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Jose Barreto's Blog

A blog by Jose Barreto, a member of the OneDrive team at Microsoft.

SQL Training Q&A - 2

Q) When installing SQL Server 2005, do people just accept the collation defaults? Is collation a big...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 07/24/2006

SQL Training Q&A - 1

Q) For the SQL Server 2005 training, should we use SQL Server Standard or SQL Server Enterprise?...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 07/24/2006

TechEd 2006 News

Products released to manufacturing: Windows Server 2003 Compute Cluster - HPC Microsoft Antigen...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 06/12/2006

Betas, Betas, Betas

During the WinHEC (Windows Hardware Engineering Conference) keynote today, Bill Gates announced the...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 05/23/2006

Some webcasts worth watching

If you follow Microsoft technology closely, there were a few webcasts from Bill Gates recently that...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 05/21/2006

Jose Barreto Update - Abril de 2006

Caso você esteja pensando que perdeu o Update de março, o problema não...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/28/2006

Monad is now PowerShell, goes RC1

You probably heard about the new Windows Shell, which will make its debut as the main command-line...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/26/2006

Exchange Server 2007

Just to let you know that "Exchange 12" has a final name, announced just today. Synching up with the...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/26/2006

Windows Live ID

I just noticed it today, while logging on to MSDN subscriber downloads. The Passport service, which...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/25/2006

Internet Explorer Beta 2

Beta 2 for Internet Explorer 7 has been released today. As usual, you can download following the...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/25/2006

Windows Vista Product Guide

I was surprised to see a number of sites providing the download of the "Windows Vista Beta 2 Product...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/13/2006

Internet Explorer, MS06-013, the ActiveX Update and the Compatibility Patch

Today is patch Tuesday and many enterprises are right now testing the new security updates released...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/12/2006

TechEd 2006 in Boston

I just got confirmation of my registration for TechEd 2006. That's shaping up to be a great one,...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/08/2006

Outlook and SharePoint integration

There are several integration points between Outlook 2003 and SharePoint (both Windows SharePoint...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/04/2006

Virtual Server 2005 R2 now a free download

Microsoft announced today that Virtual Server 2005 R2 is now available for download at no cost. All...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 04/04/2006

New adventures of old XP

Windows XP has been released quite a while ago (RTM: August 2001, GA: October 2001) and most people...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/30/2006

Atlas? Nah... WPF/E!

I know most people attending the MIX06 conference are talking about Internet Explorer 7, Atlas and...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/24/2006

Update on Internet Explorer 7, Windows Vista, Office 2007 and Exchange Server "12"

I posted an entry a while back about the release of Internet Explorer 7, Windows Vista and Office...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/23/2006

Microsoft LATAM Support Team Blog

My fellow Brazilian friend Yuri Diogenes, who recently joined Microsoft in the Support team in...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/13/2006

Origami or UMPC

It just got announced today. It's a new type of Personal computer that sits right between a Pocket...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/10/2006

Search again

Just a couple of days after my post about search using the MSN Search Toolbar, the Windows Desktop...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/10/2006

Today, Microsoft offers at least two different tools for searching the desktop. One of them,...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/07/2006

Cisco and Microsoft Collaborate to Enhance Real-Time Business Communications

Today, at the VoiceCon 2006 conference, Cisco Systems and Microsoft Corp. announced they are working...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/07/2006

Exchange Server "12" Beta 1 CTP available

A beta of Exchange Server "12" has been available since December, but only to a limited audience...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/07/2006

Microsoft Office Live - Now really Live!

It was all over the news a while back. Microsoft announced that a new service would provide small...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 03/03/2006

Jose Barreto Update - Fevereiro de 2006

Muitos acontecimentos nos últimos dias. Entre os várias conferências e...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 02/27/2006

Windows Vista product lineup announced

Microsoft just announced the names and features of the six Windows Vista versions to be released...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 02/27/2006

Windows Vista February CTP - feature complete

Well, the word is out on the Windows Vista February CTP (build 5308). This release is focused on...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 02/23/2006

SharePoint Server 2007

How I've been spending my time later? Playing with SharePoint "v3" Beta 1. Sorry, I should have said...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 02/22/2006

Unusual bevahior at the RSA

I was visiting the RSA conference last week and couldn't help but notice an interesting advertising...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 02/20/2006

IE7 Beta 2 Preview available

Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview is available for public evaluation. No need to register or...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 01/31/2006

Microsoft and Web Services

I got this question from a customer: Does Microsoft support Web Services? Here's my attempt to...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 01/26/2006

Jose Barreto Update - Janeiro de 2006

Feliz Ano Novo! Este ano teremos muitos produtos novos da Microsoft e eu gostaria de começar...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 01/15/2006

Update on Internet Explorer 7, Windows Vista, Office "12" and Exchange "12"

I have been getting a few questions regarding the release of Internet Explorer 7, Windows Vista and...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 01/15/2006

Jose Barreto Update - Novembro de 2005

Oi!Esta semana por aqui é o feriado do Dia de Ação de Graças...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 11/23/2005

Jose Barreto Update - Outubro de 2005

Oi!Como o tempo passa rápido quanto você está se divertindo, hein? Outubro...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 11/01/2005


As a good Microsoft employee, I should probably advise you to do all your searches using MSN Search....

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 09/12/2005

Jose Barreto Update - Setembro de 2005 - Edição Especial do PDC

Oi! Eu sei que faz menos de um mês que eu enviei a última atualização,...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 09/08/2005

Name and Title Change / Mudando de Nome e Cargo

I have officially applied for a name change and the process has been approved in court. My new name...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 09/03/2005

Jose Barreto Update - Agosto de 2005

Oi! Para a maioria das empresas americanas (inclusive a Microsoft), o mês de agosto marca o...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 08/26/2005

Presentations in Brazil / Palestras no Brasil

I've been to Fortaleza during my vacation at the end of June and I had the pleasure to deliver a few...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 08/18/2005

Blogging in the sky / Blogging nas alturas

First of all, I need to apologize to everyone that sent me any e-mail in the last three weeks or...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 07/09/2005

Jose Barreto Update - Junho de 2005

Oi! Esta edição está saindo mais cedo por conta das minhas férias que...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 06/10/2005

VS, SQL and BizTalk dates / Datas para VS, SQL e BizTalk

One more important piece of info coming from TechEd 2005: the release date of Visual Studio 2005 and...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 06/10/2005

New MSN Toolbar / Nova barra MSN

There's a new MSN Toolbar out there (still in beta). In addition to the already great local and web...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 06/09/2005

Microsoft Update - Updated

Microsoft has been working hard to unify all software updates to simplify the process for users, as...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 06/07/2005

Lady, what's wrong with you? / Minha Senhora, Quidiabeisso?

I've been hearing all kinds of surprising and strange news recently. I checked the calendar to see...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 06/06/2005

Microsoft Office Communicator 2005

It's not every day that you get a new member of the Office family. Even more intriguing when it is...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 06/05/2005

Office 12 XML File Formats / Formatos de arquivo XML do Office 12

I'm not sure people are paying attention, but Microsoft just announced new file formats for the...

Author: JoseBarreto Date: 06/03/2005

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