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View Campaign details

The Campaign Details screen shows you settings and essential metrics for a specific campaign, informs you of conditions preventing the campaign from serving, provides visualizations of the campaign's performance and delivery, offers quick access to the campaign's associated creatives, and more.


Automatic archiving of objects: Campaigns that have not served or been edited in more than 180 days and that are not scheduled to serve in the future are automatically archived. If a campaign is in the "archived" state, it cannot spend or be edited. However, it can still be copied, deleted or used in reports (or exported for use in an external reporting tool). In addition, once an object is archived, any child objects it may own (e.g., Insertion Order > Line Item > Campaign) will also be archived and no additional child objects may be created beneath the archived parent object. For details, see Automatic Archiving of Buy-Side Objects.

Getting to the Campaign Details screen

From the Campaigns screen

On the Campaigns screen, hover over the row of the campaign for which you want to view details. Click the graph button that appears.

From the Line Item Details screen

From the Line Item Details screen, expand the Campaigns section to view the list of campaigns under that line item. Hover over the row of the campaign for which you want to view details. Click the graph button that appears.

Viewing Status, State, and Flight Dates

The At-a-Glance section shows you the campaign's status, state, and flight start and end dates. Note that State tells you whether the campaign is active or inactive, whereas Status tells you whether the campaign is eligible or ineligible to serve based on state and additional conditions.

  • Play - The "play" icon indicates that the campaign is eligible to serve.
  • Paused - The "paused" icon indicates that the campaign is ineligible to serve due to conditions that are likely intentional and user-driven. When a campaign shows this status, hover over the icon to see exactly what conditions are preventing it from serving. The following conditions can provoke this status:
    • State is set to inactive.
    • Flight start is in the future.
    • Flight end is in the past.
    • Lifetime impression budget has been met.
    • Lifetime cost budget has been met.
    • Daily impression budget has been met.
    • Daily cost budget has been met.


The "warning" icon indicates that the campaign is ineligible to serve due to conditions are are likely unintentional and that should be addressed. When a campaign shows this status, hover over the icon to see exactly what conditions are preventing it from serving. The following conditions can provide this status:

  • No creatives are associated with this campaign.
  • All creatives associated to this campaign are either ineligible to serve (inactive, expired, prohibited) or can serve only on direct inventory and on supply partners who trust your network's self-classification (unaudited).

Viewing quickstats

The metrics on the Campaign Details screen help you assess the performance and delivery of your campaign at a glance. Known as "quickstats", these metrics are faster and more readily accessed than via standard reporting; whereas reporting requires you to submit a request and then wait for a response, quickstats are cached on a regular basis and are shown whenever you open the Campaign Details screen.

Quickstats are in U.S. Eastern time and are delayed by approximately 2-3 hours. Because quickstats are dependent upon reporting data and are synched after reporting has closed for any given hour, for a small chunk of time each hour, there may be discrepancies between reporting and quickstats data. For more details, see Availability of Reporting Data.


Use the drop-down at the top right of the screen to choose the interval for quickstats:

  • Today Current calendar day up to the last hour.
  • Yesterday Full 24-hour period of the previous calendar day.
  • Last 7 Days Full 7 days previous to the current calendar day, i.e., excluding today.
  • Lifetime Entire lifetime of the campaign, including the current calendar day.


The following metrics are shown for the campaign. Note that the data always reflects the currently selected quickstats interval:

  • Lifetime Budget - How much you have allocated to spend over the lifetime of the campaign, in money or impressions.

  • Daily Budget - How much you have allocated to spend on any given day, in money or impressions. If you have enabled lifetime pacing for the campaign, you will also see the estimated daily budget, which is calculated each day, based on the remaining unspent budget divided by the number of remaining days in the flight. For more information, see Lifetime Pacing.


    You can set budgets at the line item level as well. The line item budget takes precedence over your campaign budget. When your line item budget runs out, all campaigns under the line item will stop buying impressions, whether or not they have reached their own budgets. Also, if the line item is under an insertion order, note that the insertion order budget takes precedence over the line item budget. For more details about budgeting, see Budgeting and Pacing.

  • Days into Flight - The number of days the campaign has been running out of the total flight range, and the number of days left. This is available only when the campaign has an end date.

  • Profit - Money you have made from the advertiser as a result of this campaign. This is revenue - media cost. Profit is always in USD.

  • Imps - Number of impressions for the campaign.


    If the campaign has a specific impression budget, this field may shows a visualization of how well the campaign is pacing for the selected quickstats interval. See Pacing Bars for more details.

  • Clicks - Number of clicks for the campaign.

  • Convs - Number of times conversion pixels under the parent line item have loaded. Note that a conversion pixel load does not necessarily mean that a conversion was attributed to the campaign. To get information about attributed conversions, rather than just conversion pixel loads, see Reporting on Conversions.

  • CTR (Click Through Rate) - Percentage of impressions that resulted in clicks for this campaign.

  • Revenue - Money the advertiser has paid or will pay your network as a result of this campaign.

  • Media Cost (USD) - Money your network has spent buying media for the campaign. Media Cost always appears in USD, as that is the currency in which Microsoft Advertising transacts. If the campaign has a specific lifetime media cost budget, this field may show a visualization of how well the campaign is pacing for the selected quickstats interval. See Pacing Bars for more details.

  • Rev eCPM - Money the advertiser has paid or will pay your network per 1000 impressions.

  • Cost eCPM - Money your network has spent per 1000 impressions for the campaign. Cost eCPM always appears in USD, as that is the currency in which Microsoft Advertising transacts.

  • Cost eCPA (USD) - Money your network has spent buying media per conversion for the campaign. Cost eCPA always appears in USD, as that is the currency in which Microsoft Advertising transacts.

Pacing bars

If the campaign meets certain requirements (see Requirements for Pacing Bars below), the Imps or Media Cost quickstat shows a visualization of how well the campaign is pacing for the selected quickstats interval.

The color of the main pacing bar tells you how your impression/media cost count compares to your pacing target:

  • Purple - The current impression/media cost count is over the pacing target (> 100%) for the selected quickstats interval.
  • Green - The current impression/media cost count closely matches the pacing target (95% - 100%) for the selected quickstats interval.
  • Yellow - The current impression/media cost count is slightly under the pacing target (85% - 95%) for the selected quickstats interval.
  • Red - The current impression/media cost count is significantly under the pacing target (< 85%) for the selected quickstats interval.

Requirements for pacing bars

The exact requirements for calculating pacing depend on the quickstats interval selected, the type of budget set, and whether or not there's a flight end date. For each quickstats interval, the requirements are as follows:

Quickstats Interval Requirements
Today Lifetime Budget and Daily Budget
Lifetime Budget and Flight End Date
Yesterday Lifetime Budget and Daily Budget
Lifetime Budget and Flight End Date
Last 7 Days Lifetime Budget and Daily Budget
Lifetime Budget and Flight End Date
Lifetime Lifetime Budget and Flight End Date

Viewing analytics graphs

By default, the Analytics section is collapsed. Expand the section to view graphs that help you visualize the impressions served, media cost spent, revenue earned, and profit made (revenue - media cost) for this campaign over the last 14 days. When the campaign has a daily budget or a lifetime budget and a flight end date, the Impressions or Revenue graph shows you the impressions/revenue budgeted for each day so that you can compare the actual and budgeted amounts.


You can hover over the columns (actual count) and, when available, data points (budgeted count) to see exact metrics for each day.

These metrics are in U.S. Eastern time and are delayed by approximately 2 hours, a bit less of a delay than for quickstats.

Viewing campaign segment performance analytics

By default, the Analytics and Campaign Segment Performance section is collapsed. Expand the section to learn which targeted segments (both behavioral and contextual) are driving impressions, clicks and conversions within an active campaign, and to identify any segments that are over- or under-performing.

The Indices (CTR Index, Conversion Rate Index, Post View Conversion Rate Index, and Post Click Conversion Rate Index) are unique values made newly available in the Campaign Segment Performance Analytics table. They are calculated using the following formula:

Index = ((Segment ""- Campaign)/Campaign) \* 100%

So, for example, CTR Index = ((CTR Segment - CTR Campaign)/CTR Campaign) * 100%.

View different time periods

You can change the time period shown by clicking and dragging the sliders. In the table, the blue portion of each Period Targeted line shows the portion of the time period for which targeting was enabled, and the white portion shows where it was not. You can report on any time range from 1 to 30 days, and the minimum reporting unit is 1 day. The top row in the table lists totals for each category, whereas the rows beneath it list specific values for the segment.

If a segment has no performance at all for the time period, it will not appear in the table.

The total of the values for each segment in a given column - imps, clicks, CTR, and so on - may be greater than the total for the category, as some users belong to more than one segment. For example, in the image below, adding each segment value under Imps yields a total of 1,112,967, not 906,848, because users who belong to multiple segments are counted once for each segment to which they belong.

Change performance metrics view

You can also change your view of performance metric columns by selecting pencil icon. Choose your preferences from the drop-down menu that appears.

Export data

You can export data by clicking the Export to CSV button. Choose whether you want to export only data for the time period covered by the date slider at the top of the table or for the last 30 days.

Viewing campaign settings

In the Details section, you can click Settings to view the basic settings, buying strategies, line item settings, serving fees, and comments for the campaign.

Basic settings

  • Supply Type - The type of supply that the campaign can serve on, e.g., Web, Mobile web or Mobile app.
  • ID - The Microsoft Advertising ID for the campaign.
  • External Code - The external code (rather than the internal ID) for the campaign.

Buying strategies

  • Scope - Whether the campaign is set up to buy direct inventory (Direct), third-party inventory (Real Time), or both (Both). Direct inventory includes only inventory managed by your network, whereas third-party inventory includes all inventory not managed by your network that has been enabled for reselling (including external supply partners such as Microsoft Advertising Exchange and Google Ad Manager).
  • Pay-Per-Impression - If the campaign is set up to buy third-party inventory, this section shows the specific buying strategy for paying publishers on a per-impression basis. This payment type is accepted by all sellers (Microsoft Advertising sellers and external sellers). For more details about specific CPM buying strategies, see Create a Campaign or Buying Strategies.
  • Pay-Per-Click - If the campaign is set up to buy third-party inventory, this section shows the specific strategy for paying publishers when users click on your ads. This payment type is accepted only by participating Microsoft Advertising sellers, not by external sellers.
  • Pay-Per-Conversion - If the campaign is set up to buy third-party inventory, this section shows the specific strategy for paying publishers when users convert. This payment type is accepted only by participating Microsoft Advertising sellers, not by external sellers.

Line item settings

This section shows you essential details about the parent line item.

  • Name/ID - The name and id of the line item appears at the top of this section. You can click this to navigate to View Line Item Details for the line item.
  • Lifetime How much the advertiser has allocated for you to spend over the lifetime of the line item, in money or impressions.
  • Daily - How much the advertiser has allocated for you to spend on any given day, in money or impressions.
  • Revenue Type - The basis on which the advertiser has agreed to pay you, for example, CPM (per thousand impressions) or CPA (per conversion). For details about each revenue type, see Create a Standard Line Item.
  • Revenue Value - The amount that the advertiser will pay you for the specified revenue type.
  • Performance Goal Type - The type of goal that the advertiser wants you to achieve (CPC, CPA, CTR). A performance goal is used to achieve a goal that is different from how the advertiser has agreed to pay you (e.g., the advertiser wants to pay a CPM but expects you to meet a $50 CPA goal). For more details about performance goals, see Create a Standard Line Item.
  • Performance Goal Tracking - The amount for the performance goal.

Serving fees

This section shows any serving fees that have been associated with the campaign. Serving fees can be either a percentage of costs or a flat CPM. Please note the following:

  • Serving fees are added to your media cost except when you bid a flat CPM.
  • When you use a third-party buying strategy that involves optimization ("Optimize to a predicted CPA/CPC goal" or "Optimize to a % margin of booked revenue"), bids are automatically reduced to account for serving fees.
  • When you buy direct inventory or use a third-party buying strategy that does not involve optimization, bids are not reduced to accountfor serving fees.


This section shows any comments that have been recorded with the campaign. Comments are for reference only and do not affect campaign delivery.

Viewing campaign targeting

In the Details section, you can click Targeting to view the inventory and user targeting settings for the campaign. For each targeting type, inclusions and exclusions are clearly represented, as is the boolean logic within targeting types (e.g., exclude Segment 2 and Segment 3).The boolean logic between targeting types is always and (e.g., between Geography targeting and Segment targeting). For example, in the image below, the campaign would bid on impressions only when:

  • The inventory is not in the Global Blocklist domain list AND
  • The user is in the United States AND
  • The user is in Segment 1 and is not in both Segment 2 and Segment 3 AND
  • The user has seen creatives from the campaign less than 20 times overall and less than 2 times today AND
  • The impression happens between 12:00am - 3:59am or between 6:00am - 11:59pm in the user's time zone

For more details about each type of targeting, see Create a Campaign.


Clicking the Edit link next to Targeting opens the campaign for editing and brings you directly to the targeting settings.

Editing campaign targeting

You can edit campaign targeting directly from the Campaign Details screen. To do so, simply click Targeting to reveal campaign targeting settings, then click Edit to be taken directly to the targeting section of the Edit Campaign workflow on Microsoft Monetize.

Viewing associated creatives

There are two ways to view the creatives associated to the campaign.

In the At-a-Glance section, you can see the total number of active and inactive creatives associated to the campaign. You can click this number to navigate to the Creative Manager screen, which shows you the complete list of creatives with their details and quickstats. Also, you can hover over the eye icon to view the numbers broken down by audit status.

In the Details section, you can click Associated Creatives to view a table listing the creatives associated with this campaign, grouped by size. At the top of the list is the value of the Creative Rotation. If the creative rotation is Weighted, an additional column will be displayed in the table that shows the Weight of each creative. (See Creative Rotation for more information.) If there is an alert on a creative you can hover over the alert to learn about possible issues. Click the creative name to navigate to its full details.

Switching to another campaign

If there's more than one campaign under the parent line item, you can click the campaign's name or the arrow next to the name and then select the name of the campaign for which you want to view details. This takes you to the Campaign Details screen for the selected campaign. Inactive campaigns appear in italics.

Editing the campaign

To change any of the campaign's settings, click the Edit icon at the top of the screen or the Edit link in the Details section.

Reporting on the Campaign

To run a report for the campaign, click the Reporting link on the left.

This takes you to the Advertiser Reporting screen, where you can select to run an Analytics, Site Domain Performance, Attributed Conversions, or Creative Frequency & Recency report. For further information about these reports, see Advertiser Reporting.

Creating a new campaign

To create a new campaign, click Create New > Campaign. For step-by-step instructions, see Create a Campaign.