다음을 통해 공유

Never Stop Learning!

Musings about Marketing and the Microsoft IT Academy program....

Using Windows 2008 as a workstation....

As a part of upgrading my network, I am toying with the idea of using Windows 2008 server as a...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 05/14/2008

I can fix that slow WiFi for you....

*** Updated *** - Corrected the command for enabled autotuning. I travel a fair amount which means I...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 04/24/2008

Tweet(le) Dee and Tweet(le) Dum...

Forgive me Twitter for I have been silent. It has been 9 months since my last Tweet... I decided to...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 04/09/2008

Here is the link to Keith's screencasts on installing PHP, MySQL and Wordpress to a Windows...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 04/09/2008

Slides for the launch content....

I have had several people email telling me they can't locate the slides for the launch content on my...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 04/09/2008

My sites graphics and pictures....

I noticed after my most recent post my sunset banner and other graphics are not showing in my blog....

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 04/08/2008

Excuse me....I just tweeted....

Way back in January, I asked my readers to explain to me why I should be on Facebook or Twitter. You...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 04/08/2008

New TechNet Radio session posted....

While at the Seattle Windows Server Launch event this week, I sat down with Michael Cooper, a...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 04/03/2008

Thank you Seattle!

Great turnout in Seattle yesterday! The weather stayed in check and we had a great event. Great...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 04/02/2008

Why my email alias is missing an "s"....

chrisavi@microsoft.com -- That has been my email alias at Microsoft for over 10 years now. You would...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/28/2008

What machines should I virtualize?

Yesterday, in Spokane, I mentioned a tool that can be used to evaluate physical machines and help...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/28/2008

Windows Vista Remote Server Admin Tools (RSAT)...

Here are the links for the Vista RSAT tool as well as the Windows 2003 Admin tools Windows 2003...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/28/2008

Updated locations for Group Policy settings spreadsheets....

It seems we can't keep things in one place for more than a couple of months. Back in January I...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/28/2008

The Ramblin' Man....

...is me! I was in Hartford, CT at 2pm Eastern Time yesterday. I walked in the front door of my...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/26/2008

Cutting the wires....

subtitled......Oh Tesla, oh Tesla....where art thou? Trapeze Networks is on stage right now at the...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/25/2008

Angelbeat in Hartford, CT...

Back on the east coast again!  I am in Hartford, CT speaking at an Angelbeat conference. Today....

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/25/2008

By your frakkin' command....

Many, many moons ago, when life in the late 70's was simple, disco sucked (it still does, btw....),...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/20/2008

ISA BPA v6.0.1 is RTW....

I am a little late on this one. It has been out there since about mid February.  I just haven't...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/10/2008

Live Concert streamed.....live!

On March 15th, Ice Cube will be at SXSW doing a concert that will get streamed live over the web....

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/10/2008

Download the Windows 2008 Evaluation now....

For those of you that are not able to get out to a  Launch event, you can still get Windows...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/10/2008

Are you running Internet Explorer 8?

What?   That's right....IE 8. IE8 Beta 1 to be specific. I am running the Vista x64...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/10/2008

Updated slide locations....

I received some reports that my slides were blocked by some systems. I have moved them over to my...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/07/2008

Thank you, Harrisburg, PA!

I had a great time today! We had some issues with getting everyone into the venue but it was amazing...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/06/2008

Slides - Session 4 - Windows 2008 Web and Application Technologies

This was the hardest session for me to pull together links for. As I noted in my session, I just...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/05/2008

Slides - Session 3 - Securing your Infrastructure with Windows 2008

I could post 42 bazillion security related links if I had the time. I have have tried to keep the...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/05/2008

Slides - Session 2 - Virtualization and your Infrastructure

There is a ton of virtualization information out there. Ben Armstrong maintains an excellent...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/05/2008


I ran across an announcement in email this morning that we (MS) recently brought a new website...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/05/2008

Awesome Launch Event in New York!

I wish I had my camera today to take a picture of the crowd. I was in the big room just after the...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/04/2008

Launch Time....

Yeah, yeah, yeah.....Chris Henley beat me out by presenting in Los Angeles last week, but nothing is...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 03/04/2008

A picture of an island.....


Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 02/27/2008

Where am I....


Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 02/25/2008


I am on vacation this week. I will start posting pictures tomorrow of where and we will see if you...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 02/24/2008

Have you done this?

Source - https://www.philoking.com/2008/02/20/i-think-i-have-a-few-readers-like-this/   Cheers!

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 02/20/2008

Speaking of content....

What do you want to know about in June when we switch content again? Should we continue talking...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 02/20/2008

Has it really been 3 weeks since my last post?

Wow. I took advantage of some hardware issues and hectic travel to take a break from blogging but I...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 02/20/2008

New TechNet Radio Interview posted....

I recently did an interview with Anatharam Chadalavada, A Microsoft IT Senior Program Manager on how...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/30/2008

What would you ask a BitLocker PM....

I know this is short notice, but I want your feedback. This morning I will be doing my  first...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/25/2008

Look Ma...No moving parts....

Solid State "hard drives" are starting to get a lot more press these days. I ran across...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/24/2008

Virtualizing Vista Home & Premium editions...

Mary Jo Foley has reported that we are "lifting the ban" on Virtualizing these two...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/22/2008

BitLocker with only a single partition....

No...I don't have a secret method of BitLocking a single partition. But my buddy John Baker posted...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/20/2008

Tweet this....

I have been meaning to ask my audience if they use Twitter and explain to me why. I was also going...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/17/2008

Intro to Exchange Webcast in about an hour and a half....

Short notice I know, but I want to get this out there. I am delivering Part 1 of an 8 part series on...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/16/2008

Follow up to my webcast post....

First....a big thank you to everyone who posted comments...including the most recent comment by...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/15/2008

What to do with my HD Video Camera....

So I have this nice Sony HD video camera that I want to start using for video interviews. In fact,...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/15/2008

Join the Windows 2008 Server Security Guide Beta...

Interested in taking a look at a new solution accelerator? You can sign up to join the beta for the...

Author: Chris E. Avis Date: 01/14/2008

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