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Backstage @ Robotics

Just some interesting stuff from my tour in Microsoft.

Mobility Infrastructure Optimization by Rob Tiffany

Rob's been doing great stuff before he started working for our team and now he's started to put...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/13/2007

MEDC 2007 RSS Feeds Published

For those of you who are going / following the progress of MEDC 2007, they've just recently...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/13/2007

More Kiosk / Shell mode info

Rabi's been busy over at his blog and has published a few more posts about enabling "shell" mode or...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/12/2007

Dust off those old IPAQs

Yes you can now run them as servers :) Richard Jones (UK Developer of the Year) has posted a 3-part...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/12/2007

Going to make your mark?

Are you going to TechEd 2007? If not, WHY NOT?!? TechEd is the definitive event for IT Professionals...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/12/2007

Windows Mobile 6 Product Reference Guide available

Here's a handy reference guide that illustrates the new features of Windows Mobile 6 as well as the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/11/2007

Powerpoint Hooplapalooza

It's funny how certain things come together in the right time. Derek, James, Mike, Rob and I were...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/11/2007

A Little Teaser

Can't believe it. It's already 3 weeks to MEDC 2007 and it felt like it was just last week that we...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/09/2007

Mike and the Mafia brings you goodies for MEDC

For those of you who are still living in a cave and don't know already, MEDC 2007 is happening on...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/05/2007

Death of DRM?

April 2, 2007 marked the date when Steve Jobs and Eric Nicoli of EMI announced that EMI will release...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/03/2007

Chris Sorensen, APAC's Lord of Devices

Checkout this cool video put together by the MED Team in Singapore where they show off a few of the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 04/01/2007

Presentation tool of the month : ZoomIt

I wish I would have come across this tool earlier, it would have been a great tool for the numerous...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/30/2007

Rob's building something huge for MEDC

Rob Tiffany, our Enterprise Mobile Architect has just started work on building an amazing exhibit...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/30/2007

Deepfish Technology Preview available now

UPDATE Unfortunately, the limit for test accounts has been reached. The guys are LiveLabs just...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/29/2007

Microsoft Technology Summit session done

Was at the MTS event with Clark Butler (a Strategist in my group) at the Microsoft Convention Center...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/29/2007

Windows Mobile SDET Opportunities

Just got an internal mail from the developer product team here at Windows Mobile looking to hire...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/28/2007

ZenZui Launched

As reported in TechCrunch, ZenZui just launched and is aimed at providing a more prominent way of...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/27/2007

Need help with MEDC Project

You guys know the Mobile and Embedded Developers Conference 2007 is coming soon, and at this event,...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/25/2007

HSxPA and the Kaiser

I just read the specs carefully for the HTC Kaiser device, and it just occurred to me that there...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/25/2007

Windows Mobile Speed Painting

Speed painting videos are coming very popular on Youtube with such talent as Macpulenta with his...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/24/2007

How do I get my device upgraded to WM6?

That's a MFAQ, the "Most Frequently Asked Question" that we get these days. Gerardo Dada from our...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/23/2007

Nivek's Tractor Wimo

Checkout this humongous Wimo that "The Efficient Coder" built following Brian's lead. He used a...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/21/2007

Carnival of Mobilist #65

Judy Breck who runs Golden Swamp (a blog about Mobile learning) has taken over the reins of the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/21/2007

New Flipping Kaiser Pics

Nice :) Gizmodo just posted some images from of the HTC Kaiser. I was right,...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/21/2007

Mobile Penpals for Emerging Markets

Was reading an excellent article on Open Gardens about Mobile Penpals by Stanford's RDVP program and...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/20/2007

"Works on my machine" Certification Program

All the applications I've built in the past are automatically certified now that there is a new...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/20/2007


"Resistance is futile. We are the Borg. We will add your cultural and technological distinctiveness...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/20/2007

How Microsoft "does" it, mobile style.

Justin Emch and John Albertson are the ones responsible for setting up and maintaining our Mobile IT...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/19/2007

More Multi-touch from Jeff Han

Checkout Jeff's multi-touch large screen demo showed at TED 2007. He has a new company called...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/19/2007


Taken today on March 17th 2007: 6 months ago: I'm very happy. :)

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/18/2007

WM6? "Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy" Guide

Here's a quick guide and table that a colleague of ours, Deepak built. It clarifies the difference...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/16/2007

MVP Visitors

How nice of Azali and Sin Min to visit me today in my office. They're here for the MVP Summit and...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/16/2007

Top 5 indicators when you know your blog has come of age.

You have few decent comments and a ton of comment spam. You have people linking to your posts -...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/15/2007

Work Wherever

It's amazing that I didn't spot this earlier on. This series of viral videos was launched last year...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/14/2007

Microsoft to acquire Tellme

As reported at Techcrunch and Microsoft's PressPass today. Microsoft is acquiring Tellme Networks...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/14/2007

Case study on UK's G's Fresh Product Online

Anglia Business Solutions, one of our mobility partners in the UK completed a project with G's Fresh...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/13/2007

New Downloads on MSDN 3/12

Three new downloads have been added to MSDN recently, check them out here: eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/13/2007

The Magic Big 2

No, it's not the Magic Big Two (Cho Dai Dee) card game played by millions of Asians around the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/13/2007

.NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 Released

Ahh I'm so late with this news but I'll have to anyway, it's a great release. Jim Wilson has a...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/12/2007

Wimo's gonna be at Maker's Faire.

Brian Cross, father of the WimoBots just told me that Wimo has been accepted and invited to Maker's...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/10/2007

Life with Newsbreak 2.0 after two days

So after installing Newsbreak 2.0 from Iliumsoft and finally being able to subscribe to all my...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/09/2007

Windows Mobile Charting Controls?

Someone asked me today what is the best reporting / charting controls that are available for Windows...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/09/2007

Derek the Dominator

Derek Snyder is this year's MEDC 2007 Content Lead blogging at and he's a...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/08/2007

More from TechFest 2007

This year, Microsoft decided to open up this internal only event to close partners and community...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/08/2007

Newsbreak 2.0

Newsbreak, my "mostest-favoritest" RSS reader has been upgraded to v2.0. New and improved with fancy...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/07/2007

Flippin German Emperor

(picture from Take a look at this pic. This is the new HTC Kaiser, an improved HTC TyTn....

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/07/2007

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