

Backstage @ Robotics

Just some interesting stuff from my tour in Microsoft.

Rob's been doing great stuff before he started working for our team and now he's started to put...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/13/2007

For those of you who are going / following the progress of MEDC 2007, they've just recently...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/13/2007

Rabi's been busy over at his blog and has published a few more posts about enabling "shell" mode or...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/12/2007

Yes you can now run them as servers :) Richard Jones (UK Developer of the Year) has posted a 3-part...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/12/2007

Are you going to TechEd 2007? If not, WHY NOT?!? TechEd is the definitive event for IT Professionals...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/12/2007

Here's a handy reference guide that illustrates the new features of Windows Mobile 6 as well as the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/11/2007

It's funny how certain things come together in the right time. Derek, James, Mike, Rob and I were...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/11/2007

Can't believe it. It's already 3 weeks to MEDC 2007 and it felt like it was just last week that we...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/09/2007

For those of you who are still living in a cave and don't know already, MEDC 2007 is happening on...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/05/2007

April 2, 2007 marked the date when Steve Jobs and Eric Nicoli of EMI announced that EMI will release...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/03/2007

Checkout this cool video put together by the MED Team in Singapore where they show off a few of the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/01/2007

I wish I would have come across this tool earlier, it would have been a great tool for the numerous...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/30/2007

Rob Tiffany, our Enterprise Mobile Architect has just started work on building an amazing exhibit...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/30/2007

UPDATE Unfortunately, the limit for test accounts has been reached. The guys are LiveLabs just...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/29/2007

Was at the MTS event with Clark Butler (a Strategist in my group) at the Microsoft Convention Center...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/29/2007

Just got an internal mail from the developer product team here at Windows Mobile looking to hire...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/28/2007

As reported in TechCrunch, ZenZui just launched and is aimed at providing a more prominent way of...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/27/2007

You guys know the Mobile and Embedded Developers Conference 2007 is coming soon, and at this event,...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/25/2007

I just read the specs carefully for the HTC Kaiser device, and it just occurred to me that there...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/25/2007

Speed painting videos are coming very popular on Youtube with such talent as Macpulenta with his...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/24/2007

That's a MFAQ, the "Most Frequently Asked Question" that we get these days. Gerardo Dada from our...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/23/2007

Checkout this humongous Wimo that "The Efficient Coder" built following Brian's lead. He used a...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/21/2007

Judy Breck who runs Golden Swamp (a blog about Mobile learning) has taken over the reins of the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/21/2007

Nice :) Gizmodo just posted some images from https://www.mml.com.tw of the HTC Kaiser. I was right,...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/21/2007

Was reading an excellent article on Open Gardens about Mobile Penpals by Stanford's RDVP program and...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/20/2007

All the applications I've built in the past are automatically certified now that there is a new...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/20/2007

"Resistance is futile. We are the Borg. We will add your cultural and technological distinctiveness...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/20/2007

Justin Emch and John Albertson are the ones responsible for setting up and maintaining our Mobile IT...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/19/2007

Checkout Jeff's multi-touch large screen demo showed at TED 2007. He has a new company called...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/19/2007

Taken today on March 17th 2007: 6 months ago: I'm very happy. :)

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/18/2007

Here's a quick guide and table that a colleague of ours, Deepak built. It clarifies the difference...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/16/2007

How nice of Azali and Sin Min to visit me today in my office. They're here for the MVP Summit and...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/16/2007

You have few decent comments and a ton of comment spam. You have people linking to your posts -...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/15/2007

It's amazing that I didn't spot this earlier on. This series of viral videos was launched last year...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/14/2007

As reported at Techcrunch and Microsoft's PressPass today. Microsoft is acquiring Tellme Networks...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/14/2007

Anglia Business Solutions, one of our mobility partners in the UK completed a project with G's Fresh...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/13/2007

Three new downloads have been added to MSDN recently, check them out here: eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/13/2007

No, it's not the Magic Big Two (Cho Dai Dee) card game played by millions of Asians around the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/13/2007

Ahh I'm so late with this news but I'll have to anyway, it's a great release. Jim Wilson has a...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/12/2007

Brian Cross, father of the WimoBots just told me that Wimo has been accepted and invited to Maker's...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/10/2007

So after installing Newsbreak 2.0 from Iliumsoft and finally being able to subscribe to all my...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/09/2007

Someone asked me today what is the best reporting / charting controls that are available for Windows...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/09/2007

Derek Snyder is this year's MEDC 2007 Content Lead blogging at https://www.mogadget.com and he's a...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/08/2007

This year, Microsoft decided to open up this internal only event to close partners and community...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/08/2007

Newsbreak, my "mostest-favoritest" RSS reader has been upgraded to v2.0. New and improved with fancy...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/07/2007

(picture from PDADB.net) Take a look at this pic. This is the new HTC Kaiser, an improved HTC TyTn....

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/07/2007

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