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Jason Langridge's WebLog - MR Mobile!

A blog dedicated to Windows Mobile in the Enterprise!

The voice of 'The Tube' becomes the voice of ALK Co-Pilot

Emma Clarke spent eight years as the ‘Voice of the Tube’ on the London Underground. Transport for...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/07/2007

Mail for Exchange vs Windows Mobile - what's the difference?

I've had a few Mobile Operators and customers ask me recently what's the difference between an...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/07/2007

Windows Mobile Update - what is it for?

There have been a number of articles on blogs both at Smartphone Thoughts and also CoolSmartphone...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/06/2007

Windows Mobile 6 is now available for the AT&T Treo 750

It's been a while coming but it's great to see that the Windows Mobile 6 update for the AT&T...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/04/2007

Sync Mac OS X with your Windows Mobile device.... for free

Eltima have just released their SyncMate 1.0 Beta of their solution for synchronising your Windows...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/04/2007

Exchange Activesync policies summary

I've had a few customers looking for a good summary of all the different versions of Exchange and...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/04/2007

Intelligolf - now with support for landscape Smartphones

Intelligolf is one of my favourite applications on my Windows Mobile Device. It is the best...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/03/2007

T-Mobile UK release updates to Windows Mobile 6 for their devices

If you have a T-Mobile MDA Compact III, T-Mobile MDA Mail, T-Mobile MDA Vario II or an Ameo then you...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/03/2007

TouchPal Keyboard available for Free download

The TouchPal Keyboard shown above is available for FREE download until Dec 8th. So if you have a...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/03/2007

Exchange 2007 Service pack 1 - Why it's important for Mobile Users

Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1 has just been released to the web for Download. It even made the front...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/30/2007

Office Mobile 6.1 - you can now buy it online

If you have a Windows Mobile 6 device that didn't come with Office Mobile (for example the HTC S620)...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/30/2007

Office Mobile 6.1 released

OK - so we had a bit of a false start before.... but... Office Mobile 6.1 has now been released for...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/29/2007

The Next version of Windows Mobile....

Today I'm at our Mobius Conference and we showed the next version of Windows Mobile to a number of...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/29/2007

Google release Google Maps Mobile 2.0 with Positioning without GPS

Live Search is still my favourite application for Maps and Local information however Google has just...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/29/2007

The Brits totally get what iPhone is all About

I spotted this great cartoon on Steve's blog from the Fake Steve Jobs Blog about the class structure...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/29/2007

System Center Mobile Device Manager events in the UK

We've just announced 2 events in the UK next year which will focus on our recently announced System...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/27/2007

What to buy the man who has everything?

I had to laugh when I read Steve's blog article about what to buy the man who has everything... (Of...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/26/2007

Vodafone almost crack 1 Billion UK Pounds in Data revenue

Last week Vodafone announced their half yearly results. What was interesting was that Vodafone now...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/26/2007

When my mailbox fills up - when will my device stop sync'ing?

I was talking with a customer who was confused why they couldn't get their email to sync to their...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/26/2007

Sprint Launches MOTO Q9c Today

Sprint today has launched the Sprint MOTO Q9c! It is a Windows Mobile 6 Standard device. This launch...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/23/2007

ASUS P526 and M530w reviews

Over on Tracy and Matt's blog they have just published two reviews of ASUS devices. The ASUS P526 is...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/23/2007

So why were 25 million peoples identity sent on cd (unencrypted)

I read with great concern this week the situation that occurred where the UK Government accidentally...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/22/2007

Happy thanksgiving!

Today is the first day of the 2 day Thanksgiving Holiday in the US. So for those of you in the US -...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/22/2007

Symantec release Mobile AntiVirus for Windows Mobile v4

Symantec have just released Version 4 of their Mobile Antivirus solution. This provides protection...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/22/2007

HTC Touch Dual now available on Orange

Orange have just listed the HTC Touch Dual on their website. It's available from FREE to 99.99 You...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/22/2007

December Microsoft Mobility & Messaging User Group Meeting

The next Microsoft Mobility and Messaging User Group will be held in London at the new Microsoft...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/22/2007

Technet Radio - Unified Communications and Windows Mobile

My colleagues Michael Murphy and Chip Vollers were recorded on Technet Radio discussing the benefits...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/21/2007

Samsung blackjack II details emerge

AT&T have just released details of the Samsung Blackjack II device. This tri-band HSDPA device...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/20/2007

Oh No! The Dog ate my iPhone...

I got sent an email from Otterbox today about their new iPhone ruggedised case... at first I thought...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/20/2007

T-Mobile provide upgraded HTC Touch

T-Mobile have just made available the upgraded HTC Touch as the MDA Touch 256MB. You can get more...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/20/2007

USB APC Mobile Power Pack

At IT Forum Peter showed me this very cool Power Pack from APC which will charge your mobile devices...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/19/2007

O2 Stella Appears

The O2 Stella has appeared on the O2 Coming Soon site... it looks like a Kaiser (HTC TyTN II)...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/19/2007

US Mobile Operator Discounts for Developers, IT Pros and MSPP Partners

Our US Mobile Operator team has come up with some great discounts for Microsoft Developers, IT Pros...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/16/2007

Vodafone Mobility User Profiling Whitepaper

Vodafone Global Enterprise have just released a Mobility User Profiling Whitepaper outlining how an...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/16/2007

ASUS P526 Unboxing

The ASUS P526 device is one of the few Windows Mobile 6 Professional devices with a Touchscreen and...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/16/2007

Fonebook FaceBook Sync

Ross wrote his very cool application 'Fonebook' after I initially blogged about wanting an app to...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/15/2007

Nokia Phone History

I'm obviously not one to promote the use of Nokia over Windows Mobile however I thought this history...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/15/2007

IT Forum Barcelona

A few folks have commented that I've been quiet on my blog this week... well I'm here at TechEd IT...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/15/2007

ZDNet publish Touch DUal review

ZDNet have just published a detailed review of the HTC Touch Dual. I'm somewhat surprised with the...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/14/2007

ZenZui Becomes ZuMobi

Sometime ago I blogged about ZenZui which was a new zooming interface for Windows Mobile. ZenZui...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/13/2007

HTC announce the Touch Cruise

Yesterday HTC announced the Touch Cruise device. This device continues to extend the line of Touch...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/13/2007

Windows Mobile support lifecycle

I had a customer today ask me about the support lifecycle for Windows Mobile 5.0. Essentially we...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/09/2007

Sync my Ride

Probably the coolest URL for a Microsoft Product and certainly a cool product :) Now we all know the...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/09/2007

Carphone warehouse launch the Ted Baker Needle

Carphone Warehouse in conjunction with HTC have launched the Ted Baker Needle. A rather nice lilac...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/08/2007

Branding - going a step too far....

I've been at the Connections conference this week talking about Windows Mobile and how it integrates...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/07/2007

Smartphone Round Robin

Smartphone Experts has launched a fascinating Round Robin event in which the editors from Treo,...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/07/2007

Coolsmartphone on a roll...

Gears over at Coolsmartphone.com seems to be on a roll with a bunch of great reviews of new devices...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/07/2007

Mobile IM Survey

Instant messaging on the PC has become a very popular form of communication over the last few years...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/06/2007

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