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Brad Abrams

Design Guidelines, Managed code and the .NET Framework

Even more on .NET Framework 3.0...

I wanted to respond to a few comments.. Keeron asked about what .NET Framework includes exactly....

Author: BradA Date: 06/11/2006

Toward .NET Framework 3.0...

Wow – I am really happy about all the feedback we have received on Soma’s blog about the name change...

Author: BradA Date: 06/10/2006

My team is going to TechEd....

Unfortunately I can’t make it to TechEd this year, but a fair number of folks from my team are...

Author: BradA Date: 06/09/2006

Standard Microsoft Icons

A customer recently asked me if they can use the standard Microsoft explorer icons in their...

Author: BradA Date: 06/06/2006

Framework Design Guidelines Review: The First 30 Pages...

José Lema posts a good review of the Framework Design Guidelines.. He is the first reviewer to...

Author: BradA Date: 06/05/2006

What's my job?

Last months Dr. Dobbs has an interesting article on the changing face of software development jobs...

Author: BradA Date: 06/04/2006

Framework Design Guidelines Review from eggheadcafe

I just saw that the Framework Design Guidelines got a good review from Peter A. Bromberg over at...

Author: BradA Date: 06/01/2006

See you at Web Design World in Seattle

I am very excited to do a keynote at the Web Design World conference in Seattle July 10-12th I am...

Author: BradA Date: 05/30/2006

"GoLive" with WinFX...

Today at WinHEC BillG announced the Beta2 of WinFX with a Go Live license...... The Go Live is great...

Author: BradA Date: 05/23/2006

High-res version of Atlas talk posted

In response to comments I posted a high-res version of my recent Atlas talk... (it is actually the...

Author: BradA Date: 05/22/2006

Why to consider Microsoft for Web2.0

Cool article on Top 13 reasons to CONSIDER the Microsoft platform for Web 2.0 development from the...

Author: BradA Date: 05/22/2006

Slides and demo the Microsoft Atlas talks at The Ajax Experience posted

I posted the slides and demo for my talk on the Atlas Ajax framework that I will do this morning at...

Author: BradA Date: 05/12/2006

The panel at the Ajax Experience Conference

Thanks to the Ben Galbraith and Dion Almaer (and my fellow panelist) for having me on panel last...

Author: BradA Date: 05/12/2006

Lovin the Ajax Experience : Day 1

The Ajax Experience conference kicked off yesterday in beautiful San Francisco... I am having a...

Author: BradA Date: 05/11/2006

A reminder as we start detailed design and implementation...

My team is starting detailed design and implementation work over the next week or so and I know of...

Author: BradA Date: 05/08/2006

Atlas Sesssions from Mix06 online

Check it out, the sessions from Mix06 have been posted... you can see a streaming video of the...

Author: BradA Date: 05/07/2006

Web control Vendors support Atlas

3rd party control vendors are an important part of any successful platform, so I am very happy to...

Author: BradA Date: 05/06/2006

WinForms, Vista and Glass

TimS does a great post on getting the Vista “glass” look and feel in a WinForms app......

Author: BradA Date: 05/05/2006

Information on Offline Client applications with .NET Framework 2.0

Steve posts some good information on getting offline client apps developed with VS2005 and .NET...

Author: BradA Date: 05/02/2006

What customers ultimately buy...

Amazon has a cool new feature on many of there pages called “What do customers ultimately buy after...

Author: BradA Date: 04/24/2006

"Atlas" Control Toolkit now available

One of the things that I really love about Atlas is that it offers a framework approach to ajax...

Author: BradA Date: 04/12/2006

New Book: Professional .NET Framework 2.0

I just got my copy of Joe Duffy’s new book Professional .NET Framework 2.0. Joe was a member of my...

Author: BradA Date: 04/12/2006

Live From Redmond...

INETA (the .NET User Group People) just created a virtual user group called Live From Redmond… We...

Author: BradA Date: 04/11/2006

Atlas April CTP Posted

We just posted the April CTP of Atlas… this is mostly a set of bug fixes that we got feedback from...

Author: BradA Date: 04/10/2006

PM tip# 11: Information is the Currency of Program Management

A huge differentiator between mediocre PMs and excellent PMs is how they deal with information....

Author: BradA Date: 04/10/2006

The Ajax Experience Conference

I am excited to be headed down to the The Ajax Experience Conference May 10-12 in San Francisco....

Author: BradA Date: 04/07/2006

A rare moment in history is passing you by... What were you doing?

A very rare moment in history is passing you by --- the time is: 01 02 03 04 05 06.... that is the...

Author: BradA Date: 04/05/2006

The Beta vs. CTP Dilemma

Over the last couple of years, the CTP or Community Technology Preview has been one of the bigger...

Author: BradA Date: 04/03/2006

Great sample Sudoko game in WinForms...

I just noticed that Stephen Toub posted a great Suduko game. The tablet\ink integration is really...

Author: BradA Date: 04/02/2006

PM Tip #72 Instant feedback...

Update: See the full list of PM Tips. One thing I love about blogs is the instant feedback aspects....

Author: BradA Date: 03/30/2006

Wally got me at Mix....

for an interview that is... I was honored to sit down with Wally McClure (of Beginning Ajax with...

Author: BradA Date: 03/29/2006

Atlas accordion control

Bertrand (dev on the atlas team) is beginning a series explaining how to build the cooler parts of...

Author: BradA Date: 03/29/2006

JavaScript debugging in VS2005

At my Mix talk one of the things I got asked about was the development experience for writing...

Author: BradA Date: 03/28/2006

Build your own map Mashup: step by step example

I just saw JHawk did a great post on using Atlas and Live Local to build a great Map mashup... This...

Author: BradA Date: 03/28/2006

All those .NET Languages...

Someone recently forwarded me a couple of sites that are keeping up with all those .NET languages......

Author: BradA Date: 03/27/2006

Source code for CLRBCL 2.0

Great news... Rotor V2.0 ships... I have found Rotor a great way to look at (mostly) the real source...

Author: BradA Date: 03/23/2006

Mix06: The Atlas Dice Demo

Mix06: The Atlas Dice Demo Rick and I had a lot of fun giving our talk Designing a Better User...

Author: BradA Date: 03/23/2006

Atlas talks at Mix06

If you are headed to Mix06 you will not want to miss the sessions on Atlas... Oh, and BTW, even if...

Author: BradA Date: 03/18/2006

16th Annual Jolt Awards -- Framework Design Guidelines and .NET Framework 2.0

I feel great about the recent Jolt awards... The two most close to home for me are: The Framework...

Author: BradA Date: 03/17/2006

New CLR 2.0 book

I just saw that Jeff Richter’s CLR via C# is in stock on Amazon. This is an update to his very...

Author: BradA Date: 03/11/2006

Webcast on Atlas...

I just noticed that Jonathan Hawkins posted a great new webcast covering the basics of Atlas... You...

Author: BradA Date: 03/09/2006

WinForms, WPF and Working for Microsoft

I had an interview candidate ask me recently what I loved most about working for Microsoft. Oddly...

Author: BradA Date: 03/02/2006

Dr. Dobbs on the Framework Design Guidelines

Dr. Dobbs Bookshelf reviews the Framework Design Guidelines in the current issues. I appreciate the...

Author: BradA Date: 03/01/2006

Windows Vista and Windows Forms

Folks on the Windows Forms team are working hard to make sure Windows Forms applications look great...

Author: BradA Date: 03/01/2006

ClickOnce and Permission Elevation

ClickOnce is a very cool client application delivery system that we shipped in V2.0 of the .NET...

Author: BradA Date: 02/28/2006

Slashdot on Framework Design

Very cool to see Slashdot address framework design, although I am a bit disappointed they didn't...

Author: BradA Date: 02/25/2006

PM Tip #21: Sanity Will Prevail

Update: See the full list of PM Tips. One of the core jobs of a PM is to hold tight to the vision of...

Author: BradA Date: 02/22/2006

PM Tip # 32: Nothing kills excitement like ambiguity

Update: See the full list of PM Tips. As a PM, one of your key jobs is building excitement for your...

Author: BradA Date: 02/21/2006

Video plug for Atlas talk at Mix...

Shanku, Bertrand Le Roy and I recently shot a spot about our Atlas\Ajax presence at Mix... I’d love...

Author: BradA Date: 02/20/2006

Ajax for the rest of us: Atlas, the profile store and web based forms

While Ajax is getting lots of buzz in the new Web 2.0 style applications it enables I was struck...

Author: BradA Date: 02/18/2006

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