
Sara Ford's Weblog

My adventures embracing open source on CodePlex and at Microsoft

Signing off from Waveland Cafe - Day 8

Hey all, I’m going to officially sign off now – So many people i need to say goodbye to today. ...

Author: saraford Date: 10/20/2005

Blogging from Katrina Ground Zero: Waveland, MS – Day 6

(written at 9pm CST on Tuesday 10/18/2005) This morning, we officially donated the Chevy Blazer to...

Author: saraford Date: 10/20/2005

Blogging from Katrina Ground Zero: Waveland, MS – Day 5

(written at 9:30pm CST on Monday 10/17/2005) People have been asking me a lot lately, "how have...

Author: saraford Date: 10/18/2005

Blogging from Katrina Ground Zero: Waveland, MS – Day 4

(written at 11pm CST on Sunday 10/16/2005) “Camille killed more people during this Katrina than in...

Author: saraford Date: 10/17/2005

Blogging from Katrina Ground Zero: Waveland, MS – Day 3

(written at 11pm CST on Saturday 10/15/2005) And today was even better.  It’s starting to...

Author: saraford Date: 10/16/2005

Blogging from Katrina Ground Zero: Waveland, MS – Day 2

(written at 10pm CST on Friday 10/14/2005) Today was a much better day for me emotionally.  I...

Author: saraford Date: 10/15/2005

Blogging from Katrina Ground Zero: Waveland, MS – Day 1

(written at 9pm CST on Thursday 10/13/2005) My God, this is what an apocalypse looks like. We left...

Author: saraford Date: 10/15/2005

Adding Solutions to Solutions

If you ever need to combine solutions, here’s how to do it… 1. Open your main solution (the solution...

Author: saraford Date: 10/11/2005

Waveland - here we come

The Save Waveland drive was a huge success.  We collected approx 800 dollars just by giving out...

Author: saraford Date: 10/09/2005

Chetan's VS Automation Object Model blog is live

I want to give a shot-out to Chetan's blog. He owns our Automation Object Model (aka DTE) for Visual...

Author: saraford Date: 10/07/2005

My Parents' (Jane and Louie Smolensky) Interview with NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams

Full story plus video can be found at https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9591977/ My thoughts: When Brian...

Author: saraford Date: 10/05/2005

Havre, Montana wants to help any displaced families relocate to their town

Updated 10/20/2005: The sender has asked me to pull this information, as they've taken in as many...

Author: saraford Date: 10/05/2005

NBC Nightly News Live from Mississippi Gulf Coast tonight - please watch!

Tonight (Tuesday, Oct 4th), NBC Nightly News will be going live from the Mississippi Gulf...

Author: saraford Date: 10/04/2005

Another Waveland resident puts up a webpage with photos

One of my neighbors from down the street in Waveland has put up a website with more photos. Check it...

Author: saraford Date: 10/04/2005

How to hide numerous projects in the solution explorer using solution folder hiding

In Visual Studio 2005, solution folders improve the manageability of solutions that contain a large...

Author: saraford Date: 10/04/2005

Save Waveland, MS annihilated by Katrina! I’m driving home with supplies. See how you can help. And, if you have not made contact with family or close friends, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

For the latest information on how you can donate directly to waveland, please visit my official Save...

Author: saraford Date: 10/01/2005

CNN's Anderson Cooper returns to Waveland, MS 30 days after Katrina Video


Author: saraford Date: 09/30/2005

My parents (the Katrina survivors) came to visit last week and more news from Waveland, MS

Several months ago, my parents booked a vacation through Expedia to come up and visit. ...

Author: saraford Date: 09/29/2005

But Sensei, the dog ate my karate exam results

Coming home today to see my karate exam results in 3 dozen pieces gave a whole new meaning to “the...

Author: saraford Date: 09/29/2005

How to change the font and font size for Intellisense: Statement Completion, Parameter Info, and Quick Tips

Visual Studio 2005 now has the option to change the font and font size for Intellisense. To change...

Author: saraford Date: 09/28/2005

Passed my PreShodan exam... now off to the final black belt test

I think they were just being nice to me and passed me.  =)  The results weren’t nearly as...

Author: saraford Date: 09/28/2005

See you at the MVP Summit

Drop me a line if you want to meet during the MVP Summit. I will be attended the Thursday evening...

Author: saraford Date: 09/21/2005

NPR Segment on the Waveland Drug Store destroyed by Katrina

This segment comes from the Waveland Drug Store, about 0.25 miles away from my parents’ house. ...

Author: saraford Date: 09/21/2005

PDC Trip Report

Highlights Customers absolutely love Whidbey and PDC.  Customer quote from the PDC Underground...

Author: saraford Date: 09/21/2005

The very latest from Waveland, MS (Hurricane Katrina stuff)

There’s apparently some sort of lawsuit going on between the state of Mississippi and the insurance...

Author: saraford Date: 09/21/2005

How to customize your MSBuild project file manually

To hand-modify your managed project file, right click on the project, choose Unload, right click...

Author: saraford Date: 09/20/2005

Waveland, MS makes USA Today front page, and photos available on website

Just had an attendee from PDC today tell me that Waveland made the front page.  I haven’t had a...

Author: saraford Date: 09/15/2005

Lunch at PDC anyone?

I’m free for lunch for the rest of the week.  Anyone want to join me?  My goal is to each...

Author: saraford Date: 09/14/2005

Where To Find Me at PDC

Despite all of the hurricane chaos, i’m here at PDC.  Here’s where you can find me. Tuesday...

Author: saraford Date: 09/13/2005

American Public Media Marketplace segment on Waveland Resort Inn (Coast Inn and Suites)

For those of you who were in Waveland prior to the casinos, this American Public Media segment was...

Author: saraford Date: 09/07/2005

Where can i donate to the reconstruction of Waveland, MS?

Update 10/30/2005: The answer to my own question: Save Waveland!! Maybe it is way too early to be...

Author: saraford Date: 09/07/2005

Type-Ahead Selection works in Solution Explorer

If you’re working in a large solution or a project that contains numerous files, one quick way to...

Author: saraford Date: 09/07/2005

The Miniature Horses from Waveland have been rescued

Over the weekend, i was able to help route the American Miniature Horse Association to the...

Author: saraford Date: 09/06/2005

And Yet Another Story about Waveland on NPR

https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4832344 Traveling with a Rescue team in...

Author: saraford Date: 09/06/2005

https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4830495 If you see anything on Waveland or Bay...

Author: saraford Date: 09/05/2005

CNN Video of Waveland - Note how the beach looks

Save Waveland - Click here to learn how I can't place where they are standing. Must be somewhere...

Author: saraford Date: 09/04/2005

Hancock County Emergency Services in West Virginia needs help contacting Hancock County, MS

Posted with permission from sender… Hey Sara,      I am a Captain with Hancock...

Author: saraford Date: 09/04/2005

Yes, I am Sara Smolensky (hurricane katrina info)

Updated 10/5/2005: If you are looking for the NBC Nightly News segment, you can find out more about...

Author: saraford Date: 09/04/2005

Today, I’m helping to save miniature horses that survived the hurricane

Update: 5:21pm – A miniature horse agency (sorry, don’t know which one) is going down there...

Author: saraford Date: 09/02/2005

Waveland makes CNN

https://www.cnn.com/2005/WEATHER/09/01/obliterated.town.ap/index.html www.wlbt.com has videos of...

Author: saraford Date: 09/01/2005

Feedback requested for Visual Studio File Tab Channel Design for Orcas

Jonathan, a PM intern on my team VSCore, is requesting feedback on his Visual Studio File Tabs...

Author: saraford Date: 09/01/2005

Please check out these Katrina Survivor sites, as this blog was never intended to be a survivor-list site

GulfCoastNew.com has a Katrina Survivor-Connector List at the following mirror sites...

Author: saraford Date: 09/01/2005

My family made it through the hurricane in Waveland, MS

I just got confirmation tonight that my family in Waveland, MS (my hometown) survived the direct hit...

Author: saraford Date: 08/31/2005

Hurricane Katrina East-Eye Wall strikes my hometown of Waveland, MS

Update 3: 9/3/2005:  For every 1 comment left on my blog, i’m getting 5 emails via “contact...

Author: saraford Date: 08/30/2005

Use Ctrl+Alt+DownArrow to quickly access all your open files

Today’s tip comes from “some cool dev” who wrote the new Window Management features for Visual...

Author: saraford Date: 08/26/2005

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