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Controls and properties in canvas apps

Configure the appearance and behavior of a control by setting one of its properties. Each type of control has a different set of properties. Some properties, such as Height and Width, are common to almost every type of control, but other properties, such as CheckboxSize, are specific to one type of control.


Add picture – Load images from the local device, for upload to a data source.

Address input - See dynamic address suggestions as you type.

Attachments – Download and upload files from the local device to a data source.

Audio – Play an audio clip or the audio portion of a video clip.

Barcode reader – Scans barcodes, QR codes, and data-matrix codes on an Android, iOS, or Windows device.

Barcode scanner (retired) – Scans barcodes, QR codes, and data-matrix codes on an Android or iOS device. Replaced by the barcode reader.

Button – Interact with the app by clicking or tapping.

Camera – Take and save photos in the app or to a data source.

Card – Display and edit an individual field of a record in a Edit form or Display form control.

Check box – Select or clear an option to specify true or false.

Column chart – Show values as vertical bars relative to two axes.

Column - Provides the display experience for a single field in a Data table control.

Combo box - Allows users to make selections from provided choices. Supports search and multi-select.

Container (experimental) - Create nested hierarchy for accessibility and responsiveness.

Data table (preview) - Show data in a tabular format.

Date picker – Specify a date by clicking or tapping.

Display form – Display records in a data source using a form.

Drop down – Show the first item in a list until a chevron is selected.

Edit form – Edit and create records in a data source using a form.

Display and Edit form - Experimental feature: Add dynamic forms in which users can view, navigate, and edit relational data from the Microsoft Dataverse.

Export – Export data for use elsewhere in Power Apps.

Gallery – Show a list of records that can contain multiple types of data.

HTML text – Convert HTML tags automatically.

Horizontal container – Determines the position of the child components so that you never have to set X, Y for a component inside the container.

Icon – Add graphic appeal and visual interest.

Image – Show an image from, for example, a local file or a data source.

Import – Import data from elsewhere in Power Apps.

Line chart – Show values as data points relative to two axes.

List box – Select one or more items in a list.

Map - View the physical position of objects from a data source, or by inputting new physical locations.

Measuring Camera - Measure distance, area, and volume in mixed reality.

Microphone – Record and save sounds in the app or to a data source.

PDF viewer (experimental) – Show the content of a PDF file on the Internet.

Pen input – Draw an image or text, and save it in the app or to a data source.

Pie chart – Show how values relate to each other.

Power BI tile – Display a Power BI tile inside an app.

Radio – Show options that are mutually exclusive.

Rating – Indicate a value between 1 and a specified number.

Rich text editor – Allows rich text formatting by app users.

Screen – Show and update data about a specific task.

Shape – Display arrows and geometric shapes, such as rectangles.

Slider – Specify a value by dragging a handle.

Stream Video – Play videos and browse through channels from the Microsoft Stream service.

Label – Shows data such as text, numbers, dates, or currency.

Text input – Type text, numbers, and other data.

Timer – Configure your app to respond after a certain amount of time passes.

Toggle – Drag a handle to specify true or false.

Video – Play a video clip from a local file, a data source, or YouTube.

Vertical container – Determines the position of the child components so that you never have to set X, Y for a component inside the container.

3D object - Rotate and zoom into the model with simple gestures in 3D.

View in MR - See how a particular item might fit within a specified space in mixed reality.

View shape in MR - See if a simple cube might fit within a specified space in mixed reality.

Web barcode scanner (experimental) – The legacy barcode scanner, which is obsolete but might be useful for scanning codes in a web browser.

Common properties by category

Color and border – Configure the color and border of a control that can change as a user interacts with it.

Core – Configure whether the user can see and interact with a control.

Image – Configure what image is shown and how it fills the control.

Size and location – Configure how big a control (or an element of a control) is and where it is in relation to the screen it's on.

Text – Configure how text appears in controls, such as font characteristics, alignment, line height.

All properties


AccesibleLabel – Reference information about properties related to accessibility in Power Apps.

ActualZoom – The actual zoom of the control, which may differ from the zoom requested with the Zoom property. Applies to the PDF viewer control.

Align – The location of text in relation to the horizontal center of its control. Applies to many controls.

AllItems – All items in a gallery, including additional control values that are a part of the gallery's template. Applies to the Gallery control.

AutoDisableOnSelect – Automatically disables the control while the OnSelect behavior is executing. Applies to Button and Image controls.

AutoHeight – Whether a label automatically increases its height if its Text property contains more characters than the control can show. Applies to the Label control.

AutoPause – Whether an audio or video clip automatically pauses if the user navigates to a different screen. Applies to Audio, Timer, and Video controls.

AutoStart – Whether an audio or video control automatically starts to play a clip when the user navigates to the screen that contains that control. Applies to Audio, Timer, and Video controls.


BackgroundImage – The name of an image file that appears in the background of a screen. Applies to the Screen control.

BorderColor – The color of a control's border. Applies to many controls.

BorderStyle – Whether a control's border is Solid, Dashed, Dotted, or None. Applies to many controls.

BorderThickness – The thickness of a control's border. Applies to many controls.

Brightness – How much light the user is likely to perceive in an image. Applies to the Camera control.


CalculateOriginalDimensions – Enables the OriginalHeight and OriginalWidth properties. Applies to the Image control.

Camera – On a device that has more than one camera, the numeric ID of the camera that the app uses. Applies to the Camera control.

CheckboxBackgroundFill – The background color of the box that surrounds the checkmark in a checkbox control. Applies to the Check box control.

CheckboxBorderColor – The color of the border that surrounds the checkmark in a checkbox control. Applies to the Check box control.

CheckboxSize – The width and height of the box that surrounds the checkmark in a checkbox control. Applies to the Check box control.

CheckmarkFill – The color of the checkmark in a checkbox control. Applies to the Check box control.

ChevronBackground – The color behind the down arrow in a dropdown list. Applies to the Drop down control.

ChevronFill – The color of the down arrow in a dropdown list. Applies to the Drop down control.

Clear – Whether a text-input control shows an "X" that the user can tap or click to clear the contents of that control. Applies to the Text input control.

Color – The color of text in a control. Applies to many controls.

ContentLanguage – The language of the control's content, if different from the control's container.

Contrast – How easily the user can distinguish between similar colors in an image. Applies to the Camera control.

CurrentFindText – The current search term that is in use. Applies to the PDF viewer control.

CurrentPage – The number of the page in a PDF file that is actually being shown. Applies to the PDF viewer control.


Data – The name of a collection that you want to export to a local file. Applies to the Export control.

DataField – The name of the field within a record that this card displays and edits. Applies to the Card control.

DataSource – The data source that contains the record that the user will show, edit, or create. Applies to Display form and Edit form controls.

Default – The initial value of a control before it is changed by the user. Applies to many controls.

DefaultDate – The initial value of a date control before it is changed by the user. Applies to the Date Picker control.

DefaultMode – The initial mode of a form control, either Edit, New, or View. Applies to the Edit form control.

DelayOutput – When set to true, user input is registered after half a second delay. Useful for delaying expensive operations until user completes inputting text (i.e. for filtering when input is used in other formulas). Applies to the Text input control.

Direction – Whether the first item in a gallery in landscape orientation appears near the left or right edge. Applies to the Gallery control.

Disabled – Whether the user can interact with the control. Applies to many controls.

DisabledBorderColor – The color of a control's border if the control's Disabled property is set to true. Applies to many controls.

DisabledColor – The color of text in a control if its Disabled property is set to true. Applies to many controls.

DisabledFill – The background color of a control if its Disabled property is set to true. Applies to many controls.

DisplayName – The user friendly name for a field in a data source. Applies to the Card control.

DisplayMode – Values can be Edit, View, or Disabled. Configures whether the control allows user input (Edit), only displays data (View) or is disabled (Disabled).

Document – The URL, enclosed in double-quotation marks, of a PDF file. Applies to the PDF viewer control.

Drop shadow - Adds shadow effects around the control. Applies to the Horizontal container and Vertical container control.

- Duration – How long a timer runs. Applies to the Timer control.


EnableSpellCheck – Whether a Text input control should use the browser spell check function. Power Apps for Windows doesn't support this property.

EndYear – The latest year to which the user can set value of a date-picker control. Applies to the Date Picker control.

Error – The meaning of this property is dependent on the control:

  • Add picture control - If there is a problem uploading an image, this property will contain an appropriate error string.
  • Card control – The user friendly error message to display for this field when validation fails.
  • Edit form control – A user friendly error message to display for this form when the SubmitForm function fails.

ErrorKind – If an error occurs when SubmitForm runs, the kind of error that occurred. Applies to Display form and Edit form controls.

Explode – The distance between wedges in a pie chart. Applies to the Pie chart control.


Fill – The background color of a control. Applies to many controls.

FindNext – Finds the next instance of FindText in the document. Applies to the PDF viewer control.

FindPrevious – Finds the previous instance of FindText in the document. Applies to the PDF viewer control.

FindText – The search term to look for in the document. Applies to the PDF viewer control.

FocusedBorderColor – The color of a control's border when the control is focused.

FocusedBorderThickness – The thickness of a control's border when the control is focused.

Font – The name of the family of fonts in which text appears. Applies to many controls.

FontWeight – The weight of the text in a control: Bold, Semibold, Normal, or Lighter. Applies to many controls.


GridStyle – Whether a column or line chart shows its x-axis, its y-axis, both, or neither. Applies to Column chart and Line chart controls.


HandleActiveFill – The color of the handle for a slider as the user changes its value. Applies to the Slider control.

HandleFill – The color of the handle (the element that changes position) in a toggle or slider control. Applies to the Slider control.

HandleHoverFill – The color of the handle in a slider when the user keeps the mouse pointer on it. Applies to the Slider control.

Height – The distance between a control's top and bottom edges. Applies to many controls.

HintText – Light-grey text that appears in a text-input control if it's blank. Applies to the Text input control.

HoverBorderColor – The color of a control's border when the user keeps the mouse pointer on that control. Applies to many controls.

HoverColor – The color of the text in a control when the user keeps the mouse pointer on it. Applies to many controls.

HoverFill – The background color of a control when the user keeps the mouse pointer on it. Applies to many controls.

HTMLText – Text that appears in an HTML text control and that may contain HTML tags. Applies to the HTML text control.


Image – The name of the image that appears in an image, audio, or microphone control. Applies to Audio, Image, Microphone, and Video controls.

ImagePosition – The position (Fill, Fit, Stretch, Tile, or Center) of an image in a screen or a control if it isn't the same size as the image. Applies to many controls.

Input – Input. Applies to the Pen input control.

Italic – Whether the text in a control is italic. Applies to many controls.

Item – The record in the DataSource that the user will show or edit. Applies to Display form and Edit form controls.

ItemBorderColor – The color of the border around each wedge in a pie chart. Applies to the Pie chart control.

ItemBorderThickness – The thickness of the border around each wedge in a pie chart. Applies to the Pie chart control.

ItemColorSet – The color of each data point in a chart. Applies to Column chart, Line chart, and Pie chart controls.

ItemPaddingLeft – The distance between text in a listbox and its left edge. Applies to the List Box control.

Items – The source of data that appears in a control such as a gallery, a list, or a chart. Applies to many controls.

ItemsGap – The distance between columns in a column chart. Applies to the Column chart control.


LabelPosition – The location of labels in a pie chart relative to its wedges. Applies to the Pie chart control.

LastSubmit – The last successfully submitted record, including any server generated fields. Applies to the Edit form control.

Layout – Whether the user scrolls through a gallery or adjusts a slider top to bottom (Vertical) or left to right (Horizontal). Applies to Gallery and Slider controls.

LineHeight – The distance between, for example, lines of text or items in a list. Applies to List Box, Radio, Label, and Text input controls.

Loop – Whether an audio or video clip automatically starts over as soon as it finishes playing. Applies to Audio and Video controls.


Markers – Whether a column or line chart shows the value of each data point. Applies to Column chart and Line chart controls.

MarkerSuffix – Text that appears after each value in a column chart for which the Markers property is set to true. Applies to the Column chart control.

Max – The maximum value to which the user can set a slider or a rating. Applies to Rating and Slider controls.

MaxLength – The number of characters that the user can type into a text-input control. Applies to the Text input control.

Media – An identifier for the clip that an audio or video control plays. Applies to Add picture, Audio, and Video controls.

Mic – On a device that has more than one microphone, the numeric ID of the microphone that the app uses. Applies to the Microphone control.

Min – The minimum value to which the user can set a slider. Applies to the Slider control.

MinimumBarWidth – The narrowest possible width of columns in a column chart. Applies to the Column chart control.

Mode – The meaning of this property is dependent on the control:

  • Edit form control – The control is in Edit or New mode.
  • Pen input control – The control is in Draw, Erase, or Select mode.
  • Text input control – The control is in SingleLine, MultiLine, or Password mode.


NavigationStep – How far a gallery scrolls if its ShowNavigation property is set to true and the user selects a navigation arrow at either end of that gallery. Applies to the Gallery control.

NumberOfSeries – How many columns of data are reflected in a column or line chart. Applies to Column chart and Line chart controls.


OnChange – The behavior of an app when the user changes the value of a control (for example, by adjusting a slider). Applies to many controls.

OnCheck – The behavior of an app when the value of a checkbox or a toggle changes to true. Applies to Check box and Toggle controls.

OnEnd – The behavior of an app when an audio or video clip finishes playing. Applies to Audio and Video controls.

OnFailure – The behavior of an app when a data operation has been unsuccessful. Applies to the Edit form control.

OnHidden – The behavior of an app when the user navigates away from a screen. Applies to the Screen control.

OnPause – The behavior of an app when the user pauses the clip that an audio or video control is playing. Applies to Audio and Video controls.

OnReset – The behavior of an app when an Edit form control is reset. Applies to the Edit form control.

OnSelect – The behavior of an app when the user taps or clicks a control. Applies to many controls.

OnStart – The behavior of an app when the user opens it or starts to record with a microphone control. Applies to Audio, Microphone, Screen, and Video controls.

OnStateChange – The behavior of an app when the state of the control changes. Applies to the PDF viewer control.

OnStop – The behavior of an app when the user stops recording with a microphone control. Applies to the Microphone control.

OnStream – The behavior of an app when the Stream property is updated. Applies to the Camera control.

OnSuccess – The behavior of an app when a data operation has been successful. Applies to the Edit form control.

OnTimerEnd – The behavior of an app when a timer finishes running. Applies to the Timer control.

OnTimerStart – The behavior of an app when a timer starts to run. Applies to the Timer control.

OnUncheck – The behavior of an app when the value of a checkbox or a toggle changes to false. Applies to Check box and Toggle controls.

OnVisible – The behavior of an app the user navigates to a screen. Applies to the Screen control.

OriginalHeight – Original height of an image, enabled with the CalculateOriginalDimensions property. Applies to the Image control.

OriginalWidth – Original width of an image, enabled with the CalculateOriginalDimensions property. Applies to the Image control.

Overflow – Whether a scrollbar appears in a label if its Wrap property is set to true and the value of the control's Text property contains more characters than the control can show at one time. Applies to the Label control.


Padding – The distance between the text on an import or export button and the edges of that button. Applies to Add picture, Export, and Import controls.

PaddingBottom – The distance between text in a control and the bottom edge of that control. Applies to many controls.

PaddingLeft – The distance between text in a control and the left edge of that control. Applies to many controls.

PaddingRight – The distance between text in a control and the right edge of that control. Applies to many controls.

PaddingTop – The distance between text in a control and the top edge of that control. Applies to many controls.

Page – The number of the page that you want to show. Applies to the PDF viewer control.

PageCount – The number of pages in a document. Applies to the PDF viewer control.

PausedTrue if a media playback control is currently paused, false otherwise. Applies to Audio and Video controls.

Photo – The image captured when the user takes a picture. Applies to the Camera control.

PressedTrue while a control is being pressed, false otherwise. Applies to the Button control.

PressedBorderColor – The color of a control's border when the user taps or clicks that control. Applies to many controls.

PressedColor – The color of text in a control when the user taps or clicks that control. Applies to many controls.

PressedFill – The background color of a control when the user taps or clicks that control. Applies to many controls.


RadioBackgroundFill – The background color of the circles in a radio-button control. Applies to the Radio control.

RadioBorderColor – The color of the circle for each option in a radio-button control. Applies to the Radio control.

RadioSelectionFill – The color that appears inside the circle of the selected option in a radio-button control. Applies to the Radio control.

RadioSize – The diameter of the circles in a radio-button control. Applies to the Radio control.

RadiusBottomLeft – The degree to which the bottom-left corner of a control is rounded. Applies to many controls.

RadiusBottomRight – The degree to which the bottom-right corner of a control is rounded. Applies to many controls.

RadiusTopLeft – The degree to which the top-left corner of a control is rounded. Applies to many controls.

RadiusTopRight – The degree to which the top-right corner of a control is rounded. Applies to many controls.

RailFill – The background color of the rectangle in a toggle control when its value is false or the color of the line to the right of the handle in a slider control. Applies to Slider and Toggle controls.

RailHoverFill – When you hover on a toggle control or a slider, the background color of the rectangle in a toggle control when its value is false or the color of the line to the right of the handle in a slider control. Applies to Slider and Toggle controls.

RatingFill – The color of the stars in a rating control. Applies to the Rating control.

ReadOnly – Whether a user can change the value of a slider or rating control. Applies to Rating and Slider controls.

Repeat – Whether a timer automatically restarts when it finishes running. Applies to the Timer control.

Required – Whether a card, editing the field of a data source, must contain a value. Applies to the Card control.

Reset – Whether a control reverts to its default value. Applies to many controls. Also see the Reset function.


Selected – The selected item. Applies to Drop down and Gallery controls.

SelectedDate – The date currently selected in a date control. Applies to the Date Picker control.

SelectionColor – The text color of a selected item or items in a list or the color of the selection tool in a pen control. Applies to Drop down, List Box, and Pen input controls.

SelectionFill – The background color of a selected item or items in a list or a selected area of a pen control. Applies to Drop down and List Box controls.

SelectionThickness – The thickness of the selection tool for a pen-input control. Applies to the Pen input control.

SelectMultiple – Whether a user can select more than one item in a listbox. Applies to the List Box control.

SeriesAxisMax – The maximum value of the y-axis for a column or line chart. Applies to the Column chart control.

SeriesAxisMin – A number that determines the minimum value of the y-axis for a column chart. Applies to the Column chart control.

ShowControls – Whether an audio or video player shows, for example, a play button and a volume slider, and a pen control shows, for example, icons for drawing, erasing, and clearing. Applies to Audio, PDF viewer, Pen input, and Video controls.

ShowLabels – Whether a pie chart shows the value that's associated with each of its wedges. Applies to the Pie chart control.

ShowNavigation – Whether an arrow appears at each end of a gallery so that a user can scroll through the items in the gallery by clicking or tapping an arrow. Applies to the Gallery control.

ShowScrollbar – Whether a scrollbar appears when the user hovers over a gallery. Applies to the Gallery control.

ShowValue – Whether a slider's or rating's value appears as the user changes that value or hovers over the control. Applies to Rating and Slider controls.

Size – The font size of the text that appears on a control. Applies to many controls.

Snap – Whether, when a user scrolls through a gallery, it automatically snaps so that the next item appears in full. Applies to the Gallery control.

Start – Whether an audio or video clip plays. Applies to Audio, Timer, and Video controls.

StartTime – The time after the start of an audio or video clip when the clip starts to play. Applies to Audio and Video controls.

StartYear – The earliest year to which the user can set the value of a date-picker control. Applies to the Date Picker control.

Stream – Automatically updated image based on the StreamRate property. Applies to the Camera control.

StreamRate – How often to update the image on the Stream property, in milliseconds. This value can range from 100 (1/10th of a second) to 3,600,000 (1 hour). Applies to the Camera control.

Strikethrough – Whether a line appears through the text that appears on a control. Applies to many controls.


TemplateFill – The background color of a gallery. Applies to the Gallery control.

TemplatePadding – The distance between items in a gallery. Applies to the Gallery control.

TemplateSize – The height of the template for a gallery in vertical/portrait orientation or the width of the template for a gallery in horizontal/landscape orientation. Applies to the Gallery control.

Text – Text that appears on a control or that the user types into a control. Applies to many controls.

Time – A media control's current position. Applies to Audio and Video controls.

Tooltip – Explanatory text that appears when the user hovers over a control. Applies to many controls.

Transition – The visual effect (Pop, Push, or None) when the user hovers over an item in a gallery. Applies to the Gallery control.

Transparency – The degree to which controls behind an image remain visible. Applies to the Image control. Decimal values range from 0 to 1. Where 0 is opaque, 0.5 is semi-transparent and 1 is transparent.


Underline – Whether a line appears under the text that appears on a control. Applies to many controls.

Unsaved – True if the Edit form control contains user changes that have not been saved. Applies to the Edit form control.

Update – The value to write back to the data source for a field. Applies to the Card control.

Updates – The values to write back to the data source for a record loaded in a form control. Applies to the Edit form control.


Valid – Whether a Card or Edit form control contains valid entries, ready to be submitted to the data source. Applies to Card and Edit form controls.

Value – The value of an input control. Applies to Check box, Radio, Slider, and Toggle controls.

ValueFill – The background color of the rectangle in a toggle control when its value is true or the color of the line to the left of the handle in a slider control. Applies to Slider and Toggle controls.

ValueHoverFill – When you keep the mouse pointer on a toggle control or a slider, the background color of the rectangle in a toggle control when its value is true or the color of the line to the left of the handle in a slider control. Applies to Slider and Toggle controls.

VerticalAlign – The location of text on a control in relation to the vertical center of that control. Applies to many controls.

Visible – Whether a control appears or is hidden. Applies to many controls.


Width – The distance between a control's left and right edges. Applies to many controls.

WidthFit – Whether a control automatically grows horizontally to fill any empty space of a container control such as an Edit form control. If multiple cards have this property set to true, the space is divided between them. For more information, see Understand data form layout.

Wrap – Whether text that's too long to fit in a label wraps to the next line. Applies to the Label control.

WrapCount – How many records appear in each item of a gallery. Applies to the Gallery control.


X – The distance between the left edge of a control and the left edge of its parent container (screen if no parent container). Applies to many controls. For a Card control in a container that has multiple columns, this property determines the column in which the card appears.

XLabelAngle – The angle of the labels below the x-axis of a column or line chart. Applies to Column chart and Line chart controls.


Y – The distance between the top edge of a control and the top edge of the parent container (screen if no parent container). Applies to many controls. For a Card control in a container that has multiple rows, this property determines the row in which the card appears.

YAxisMax – The maximum value of the y-axis for a line chart. Applies to the Line chart control.

YAxisMin – The minimum value of the y-axis for a line chart. Applies to the Line chart control.

YLabelAngle – The angle of the labels next to the y-axis of a line or column chart. Applies to Column chart and Line chart controls.


Zoom – The percentage by which an image from a camera is magnified or the view of a file in a PDF viewer. Applies to Camera and PDF viewer controls.

See also

Limitations of controls in Power Apps