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Digital Platform API - Creative service

You can use the Creative Service to add creatives to our system. All creatives must be attached to an advertiser or publisher.

  • You can view your advertiser ID by calling the Advertiser Service.
  • You can view your publisher ID by calling the Publisher Service.
  • You can attach a creative to a publisher for use as a default creative for a placement. You would then attach the creative to a placement via its ID using the Placement Service.


Hosted and third-party Video and Audio services can only be accessed using the Creative Vast Service. Hosted and third-party HTML creatives can only be accessed using the Creative HTML Service.


Xandr works with members who care deeply about brand and reputation. For this reason, we are careful to ensure that the advertisements (creatives) that pass through our system are acceptable to all parties. For quality assurance, all creatives that serve on third-party inventory must be pre-registered using the Creative Service.

  • Creatives are identified by their media_url (either a third-party adserver URL or a Content Delivery Network URL for a Flash, image, or video file).
  • Xandr checks media_urls on a regular basis. If a file disappears, the creative will be treated as unaudited.
  • Once a creative has passed Xandr's audit, certain changes to the creative cause it to be resubmitted for audit. For more details, see Changes That Cause Re-Audit below.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
(creative JSON)
Add a new creative to one of your advertisers.
(creative JSON)
Add a new creative to one of your publishers.
(creative JSON)
Modify an existing creative.
GET View all creatives.
View all creatives for an advertiser or publisher.

You can filter for creatives based on when they first and last served. This is particularly useful when you are approaching your object limit and need to identify creatives that can be deleted from the system. For more details, see First Run/Last Run below.
View a specific creative.
GET,2,3 View multiple creatives by ID using a comma-separated list.
GET View creative audit stats.

The response tells you the number of creatives with each Xandr, Microsoft, and Google audit status. For the response format, see the Examples below.
Delete a creative.

Note: You cannot delete a creative that is used as the default creative for a member or placement. Default creatives can be deleted once they are disassociated from a placement.
GET Find out which fields you can filter and sort by.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
id int The internal ID associated with the creative.
Default: Auto-generated number.
Required On: PUT, in query string.
code string (100) The custom code for the creative. Note: It is important for this code to be unique.
code2 string (100) The additional custom code for the creative. Note: It is important for this code to be unique.
name string (400) The name for the creative.
type enum The type of creative. Possible values:
- "standard"
- "video"

Alpha-Beta Notice
This field or feature is part of functionality currently in either Alpha or Beta phase. It is therefore subject to change.

Read Only.
advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser to which the creative is attached.
Required On: POST/PUT, in query string, if the creative is attached to an advertiser.
political object Read only. If this creative is "political" and will serve in the US, this object is populated with the elements required for US political creatives. For more information, see the description of the Political object below.
Default: null
publisher_id int The ID of the publisher/media buy to which the creative is attached.
Required On: POST/PUT, in query string, if the creative is attached to a publisher.
brand_id int The ID of the brand of the company advertising the creative. If included, it will be verified by the Xandr auditing team. If not included, it will be assigned by the auditing team. To retrieve a full list of brands, see the Brand Service.
state enum The state of the creative. Possible values: "active" or "inactive".
Read Only.
status object The status of the creative describing if the creative is ready to serve. For more details, see Status below.
click_track_result enum The result of the click track test, a feature only available in the user interface. Possible values: "not_tested", "passed", or "failed".
Default: "not_tested"
campaigns array of objects The list of campaigns to which the creative is associated. For more details, see Campaigns below.

Note: This field will only be returned if an advertiser_id is specified in the query string.
format enum Deprecated.
template object The creative template (ex.: template_id 6) for the creative's format and media type (i.e., flash and expandable). The template includes code to control how the creative renders on web pages. For more details, see Creative Template below.

Note: When using a template for the "raw-html" format (HTML that will not be served in an iFrame), everything in the content field must be escaped (quotes, slashes, etc.,) and wrapped in a document.write(); statement. This is necessary to deliver the content to the page.
Required On: POST
thirdparty_page object Note: This field is no longer in use.
custom_macros array of objects The values for custom macros used in the creative template. For more details, see Custom Macros below.
Required On: POST, if template includes required custom macros.
width Int The width of the creative; the string should contain an int.
Required On: POST, if template is for the "Banner" or "Expandable" media type.
height Int Required On: POST, if template is for the "Banner" or "Expandable" media type.
The height of the creative; the string should contain an int. If the creative's template has a Pop media type, then either the creative's height must be set OR pop_window_maximize (in the pop_values field) must be true (but not both).

Note: You can only submit pop creatives of accepted sizes for Xandr audit. If media_subtype_id within the template array is 4 (popunder) and audit_status is "pending", height must be set to 300 and width to 720. If media_subtype_id within the template array is 2 (popup) and audit_status is "pending", width and height must be one of the following: 250x250, 300x250, 550x480.
Required On: POST, if template is for the "Banner" or "Expandable" media type.
media_url string (1000) The URL of the creative - can be image, flash, HTML, javascript (see format). URL must exist and should be on a CDN or equivalent.
Required On: POST, if not using content.
media_url_secure string (1000) The URL of the secure (HTTPS) creative - can be image, flash, HTML, javascript (see format) to be served on a secure ad call. URL must exist and should be on a CDN or equivalent.
click_url string (2000) click_url is being deprecated in favor of click_target.

This value must begin with "http://" or "https://"
Required On: POST, if template is for the "image" format.
file_name string (1000) The file name and extension for a hosted creative. Allowed file types: jpg, gif, png, swf, flv, mp4, wmv, f4v, avi, m4v, mov, and mpg.
Required On: POST, if adding a hosted creative.
flash_click_variable string (255) The ClickTag variable in a Flash creative. Xandr can execute and track user clicks on a Flash creative only if you provide the exact variable in the file (clickTAG, ClickTag, Clicktag, etc). You can use the ClickTags Service to identify this variable. If you need to specify more than one ClickTag variable for a single creative, contact support.

Note: This field may only be updated (via POST or PUT) for Flash creatives.
content string Javascript or HTML content when "format" is "raw-js" or "iframe-html". For a hosted creative, the content of the file must be base64-encoded and submitted as a string within the content field.

Tip: When using a template (example: template_id 6) for the "raw-html" format (HTML that will not be served in an iFrame), everything in the content field must be escaped (quotes, slashes, etc.,) and wrapped in a document.write(); statement. This is necessary to deliver the content to the page.

Tip: There is a maximum length in the content field of 65535 characters.
Required On: POST, if not using media_url.
Default: 3rd party tag holder.
content_secure string Javascript or HTML content when "format" is "raw-js" or "iframe-html" served on a secure ad call.
original_content string The value you pass into the "content" field through the UI will be returned in this field unchanged. The "content" field will contain the content modified by Xandr to properly serve. This field can also be uploaded directly through the API. In this case, the value uploaded to this field will be referenced in the content section of the UI (Creative Content > Tag field).
Required On: POST when submitting as type raw-html.
original_content_secure string See original_content. This is the secure version of this content.
macros string The API pulls out macros and puts them in this field so that the bidder knows which macros to expect.
Read Only.
audit_status enum The audit status of the creative. Possible values: "no_audit", "pending", "rejected", or "audited".

- If allow_audit is false, this field must be "no_audit".
- If a creative is expired, you can reanimate it by changing this field. Setting it to "pending" will resubmit it for auditing. The user_ready field also needs to set to true in order to reactivate a expired creative. For changes that automatically resubmit the creative for auditing, see Changes That Cause Re-Audit below.
- You can only submit pop creatives of accepted sizes for Xandr audit. If media_subtype_id within the template array is 4 (popunder), audit_status can not be set to "pending" unless width is 720 and height is 300. If media_subtype_id within the template array is 2 (popup), audit_status can not be set to pending unless width and height are one of the following: 250x250, 300x250, 550x480.

Default: "pending"
audit_feedback string The creative auditing team can pass messages about a creative in this field.
Read Only.
allow_audit Boolean If true, the creative will be submitted for auditing. If false, the creative will not be submitted. Unaudited creatives can only run on a network's managed inventory.

- If audit_status is "no_audit", this field must be "false".
- If your member is not yet active, you can add creatives, but they will not be submitted for audit (allow_audit will be false). Once your member has been activated, if you want these creatives to be audited, you must update the creatives and set allow_audit to true.
- You can only submit pop creatives of accepted sizes for Xandr audit. If media_subtype_id within the template array is 4 (popunder), allow_audit can not be set to 1 unless width is 720 and height is 300. If media_subtype_id within the template array is 2 (popup), allow_audit can not be set to 1 unless width and height are one of the following: 250x250, 300x250, 550x480.

Default: true
ssl_status enum The ssl (HTTPS) status of the creative. Only creatives with ssl_status = approved will be eligible to serve on secure inventory.

If a creative fails the ssl Sherlock audit, you can submit it for a retest (once you've fixed the downstream non-secure content) by changing this field to "pending". Allowed values:
- "disabled"
- "pending"
- "approved"
- "failed"

Default: "disabled"
allow_ssl_audit Boolean If true, the creative will be submitted for secure (HTTPS) auditing. If false, the creative will not be submitted. If true, either media_url_secure or content_secure is required as well.
Default: true, if media_url_secure or content_secure is provided. Otherwise, false will be the default.
msft_audit_status enum Deprecated.
msft_audit_feedback string Deprecated.
facebook_audit_status enum Note: This field is no longer in use.
facebook_audit_feedback string Note: This field is no longer in use.
is_self_audited Boolean If true, the creative is self-audited and thus will not go through Xandr platform audit. The creative can only serve on inventory that accepts your self-classified creative or on inventory that accepts unaudited creatives.
Default: false
is_expired Boolean If your creative (1) has not run and (2) has not been modified in 45 days, then it will be automatically marked expired and will not serve on any inventory.
- Expired creatives must be reaudited to run on third-party inventory. To unexpire a creative for third-party inventory, set audit_status to "pending".
- Expired creatives do not need to be reaudited to run on direct inventory. To unexpire a creative for direct inventory, set audit_status to "no_audit".
Default: false
Read Only.
is_prohibited Boolean If Sherlock flags the creative for having malware or loading blocked domains, this is set to true to prevent the creative from serving.
Default: false
Read Only.
is_hosted Boolean If true, the creative is hosted by Xandr.
Read Only.
lifetime_budget double The lifetime budget in dollars.

Note: To include this field in a GET response, pass attributes=1 in the query string.

Default: unlimited
lifetime_budget_imps int The lifetime limit for number of impressions.

To include this field in a GET response, pass attributes=1 in the query string.
Default: unlimited
daily_budget double The daily budget in dollars.

To include this field in a GET response, pass attributes=1 in the query string.
Default: unlimited
daily_budget_imps int The daily limit for number of impressions.

To include this field in a GET response, pass attributes=1 in the query string.
Default: unlimited
enable_pacing Boolean If true, daily budgeted spend is spread evenly throughout a day.

To include this field in a GET response, pass attributes=1 in the query string.
Default: true
allow_safety_pacing Boolean Admin-only. If true, spend per minute is limited to a maximum of 1% of the lifetime budget and 5% of the daily budget.
profile_id int You can attach targeting such as gender and geography to a creative by creating a profile and associating it here.
folder object To arrange your creatives in folders for convenience (usually in the UI) you will create a folder using the Creative Folder Service and then associate it here via folder ID or in the Creative Folder service via creative ID. Output is:
{"id": "41", "name": "MyFolder"}
line_items array of objects The line items that are associated with the creative. For more details, see Line Items below.
pixels array of objects The pixels to serve with the creative. They can be for external impression tracking, external click tracking, or other purposes, such as adding the AdChoices icon to a creative. For more details, see Pixels below.
pixel_url string (100) Deprecated. Use the pixels array instead. The URL of an impression pixel to serve with the media URL or content.
pixel_url_secure string (100) Deprecated. Use the pixels array instead. The URL of a secure (HTTPS) impression pixel to serve with the media URL content on a secure ad call.
pixel_type enum Deprecated. Use the pixels array instead. The type of impression pixel. This field must be set if pixel_url is used. Possible values: "javascript" or "image".
no_iframes Boolean Deprecated. If true, the bidder will not serve this creative when an iframe is detected in the ad call.
Default: false
track_clicks Boolean Deprecated.
Default: true
flash_backup_content string For a flash creative, this is the content of the backup creative that will be served if a user's browser does not support flash. For an in-banner video creative, this is the content of the poster image that will display before users click play and after the video has finished playing. This field must be used in combination with flash_backup_file_name.
Once the backup creative has been uploaded, the content will be stored on the CDN, and the location will be set in the flash_backup_url field. Neither flash_backup_content nor flash_backup_file_name can be retrieved on GET.
Required On: POST/PUT, if using flash_backup_file_name.
Write Only.
flash_backup_file_name string This field must be used in combination with flash_backup_content. This is the file name and extension of the backup creative.
Required On: POST/PUT, if using flash_backup_content.
Write Only.
flash_backup_url string (100) For a flash creative, this is the URL of a 3rd-party creative that will be served if the user's browser does not support flash. For an in-banner video creative, this is the URL of the poster image that will display before users click play and after the video has finished playing.
is_control Boolean This is a flag used to mark this creative as part of a control/test group in A/B testing.
Default: false
segments array A list of segments that a user will be added to upon viewing or clicking on this creative. For more information, see Segments below.
created_on timestamp The date and time when this creative was created. If it was created before January 2010, this will be zero.
Read Only.
last_activity timestamp The date and time when the creative was last modified. Timezone is UTC.
Read Only.
media_subtypes array of strings Deprecated.
creative_upload_status enum Deprecated.
backup_upload_status enum Deprecated.
use_dynamic_click_url Boolean If true, the (optional) landing page URL for non-3rd party image and flash creatives is set at the campaign or line item level.
Default: false
size_in_bytes int The size of an uploaded creative (in bytes).
Read Only.
text_title string (25) The top line of text displayed in a text creative.
Required On: POST, if template is for the "text" format.
text_description string (70) The lower line of text displayed in a text creative.
Required On: POST, if template is for the "text" format.
text_display_url string (35) The readable URL displayed in a text creative.
Required On: POST, if template is for the "text" format.
click_action enum The action that the device should take when the creative is clicked. Currently, this field will be set to the only supported click action, "click-to-web".
Default: "click-to-web"
click_target string (2000) The target of the click_action. For click-to-web, this is the click_url of the creative.
click_url will eventually be deprecated in favor of this field. In the meantime, setting click_url or click_target will have the same effect.
categories array of objects The categories that describe the creative and offer type.
To include categories in a GET response, pass attributes=1 in the query string. To retrieve a full list of categories, see the Category Service.
adservers array of objects The ad servers that deliver the creative or are called for data collection purposes during the delivery of the creative.

Note: To include adservers in a GET response, pass attributes=1 in the query string. To retrieve a full list of ad servers, see the Ad Server Service.
Read Only.
technical_attributes array of objects The attributes that describe technical characteristics of the creative, such as "Expandable" or "Video".

To include technical attributes in a GET response, pass attributes=1 in the query string. To retrieve a full list of technical attributes, see the Technical Attribute Service.
language object The language of the creative. To retrieve a full list of languages, see the Language Service.
brand object The brand of the company advertising the creative and the category associated with the brand. For more details, see Brand below.
Read Only.
pop_values array Deprecated.
sla int Creatives set to 0 will be submitted for audit with a standard SLA.

Caution: Creatives submitted with any number other than 0 will result in a priority audit (when enabled) and resulting fees.
If you have a supplemental services agreement with Xandr for priority audits, you can submit a creative for priority audit (auditing within 2 hours during business hours) by setting this field to 2.
sla_eta timestamp The estimate time of completion for a priority audit.
Read Only.
currency string Read-only. The code that defines the advertiser's primary currency (for example, USD). For more details about the currency types available, see Currency Service.
Default: Member's default currency.
first_run timestamp The date and time when the creative first served, refreshed on an hourly basis. This value reflects the UTC time zone. To include this information in a GET response, pass flight_info=true in the query string. For details about how to filter creatives based on when they first served, see First Run/Last Run below.
Read Only.
last_run timestamp The date and time when the creative last served, refreshed on an hourly basis. This value reflects the UTC time zone. To include this information in a GET response, pass flight_info=true in the query string. For details about how to creatives based on when they last served, see First Run/Last Run below.
Read Only.
mobile object Information needed for mobile creatives to pass the creative audit. See Mobile below.
video_attribute object Attributes for third-party in-stream (VAST) and hosted video creatives.

To add & update vast creatives, use the /creative-vast service. For detailst, see Creative Vast Service.
Default: null
stats object The stats object has been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016). Use the Report Service to obtain statistical information instead.
content_source string The source of this creative's content.
Default: "standard"
Allowed values:
- "standard": This creative consists of content hosted on an ad server, that will generally be retrieved with a single HTTP request.
- "mediation": This creative is a container that is used to fetch content from another ad server for the purposes of mediation. Due to the way mediation is performed, this can involve making multiple HTTP requests in sequence. For more information, see the Creative Custom Request Template Service.

Note: If this field is set to "mediation", the following actions will occur:
- A "mediation" technical attribute will be added to the creative's technical_attributes array.
In addition, the following validations will be performed:
- "audit_status" cannot be set to "pending"; instead it will always be set to "no_audit".
- allow_audit cannot be set to true; instead it will always be set to false.
- The custom_request_template multi-object must be defined for the creative.
- The custom_macros array must be populated with macros defined by the template parameters associated with the Custom Request Template.
The following fields will no longer be required:
- content
- media_url
- template
custom_request_template multi-object If the value of this creative's content_source field is set to "mediation", this object describes the association between this creative and a custom request template which is used to populate the creative with content. For more information, see Custom Request Template.
Default: null
Required On: PUT, if content_source is set to "mediation".
competitive_brands array of objects Creatives associated with the brands in this array will not serve together in /mtj auctions. The classic example of competing brands is Coke vs. Pepsi. See Competitive Brands below. For more information about the brands in our system, see the Brand Service.
competitive_categories array of objects Creatives associated with the categories in this array will not serve together in /mtj auctions, e.g., "Dating" and "Education". See Competitive Categories below. For more information about the categories we apply to creatives (and brands), see the Category Service.
thirdparty_pixels array of objects An array of third-party pixels associated with the creative. You can automatically attach these pixels to all creatives owned by an advertiser or member using the Third-party Pixel service or attach them individually at the creative level using the Creative Service.
Default: null
Required On: PUT
native object Deprecated. If this creative is a native ad, this object is populated with the elements required for native ads. For more information, see the description of the Native object below.
Default: null
Required On: POST and PUT for native ads. Technically, native ads are identified by our system as those creatives that have a template with a creative_format_id of 12 that identifies them as native.
native_attribute object This is the new native object which contains elements required for native ads. For more information, see the description of the Native Attribute object below.
Default: null
Required On: Required for native ad with template 39461.
click_trackers array of objects A list of third-party click tracking URLs intended to be used with native creatives. For more information, see Click Trackers below.
impression_trackers array of objects A list of third-party impression tracking URLs intended to be used with native creatives. For more information, see Impression Trackers below.
adx_audit object This object contains information about the status and feedback related to the Google AdExchange audit of the creative. Information about whether or not a creative has been approved is returned in the audit_status field.
Read Only.
flash_backup_url_secure string This is the secure version of flash_backup_url, which is served on a secure ad call.
msft_external_audit_feedback string Deprecated.
msft_external_audit_status enum Deprecated.
member_id int The ID of the member that owns the creative.
media_assets array of objects The asset id of the original file and a field describing what the asset must be used for. It is used to associate Xandr hosted files to your creative. This array will auto-populate when uploading files via the API. For more information, see Media Assets below.
ad_type string Tip: This field only applies when you are associating creatives to augmented line items.
The type of creative used. Possible values:
- banner
- video (includes audio types)
- native
This value determines how auction items are tracked for the line item's buying strategy, paying strategy, optimization options, creative association, and targeting options.

Note: All creatives associated to a line item must have the same ad type, which should match the ad_type selected in the Line Item Service - ALI.


The brand object contains the following fields.


This object is read-only. To set the brand for a creative, use the brand_id field outside of this object.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the brand of the company advertising the creative.
Read Only.
name string The name of the brand of the company advertising the creative.
Read Only.
category_id int The ID of the category associated with the brand.
Read Only.
category_name string The name of the category associated with the brand.

The category_name field is returned only when you pass show_category_name=true in the query string of your call.
Read Only.


Each object in the campaigns array includes the following fields. To obtain information for "id" or "code" fields, you can use the Campaign Service.

Field Type (Length) Description
id int The ID of the campaign. Either "id" or "code" is required when updating campaign association.
Required On: PUT
campaign_id int The ID of the campaign.
creative_id int The ID of the creative.
name string The name of the campaign.
Read Only.
state enum The state of the campaign. Possible values: "active", "inactive", or "parent_inactive".
Read Only.
code string The custom code for the campaign. Either "id" or "code" is required when updating line item association.
Required On: PUT

Competitive brands


For more information about brands, see the Brand Service.

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the brand.
name string The name of the brand.

Competitive categories


For more information about categories, see the Category Service.

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the category.
name string The name of the category.

Creative template

You can use the Creative Template Service to view all rendering templates that can be assigned to creatives.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of creative template.
name string The name of the creative template.
Read Only.
media_subtype_id int The ID of the media subtype assigned to the template. You can use the Media Subtype Service to view all supported media subtypes.
Read Only.
format_id string The name of the format assigned to the template. You can use the Creative Format Service to view all supported formats.
Read Only.

Frequently used creative templates

For more information, see Selecting the Correct Template for Your Creative.

Template ID Creative Type Requirements
1 Single URL that points to a piece of html code. You will need to pass the URL in the media_url field and set an id of 1 in the template object.
2 Single URL that points to a piece of Javascript code. You will need to pass the URL in the media_url field and set an id of 2 in the template object.
5 Creative that starts and ends with Javascript components, even if the Javascript code writes HTML. You will need to pass the Javascript code in the content field and set an id of 5 in the template object.
6 Creative that starts and ends with HTML components, even if these HTML components are <script> tags. You will need to pass the html code in the content field and set an id of 6 in the template object.

Custom macros

If the creative template provides default values for a macro, passing the codes and values here is optional. If the template defines a custom macro as required, however, you must pass the code and value for the macro.

Field Type Description
code string The exact name of the macro, as it is used in the code of the creative template, for example, "BORDER_COLOR".
value string The value for the macro.
Note: This value must match the type of the macro, as defined in the template.
For example, if a macro is of the type "integer", the value must be an integer. The possible macro types are "true/false", "string", "url", "integer", "decimal", and "select_from_list".

For further insight, see the Adding a creative that uses a custom rendering template example in the Examples below.

Custom request template

Field Type Description
id int The creative custom request template associated with this creative, if its content_source is set to "mediation". For more information, see the Creative Custom Request Template Service.
timeout_ms int If this is a "mediation" creative, it will make at least one HTTP request to an external ad server, which may in turn make one or more additional requests. This is the time beyond which we will not wait any longer for this creative to be populated with content. For more information, see the Creative Custom Request Template Service.
last_activity timestamp The date and time when the creative was last modified. Timezone is UTC. Read Only.

Line items

Each object in the line_items array includes the following fields. To obtain information for "id" or "code" fields, you can use the Line Item Service.

Field Type (Length) Description
name string The name of the line item.
Read Only.
state enum The state of the creative. Possible values: "active" or "inactive".
Read Only.
id int The ID of the line item. Either "id" or "code" is required when updating line item association.
Required On: PUT
code string The custom code for the line item. Either "id" or "code" is required when updating line item association.
Required On: PUT

Media assets

The media_assets array of objects contain the following fields:

Field Type Description
media_asset_id int The unique ID of the creative asset.
creative_field string This field denotes what that particular creative asset must be used for. Possible valid values are:
- null (if asset is VAST or HTML5)
- media_url
- flash_backup_url
- native_icon_img_url
- native_main_media
- macro_CODE_FOR_MACRO: This is dynamically generated based on the macros for the selected template.

For each media_assets array, the following rules apply:

  • Each field value can only be used once per creative. For example, you cannot have two 'flash_backup_url' assets.
  • The value must be one of the valid values.
  • VAST/HTML5 creatives must have one, and only one, asset.
  • All other creatives can have 0 or more media assets.

Media assets: Example

"media_assets": [
        "media_asset_id": 22,
        "creative_field": "media_url"
        "media_asset_id": 23,
        "creative_field": "flash_backup_url"


Field Type Description
alternative_landing_page_url string An alternative landing page URL that can be viewed in a desktop browser for creatives that have a landing page targeted to a specific device, operating system, or carrier. You must provide an auditable URL in order for your creative to pass auditing.

Native attribute

The native_attribute object contains the following fields. For more information, see Adding a native creative in the Examples below.

Field Type Description
link object URLs associated with the native creative. For details, see Link below.
image_trackers array of objects A list of third-party impression tracking URLs intended to be used with native creatives.
javascript_trackers array of objects A list of third-party impression tracking URLs.
data_assets array of objects Attributes of the native creative. For more details, see Data Asset below.
image_assets array of objects Attributes of each individual image. For more details, see Image Asset below.
privacy_url string If support was indicated in the request, URL of a page informing the user about the buyer's targeting activity. Xandr does not provide a default privacy link.
video_assets array of objects A list of video_asset objects. For more details, see Video Assets below.

The link object contains the landing page URL, fallback URL and Trackers associated with the native creative. The link object is required for native attribute.

The link object includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
url string The landing page of the native creative.
Required On: PUT, POST
fallback_url string A backup url if the main deeplink url is not supported.
trackers array of objects A list of third-party tracking URLs intended to be used with native creatives.

All native creatives are submitted for secureauditing by default.

  • If the secure url has not been specified for any tracker (image trackers, javascript trackers, and creative image asset trackers), secure audit is disabled for that creative.
  • If the secure URL has not been specified, but URL is prefixed with https, the creative will be submitted for secure audit.

The link_tracker object includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
url string A third-party tracking URL.
url_secure string (optional) A secure third-party tracking URL.

Image tracker

The image_tracker object includes the following fields:

Name Type Description
url string A third-party impression tracking URL.
url_secure string A third-party impression tracking URL (that uses SSL).

Javascript tracker

The javascript_tracker object includes the following fields:

Name Type Description
url string A third-party javascript tracking URL.
url_secure string A third-party javascript tracking URL (that uses SSL).

Data asset

Each data_asset represents a text component of the native creative. The data_assets object includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
data_type string The asset type for the native creative. Possible values:
- title
- description
- sponsored_by
- call_to_action
- display_url
- price
- sale_price
- rating
- likes
- downloads
- phone
- address
- additional_description
- custom_title_1 - custom_title_5
- custom_body_1 - custom_body_5
- custom_call_to_action_1 - custom_call_to_action_5
- custom_social_url_1 - custom_social_url_5
- custom_display_url_1 - custom_display_url_5

The data_type string should have double quotation marks around it.
value string The content of the data_type asset that you have specified. Possible values include:
- title: Title of the creative.
- description: Description of the product or service being advertised.
- sponsored_by: Brand name of the sponsor.
- call_to_action: Suggested action for next step.
- display_url: The URL you would like displayed.
- price: Price for product/app/in-app purchase.
- sale_price: Sale price that can be used together with price to indicate a discounted price.
- rating: Rating of the product being offered.
- likes: Social media likes.
- downloads: Number downloads/installs of this product.
- phone: Phone number.
- address: Address.
- additional_description: The longer version of your ad's description.
- custom_title_1 - custom_title_5: Additional titles that will appear on the native creative.
- custom_body_1 - custom_body_5: Additional body text that will appear on the native creative.
- custom_call_to_action_1 - custom_call_to_action_5: Additional calls-to-action that will encourage the user to take the necessary action after viewing the native creative (e.g., signing for the mailing list).
- custom_social_url_1 - custom_social_url_5: Social URLs that will take the user to the corresponding social media platforms.
- custom_display_url_1 - custom_display_url_5: Additional public URLs that may be visible and/or automatically redirect the user to a web page that is connected to the landing page's domain.

The value string should have double quotation marks around it.

Image asset

Each image_asset represents an image component of the native creative. The image_asset object includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
image_type string The format of the image. Possible values include:
- main_image: Primary image that will appear when the native creative is rendered.
- icon_image: Primary icon that will appear when the native creative is rendered.
- custom_image_1 - custom_image_5: Additional images that will appear when the native creative is rendered.
- custom_icon_1 - custom_Icon_5: Additional icons that will appear when the native creative is rendered.
- custom_social_icon_1 - custom_social_icon_5: Corresponding social media icons that will appear when native creative is rendered.
media_asset_id int The ID of the media asset. Required for hosted native creatives.
If media_asset_id can be retrieved, the creative_asset_image object will be populated automatically.
creative_asset_image object The object containing details of the creative asset. Required for third-party native creatives. For more details, see Creative Asset Image below.
image_resize_setting object The object containing the image resize settings. For more details, see Image Resize Setting below.

Creative asset image

The creative_asset_image object includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
url string The landing page URL of the image.
url_secure string The secure landing page URL of the image.
width int The width of the image. Value must be > 0.
height int The height of the image. Value must be > 0.

Image resize setting

The image_resize_setting object includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
resize_enabled boolean Indicates whether the creative should be resized. Possible values include:
- True
- False
crop_enabled boolean Indicates whether the creative should be cropped to fill placement. Possible values include:
- True
- False
aspect_ratio_upper_bound double The maximum aspect ratio allowed for the creative.
aspect_ratio_lower_bound double The minimum aspect ratio allowed for the creative.
max_scale_factor double The maximum value that the creative's width and height can be scaled.

Video asset

Each video_asset represents a video component of the native creative. The video_asset object includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
media_asset_id int The id of the hosted video media asset.
Required On: PUT, POST
vast_url string URL to a VAST document. Must be secure.
Required On: PUT, POST
trackers array Optional VAST event trackers.
media_files array Array of available media files. See Media File for more details.
Read Only.
duration int Duration (in milliseconds) of the video extracted from video media asset or VAST document.
Read Only.
minimum_vast_version string The minimum VAST version required to play the video. Possible Values:
- 2.0
- 3.0
- 4.0
Read Only.

Only one of { media_asset_id , vast_url } should be populated per request.

Vast tracker

The vast_tracker object includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
vast_event_type string The type of tracking event. Possible values include:
- service
- start
- skip
- error
- first_quartile
- completion
- impression
- click
url string URL to a VAST document. Must be secure.

Media file

The media_file object includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
bitrate_kbps int Bitrate of the media file.
mime_type string MIME type of the media file.
width int Width of the media file.
height int Height of the media file.


The native object used to contain the following fields, which have all been deprecated.

Field Type Description
title text Deprecated.
description text Deprecated.
full_text text Deprecated.
context string Deprecated.
icon_img_url string Deprecated.
main_media array of objects Deprecated.
sponsored string Deprecated.
cta string Deprecated.
rating object Deprecated.
click_url string Deprecated.
click_fallback_url string Deprecated.
custom_key_values array of objects Deprecated.

Main media

Name Type Description
width int Deprecated.
height int Deprecated.
media_url string Deprecated.
media_url_secure string Deprecated.


There can only be one main_media object associated with a native creative.

Custom key values

Name Type Description
custom_key string Deprecated.
custom_value string Deprecated.

Click trackers

Name Type Description
click_tracker_url string Deprecated.

Impression trackers

Name Type Description
impression_tracker_url string Deprecated.
impression_tracker_url_secure string Deprecated.


You use this array to add Xandr-approved and custom pixels to a creative. You can add up to five pixels for a creative.

Xandr-approved pixels are from trusted, commonly-used providers. Most of them do not cause the creative to be resubmitted for audit. To add a Xandr-approved pixel to a creative, you need to pass only the pixel_template_id and the number of params that the pixel requires. For further guidance, see the Adding a Xandr-approved pixel to a creative example in Examples below.


You can use the Pixel Template Service to get information about these pixels, including whether or not they trigger re-audit.

Custom pixels are defined by you and do cause the creative to be resubmitted for audit. To add a custom pixel, you need to pass only the format and, depending on the format, the content or url. For further guidance, see the Adding a custom pixel to a creative example in the Examples below.


When you make a PUT call to update the pixels array, the array is completely overwritten with the information in the JSON-formatted file. Therefore, if the array already includes pixels, be sure to include those pixels in the JSON-formatted file as well.

Field Type Description
id int The Xandr-assigned ID of the pixel array. You will associate pixels via the pixel_template_id, content, or URL fields listed below.
Read Only.
pixel_template_id int The ID of the Xandr-approved pixel. You can use the Pixel Template Service to get this ID.
param_1 string For Xandr-approved pixel: The value for the first parameter in the pixel content or URL. To find out how many parameters are required for a Xandr-approved pixel, use the Pixel Template Service.
param_2 string For Xandr-approved pixel: The value for the second parameter in the pixel content or URL.
param_3 string For Xandr-approved pixel: The value for the third parameter in the pixel content or URL.
param_4 string For Xandr-approved pixel: The value for the fourth parameter in the pixel content or URL.
param_5 string For Xandr-approved pixel: The value for the fifth parameter in the pixel content or URL.
format enum The format of the pixel. Possible values: "raw-js", "url-html", "url-js", or "url-image".
content string (255) If the pixel format is "raw-js", the HTML or JavaScript content to serve with the creative.
secure_content string (255) If the pixel format is "raw-js", the HTML or JavaScript content to serve with the creative on a secure (HTTPS) ad call.
url string (255) If the pixel format is "url-html", "url-js", "url-image", or "raw-url", the URL of the HTML, JavaScript, or Image pixel to serve with the creative.
secure_url string (255) If the pixel format is "url-html", "url-js", "url-image", or "raw-url", the URL of the HTML, JavaScript, or Image pixel to serve with the creative on a secure (HTTPS) call.


The "political" object used to contain the following fields:

Field Type Description
in_scope boolean Determines if the US political creative is in scope to be regulated. If yes, then all required political buyer information must be provided at the insertion level. For additional information, see the Create an Insertion Order documentation via our UI (login is required).

Pop values


The pop_values fields are deprecated and ignored/not used by our systems.

These fields should be included in a "pop_values" array within the creative JSON. See below for an example.

Field Type (Length) Description
pop_window_maximize Boolean If true, the publisher's tag should maximize the window. Only relevant for creatives with format "url-html" and "url-js". If pop_window_maximize is set to true, then neither "height" nor "width" should be set on the creative.
Default: false
pop_is_tag_initiated Boolean If true, the creative's tag will initiate the pop. If false, then the impression bus will initiate the pop.
Default: false
pop_window_title string (255) The title of the popped window. Only applies to pops with pop_is_tag_initiated set to false. Not guaranteed to be supported in all browsers.
Default: Network name
pop_statusbar Boolean If true, a status bar is shown in the popped window. Only applies to pops with pop_is_tag_initiated set to false. Not guaranteed to be supported in all browsers.
Default: true
pop_menubar Boolean If true, a menu bar is shown in the popped window. Only applies to pops with pop_is_tag_initiated set to false. Not guaranteed to be supported in all browsers.
Default: true
pop_resizable Boolean If true, the popped window is resizable. Only applies to pops with pop_is_tag_initiated set to false. Not guaranteed to be supported in all browsers.
Default: true
pop_scrollbars Boolean If true, scroll bars are shown in the popped window. Only applies to pops with pop_is_tag_initiated set to false. Not guaranteed to be supported in all browsers.
Default: true
pop_toolbar Boolean If true, a toolbar is shown in the popped window. Only applies to pops with pop_is_tag_initiated set to false. Not guaranteed to be supported in all browsers.
Default: true
pop_addressbar Boolean If true, an address bar is shown in the popped window. Only applies to pops with pop_is_tag_initiated set to false. Not guaranteed to be supported in all browsers.
Default: true


These fields will be included in the Segments array:

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the segment.
Required On: POST, PUT
segment_id int The ID of the segment. This field contains the same information as the id field.
action enum The action taken by users that will add them to the segment. Possible values: "add on view" or "add on click".
Required On: POST, PUT
name string The segment's name.


Name Type Description
user_ready boolean The status of the creative set by the user describing if the creative is ready to serve or not. Possible values: "true" or "false". The value of user_ready needs to be true in order to reactivate an expired creative along with its audit_status.
Default: true
hosted_assets_association_complete boolean/null Status of the creative uploaded by Xandr's internal systems. Possible values: "true" or "false" for hosted creatives and "null" for third-party creatives.
Read Only.

Third-party pixels

The thirdparty_pixels array contains the fields in the table below. These fields, except for id, are read-only. Use this service to update the id of a third-party pixel or attach third-party pixels to individual creatives.

Field Type Description
id int The pixel's ID.
Required On: PUT
name string The full name of the pixel.
Read Only.
active Boolean The current status of the pixel (true = active).
Read Only.
audit_status string Audit status of the pixel.
Read Only.


To update or create a third-party pixel and/or attach third-party pixels to all creatives owned by the advertiser or network member, use the Third-party Pixel service.

First run/last run

To include the first_run and last_run fields in a GET response, pass flight_info=true in the query string. You can also filter for creatives based on when they first and last served, as follows:

Retrieve only creatives that have never served

Pass never_run=true in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ''


You can use never_run=true in combination with other filters, but note that it will always be an OR relationship. For example, if you pass both never_run=trueand min_first_run=2012-01-01 00:00:00 in the query string, you will be looking for creatives that have never served OR line items that first served on or after 2012-01-01.

Retrieve only creatives that first served on or after a specific date

Pass min_first_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00'

Retrieve only creatives that first served on or before a specific date

Pass max_first_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00'

Retrieve only creatives first served within a specific date range

Pass min_first_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS&max_first_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00&max_first_run=2012-08-01 00:00:00'

Retrieve only creatives that last served on or after a specific date

Pass min_last_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00'

Retrieve only creatives that last served on or before a specific date

Pass max_last_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00'

Retrieve only creatives that last served within a specific date range

Pass min_last_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS&max_last_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00&max_last_run=2012-08-01 00:00:00'



The statsobject has been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016). Use the Report Service to obtain statistical information instead.

Changes that cause re-audit

Once a creative has passed Xandr audit (audit_status is "audited"), changing any of the following fields causes the creative to be resubmitted for audit (allow_audit is set to "pending"):

  • width
  • height
  • content
  • media_url
  • click_url
  • template
  • custom_macros
  • media_subtypes
  • language
  • categories
  • technical_attributes
  • brand_id
  • pixel_url
  • pixels (if adding or removing a custom pixel or a Xandr-approved pixel)
  • text_title (if text creative)
  • text_description (if text creative)
  • text_display_url (if text creative)
  • pop_window_maximize (if pop creative)
  • pop_is_tag_initiated (if pop creative and changing from false to true)
  • video_attribute
  • media_assets
  • brand_url (not applicable to API users)
  • alternative_landing_page_url
  • native_attribute

Also, if the audit_status is "no_audit", changing allow_audit from "false" to "true" causes the creative to be resubmitted for Xandr audit.

Creative macros

Xandr has predefined some macros that can be used within the creative's media_url, content, click_url, and pixel_url fields.

Click tracking example

"media_url": ";sz=728x90;click0=$



Exclude audit_status and no_audit in PUT calls to avoid errors.

Add a banner image creative (hosted)

When uploading a standard banner image creative for hosting with Xandr:

Once the creative has been registered, the content will be stored on the CDN, and the creative will be given a media_url such as

Auditing: By default, the creative will be submitted for auditing by Xandr. If you don't want the creative to be audited, you must include allow_audit and set it to false. Alternately, if you want to audit the creative yourself, you must include is_self_audited and set it to true.

$ cat creative

   "creative": {
      "template": {"id":4},
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "click_url": "",
      "click_target": "",
      "file_name": "gothere.png",

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "id": 10,
      "template": {
          "id": 4,
          "name": "Standard",
          "media_subtype_id": 1,
          "format_id": 4
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "click_url": "",
      "click_target": "",
      "media_url": ""
      "audit_status": "pending",

Add a mobile banner image creative (hosted)

In order for mobile creatives to pass Xandr platform audit, you need to pass the mobile object with an alternative URL that will display correctly in a desktop browser when the creative is clicked.

$ cat creative
    "creative": {
        "content": "\/9j\/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD\/7QCEUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNBAQAAAAAAGccAVoAAxsl...",
        "mobile": {
            "alternative_landing_page_url": "https:\/\/"
        "file_name": "SWEET.png",
        "click_url": "https:\/\/",
        "click_target": "https:\/\/",
        "height": 250,
        "width": 300,
        "template": {
            "id": 4

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "id": 700864,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "creative": {
            "name": null,
            "brand_id": 1,
            "media_url": "https:\/\/\/s\/d3\/d6\/1c\/61\/d3d61c611fd6f98becc8ad6d45c43875.png",
            "id": 700864,
            "code": null,
            "code2": null,
            "member_id": 1309,
            "state": "inactive",
            "click_track_result": "not_tested",
            "advertiser_id": 41798,
            "publisher_id": null,
            "format": null,
            "width": 300,
            "height": 250,
            "click_url": "https:\/\/",
            "click_target": "https:\/\/",
            "flash_click_variable": null,
            "no_iframes": false,
            "content": null,
            "original_content": null,
            "file_name": "OH_YEAH.png",
            "track_clicks": true,
            "audit_status": "pending",
            "macros": null,
            "profile_id": null,
            "audit_feedback": null,
            "is_prohibited": false,
            "is_suspicious": false,
            "created_on": "2013-10-18 15:57:03",
            "flash_backup_url": null,
            "last_modified": "2013-10-18 15:57:03",
            "is_control": false,
            "allow_audit": true,
            "is_expired": false,
            "creative_upload_status": "pending",
            "backup_upload_status": null,
            "use_dynamic_click_url": false,
            "media_subtypes": [
            "size_in_bytes": 15171,
            "msft_audit_status": "pending",
            "msft_audit_feedback": null,
            "msft_external_audit_status": "pending",
            "msft_external_audit_feedback": null,
            "is_self_audited": false,
            "no_adservers": false,
            "text_title": null,
            "text_description": null,
            "text_display_url": null,
            "click_action": "click-to-web",
            "ssl_status": "disabled",
            "allow_ssl_audit": false,
            "content_secure": null,
            "original_content_secure": null,
            "flash_backup_url_secure": null,
            "is_hosted": true,
            "content_source": "standard",
            "lifetime_budget_imps": null,
            "daily_budget_imps": null,
            "enable_pacing": null,
            "allow_safety_pacing": null,
            "lifetime_budget": null,
            "daily_budget": null,
            "landing_page_url": null,
            "thirdparty_creative_id": null,
            "thirdparty_campaign_id": null,
            "custom_request_template": null,
            "language": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "English"
            "pop_values": null,
            "brand": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Unknown",
                "category_id": 8
            "template": {
                "id": 4,
                "name": "Standard",
                "media_subtype_id": 1,
                "format_id": 4
            "thirdparty_page": null,
            "custom_macros": null,
            "segments": null,
            "folder": null,
            "campaigns": null,
            "competitive_brands": null,
            "competitive_categories": null,
            "pixels": null,
            "mobile": {
            "sla": null,
            "sla_eta": null,
            "currency": "USD"
        "dbg_info": {

Add a banner flash creative (hosted)

When uploading a standard banner flash creative for hosting with Xandr:

Once the creative has been registered, the content will be stored on the CDN, and the creative will be given a media_url such as

Auditing: By default, the creative will be submitted for auditing by Xandr. If you don't want the creative to be audited, you must include allow_audit and set it to false. Alternately, if you want to audit the creative yourself, you must include is_self_audited and set it to true.

$ cat creative

   "creative": {
      "template": {"id":3},
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "click_url": "",
      "click_target": "htpps://",
      "file_name": "gothere.swf",
      "flash_click_variable": "ClickTag",
      "flash_backup_content": "AcndgAAZABkAAD/7AARRHVja3kAAQAEAAAAPAAA/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/b
      "flash_backup_file_name": "flash_backup.png"

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "id": 11,
      "template": {
          "id": 3,
          "name": "Standard",
          "media_subtype_id": 1,
          "format_id": 3
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "click_url": "",
      "click_target": "",
      "media_url": ""
      "flash_backup_url": ""
      "audit_status": "pending",

Add a banner flash creative (third-party URL)

When adding a third-party URL for a banner flash creative:

Auditing: By default, the creative will be submitted for auditing by Xandr. If you don't want the creative to be audited, you must include allow_audit and set it to false. Alternately, if you want to audit the creative yourself, you must include is_self_audited and set it to true.

$ cat creative

   "creative": {
      "media_url": "",
      "flash_backup_url": "",
      "template": {"id":2},
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "campaigns": [

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "media_url": "",
      "flash_backup_url": "",
      "template": {
          "id": 2,
          "name": "Standard",
          "media_subtype_id": 1,
          "format_id": 2
      "audit_status": "pending",

Add a MediaMind expandable creative (third-party URL)

In this example, note that the media_url field provides the third-party URL for the expandable creative, and the template array specifies template 108, which is the Xandr standard template for creatives of the "MediaMind Expandable" media subtype and the "url-js" format.

Auditing: By default, the creative will be submitted for auditing by Xandr. If you don't want the creative to be audited, you must include allow_audit and set it to false. Alternately, if you want to audit the creative yourself, you must include is_self_audited and set it to true.

$ cat creative

   "creative": {
      "media_url": "$$${CLICK_URL_ENC}$$&cn=rsb&c=28&
      "template": {"id":108},
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
          {"id": 58990},
          {"id": 58991}

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

      "template": {
          "id": 108,
          "name": "Standard",
          "media_subtype_id": 11,
          "format_id": 2
      "audit_status": "pending",

Add a Pointroll expandable creative (third-party HTML tag)

In this example, note that the content field provides the JavaScript tag for the expandable creative, and the template array specifies template 159, which is the Xandr standard template for creatives of the "Pointroll Expandable" media subtype and the "raw-html" format.

Auditing: By default, the creative will be submitted for auditing by Xandr. If you don't want the creative to be audited, you must include allow_audit and set it to false. Alternately, if you want to audit the creative yourself, you must include is_self_audited and set it to true.

$ cat creative

   "creative": {
      "content":<script type=\"text/javascript\">function pr_swfver(){var osf,osfd,i,axo=1,v=0,nv=navigator;
       {axo=new ActiveXObject(\"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.\"+i);v=i}}catch(e){}}return v;}var pr_d=new Date
       ();pr_d=pr_d.getDay()+\"|\"+pr_d.getHours()+\": \"+pr_d.getMinutes()+\"|\"+-pr_d.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
       var pr_postal=\"\";var pr_data=\"\";var pr_redir=\"$CTURL$\";var pr_nua=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
      "template": {"id":159},
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "campaigns": [
         {"id": 58990},
         {"id": 58991}

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "id": 12
      "content":"var click = '${CLICK_URL}'; var t = (new Date()).getTime(); var s = document.createElement('script');
                s.setAttribute('src', ';click=' + click + ';ord=' + t);
      "template": {
         "id": 159,
         "name": "Standard",
         "media_subtype_id": 12,
         "format_id": 6

Add a popup image creative (third-party URL)

In this example, note that the media_url field provides the third-party URL for the popup image creative, and the template array specifies template 10, which is the standard Xandr rendering template for the "Popup" media subtype and the "url-js" format. If you don't specify a template in the request, you must pass format as "image" and media_subtype as "popup".

     "media_url": "",
     "click_url": "",
     "click_target": "",
     "template": {"id":10},
     "pop_values": {
       "pop_is_tag_initiated": false,
       "pop_window_maximize": false,
       "pop_window_title": null,
       "pop_statusbar": false,
       "pop_resizable": false,
       "pop_scrollbars": false,
       "pop_toolbar": false,
       "pop_addressbar": false
      "width": 728,
      "height": 90

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "id": 14,
      "template": {
          "id": 10,
          "name": "Standard",
          "media_subtype_id": 2,
          "format_id": 2
      "width": 728,
      "height": 90,
      "audit_status": "pending",

Add a popunder image creative (third-party URL)

In this example, note that the media_url field provides the third-party URL for the popunder image creative, and the template array specifies template 17, which is the standard Xandr rendering template for the "Popunder" media subtype and the "url-js" format. If you don't include a template in the request, you must pass format as "image" and media_subtype as "popunder".

   "creative" :
     "media_url": "",
     "click_url": "",
     "click_target": "",
     "template": {"id":17},
     "pop_values": {
       "pop_is_tag_initiated": false,
       "pop_window_maximize": false,
       "pop_window_title": null,
       "pop_statusbar": false,
       "pop_resizable": false,
       "pop_scrollbars": false,
       "pop_toolbar": false,
       "pop_addressbar": false
      "width": 728,
      "height": 90

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "template": {
          "id": 17,
          "name": "Standard",
          "media_subtype_id": 2,
          "format_id": 2
      "width": 728,
      "height": 90,
      "audit_status": "pending",

Add an in-banner video (third-party video file)

When adding a third-party in-banner video file:

Auditing: By default, the creative will be submitted for auditing by Xandr. If you don't want the creative to be audited, you must include allow_audit and set it to false. Alternately, if you want to audit the creative yourself, you must include is_self_audited and set it to true.

$ cat inbanner

   "creative": {
      "media_url": "",
      "template": {"id":219},
      "click_url": "",
      "click_target": "",
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "flash_backup_url": ""
      "custom_macros": [
              "code": "FLV_URL",
              "value": ""
              "code": "MP4_URL",
              "value": ""
              "code": "WEBM_URL",
              "value": ""

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @inbanner ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "id": 510242,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "creative": {
            "name": null,
            "brand_id": 1,
            "media_url": "",
            "id": 510244,
            "code": null,
            "code2": null,
            "state": "inactive",
            "click_track_result": "not_tested",
            "advertiser_id": 2,
            "publisher_id": null,
            "format": null,
            "width": 300,
            "height": 250,
            "click_url": "",
            "flash_click_variable": null,
            "pixel_url": null,
            "pixel_type": "image",
            "no_iframes": false,
            "content": null,
            "original_content": null,
            "file_name": "inbanner.flv",
            "track_clicks": true,
            "audit_status": "pending",
            "macros": null,
            "profile_id": null,
            "audit_feedback": null,
            "is_prohibited": false,
            "created_on": "2012-04-13 14:47:46",
            "flash_backup_url": "",
            "last_modified": "2012-04-13 14:47:46",
            "is_control": false,
            "allow_audit": true,
            "is_expired": false,
            "creative_upload_status": "pending",
            "backup_upload_status": null,
            "use_dynamic_click_url": false,
            "media_subtypes": [
            "size_in_bytes": 0,
            "msft_audit_status": "pending",
            "msft_audit_feedback": null,
            "msft_external_audit_status": "pending",
            "msft_external_audit_feedback": null,
            "is_self_audited": false,
            "no_adservers": false,
            "text_title": null,
            "text_description": null,
            "text_display_url": null,
            "click_action": "click-to-web",
            "click_target": "",
            "ssl_status": "disabled",
            "allow_ssl_audit": false,
            "media_url_secure": "",
            "content_secure": null,
            "original_content_secure": null,
            "pixel_url_secure": null,
            "flash_backup_url_secure": null,
            "is_hosted": true,
            "lifetime_budget_imps": null,
            "daily_budget_imps": null,
            "enable_pacing": null,
            "lifetime_budget": null,
            "daily_budget": null,
            "language": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "English"
            "pop_values": null,
            "brand": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Unknown",
                "category_id": 8
            "template": {
                "id": 219,
                "name": "Standard",
                "media_subtype_id": 3,
                "format_id": 11
            "custom_macros": [
                    "code": "AUTOPLAY",
                    "value": "0"
                    "code": "CONTROLS",
                    "value": "1"
                    "code": "FLV_URL",
                    "value": ""
                    "code": "MP4_URL",
                    "value": ""
                    "code": "WEBM_URL",
                    "value": ""
            "segments": null,
            "folder": null,
            "campaigns": null,
            "competitive_brands": null,
            "competitive_categories": null,
            "pixels": null,
            "sla": null,
            "sla_eta": null,
            "currency": "USD"
        "dbg_info": {

Add an in-banner video (third-party XML file)

When adding a third-party in-banner XML file:

Auditing: By default, the creative will be submitted for auditing by Xandr. If you don't want the creative to be audited, you must include allow_audit and set it to false. Alternately, if you want to audit the creative yourself, you must include is_self_audited and set it to true.

$ cat inbanner

   "creative": {
      "media_url": "",
      "template": {"id":8},
      "click_url": "",
      "click_target": "",
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "flash_backup_url": ""

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @inbanner ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "id": 510242,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "creative": {
            "name": null,
            "brand_id": 1,
            "media_url": "",
            "id": 510245,
            "code": null,
            "code2": null,
            "state": "inactive",
            "click_track_result": "not_tested",
            "advertiser_id": 2,
            "publisher_id": null,
            "format": null,
            "width": 300,
            "height": 250,
            "click_url": "",
            "flash_click_variable": null,
            "pixel_url": null,
            "pixel_type": "image",
            "no_iframes": false,
            "content": null,
            "original_content": null,
            "file_name": "inbanner.xml",
            "track_clicks": true,
            "audit_status": "pending",
            "macros": null,
            "profile_id": null,
            "audit_feedback": null,
            "is_prohibited": false,
            "created_on": "2012-04-13 14:47:46",
            "flash_backup_url": "",
            "last_modified": "2012-04-13 14:47:46",
            "is_control": false,
            "allow_audit": true,
            "is_expired": false,
            "creative_upload_status": "pending",
            "backup_upload_status": null,
            "use_dynamic_click_url": false,
            "media_subtypes": [
            "size_in_bytes": 0,
            "msft_audit_status": "pending",
            "msft_audit_feedback": null,
            "msft_external_audit_status": "pending",
            "msft_external_audit_feedback": null,
            "is_self_audited": false,
            "no_adservers": false,
            "text_title": null,
            "text_description": null,
            "text_display_url": null,
            "click_action": "click-to-web",
            "click_target": "",
            "ssl_status": "disabled",
            "allow_ssl_audit": false,
            "media_url_secure": "",
            "content_secure": null,
            "original_content_secure": null,
            "pixel_url_secure": null,
            "flash_backup_url_secure": null,
            "is_hosted": true,
            "lifetime_budget_imps": null,
            "daily_budget_imps": null,
            "enable_pacing": null,
            "lifetime_budget": null,
            "daily_budget": null,
            "language": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "English"
            "pop_values": null,
            "brand": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Unknown",
                "category_id": 8
            "template": {
                "id": 8,
                "name": "Standard",
                "media_subtype_id": 3,
                "format_id": 10
            "custom_macros": null,
            "segments": null,
            "folder": null,
            "campaigns": null,
            "competitive_brands": null,
            "competitive_categories": null,
            "pixels": null,
            "sla": null,
            "sla_eta": null,
            "currency": "USD"
        "dbg_info": {

Add a creative that uses a custom rendering template

In this example, the POST request adds a hosted flash banner creative to Xandr. The creative uses a custom creative template, which is designed to render the creative with a border when it is served. Custom macros in the template allow the trafficker to specify the HTML color code and size (in pixels) or the border.

$ cat creative

   "creative": {
      "template": {"id":252},
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "custom_macros": [
            "code": "BORDER_COLOR",
            "value": "#000000"
            "code": "BORDER_SIZE",
            "value": 1
      "click_url": "",
      "click_target": "",
      "file_name": "gothere.swf",
      "flash_click_variable": "ClickTag",
      "flash_backup_content": "AcndgAAZABkAAD/7AARRHVja3kAAQAEAAAAPAAA/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/b
      "flash_backup_file_name": "flash_backup.png"

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "id": 11,
      "template": {
          "id": 252,
          "name": "Flash Banner with Border",
          "media_subtype_id": 1,
          "format_id": 3
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "click_url": "",
      "click_target": "",
      "media_url": ""
      "flash_backup_url": ""
      "audit_status": "pending",
      "custom_macros": [
            "code": "BORDER_COLOR",
            "value": "#000000"
            "code": "BORDER_SIZE",
            "value": 1

Add a secure creative

When uploading a non-secure creative, you can also upload a version to serve on SSL inventory as follows:


You can check the ssl audit status of a creative by making a simple GET request. The ssl_status field in the response tells you the audit status. The creative will be eligible to serve on secure inventory only once it passes the audit and the ssl_status is "approved". A third-party creative will pass our audit only if all calls in the ad chain go through secure servers. If the creative fails the ssl audit, you can resubmit it for ssl auditing by changing the ssl_status field to "pending".

$ cat creative

   "creative": {
      "media_url": "",
      "media_url_secure": "",
      "template": {"id":2},
      "allow_ssl_audit": true
      "format": "image",
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "campaigns": [

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {

Submit a creative for priority audit

If you have a supplemental services agreement with Xandr for priority audits, you can submit a creative for priority audit (auditing within 2 hours during business hours) by setting the sla field to 2. The sla_eta field in the response will provide an estimated finish time for the audit.

$ cat creative

   "creative": {
      "media_url": "",
      "template": {"id":2},
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "campaigns": [
      "sla": 2

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "id": 469340,
      "audit_status": "pending",
      "sla": "2",
      "sla_eta": "2012-01-13 22:43:33",

Cancel a creative audit

If you have submitted a creative for Xandr audit, and the audit_status is "pending", you can cancel the audit and not be charged the auditing fee by making a PUT request with allow_audit set to false. The audit_status field will be "no_audit" in the response.

$ cat creative

   "creative": {

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "id": 469340,

View audit stats for all creatives

In this example, "audit_stats=true" is passed in the query string of the GET call. This returns the number of creatives with each Xandr, Microsoft, and Google audit status.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 30,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "creatives": [
                "total": 30,
                "appnexus_audit": {
                    "no_audit": 10,
                    "pending": 18,
                    "approved": 0,
                    "rejected": 1
                "microsoft_audit": {
                    "no_audit": 10,
                    "pending": 18,
                    "approved": 1,
                    "rejected": 1
        "dbg_info": {

Add a Xandr-approved pixel to a creative

This example walks you through the process of adding the Xandr-approved Evidon AdChoices Icon pixel to a creative.

  1. First, you need to find out the pixel_template_id and the number of parameters you must define for the pixel. You use the Pixel Template Service to get this information.

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
        "response": {
            "status": "OK",
            "count": 3,
            "start_element": 0,
            "num_elements": 100,
            "pixel-templates": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Evidon AdChoices Icon",
                    "format": "raw-js",
                    "content": "(function() {document.write('<sc'+'ript type=\"text/javascript\"' + ((\"https:\"
                     == document.location.protocol) ? \"\" : \"\") +
                    "num_required_params": 2,
                    "require_reaudit": false
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "Brilig Impression Tracker",
                    "format": "url-image",
                    "num_required_params": 1,
                    "require_reaudit": false,
                    "url": "${P1}&_ct=pixel&adid=${CP_ID}&action=1"
            "dbg_info": {
  2. The Evidon AdChoices Icon pixel is the first in the response. You note that id is 1. You also note that num_required_params is 2. This means that, when adding the pixel to your creative, you must provide values for {P1} and {P2} in the pixel content.

  3. You create the JSON-formatted file for adding the pixel to the creative. In the file, you set pixel_template_id to 2, and you set param_1 and param_2 to the values for {P1} and {P2} in the pixel content.


    The pixels array will be completely overwritten with your JSON. Therefore, if the pixels array on the creative already includes any pixels, be sure to specify them in your JSON array as well. For more details, see Creative Service.

    $ cat creative_update
        "creative": {
            "pixels": [
                    "pixel_template_id": 1,
  4. Finally, you make a PUT call to update the creative. The pixels array in the response then shows that the pixel has been added. The two parameters are defined and have been populated in the pixel content.


    The Evidon AdChoices Icon pixel does not cause the creative to require re-auditing, audit_status has not be reverted to "pending".

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @creative_update ''
        "response": {
            "status": "OK",
            "count": 1,
            "id": "503577",
            "start_element": 0,
            "num_elements": 100,
            "creative": {
                "name": null,
                "brand_id": 1,
                "media_url": "",
                "id": 503577,
                "code": null,
                "code2": null,
                "state": "active",
                "click_track_result": "not_tested",
                "advertiser_id": 35081,
                "audit_status": "audited",
                "pixels": [
                        "id": 163,
                        "pixel_template_id": 1,
                        "param_1": "12",
                        "param_2": "34",
                        "param_3": null,
                        "param_4": null,
                        "param_5": null,
                        "format": "url-image",
                        "content": "(function() {document.write('<sc'+'ript type=\"text/javascript\"' +
                         ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"\" :
                         \"\") + '/surly.js?;ad_wxh=${CREATIVE_SIZE};coid=12;nid=34;
            "dbg_info": {

Add a custom pixel to a creative

In this example, the PUT request adds a custom url-js pixel to creative 503577. In the JSON-formatted file, the format is set to "url-js", and the url is set to the location of the JavaScript that you want to serve with the creative.


In the response that audit_status is "pending"; this is because adding a custom pixel to a creative causes the creative to be resubmitted for audit.


The pixels array will be completely overwritten with the information in this file. Therefore, if the creative already includes any pixels, be sure to specify them in the file as well.

$ cat creative_update

    "creative": {
        "pixels": [
                "format": "url-js",
                "url": "${CACHEBUSTER}&uid=${USER_ID}&ref=${REFERER_URL}
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @creative_update ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "id": "503577",
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "creative": {
            "name": null,
            "brand_id": 1,
            "media_url": "",
            "id": 503577,
            "code": null,
            "code2": null,
            "state": "active",
            "click_track_result": "not_tested",
            "advertiser_id": 35081,
            "audit_status": "pending",
            "pixels": [
                    "id": 196,
                    "pixel_template_id": null,
                    "param_1": null,
                    "param_2": null,
                    "param_3": null,
                    "param_4": null,
                    "param_5": null,
                    "format": "url-js",
                    "url": "${CACHEBUSTER}&uid=${USER_ID}
        "dbg_info": {

Add a third-party pixel to a creative

In this example, the PUT request adds 2 third-party pixels to creative "503577".


In the response that audit_status is "pending"; this is because adding a third party pixel to a creative causes the creative to be resubmitted for audit.

$ cat creative_update

    "creative": {
        "thirdparty_pixels": [
            "id": 145
            "id": 314
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @creative_update ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "count": 1,
        "id": "503577",
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "creative": {
            "name": null,
            "brand_id": 1,
            "media_url": "",
            "id": 503577,
            "code": null,
            "code2": null,
            "state": "active",
            "click_track_result": "not_tested",
            "advertiser_id": 35081,
            "audit_status": "pending",  ??remove this, confirm with UTSAV
            "thirdparty_pixels": [

                  "id": 145,
                  "name": "sample pixel",
                  "audit_status": "pending",
                  "active": true
                  "id": 314,
                  "name": "another sample pixel",
                  "audit_status": "pending",
                  "active": true
        "dbg_info": {

Add a creative (third-party HTML tag)

When the format field is set to "raw-html", content from the content field must be wrapped in document.write() and also escaped.

$ cat creative 
    "creative": {
        "adservers": [
                "id": 79,
                "use_type": "adserver"
        "name": "Test Creative",
        "original_content": "<script language=\"javascript\"src=\";click=${CLICK_URL}\"></script><noscript><a href=\"{CLICK_URL};C=0\"  target=\"_blank\"><img  src=\";srctype=4;ord=${CACHEBUSTER}\"  border=\"0\"  width=\"300\"  height=\"250\"  alt=\"\"/></a></noscript>",
        "track_clicks": "true",
        "width": 300,
        "height": 250,
        "is_self_audited": "false",
        "content": "document.write('<scr' + 'ipt language=\\\"javascript\\\"src=\\\";click=${CLICK_URL}\\\"></scr' + 'ipt><noscript><a href=\\\"{CLICK_URL};C=0\\\"  target=\\\"_blank\\\"><img  src=\\\";srctype=4;ord=${CACHEBUSTER}\\\"  border=\\\"0\\\"  width=\\\"300\\\"  height=\\\"250\\\"  alt=\\\"\\\"/></a></noscript>');",
        "template": {
            "id": "6"

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "id": 20,
      "template": {
          "id": 6,
          "name": "Standard"
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "audit_status": "pending",

Add a native creative

This is the new native attribute. When adding a native creative with the new attribute, use template ID 39461.

Step 1: Upload the asset to the creative upload service.

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization:hbapi:21816:58f909dfa3405:nym2' --form "type=image" --form "file=@./NATIVE.JPG" ''

The media_asset_id is returned.

   "response": {  
      "status": "OK",
      "count": 0,
      "start_element": 0,
      "num_elements": 0,
      "dbg_info": {  
         "instance": "",
         "warnings": [  
         "start_microtime": 1492716035.805,
         "time": 5,
         "version": "",
         "output_term": "media-asset"
            "id": 1536691,
            "parent_media_asset_id": null,
            "member_id": 123,
            "advertiser_id": null,
            "publisher_id": null,
            "file_name": "NATIVE.JPG",
            "size_in_bytes": 79400,
            "cdn_uploaded_on": null,
            "cdn_url": "",
            "cdn_secure_url": "",
            "created_on": "2017-04-20 19:20:35",
            "last_modified": "2017-04-20 19:20:35",
            "deleted": false,
            "media_asset_status": [  
                  "id": 1536687,
                  "media_asset_id": 1536691,
                  "error_message": null,
                  "local_path": "1b/ee/3d/95/1bee3d95-7042-4e10-b0bf-7f43e2e4322a.JPG",
                  "cdn_upload_attempt_count": 0,
                  "created_on": "2017-04-20 19:20:35",
                  "last_modified": "2017-04-20 19:20:35",
                  "deleted": false,
                  "status": "on_shared_storage"
            "media_asset_image": {  
               "id": 1005450,
               "media_asset_id": 1536691,
               "height": 480,
               "width": 640,
               "created_on": "2017-04-20 19:20:35",
               "last_activity": "2017-04-20 19:20:35",
               "deleted": false
-            },
            "media_asset_video": null,
            "media_asset_html5": null,
            "asset_type": "image",
            "mime_type": "image/jpeg"

Step 2: Use the media_asset_id to upload the creative.

cat native
    "creative": {
        "name": null,
        "brand_id": 1,
        "media_url": "",
        "code": "test",
        "code2": null,
        "member_id": 4,
        "state": "active",
        "advertiser_id": 7,
        "publisher_id": null,
    "template": {
        "id": 39461
        "native_attribute": {
            "link": {
                "url": "",
                "fallback_url": "",
                "trackers": [
                        "url": "",
                        "url_secure": ""
            "data_assets": [
                    "data_type": "sponsored_by",
                    "value": "a value"
                    "data_type": "rating",
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