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Angelbeat in Hartford, CT...

Back on the east coast again!  I am in Hartford, CT speaking at an Angelbeat conference. Today. There have been some interesting talks by SonicWall, ArcMail and IronPort so far. Cisco is on stage right now with Packeteer and NetApp scheduled just before I go on.

So far I have seen a bunch of slides and some truly interesting concepts. But it is hard to completely visualize some of the concepts because there have been very few demos. The audience is pretty quiet so far. They need to be woken up.

So....I have been at work trimming down my deck and re-ordering demos so I can (hopefully!) get the crowd going. I am going to take my usual presentation style to the extreme when I go up. I only have 30-40 minutes to discuss what is new in Windows 2008 Server.

Not nearly enough time...

I trimmed my deck to *6* slides. That's right....6 whole slides. All the rest of time I will consume with demos fo what the slides would have been talking about. I wouldn't even have that many slides except my demo environment requires me to shut off some virtual machines and start up 4 new ones midway through so I wanted to have something to put up on screen while we are waiting form them to come around.

For those of you who were at the conference, here some links to previous posts of mine that have additional information on the topics I covered.

General Windows 2008 Overview



NextGen Web Platform

*** Updated *** I am WAY happy I tweaked my presentation! I just took a closer look at the agenda and I realized I am on immediately after lunch. The audience with be full and sleepy so the last thing I want to do is put them asleep with PowerPoint!

