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Origami or UMPC

It just got announced today. It's a new type of Personal computer that sits right between a Pocket PC and a lightweight Notebook or Tablet PC. There was a site with a "teaser" about it at


but it finally got announced today at the CeBIT conference in Europe. There are some interesting characteristics that define what an Ultra Mobile Personal Computer is. The highlights are:

  • Weighs around 2 pounds and has a 7-inch screen
  • Mobile-tuned UI with touch screen, stylus, dedicated buttons, speech, and optional Bluetooth or USB keyboard
  • Includes Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth and/or GPS
  • Screen resolution is 800x480, scaling to 800x600 and 1024x600
  • Pentium M, Celeron M or similar CPU with 30-60 GB hard drive
  • Running Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 (Windows Vista in the future)
  • Price range: $599 to $999 today (expect it to reach $500 later)

The specs are new available at https://www.microsoft.com/umpc and more in depth information for developers can be found at https://msdn.microsoft.com/mobility/tabletpc/umpc