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last chance to be my minion

Tomorrow is the last day that I'm accepting applications for student volunteers for OOPSLA 2006. To be a student volunteer, you must be a full-time student in an accredited university anywhere in the world in October 2006. To apply, fill out the application form. I will notify all applicants of their status by 08 August.

Student volunteers are my minions. Together, we're responsible for keeping the conference running smoothly. Student volunteers work at registration, man the information booth to point conference attendees in the right direction, provide assistance at the tutorials, and do a bunch of other jobs. In return for their work, student volunteers receive a free full conference registration, free admission to tutorials (on a space-available basis), and whatever other goodies I can come up with between now and October. Some student volunteers will also be eligible for reimbursement for some of their travel expenses associated with attending the conference, to a maximum of US$500.

If you're not a student (or you are, but you're afraid of working for me) and are interested in OOPSLA, registration is now open. The advance program shows you what we've got confirmed so far. Our confirmed invited speakers include Brenda Laurel, Guy Steele, Philip Wadler, and Joshua Bloch. The keynote for the educator's symposium is Willy Farrell of IBM. We have a grand total of 57 tutorials this year, covering topics in Java, C++, Python, Ruby on Rails, Eclipse, UML, agile design, design patterns, test-driven development, and more.

If you have questions about OOPSLA, you can leave a comment here or email me via that 'contact' link over on the right side of the page.


  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2006
    This thing only for US citizens? You have a worldwide market remember and woldwide audience, need to specify who it's available to.

    PS, I'm not posting multiple time on purpose, just my Mac and your server here don't seem to like each other for some reason.
  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2008
    I'm in Nashville for the OOPSLA committee spring meeting.