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Card control in Power Apps

Provides the display and editing experience for a single field of a Display form or Edit form control.


Display form and Edit form controls act as containers for displaying and viewing entire records. Each container can hold a set of Card controls that display individual fields or provide a way to update those fields. Each card has a DataField property that specifies which field of the record it works on.

Predefined cards are defined for different data types and user experiences. For example, there may be a card to edit a number field with a Text input control, which is great for use with the keyboard. Another card might support editing a number by using a Slider control instead. With the form control selected, you can, in the right-hand pane, easily select a card based on a field.

Cards themselves contain controls. The controls of a card make up the experience for displaying and editing a single field. For example, a number card may consist of a Label control to provide the display name of the field and a Text input control to provide an editor for the value of the field. The card may also have a Label control that shows any validation errors that occur and a Label control for the common asterisk to indicate that a field is required.

You can customize the controls of a predefined card by resizing it, moving it, hiding it, adding controls to it, and making other changes. You can also start with an entirely blank card, a "custom card", to which you add controls from scratch.

Predefined cards are locked by default. In a locked card, you can modify only certain properties of the card or the controls within the card, and you can't delete a locked card. You can show the card lock and unlock it on the View tab of the Advanced view. If a property is locked and can't be modified, it appears with a lock icon next to its name. Unlocking a card is an advanced activity and should be done with care, because automatic formula generation will no longer occur for the card, and you can't relock a card.

Within the form's container, the ThisItem record is available and contains all the fields of the record. For example, the card's Default property is often set to ThisItem.FieldName.

You can use the Parent reference to configure a control to reference the properties of a card. For example, a control should use Parent.Default to read the initial state of the field from the data source. By using Parent instead of directly accessing the information that you want, the card is better encapsulated, and you can change it to a different field without breaking internal formulas.

See Understand data cards for examples of how to customize, unlock, and create cards.

Key properties

DataField – The name of the field within a record that this card displays and edits.

  • Specify the name as a single static string that's enclosed in double quotation marks (for example, "Name"), not a formula.
  • Unbind a card by setting its DataField property blank. The Valid and Update properties are ignored for unbound cards.

Default – The initial value of a control before it is changed by the user.

  • For each control in a card, set this property to Parent.Default to refer to the default value of the field according to the data source. For example, set a slider's Default property to Parent.Default to ensure that the user starts with a generic value for that slider.

DisplayMode – Values can be Edit, View, or Disabled. Configures whether the control inside the card allows user input (Edit), only displays data (View) or is disabled (Disabled).

  • Allows a single card to be used in both edit and view forms, by configuring this property, which is tied to the Form's behavior by default.
  • In View mode, child controls such as Text input, Drop down, Date Picker will only display the text value and will not render any interactive elements or decorations.

DisplayName – The user friendly name for a field in a data source.

  • The DataSourceInfo function provides this metadata from the data source.
  • Controls within the card should use Parent.DisplayName to refer to the name of the field.

Error – The user friendly error message to display for this field when validation fails.

  • This property is set when SubmitForm is called.
  • The message describes validation problems based on the data source's metadata and checking the card's Required property.

Required – Whether a card, editing the field of a data source, must contain a value.

  • The DataSourceInfo function provides the required metadata from the data source.
  • Controls within the card should use Parent.Required to determine whether that card's field is required.

Update – The value to write back to the data source for a field.

  • Use this property's formula to pull the values from the edit controls of the card in order to write back to the data source. For example, set a card's Update property to Slider.Value to update the data source with a value from the slider in that card.

Width – The distance between a control's left and right edges.

WidthFit – Whether a control automatically grows horizontally to fill any empty space in a container control such as an Edit form control. If multiple cards have this property set to true, the space is divided between them. For more information, see Understand data form layout.

Additional properties

BorderColor – The color of a control's border.

BorderStyle – Whether a control's border is Solid, Dashed, Dotted, or None.

BorderThickness – The thickness of a control's border.

Fill – The background color of a control.

Height – The distance between a control's top and bottom edges.

Valid – Whether a Card or Edit form control contains valid entries, ready to be submitted to the data source.

Visible – Whether a control appears or is hidden.

X – The distance between the left edge of a control and the left edge of its parent container (screen if no parent container). For a Card control in a container that has multiple columns, this property determines the column in which the card appears.

Y – The distance between the top edge of a control and the top edge of the parent container (screen if no parent container). For a Card control in a container that has multiple rows, this property determines the row in which the card appears.


See Understand data cards and Understand data form layout for examples.

Accessibility guidelines

Color contrast

There must be adequate color contrast between:

  • Fill and any child controls. For example, if a card contains a Label and the label has transparent fill, then the card's Fill effectively becomes the background color for the label. Thus, there should be adequate contrast between the card's Fill and the label's Color.

Screen reader support

  • DisplayName must be present.