Бөлісу құралы:

GC.KeepAlive(Object) Метод


Ссылается на указанный объект, делая его недоступным для сборщика мусора с момента начала текущей процедуры до вызова этого метода.

 static void KeepAlive(System::Object ^ obj);
public static void KeepAlive(object obj);
public static void KeepAlive(object? obj);
static member KeepAlive : obj -> unit
Public Shared Sub KeepAlive (obj As Object)



Объект для ссылки.


В следующем примере кода создается объект в начале метода Main и он не ссылается на объект до конца при вызове KeepAlive метода . Объект сохраняется в течение 30-секундного Main периода действия метода, несмотря на вызовы Collect методов и WaitForPendingFinalizers .

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

// A simple class that exposes two static Win32 functions.
// One is a delegate type and the other is an enumerated type.
public ref class MyWin32

   // An enumerated type for the control messages sent to the handler routine.
   enum class CtrlTypes
      CTRL_C_EVENT = 0,

   delegate Boolean HandlerRoutine(    // A delegate type to be used as the Handler Routine for SetConsoleCtrlHandler.
   CtrlTypes CtrlType );

   // Declare the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function as external and receiving a delegate.

   static Boolean SetConsoleCtrlHandler( HandlerRoutine^ Handler, Boolean Add );

public ref class MyApp

   // A private static handler function in the MyApp class.
   static Boolean Handler( MyWin32::CtrlTypes CtrlType )
      String^ message = "This message should never be seen!";
      // A switch to handle the event type.
      switch ( CtrlType )
         case MyWin32::CtrlTypes::CTRL_C_EVENT:
            message = "A CTRL_C_EVENT was raised by the user.";

         case MyWin32::CtrlTypes::CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:
            message = "A CTRL_BREAK_EVENT was raised by the user.";

         case MyWin32::CtrlTypes::CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT:
            message = "A CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT was raised by the user.";

         case MyWin32::CtrlTypes::CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT:
            message = "A CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT was raised by the user.";

         case MyWin32::CtrlTypes::CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT:
            message = "A CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT was raised by the user.";
      // Use interop to display a message for the type of event.
      Console::WriteLine( message );
      return true;

   static void Test()
      // Use interop to set a console control handler.
      MyWin32::HandlerRoutine^ hr = gcnew MyWin32::HandlerRoutine( Handler );
      MyWin32::SetConsoleCtrlHandler( hr, true );
      // Give the user some time to raise a few events.
      Console::WriteLine( "Waiting 30 seconds for console ctrl events..." );
      // The Object hr is not referred to again.
      // The garbage collector can detect that the object has no
      // more managed references and might clean it up here while
      // the unmanaged SetConsoleCtrlHandler method is still using it.
      // Force a garbage collection to demonstrate how the hr
      // object will be handled.
      Thread::Sleep( 30000 );
      // Display a message to the console when the unmanaged method
      // has finished its work.
      Console::WriteLine( "Finished!" );
      // Call GC::KeepAlive(hr) at this point to maintain a reference to hr.
      // This will prevent the garbage collector from collecting the
      // object during the execution of the SetConsoleCtrlHandler method.
      GC::KeepAlive( hr );


int main()
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// A simple class that exposes two static Win32 functions.
// One is a delegate type and the other is an enumerated type.
public class MyWin32
    // Declare the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function
    // as external and receiving a delegate.
    public static extern Boolean SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine Handler,
        Boolean Add);

    // A delegate type to be used as the handler routine
    // for SetConsoleCtrlHandler.
    public delegate Boolean HandlerRoutine(CtrlTypes CtrlType);

    // An enumerated type for the control messages
    // sent to the handler routine.
    public enum CtrlTypes
        CTRL_C_EVENT = 0,
        CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT = 5,

public class MyApp
    // A private static handler function in the MyApp class.
    static Boolean Handler(MyWin32.CtrlTypes CtrlType)
        String message = "This message should never be seen!";

        // A switch to handle the event type.
            case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_C_EVENT:
                message = "A CTRL_C_EVENT was raised by the user.";
            case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:
                message = "A CTRL_BREAK_EVENT was raised by the user.";
            case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT:
                message = "A CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT was raised by the user.";
            case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT:
                message = "A CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT was raised by the user.";
            case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT:
                message = "A CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT was raised by the user.";

        // Use interop to display a message for the type of event.

        return true;

    public static void Main()

        // Use interop to set a console control handler.
        MyWin32.HandlerRoutine hr = new MyWin32.HandlerRoutine(Handler);
        MyWin32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(hr, true);

        // Give the user some time to raise a few events.
        Console.WriteLine("Waiting 30 seconds for console ctrl events...");

        // The object hr is not referred to again.
        // The garbage collector can detect that the object has no
        // more managed references and might clean it up here while
        // the unmanaged SetConsoleCtrlHandler method is still using it.
        // Force a garbage collection to demonstrate how the hr
        // object will be handled.

        // Display a message to the console when the unmanaged method
        // has finished its work.

        // Call GC.KeepAlive(hr) at this point to maintain a reference to hr.
        // This will prevent the garbage collector from collecting the
        // object during the execution of the SetConsoleCtrlHandler method.
open System
open System.Threading
open System.Runtime.InteropServices

// A simple module that exposes two static Win32 functions.
// One is a delegate type and the other is an enumerated type.
module MyWin32 =
    // An enumerated type for the control messages
    // sent to the handler routine.
    type CtrlTypes =
        | CTRL_C_EVENT = 0
        | CTRL_BREAK_EVENT = 1
        | CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT = 2
        | CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT = 5

    // A delegate type to be used as the handler routine for SetConsoleCtrlHandler.
    type HandlerRoutine = delegate of CtrlTypes -> bool

    // Declare the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function
    // as external and receiving a delegate.
    [<DllImport "Kernel32">]
    extern bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine Handler, bool Add)

// A private static handler function in the MyApp class.
let handler (ctrlType: MyWin32.CtrlTypes) =
    let message =
        // Pattern match to handle the event type.
        match ctrlType with
        | MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_C_EVENT ->
            "A CTRL_C_EVENT was raised by the user."
        | MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT ->
            "A CTRL_BREAK_EVENT was raised by the user."
        | MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT ->
            "A CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT was raised by the user."
        | MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT ->
            "A CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT was raised by the user."
        | MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT ->
            "A CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT was raised by the user."
        | _ -> "This message should never be seen!"

    // Use interop to display a message for the type of event.
    printfn $"{message}"

// Use interop to set a console control handler.
let hr = MyWin32.HandlerRoutine handler
MyWin32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(hr, true) |> ignore

// Give the user some time to raise a few events.
printfn "Waiting 30 seconds for console ctrl events..."

// The object hr is not referred to again.
// The garbage collector can detect that the object has no
// more managed references and might clean it up here while
// the unmanaged SetConsoleCtrlHandler method is still using it.

// Force a garbage collection to demonstrate how the hr
// object will be handled.

Thread.Sleep 30000

// Display a message to the console when the unmanaged method
// has finished its work.
printfn "Finished!"

// Call GC.KeepAlive(hr) at this point to maintain a reference to hr.
// This will prevent the garbage collector from collecting the
// object during the execution of the SetConsoleCtrlHandler method.
GC.KeepAlive hr
Console.Read() |> ignore
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

' A simple class that exposes two static Win32 functions.
' One is a delegate type and the other is an enumerated type.

Public Class MyWin32

   ' Declare the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function as external 
   ' and receiving a delegate.   
   <DllImport("Kernel32")> _
   Public Shared Function SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ByVal Handler As HandlerRoutine, _
         ByVal Add As Boolean) As Boolean
   End Function

   ' A delegate type to be used as the handler routine 
   ' for SetConsoleCtrlHandler.
   Delegate Function HandlerRoutine(ByVal CtrlType As CtrlTypes) As [Boolean]

   ' An enumerated type for the control messages 
   ' sent to the handler routine.

   Public Enum CtrlTypes
      CTRL_C_EVENT = 0
   End Enum
End Class

Public Class MyApp

   ' A private static handler function in the MyApp class.
   Shared Function Handler(ByVal CtrlType As MyWin32.CtrlTypes) As [Boolean]
      Dim message As [String] = "This message should never be seen!"

      ' A select case to handle the event type.
      Select Case CtrlType
         Case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_C_EVENT
            message = "A CTRL_C_EVENT was raised by the user."
         Case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT
            message = "A CTRL_BREAK_EVENT was raised by the user."
         Case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT
            message = "A CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT was raised by the user."
         Case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT
            message = "A CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT was raised by the user."
         Case MyWin32.CtrlTypes.CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT
            message = "A CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT was raised by the user."
      End Select

      ' Use interop to display a message for the type of event.

      Return True
   End Function

   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Use interop to set a console control handler.
      Dim hr As New MyWin32.HandlerRoutine(AddressOf Handler)
      MyWin32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(hr, True)

      ' Give the user some time to raise a few events.
      Console.WriteLine("Waiting 30 seconds for console ctrl events...")

      ' The object hr is not referred to again.
      ' The garbage collector can detect that the object has no
      ' more managed references and might clean it up here while
      ' the unmanaged SetConsoleCtrlHandler method is still using it.      
      ' Force a garbage collection to demonstrate how the hr
      ' object will be handled.


      ' Display a message to the console when the unmanaged method
      ' has finished its work.

      ' Call GC.KeepAlive(hr) at this point to maintain a reference to hr. 
      ' This will prevent the garbage collector from collecting the 
      ' object during the execution of the SetConsoleCtrlHandler method.
   End Sub
End Class


Цель KeepAlive метода — обеспечить наличие ссылки на объект, который рискует быть преждевременно освобожден сборщиком мусора. Распространенным сценарием, в котором это может произойти, является отсутствие ссылок на объект в управляемом коде или данных, но объект по-прежнему используется в неуправляемом коде, таком как API-интерфейсы Windows, неуправляемые библиотеки DLL или методы, использующие COM.

Этот метод ссылается на obj параметр , что делает этот объект недопустимым для сборки мусора с начала подпрограммы до точки в порядке выполнения, где вызывается этот метод. Кодировать этот метод в конце, а не в начале диапазона инструкций, где obj должен быть доступен.

Метод KeepAlive не выполняет никаких операций и не создает побочных эффектов, кроме продления времени существования объекта, переданного в качестве параметра.

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