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Mark Johnston's Blog

WPF Styles and Template explained with style

Via Nathan Dunlap. This article by Nick Thuesen introduces the concept of Styles and Templates in...

Author: markjohnston Date: 04/11/2007

Mark of the Web

No, not me! But more a feature of Internet Explorer that enhances security when running web pages...

Author: markjohnston Date: 04/10/2007

Free web application hackers workshop coming up

SPI Dynamics are running a web application hacking workshop at Microsoft UK campus on the 26th April...

Author: markjohnston Date: 04/10/2007

PhotoStore WPF demo

For those people who have seen my demo of styling a photo browser application using Expression Blend...

Author: markjohnston Date: 04/10/2007

VBUG Northeast WPF, Expression and WPF/E event follow-up

This is for attendees of the event earlier in the week in Newcastle (Northumbria Uni venue). As...

Author: markjohnston Date: 04/05/2007

Workaround for Visual Studio 'Orcas' March CTP and Blend not playing together

I've had a couple of email exchanges with customers who are playing with Visual Studio Orcas and...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/29/2007

Bootcamp 1.2 released

...just after I installed 1.1.2 on my Macbook Pro. Very annoying but good to see that it now...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/29/2007

Podcast software and kit - what do I need?

Our team are toying with the idea of doing a podcast about 'stuff' on 'stuff' that interests...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/28/2007

It's me..at the MSDN roadshow

I get the Parry photography experience... (I'm the dot at the front looking at the camera, everyone...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/27/2007

Using a Downloader object with MediaElement in WPF/E

A 70 meg video isn't the nicest thing to download and have no feedback from the UI when you are...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/26/2007

Softies on Rails

Just spotted on Frank's blog that a bunch of AUS Microsoft people attended a conference and bought...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/26/2007

Camtasia with Vista support now released

I posted back in November about Camtasia and Vista RTM not being the best of friends and Techsmith...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/26/2007

Updated my WPF/E Video Player

I've been messing around with my WPF/E video player and adding more functionality. You can look at...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/23/2007

Hosting WPF/E code on an ISP - adding content types

Due to the limitations of hosting my blog on the mammoth blogs.msdn.com and wanting to write WPF/E...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/23/2007

Building a simple video player with WPF/E tutorial

I haven't had much original content on here in a while so I thought that should change by putting up...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/19/2007

Example of WPF/E and ASP.NET Ajax working together

During today's MSDN event in London I showed to two audiences this really great example of...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/15/2007

Expression Blend Release Candidate now available

Just noticed on the Expression site that there is an RC available. Downloading it now and will have...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/14/2007

Some WPF/E examples for those that attended the MSDN event in Reading last week

During the event Jon Harris and I delivered on Expression and designing great user experiences (I...

Author: markjohnston Date: 03/12/2007

WPF and Accessibility

A developer at Devweek asked me yesterday how WPF handles accesibility and I wasn't 100% on the...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/28/2007

Extreme WPF Makeover by Frog Design

There is a nice video over on Channel 10/on10 that walks through a case study of design agency, Frog...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/27/2007

OT: Put a Linux Guru through pain (for charity...mate)

Jono Bacon, Mr Ubuntu Community dude/Herder of Cats/all-round-good-chap, is attempting to perform,...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/26/2007

Free 'Web 2.0' training with Mix University

Unfortunately, I won't be attending Mix in May but thankfully there are lots of good resources being...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/22/2007

WPF based Daily Mail (UK) eReader beta released

At the UK Vista and Office 2007 developer launchh event a few weeks back, I had Rich Griffin from...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/22/2007

WPF Application Portfolio on Channel9

Looks like there are a lot of people jumping on the WPF gravy-train at the moment with an absolute...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/19/2007

Calling all UK architects, Architect Insight Conference

Now, I know this doesn't seem really on the money for the type of stuff I talk about or the people I...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/15/2007

Expression Blend tutorial videos

Martin Grayson, a UX guru in the Microsoft Services part of our business has worked with a colleague...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/15/2007

Rich Client Development with XAML Resources: MS UK Technical Roadshow 2007

Below are a list of resources which are relevant for attendees of the UK Technical Roadshow running...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/14/2007

Vista Sidebar Gadget Resources from Conchango

As a nice follow on to my post yesterday about the Universal Music uMusic gadget I spotted on Rich...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/08/2007

Nice new gadget from Universal Music

If you are into music and want a minimalist way of playing your music collection on your Windows...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/07/2007

In Seattle for training this week

I meant to post that I was heading to the north west US for our annual "chip-in-neck-upgrade" but...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/06/2007

WPF/E December CTP prematurely expired, February CTP released

Looks like there was a boo boo in the December CTP of WPF/E and it prematurely time bombed. Tim...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/01/2007

Visual Studio Keyboard shortcuts

I see from Tim Heuer in the US that they have been distributing a poster with Visual Studio keyboard...

Author: markjohnston Date: 02/01/2007

Vista and Office Developer Roadtrip kicks off tomorrow

Friday past was the main developer launch event for Windows Vista and Office 2007 at Thames Valley...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/21/2007

OT: Sponsor fellow teammate Mike Ormond run the London Marathon for Hearing Dogs

Mike Ormond is running the London Marathon this year and needs to raise a lot of money for his...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/17/2007

WPF Screencast - Layout

Layout is one of WPF's fundamentals and can be used to create complex layouts which scale according...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/16/2007

UK Vista and Office Developer Launch UPDATE: If you see this vehicle WAVE!

My boss Kevin showed me the car and how it will look: So, if you see either of those images on the...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/16/2007

UK Vista and Office Developer Launch tour hits the road

The Vista and Office developer launch is fully under way. Yesterday we did the "live" recording for...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/16/2007

WPF app - Yahoo Messenger looks amazing

With Vista general availability under 3 weeks away, there are more and more companies jumping on the...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/09/2007

Turn off WPF Designer view when opening XAML files

This may not be to everyone's taste, but when I use Visual Studio to edit XAML files I normally want...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/08/2007

Designertopia - 1st/2nd February, London

I should just rename this the <Mark announces events and conferences blog>...it's a busy time...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/08/2007

WebDD Backnetwork registration is open

Phil Winstanley has been a busy boy over the festive break and has set up the Backnetwork for the...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/08/2007

More gadget goodness from DPE Intern, Matt

Matt has been working away on gadgets for a while now, and is becoming a bit of a guru on developing...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/08/2007

FREE copies of Windows Vista and Office for UK developers

...all you have to do is attend the Vista/Office launch event for developers were such leading...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/05/2007

To do: Create perfect WPF workstation

Thanks to Tim I've probably got a few bits and pieces to install to get my machine up to dream spec...

Author: markjohnston Date: 01/03/2007

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