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Mark Johnston's Blog

Windows Live for TV - another great example of WPF

Ian Dixon who is a Media Center MVP based in the UK spotted that a new Windows Live beta has been...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/03/2007

WPF/E Dev Center

Frank Arrigo who I will be having coffee with in MS Sydney in a few days time spotted that the WPF/E...

Author: markjohnston Date: 12/03/2006

WPF - how to map mouse clicks on a 3D shape to a 2D texture coordinate

This is just plain cool and I had to link to it before I pack. Lester Lobo has posted a great little...

Author: markjohnston Date: 12/03/2006

Windows Live Search for Mobile

Just getting ready for the trip to Oz, well putting it off packing by blogging and came across WLS...

Author: markjohnston Date: 12/03/2006

WebDD site live - DDD for Web designers and developers - UK 3rd February 2007

Phil Winstanley has launched the site for WebDD. It is a community run conference that will be...

Author: markjohnston Date: 12/03/2006

Developer Developer Developer 4

I attended DDD4 yesterday to support this great event and meet some of the speakers, attendees and...

Author: markjohnston Date: 12/03/2006

UK MSDN Roadshow dates announced

The UK MSDN Roadshow dates have been announced, so now is the time to get them in your diary....

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/28/2006

The Panel - Creating front end experiences

The Panel is a new site/community/buzz thing all about stuff that you look at on Windows Vista and...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/28/2006

Camtasia and Windows Vista RTM

All our team uses Camtasia Studio to record our MSDN Nuggets (super exciting screencasts on MS...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/27/2006

Interesting interview with J + J (or 2J or John and Jon) on Web Accessibility and Design

Over on Bad Language Matthew Stibbe has interviewed two of my team mates, John and Jon, who work in...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/27/2006

Visual Studio 2005 Hotfix Support

Developer Division in Redmond are piloting a new program which enables developers and ISVs,etc to...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/24/2006

SWF to XAML converter released by Michael Swanson

Michael Swanson has released a free converter to take SWF to XAML converter. "Finally! After months...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/21/2006

WPF Screencast - Applying BitmapEffects on Controls

In this session we'll look at how developers can apply effects to controls through the use of some...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/20/2006

WPF Screencast - Introduction to animation

This nugget looks at animation in WPF and how we can animate almost any property of any element....

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/20/2006

WPF Screencast - Introduction to Brushes

Brushes form a fundamental component of WPF and how graphical elements are displayed to the screen....

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/20/2006

WPF Screencast - Introduction to Shapes

So, I've started recording MSDN Nuggets and am going to focus on WPF. I've recorded 4 so far and...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/20/2006

Birmingham University Talk - Lap around WPF

Yesterday, I travelled north to visit Birmingham Computer Science department to give a guest...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/10/2006

Talk about 'Web 2.0' - Check out Photosynth from the Live Labs team

This is very cool. You have to experience it to understand how great this app is......

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/09/2006

No 3D glasses needed...Virtual Earth updated with 3D

Head on over to https://local.live.com and check out the new 3D functionality (does require...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/07/2006

Mix it up in 07 - Mix07 dates announced

The team in Seattle have just announced that Mix07 will be happening on 30th April through to 2nd...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/07/2006

Whether you write code to get a paycheck or do it in your bedroom/den/study/living-room Coding4Fun is just Fun!

Coding4Fun has just relaunched with a great new look and feel. If you want to write code and do it...

Author: markjohnston Date: 11/03/2006

Is Microsoft getting slick in it's old age? Vista and Office boxes released

I know that when you talk to any Apple owner they always rejoice in the experience of purchasing an...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/31/2006

A couple of cool more WPF demo applications to show off!

If you don't think that WPF and Vista will enable a whole raft of new and visually appealing...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/30/2006

Windows Presentation Foundation search engine using Windows Live Search Macros

Windows Live Search Macros enables Joe Bloggs like you and me to create our own search engines! WL...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/26/2006

Reach/richness of user experience technologies

Mike Taulty in my team posted a great diagram describing the reach/richness of Microsoft...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/26/2006

WPF Features Video

Ricky Tan from the .NET Framework Client team posted a link to a great video which walks through the...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/24/2006

Build an add-on for IE and win $2500 and a trip to Mix07

Whenever I talk to customers who are huge FireFox users, they always comment on how great it is to...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/21/2006

Bit of Friday fun, sexy searching with Ms. Dewey

https://www.msdewey.com/ Shows off Windows Live search... (I wish I worked in Marketing sometimes)

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/20/2006

ASP.NET Ajax Beta Released

After numerous ASP.NET 'Atlas' CTPs there is now an ASP.NET Ajax v1.0 Beta for people to play with....

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/20/2006

Devweek 2007 - Designing WPF applications with Expression and Visual Studio

Like some of my other team mates, I'll be at Devweek 2007 in London in the new year presenting about...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/20/2006

Microsoft Expression Graphic Designer Tutorials

I am playing around with "WPF/E" and trying to get some nice graphics for my application and using...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/13/2006

Learning WPF from a Windows Forms programmer's perspective

I'm not a WinForms programmer and never really have been and have lived for several years...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/13/2006

Channel9 - Screencast lap around AJAX.NET by Nikhil Kothari

A nice little screencast from Nikhil Klothari which he demonstrated at the JAOO conference in...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/11/2006

Update on NYT Reader - a walkthrough of the application

Further to my blog entry last night about the great New York Times reader, Pablo Fernicola has a...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/04/2006

Channel9 does London (please read out load in your best Michael Caine voice)

Seems like Channel9 needs a holiday too and happened to be visiting London during the summer (after...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/03/2006

My former employer is taking on my current one - Supermarket enters the software game

I was pleased to see that Tescos are entering the software business. You see during my 4 years at...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/03/2006

The 1st killer WPF Application - New York Times

A lot of people have been talking about the New York Times reader, and I guess I'm kind of slow....

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/03/2006

Now running Vista on all my work machines - including shiny Macbook Pro

Since RC1 has been released and reading around internally and externally about how stable the OS it...

Author: markjohnston Date: 10/03/2006

A cool video of the Zune up on 10...and I just bought my sister an iPod Video for her birthday

A few of the 10 team are talking about their latest video - a demo of the new Zune. I'm quite...

Author: markjohnston Date: 09/30/2006

Cool picture of all the new Vista Icons

Don't need to say much really, just look (click to see them in full 256 * 256 res) ... Link to...

Author: markjohnston Date: 09/25/2006

Great User Experiences which are really bad

It's Friday and I stumbled across this little nugget of Kazakhstan gold! A great example of how user...

Author: markjohnston Date: 09/22/2006

Getting design time rendering of ASP.NET Themes in Expression Web

MikeO on my team asked me what was Expression Web's support for ASP.NET Themes - a great bit of...

Author: markjohnston Date: 09/22/2006

Expression Web - Visual Aids and CSS management cool features

Last night, I talked about Expression Web and how it is a great new design tool for web developers...

Author: markjohnston Date: 09/20/2006

For the man/woman that has everything, the mouse that does it all too!

https://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/ProductDetails.aspx?pid=085 Funky! Will have to...

Author: markjohnston Date: 09/13/2006

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