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Brad Abrams

Design Guidelines, Managed code and the .NET Framework

TechEd: Developer Designer Bless

I had a great time putting together the slides and demo for this talk… It should be fun one where I...

Author: BradA Date: 11/07/2006

A great day for shipping…

Today two of the products I have spent a bunch of time ship! .NET Framework 3.0 ships! With the 3.0...

Author: BradA Date: 11/07/2006

Welcome to TechEd Europe

I just got in last night into Barcelona for TechEd Europe.. One thing I love about my job is that I...

Author: BradA Date: 11/05/2006

AJAX Animations with the ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit

Preparing for my talk at TechEd Europe gave me an excuse to play around with the animations support...

Author: BradA Date: 11/01/2006

Bringing new life to your VB6 apps

I just saw a cool screen cast on the Microsoft Interop Forms Toolkit 1.0…. Great stuff! It enables...

Author: BradA Date: 10/30/2006

What is the deal with UpdatePanel

The developer for UpdatePanel recently posted a couple of good articles about the changes we made in...

Author: BradA Date: 10/30/2006

Search autocomplete with ASP.NET AJAX Extensions

I am working on a rich content app for one of my talks at TechEd Europe and I thought it would be a...

Author: BradA Date: 10/28/2006

ASP.NET AJAX on TheServerSide.NET

I saw Jack in my talk at The Ajax Experience conference yesterday and was happy to see that he wrote...

Author: BradA Date: 10/24/2006

Microsoft AJAX Library at the AJAX Experience

I had a great time at the AJAX Experience Conference today. John Resig did a good talk on choosing...

Author: BradA Date: 10/23/2006

Already a blast at the Ajax Experience

The conference has not even officially started and I am already having a blast. The long trip down...

Author: BradA Date: 10/23/2006

Book: Elements of C# Style

A few months ago I had the opportunity to review Elements of C# Style and I really enjoyed it. It is...

Author: BradA Date: 10/17/2006

Great Video and Slides for Building Occasionally Connected Client Apps

Steve has a great post (with Video and slides) for building offline apps… Worth a look! My guess is...

Author: BradA Date: 10/16/2006

Heading to Boston for the Ajax Experience Conference

October 23-25th the next installment of the Ajax Experience Conference is being held in Boston. I am...

Author: BradA Date: 10/11/2006

When there is no good name...

I noticed a good debate going on the BCL blog (and now Krzysztof Cwalina’s blog) about the naming of...

Author: BradA Date: 10/10/2006

Design Guidelines and Patterns and Practices Summit

I am looking forwarding to doing the keynote at the Pattern and Practices Summit today. I thought...

Author: BradA Date: 10/09/2006

The What and the How

I was talking recently with a coworker of mine about the “what” and the “how” of software projects....

Author: BradA Date: 10/07/2006

BLINQ Walk through posted

Just noticed that Patrick Spieler has a nice simple walk through of BLINQ. In a couple of easy steps...

Author: BradA Date: 10/01/2006

Careful what you ask for... ;-)

Thottam is asking folks to tell him about your experience with COM interop. I know many of you have...

Author: BradA Date: 09/29/2006

Check out the NYTimes reader...

The folks over at the NYTimes have released the beta of the NYTimes reader… a .NET Framework 3.0...

Author: BradA Date: 09/27/2006

Want to print a form in WinForms?

I just noticed the VB folks created a great little WinForms control that gives you the VB6 style...

Author: BradA Date: 09/23/2006

From Atlas to the ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions

As you saw from ScottGu’s blog, we gave Atlas an official name and, in response to strong customer...

Author: BradA Date: 09/11/2006

Foreword for Accelerated C# 2005

I was glad to have the opportunity to write the foreword for Accelerated C# 2005. Trey asked me to...

Author: BradA Date: 09/11/2006

Thoughts on writing reviews...

Well, it is that time of year again here Microsoft – time for managers to write employee reviews...

Author: BradA Date: 09/09/2006

Speaking at the Patterns and Practices Conference

I was honored to be asked to speak at the Patterns and Practices Conference in October here on the...

Author: BradA Date: 09/07/2006

IronPython 1.0 Ships!

Wow – Very cool to see IronPython reach V1 status… and I particularly love the fact that we ship a...

Author: BradA Date: 09/06/2006

Running apps In the browser or Out?

I have been doing some thinking recently about what sort of client application model would benefit...

Author: BradA Date: 08/24/2006

Want to name Atlas?

Steven Smith has a good discussion going on about what we should name "Atlas"... I can confirm that...

Author: BradA Date: 08/17/2006

WinForms and Data: It just keeps getting better...

I love it when the product just keeps getting better over time.. Two new whitepapers were just...

Author: BradA Date: 08/10/2006

Performance: You are only as good as your measurements

I recently had a fun time baking cookies with my three year old son.. He had a great time scooping...

Author: BradA Date: 08/05/2006

.NET Framework Deployment Questions

A customer recently asked a set of questions about .NET Framework deployment that I suspect are very...

Author: BradA Date: 08/02/2006

Atlas Talk and demo in Spanish

Julio translated a recent atlas talk and demo I did into Spanish.. Great to see Atlas reaching a...

Author: BradA Date: 07/31/2006

Chinese Version of Framework Design Guidelines Published

I just heard that the Chinese translation of the Framework Design Guidelines was just released... I...

Author: BradA Date: 07/27/2006

Video from Web Design World Talk...

The video of my Web Design World talk was just posted... Take a look... I'd love to hear your...

Author: BradA Date: 07/26/2006

Framework Design Guidelines Interview

If it is good enough for the TheServerSide to repost, it is good enough for me to repost here ;-)...

Author: BradA Date: 07/25/2006

Get the Blinq Demo...

Polita Paulus does a great demo on Blinq. Polita Paulus – BLINQ (hint, the demo starts at 7:15).......

Author: BradA Date: 07/25/2006

Creating Smart Application Layouts with Windows Forms 2.0

The Windows Forms documentation team just published a new whitepaper about how to get a great layout...

Author: BradA Date: 07/24/2006

Live From Redmond.... it's Saturday Night!

Well, it is not really, but I it does remind me of staying up past my bedtime.... What Live from...

Author: BradA Date: 07/20/2006

Web Design World Slides...

Arturo and I had a great time at Web Design World in Seattle this past week... It was really good to...

Author: BradA Date: 07/16/2006

What is Atlas?

Matt Gibbs (the dev manager for Atlas) recently posted a great article on Atlas... A very good...

Author: BradA Date: 07/13/2006

Great Looking Windows Forms Apps

I just noticed that Mike Swanson was blogging about CSS-Like Visual Styling for Windows Forms with...

Author: BradA Date: 07/09/2006

A UK developer user group review the Framework Design Guidelines

I just noticed that a UK based developer user group reviewed the Framework Design Guidelines......

Author: BradA Date: 07/06/2006

Some great .NET Framework 3.0 examples...

I just noticed that a design house has started putting up some great examples of what is possible...

Author: BradA Date: 07/05/2006

Slide and Demo from my Keynote at CFUnited

I am having a blast this week at the ColdFusion conference CFUnited. Here are the slides from my...

Author: BradA Date: 06/29/2006

Atlas in Spanish...

Andres Sanabria, the lead PM for ASP.NET and Atlas, happens to be from glorious Colombia recently...

Author: BradA Date: 06/23/2006

Check out Blinq...

What percentage of web applications would you say fall into the category of glorified...

Author: BradA Date: 06/23/2006

CFUnited here I come....

Next week I head out to the DC area for a ColdFusion conference called CFUnited... At the conference...

Author: BradA Date: 06/21/2006

Two books on Atlas already?

Can you believe we already have two books published on Atlas? Makes me think we have hit on...

Author: BradA Date: 06/20/2006

MSDN Webcast on Atlas

David Barkol, one of our partners, recently posted a webcast of a good introduction to Ajax and...

Author: BradA Date: 06/19/2006

C# Online.NET Reviews the Framework Design Guidelines

C# Online.NET posted a very good review of the Framework Design Guidelines... Here is my favorite...

Author: BradA Date: 06/19/2006

You gotta love SeeWindowsVista

Have you checked out https://www.seewindowsvista.com/??? It is a very cool way to see some amazing...

Author: BradA Date: 06/12/2006

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