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go ahead, mac my day

a Macintosh girl in a Microsoft world

tell us what you think

As one of the public-facing members of MacBU, I get a lot of feedback about our products. I get it...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/04/2006

Q&A – what’s the interview process in MacBU like?

I’ve been asked this question a lot lately. One reason that I’ve been asked this so often is that...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/03/2006

April fool

I wasn't sure if the company had a sense of humour, but apparently we do. Our internal website got...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/31/2006

time to update the resume again?

The various Apple pundits out there seem to want to make sure that I keep my resume...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/24/2006

Dude, you bought a $10k Dell!

The folks over at Dell are releasing a new gaming computer, the limited edition XPS 600 Renegade....

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/23/2006

an interview with a Microsoft attorney

Robert Scoble conducted an interview with Don McGowan, one of the Microsoft attorneys, and you can...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/23/2006

Q&A - so what do you do, anyway?

I've spent a fair amount of time in the past few weeks travelling to talk to customers, Mac user...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/21/2006

article review - Usability engineering methods for software developers

Article title: Usability Engineering Methods for Software Developers Author: Andreas Holzinger...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/21/2006

Office:Mac update 11.2.3

We've released the latest update to Office:Mac, 11.2.3. You can download it from Mactopia. There's...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/16/2006

on working for Microsoft

David Weiss, another MacBU blogger, has posted a couple of thoughtful items about being in the...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/13/2006

me @ MacRIT

I think this is still on, although it's not listed on their website. I'm in Rochester, NY, this week...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/13/2006

MyMac.com interviews MacBU

Travelling got me a bit behind on my podcasts, so maybe the rest of y'all know this already, but I...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/10/2006

don't try to beat us at our own game

The fine folks over at The Onion gave us a nod this week in their article Modern-Day John Henry Dies...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/06/2006

illustrated Ruby on Rails tutorial

The folks over at Apple must've been reading my mind. I was just thinking that it's long past time I...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/05/2006

you will be assimilated

Y'know, when I got hired on by Microsoft, I made a joke about getting their chip implanted. I can't...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/03/2006

safety in Storrs

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm about to head on the road. First stop? Storrs, Connecticut,...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/02/2006

office spring cleaning

Spring has sprung, which apparently means that it's time for us to give away a big pile of cool...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/01/2006

the latest and greatest (at least for now)

Yesterday, Apple hosted a media event at their headquarters to show off their latest products. The...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/01/2006

OOPSLA 2006 submissions are open

We have opened the first group of submissions for OOPSLA 2006. Early submissions are as follows:...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/28/2006

book review - 'Leonardo's Laptop' by Ben Schneiderman

Book title: Leonardo's Laptop : Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies Author: Ben...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/22/2006

a virus in the wild, part two

More information is available about the first Mac OS worm in the wild. The best summary, including a...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/21/2006

case mods and car mods come together

Someone out there is working on getting a Mac working in their Toyota Prius. It's a...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/20/2006

limericks and authenticity

Aside from developers, designers, technical writers, and (one hopes) a usability girl or two,...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/17/2006

Yahoo!'s design patterns library

I just stumbled across Yahoo!'s Design Patterns Library today. They're early in it, so it's nowhere...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/16/2006

a virus in the wild

It's finally come to pass: a Mac virus has made it out into the wild. The folks over at MacRumors...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/16/2006

cosmic binaries

The list of universal binaries is growing. For gamers, World of Warcraft and Unreal have made it to...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/14/2006

oh noes!

I just got email saying that my university degree has expired. Oh no! This is the thing that I don't...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/13/2006

Your Senator needs an iPod

iPac, a political action committee that is 'dedicated to preserving individual freedom through...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/11/2006

slipping one in under the radar

Apple has slipped in a product update completely under the radar (so long as we define radar as the...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/07/2006

expanding the universe

Last night, I popped into MacRumors to see what's up. There's nothing new and exciting there:...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/06/2006

FAQ #1 - Have you ever met Bill Gates?

So far, in my long and varied tenure as a Microsoft employee (cough four months cough), one...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/01/2006

more content on iTunes

The folks running the increasingly-misnamed iTunes Music Store have been busy bees. They've added a...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/31/2006

Google Earth + Entourage

Barry Wainwright, one of the Entourage MVPs, wrote up a set of instructions for how to make Google...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/27/2006

iTunes University

Apple has launched a service called iTunes U that provides free hosting for universities who want to...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/26/2006

Disney bought Pixar

On the off-chance that no-one else noticed this, it's official: Disney bought Pixar. My link here is...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/25/2006

professional outsider

I feel like I'm a professional outsider sometimes. Currently, I'm sitting in the lobby of a building...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/24/2006

MWSF round-up

I keep on meaning to write a round-up of MWSF, but Daring Fireball beat me to it with their Macworld...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/21/2006

may the circle be unbroken

I saw the story today about Disney wanting to merge with Pixar, but didn't get much time to write...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/20/2006

Sun and Apple could have merged

I alluded to this in an earlier post, so let's talk about it now. The Register reported last week...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/19/2006

do TV show sales on iTunes result in greater viewership?

TVWeek has an interesting article this week: NBC: iPod Boosts Prime Time. They're claiming that,...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/18/2006

MS releasing new Mac-only keyboard and mouse

This got kinda lost in the shuffle of MWSF, but MS hardware has announced that they're releasing a...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/17/2006

'Microsoft cashes in on Mac'

The thing that I didn't get about the rumours that we would pull out of the Mac business is that we...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/16/2006

Virtual PC at SVMUG Monday night

I forgot to mention this earlier, but at least I'm faster on the draw than the previous time ......

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/15/2006

/. notices that we're going to continue work

I spent some time today scanning through the various /. threads about MWSF and other Mac-ly things....

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/15/2006

I'm not unemployed!

Dear Jason: You were wrong. We're not getting out of the Macintosh business, thankyouverymuch. :P...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/10/2006

my MWSF schedule

Next week's going to be busy! Here's what it looks like (I think; plans subject to change without...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/06/2006

exhibit hall pass to MWSF

I forgot to mention this earlier, too ... If you want a free pass to the exhibit hall of Macworld,...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/05/2006

time to update the resume

According to Jason O'Grady, the guy who writes the the Apple blog for ZDNet, I'm about to be out of...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/05/2006

KDE to support Dashboard Widgets

Zack Rusin, one of the lead devs on KDE, says that KDE is going to support Dashboard Widgets. I...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/04/2006

another MacBU blogger

You guys keeping track of us? If you are, then welcome Brian Johnson to the roll of MacBU bloggers....

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/03/2006

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