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Filters allow you to change the list of creatives that you receive. This applies to an individual creative, or a set of creatives.

  • Click Filters to access the Filters screen.
  • Select the filters you would like to apply. (See below).
  • Once filters are selected, click the Apply Filters button. The screen then automatically loads the results, appropriate creatives are listed.
  • Clicking the Cancel button cancels all filter entries.

The following filtering options are available:

Field Description
Members Click within the Members box to filter for one or multiple members that you want to view creatives from. The drop-down lists all the members you can choose from.
Creative IDs Click within the Creative IDs box to filter for one or more specific creative ids.
Note: This field is comma separated. To search for multiple creative ids, type creative id 1, creative id 2, etc.
Creative Code Click within the Creative Code box to filter for one or more specific creative codes.
- This creative code that is entered must be exact.
- This field is comma separated. To search for multiple creative codes, type creative code 1, creative code 2, etc.
Creative Description Click within the Creative Description box to filter for a specific creative description.
Last Modified Last Modified allows you to filter for creatives that have been recently updated. Click on the calendar icon in the Start date field.
- Start Date/End Date - There are three presets, that allow you to filter for creatives that were modified in the last day, week, or month:
- Last One Day
- Last One Week
- Last One Month
There is also the option of selecting a specific date range. There is no limit on the date range that is set.
- The larger the date range is, the longer period of time filtering takes. Therefore, it is advised not to input extremely large date ranges.
- It is common for bidders to use the presets more frequently than selecting a specific date range.
State State allows you to filter for the state of creatives.
Click on the appropriate checkbox:
- Active
- Inactive
Audit Status Audit Status allows you to filter for creatives that were rejected, and try to understand why they were rejected.
Click on the appropriate checkbox:
- Audited
- Pending
- Rejected
- No Audit
SSL Status SSL Status allows you to filter for creatives that failed due to SSL issues, and try to understand why they failed.
Click on the appropriate checkbox:
- Approved
- Pending
- Failed
Suspicious Suspicious allows you to filter for creatives that are suspect of not meeting quality standards.
Click on the appropriate checkbox:
- True
- False
Prohibited Prohibited allows you to filter for creatives that are not allowed in the system.
Click on the appropriate checkbox:
- True
- False
Audit Feedback Audit Feedback allows you to filter for specific audit feedback. Example: If you want to search for creatives that were rejected for a specific reason, you can type that reason in here.
Ad Type Ad Type allows you to filter for a specific ad type.
Click on the appropriate checkbox:
- Banner
- Video
- Native
- Audio