a first pass at our schedule. We want to ensure that we don't schedule two items concurrently that the same people will want to attend.

There's still opportunities for you to present your work at OOPSLA. The late deadline is 02 July 2008, which is for the following submissions:

If you're interested in submitting to one of these tracks and would like to learn more about them than what is available in their respective Calls for Participation, feel free to leave a comment here or contact me. As Development Chair, I'll be able to give in-depth answers about the posters, demos, lightning talks, and student research competition. I've been the student volunteer chair in the past as well, so I know that track very well (and I've written about it when I last held that chair.

After this deadline passes, there are still opportunities to be involved with OOPSLA. Each of the workshops will accept position papers, and you'll be able to submit to that. Lightning talks will accept submissions until there are no slots left -- which means that it's possible to get a slot for a lightning talk on the day that you would give it if there is space available. And, of course, you can simply come to OOPSLA and attend our tutorials and programme.
