Convert.ToInt16 Metodo
Alcune informazioni sono relative alla release non definitiva del prodotto, che potrebbe subire modifiche significative prima della release definitiva. Microsoft non riconosce alcuna garanzia, espressa o implicita, in merito alle informazioni qui fornite.
Converte un valore specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
ToInt16(Single) |
Converte il valore del numero a virgola mobile a precisione singola specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(String, IFormatProvider) |
Converte la rappresentazione di stringa specificata di un numero in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente mediante le informazioni di formattazione specifiche delle impostazioni cultura indicate. |
ToInt16(Object, IFormatProvider) |
Converte il valore dell'oggetto specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit mediante le informazioni di formattazione specifiche delle impostazioni cultura indicate. |
ToInt16(UInt64) |
Converte il valore dell'intero senza segno a 64 bit specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(UInt32) |
Converte il valore dell'intero senza segno a 32 bit specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(UInt16) |
Converte il valore dell'intero senza segno a 16 bit specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(String) |
Converte la rappresentazione di stringa specificata di un numero in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(String, Int32) |
Converte la rappresentazione di stringa di un numero in una base specificata nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(SByte) |
Converte il valore dell'intero con segno a 8 bit specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(Int16) |
Restituisce l'intero con segno a 16 bit specificato; non viene eseguita alcuna conversione effettiva. |
ToInt16(Int64) |
Converte il valore dell'intero con segno a 64 bit specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(Int32) |
Converte il valore dell'intero con segno a 32 bit specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(Double) |
Converte il valore del numero a virgola mobile e con precisione doppia specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(Decimal) |
Converte il valore del numero decimale specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(DateTime) |
La chiamata di questo metodo genera sempre un'eccezione InvalidCastException. |
ToInt16(Char) |
Converte il valore del carattere Unicode specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(Byte) |
Converte il valore dell'intero senza segno a 8 bit specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(Boolean) |
Converte il valore booleano specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente. |
ToInt16(Object) |
Converte il valore dell'oggetto specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit. |
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore del numero a virgola mobile a precisione singola specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(float value);
public static short ToInt16 (float value);
static member ToInt16 : single -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Single) As Short
- value
- Single
Numero a virgola mobile a precisione singola da convertire.
, arrotondato all'intero con segno a 16 bit più vicino. Se value
si trova a metà tra due numeri interi, viene restituito il numero intero pari; vale a dire, 4,5 viene convertito in 4, mentre 5,5 viene convertito in 6.
è maggiore di Int16.MaxValue o minore di Int16.MinValue.
L'esempio seguente tenta di convertire ogni elemento in una matrice di Single valori in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
float[] values = { Single.MinValue, -1.38e10f, -1023.299f, -12.98f,
0f, 9.113e-16f, 103.919f, 17834.191f, Single.MaxValue };
short result;
foreach (float value in values)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(value);
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to the {2} value {3}.",
value.GetType().Name, value, result.GetType().Name, result);
catch (OverflowException) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", value);
// The example displays the following output:
// -3.4028235E+38 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// -1.38E+10 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted the Single value -1023.299 to the Int16 value -1023.
// Converted the Single value -12.98 to the Int16 value -13.
// Converted the Single value 0 to the Int16 value 0.
// Converted the Single value 9.113E-16 to the Int16 value 0.
// Converted the Single value 103.919 to the Int16 value 104.
// Converted the Single value 17834.191 to the Int16 value 17834.
// 3.4028235E+38 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
let values =
[| Single.MinValue; -1.38e10f; -1023.299f; -12.98f
0f; 9.113e-16f; 103.919f; 17834.191f; Single.MaxValue |]
for value in values do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 value
printfn $"Converted the {value.GetType().Name} value {value} to the {result.GetType().Name} value {result}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"{value} is outside the range of the Int16 type."
// The example displays the following output:
// -3.4028235E+38 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// -1.38E+10 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted the Single value -1023.299 to the Int16 value -1023.
// Converted the Single value -12.98 to the Int16 value -13.
// Converted the Single value 0 to the Int16 value 0.
// Converted the Single value 9.113E-16 to the Int16 value 0.
// Converted the Single value 103.919 to the Int16 value 104.
// Converted the Single value 17834.191 to the Int16 value 17834.
// 3.4028235E+38 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Dim values() As Single = { Single.MinValue, -1.38e10, -1023.299, -12.98, _
0, 9.113e-16, 103.919, 17834.191, Single.MaxValue }
Dim result As Short
For Each value As Single In values
result = Convert.ToInt16(value)
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to the {2} value {3}.", _
value.GetType().Name, value, result.GetType().Name, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("{0} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", value)
End Try
' The example displays the following output:
' -3.402823E+38 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
' -1.38E+10 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
' Converted the Single value -1023.299 to the Int16 value -1023.
' Converted the Single value -12.98 to the Int16 value -13.
' Converted the Single value 0 to the Int16 value 0.
' Converted the Single value 9.113E-16 to the Int16 value 0.
' Converted the Single value 103.919 to the Int16 value 104.
' Converted the Single value 17834.19 to the Int16 value 17834.
' 3.402823E+38 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Vedi anche
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte la rappresentazione di stringa specificata di un numero in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente mediante le informazioni di formattazione specifiche delle impostazioni cultura indicate.
static short ToInt16(System::String ^ value, IFormatProvider ^ provider);
public static short ToInt16 (string value, IFormatProvider provider);
public static short ToInt16 (string? value, IFormatProvider? provider);
static member ToInt16 : string * IFormatProvider -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As String, provider As IFormatProvider) As Short
- value
- String
Stringa che contiene il numero da convertire.
- provider
- IFormatProvider
Oggetto che fornisce informazioni di formattazione specifiche delle impostazioni cultura.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente al numero in value
oppure 0 (zero) se value
è null
non è costituito da un segno facoltativo seguito da una sequenza di cifre (da 0 a 9).
rappresenta un numero minore di Int16.MinValue o maggiore di Int16.MaxValue.
Nell'esempio seguente le rappresentazioni di stringa di interi a 16 bit con il ToInt16
metodo utilizzano un IFormatProvider oggetto .
// Example of the Convert::ToInt16( String* ) and
// Convert::ToInt16( String*, IFormatProvider* ) methods.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
const __wchar_t * protoFmt = L"{0,-20}{1,-20}{2}";
// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
void ConvertToInt16( String^ numericStr, IFormatProvider^ provider )
Object^ defaultValue;
Object^ providerValue;
// Convert numericStr to Int16 without a format provider.
defaultValue = Convert::ToInt16( numericStr );
catch ( Exception^ ex )
defaultValue = GetExceptionType( ex );
// Convert numericStr to Int16 with a format provider.
providerValue = Convert::ToInt16( numericStr, provider );
catch ( Exception^ ex )
providerValue = GetExceptionType( ex );
Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), numericStr, defaultValue, providerValue );
int main()
// Create a NumberFormatInfo object and set several of its
// properties that apply to numbers.
NumberFormatInfo^ provider = gcnew NumberFormatInfo;
// These properties affect the conversion.
provider->NegativeSign = "neg ";
provider->PositiveSign = "pos ";
// These properties do not affect the conversion.
// The input string cannot have decimal and group separators.
provider->NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
provider->NumberGroupSeparator = ",";
array<Int32>^sizes = {3};
provider->NumberGroupSizes = sizes;
provider->NumberNegativePattern = 0;
Console::WriteLine( "This example of\n"
" Convert::ToInt16( String* ) and \n"
" Convert::ToInt16( String*, IFormatProvider* ) "
"\ngenerates the following output. It converts "
"several strings to \nshort values, using "
"default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.\n" );
Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), "String to convert", "Default/exception", "Provider/exception" );
Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), "-----------------", "-----------------", "------------------" );
// Convert strings, with and without an IFormatProvider.
ConvertToInt16( "12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "+12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "pos 12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "-12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "neg 12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "12345.", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "12,345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "(12345)", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "32768", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "-32769", provider );
This example of
Convert::ToInt16( String* ) and
Convert::ToInt16( String*, IFormatProvider* )
generates the following output. It converts several strings to
short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
String to convert Default/exception Provider/exception
----------------- ----------------- ------------------
12345 12345 12345
+12345 12345 FormatException
pos 12345 FormatException 12345
-12345 -12345 FormatException
neg 12345 FormatException -12345
12345. FormatException FormatException
12,345 FormatException FormatException
(12345) FormatException FormatException
32768 OverflowException OverflowException
-32769 OverflowException FormatException
// Example of the Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
// Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider ) methods.
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class ToInt16ProviderDemo
static string format = "{0,-20}{1,-20}{2}";
// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
return exceptionType.Substring(
exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
static void ConvertToInt16( string numericStr,
IFormatProvider provider )
object defaultValue;
object providerValue;
// Convert numericStr to Int16 without a format provider.
defaultValue = Convert.ToInt16( numericStr );
catch( Exception ex )
defaultValue = GetExceptionType( ex );
// Convert numericStr to Int16 with a format provider.
providerValue = Convert.ToInt16( numericStr, provider );
catch( Exception ex )
providerValue = GetExceptionType( ex );
Console.WriteLine( format, numericStr,
defaultValue, providerValue );
public static void Main( )
// Create a NumberFormatInfo object and set several of its
// properties that apply to numbers.
NumberFormatInfo provider = new NumberFormatInfo();
// These properties affect the conversion.
provider.NegativeSign = "neg ";
provider.PositiveSign = "pos ";
// These properties do not affect the conversion.
// The input string cannot have decimal and group separators.
provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
provider.NumberGroupSeparator = ",";
provider.NumberGroupSizes = new int[ ] { 3 };
provider.NumberNegativePattern = 0;
Console.WriteLine("This example of\n" +
" Convert.ToInt16( string ) and \n" +
" Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider ) " +
"\ngenerates the following output. It converts " +
"several strings to \nshort values, using " +
"default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.\n" );
Console.WriteLine( format, "String to convert",
"Default/exception", "Provider/exception" );
Console.WriteLine( format, "-----------------",
"-----------------", "------------------" );
// Convert strings, with and without an IFormatProvider.
ConvertToInt16( "12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "+12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "pos 12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "-12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "neg 12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "12345.", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "12,345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "(12345)", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "32768", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "-32769", provider );
This example of
Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider )
generates the following output. It converts several strings to
short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
String to convert Default/exception Provider/exception
----------------- ----------------- ------------------
12345 12345 12345
+12345 12345 FormatException
pos 12345 FormatException 12345
-12345 -12345 FormatException
neg 12345 FormatException -12345
12345. FormatException FormatException
12,345 FormatException FormatException
(12345) FormatException FormatException
32768 OverflowException OverflowException
-32769 OverflowException FormatException
// Example of the Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
// Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider ) methods.
open System
open System.Globalization
let format obj1 obj2 obj3 = printfn $"{obj1,-20}{obj2,-20}{obj3}"
// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.' + 1)
let convertToInt16 (numericStr: string) (provider: IFormatProvider) =
// Convert numericStr to Int16 without a format provider.
let defaultValue =
Convert.ToInt16 numericStr
|> string
with ex ->
getExceptionType ex
// Convert numericStr to Int16 with a format provider.
let providerValue =
Convert.ToInt16(numericStr, provider)
|> string
with ex ->
getExceptionType ex
format numericStr defaultValue providerValue
// Create a NumberFormatInfo object and set several of its
// properties that apply to numbers.
let provider = NumberFormatInfo()
// These properties affect the conversion.
provider.NegativeSign <- "neg "
provider.PositiveSign <- "pos "
// These properties do not affect the conversion.
// The input string cannot have decimal and group separators.
provider.NumberDecimalSeparator <- "."
provider.NumberGroupSeparator <- ","
provider.NumberGroupSizes <- [| 3 |]
provider.NumberNegativePattern <- 0
"""This example of
Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider )
generates the following output. It converts several strings to
short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
format "String to convert" "Default/exception" "Provider/exception"
format "-----------------" "-----------------" "------------------"
// Convert strings, with and without an IFormatProvider.
convertToInt16 "12345" provider
convertToInt16 "+12345" provider
convertToInt16 "pos 12345" provider
convertToInt16 "-12345" provider
convertToInt16 "neg 12345" provider
convertToInt16 "12345." provider
convertToInt16 "12,345" provider
convertToInt16 "(12345)" provider
convertToInt16 "32768" provider
convertToInt16 "-32769" provider
// This example of
// Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
// Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider )
// generates the following output. It converts several strings to
// short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
// String to convert Default/exception Provider/exception
// ----------------- ----------------- ------------------
// 12345 12345 12345
// +12345 12345 FormatException
// pos 12345 FormatException 12345
// -12345 -12345 FormatException
// neg 12345 FormatException -12345
// 12345. FormatException FormatException
// 12,345 FormatException FormatException
// (12345) FormatException FormatException
// 32768 OverflowException OverflowException
// -32769 OverflowException FormatException
' Example of the Convert.ToInt16( String ) and
' Convert.ToInt16( String, IFormatProvider ) methods.
Imports System.Globalization
Module ToInt16ProviderDemo
Dim format As String = "{0,-20}{1,-20}{2}"
' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String
Dim exceptionType As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
Return exceptionType.Substring( _
exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
End Function
Sub ConvertToInt16( numericStr As String, _
provider As IFormatProvider )
Dim defaultValue As Object
Dim providerValue As Object
' Convert numericStr to Int16 without a format provider.
defaultValue = Convert.ToInt16( numericStr )
Catch ex As Exception
defaultValue = GetExceptionType( ex )
End Try
' Convert numericStr to Int16 with a format provider.
providerValue = Convert.ToInt16( numericStr, provider )
Catch ex As Exception
providerValue = GetExceptionType( ex )
End Try
Console.WriteLine( format, numericStr, _
defaultValue, providerValue )
End Sub
Sub Main( )
' Create a NumberFormatInfo object and set several of its
' properties that apply to numbers.
Dim provider As NumberFormatInfo = new NumberFormatInfo( )
' These properties affect the conversion.
provider.NegativeSign = "neg "
provider.PositiveSign = "pos "
' These properties do not affect the conversion.
' The input string cannot have decimal and group separators.
provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."
provider.NumberGroupSeparator = ","
provider.NumberGroupSizes = New Integer( ) { 3 }
provider.NumberNegativePattern = 0
Console.WriteLine( "This example of" & vbCrLf & _
" Convert.ToInt16( String ) and " & vbCrLf & _
" Convert.ToInt16( String, IFormatProvider ) " & _
vbCrLf & "generates the following output. It " & _
"converts several strings to " & vbCrLf & "Short " & _
"values, using default formatting " & _
"or a NumberFormatInfo object." & vbCrLf )
Console.WriteLine( format, "String to convert", _
"Default/exception", "Provider/exception" )
Console.WriteLine( format, "-----------------", _
"-----------------", "------------------" )
' Convert strings, with and without an IFormatProvider.
ConvertToInt16( "12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "+12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "pos 12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "-12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "neg 12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "12345.", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "12,345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "(12345)", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "32768", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "-32769", provider )
End Sub
End Module
' This example of
' Convert.ToInt16( String ) and
' Convert.ToInt16( String, IFormatProvider )
' generates the following output. It converts several strings to
' Short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
' String to convert Default/exception Provider/exception
' ----------------- ----------------- ------------------
' 12345 12345 12345
' +12345 12345 FormatException
' pos 12345 FormatException 12345
' -12345 -12345 FormatException
' neg 12345 FormatException -12345
' 12345. FormatException FormatException
' 12,345 FormatException FormatException
' (12345) FormatException FormatException
' 32768 OverflowException OverflowException
' -32769 OverflowException FormatException
è un'istanza IFormatProvider che ottiene un NumberFormatInfo oggetto . L'oggetto NumberFormatInfo fornisce informazioni specifiche delle impostazioni cultura sul formato di value
. Se provider
è null
, viene utilizzato per NumberFormatInfo le impostazioni cultura correnti.
Se si preferisce non gestire un'eccezione se la conversione non riesce, è invece possibile chiamare il Int16.TryParse metodo . Restituisce un Boolean valore che indica se la conversione ha avuto esito positivo o negativo.
Vedi anche
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore dell'oggetto specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit mediante le informazioni di formattazione specifiche delle impostazioni cultura indicate.
static short ToInt16(System::Object ^ value, IFormatProvider ^ provider);
public static short ToInt16 (object value, IFormatProvider provider);
public static short ToInt16 (object? value, IFormatProvider? provider);
static member ToInt16 : obj * IFormatProvider -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Object, provider As IFormatProvider) As Short
- value
- Object
Oggetto che implementa l'interfaccia IConvertible.
- provider
- IFormatProvider
Oggetto che fornisce informazioni di formattazione specifiche delle impostazioni cultura.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente a value
oppure zero se value
è null
Il formato di value
non è appropriato per un tipo Int16.
non implementa IConvertible.
rappresenta un numero minore di Int16.MinValue o maggiore di Int16.MaxValue.
Nell'esempio seguente viene definita una classe che implementa IConvertible e una classe che implementa IFormatProvider. Oggetti della classe che implementa IConvertible contengono una matrice di Double valori. Un oggetto di ogni classe viene passato al ToInt16
metodo . Questo metodo restituisce una media della matrice di Double valori, utilizzando l'oggetto che implementa IFormatProvider per determinare come calcolare la media.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
// Define the types of averaging available in the class
// implementing IConvertible.
public enum class AverageType : short
None = 0,
GeometricMean = 1,
ArithmeticMean = 2,
Median = 3
// Pass an instance of this class to methods that require an
// IFormatProvider. The class instance determines the type of
// average to calculate.
ref class AverageInfo: public IFormatProvider
AverageType AvgType;
// Specify the type of averaging in the constructor.
AverageInfo( AverageType avgType )
this->AvgType = avgType;
// This method returns a reference to the containing object
// if an object of AverageInfo type is requested.
virtual Object^ GetFormat( Type^ argType )
if ( argType == AverageInfo::typeid)
return this;
return (Object^)0;
property AverageType TypeOfAverage
// Use this property to set or get the type of averaging.
AverageType get()
return this->AvgType;
void set( AverageType value )
this->AvgType = value;
// This class encapsulates an array of double values and implements
// the IConvertible interface. Most of the IConvertible methods
// return an average of the array elements in one of three types:
// arithmetic mean, geometric mean, or median.
ref class DataSet: public IConvertible
static Object^ null = nullptr;
ArrayList^ data;
AverageInfo^ defaultProvider;
// This method unboxes a boxed double.
double UnBoxDouble( Object^ obj )
return *static_cast<double^>(obj);
// Construct the object and add an initial list of values.
// Create a default format provider.
DataSet( ... array<Double>^values )
data = gcnew ArrayList( (Array^)values );
defaultProvider = gcnew AverageInfo( AverageType::ArithmeticMean );
// Add additional values with this method.
int Add( double value )
data->Add( value );
return data->Count;
property double Item[ int ]
// Get, set, and add values with this indexer property.
double get( int index )
if ( index >= 0 && index < data->Count )
return UnBoxDouble( data[ index ] );
throw gcnew InvalidOperationException( "[DataSet.get] Index out of range." );
void set( int index, double value )
if ( index >= 0 && index < data->Count )
data[ index ] = value;
if ( index == data->Count )
data->Add( value );
throw gcnew InvalidOperationException( "[DataSet.set] Index out of range." );
property int Count
// This property returns the number of elements in the object.
int get()
return data->Count;
// This method calculates the average of the object's elements.
double Average( AverageType avgType )
double SumProd;
if ( data->Count == 0 )
return 0.0;
switch ( avgType )
case AverageType::GeometricMean:
SumProd = 1.0;
for ( int Index = 0; Index < data->Count; Index++ )
SumProd *= UnBoxDouble( data[ Index ] );
// This calculation will not fail with negative
// elements.
return Math::Sign( SumProd ) * Math::Pow( Math::Abs( SumProd ), 1.0 / data->Count );
case AverageType::ArithmeticMean:
SumProd = 0.0;
for ( int Index = 0; Index < data->Count; Index++ )
SumProd += UnBoxDouble( data[ Index ] );
return SumProd / data->Count;
case AverageType::Median:
if ( data->Count % 2 == 0 )
return (UnBoxDouble( data[ data->Count / 2 ] ) + UnBoxDouble( data[ data->Count / 2 - 1 ] )) / 2.0;
return UnBoxDouble( data[ data->Count / 2 ] );
return 0.0;
// Get the AverageInfo object from the caller's format provider,
// or use the local default.
AverageInfo^ GetAverageInfo( IFormatProvider^ provider )
AverageInfo^ avgInfo = nullptr;
if ( provider != nullptr )
avgInfo = static_cast<AverageInfo^>(provider->GetFormat( AverageInfo::typeid ));
if ( avgInfo == nullptr )
return defaultProvider;
return avgInfo;
// Calculate the average and limit the range.
double CalcNLimitAverage( double min, double max, IFormatProvider^ provider )
// Get the format provider and calculate the average.
AverageInfo^ avgInfo = GetAverageInfo( provider );
double avg = Average( avgInfo->TypeOfAverage );
// Limit the range, based on the minimum and maximum values
// for the type.
return avg > max ? max : avg < min ? min : avg;
// The following elements are required by IConvertible.
// None of these conversion functions throw exceptions. When
// the data is out of range for the type, the appropriate
// MinValue or MaxValue is used.
virtual TypeCode GetTypeCode()
return TypeCode::Object;
virtual bool ToBoolean( IFormatProvider^ provider )
// ToBoolean is false if the dataset is empty.
if ( data->Count <= 0 )
return false;
// For median averaging, ToBoolean is true if any
// non-discarded elements are nonzero.
// For median averaging, ToBoolean is true if any
// non-discarded elements are nonzero.
if ( AverageType::Median == GetAverageInfo( provider )->TypeOfAverage )
if ( data->Count % 2 == 0 )
return (UnBoxDouble( data[ data->Count / 2 ] ) != 0.0 || UnBoxDouble( data[ data->Count / 2 - 1 ] ) != 0.0);
return UnBoxDouble( data[ data->Count / 2 ] ) != 0.0;
// For arithmetic or geometric mean averaging, ToBoolean is
// true if any element of the dataset is nonzero.
for ( int Index = 0; Index < data->Count; Index++ )
if ( UnBoxDouble( data[ Index ] ) != 0.0 )
return true;
return false;
virtual Byte ToByte( IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Convert::ToByte( CalcNLimitAverage( Byte::MinValue, Byte::MaxValue, provider ) );
virtual Char ToChar( IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Convert::ToChar( Convert::ToUInt16( CalcNLimitAverage( Char::MinValue, Char::MaxValue, provider ) ) );
// Convert to DateTime by adding the calculated average as
// seconds to the current date and time. A valid DateTime is
// always returned.
virtual DateTime ToDateTime( IFormatProvider^ provider )
double seconds = Average( GetAverageInfo( provider )->TypeOfAverage );
return DateTime::Now.AddSeconds( seconds );
catch ( ArgumentOutOfRangeException^ )
return seconds < 0.0 ? DateTime::MinValue : DateTime::MaxValue;
virtual Decimal ToDecimal( IFormatProvider^ provider )
// The Double conversion rounds Decimal.MinValue and
// Decimal.MaxValue to invalid Decimal values, so the
// following limits must be used.
return Convert::ToDecimal( CalcNLimitAverage( -79228162514264330000000000000.0, 79228162514264330000000000000.0, provider ) );
virtual double ToDouble( IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Average( GetAverageInfo( provider )->TypeOfAverage );
virtual short ToInt16( IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Convert::ToInt16( CalcNLimitAverage( Int16::MinValue, Int16::MaxValue, provider ) );
virtual int ToInt32( IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Convert::ToInt32( CalcNLimitAverage( Int32::MinValue, Int32::MaxValue, provider ) );
virtual __int64 ToInt64( IFormatProvider^ provider )
// The Double conversion rounds Int64.MinValue and
// Int64.MaxValue to invalid Int64 values, so the following
// limits must be used.
return Convert::ToInt64( CalcNLimitAverage( -9223372036854775000, 9223372036854775000, provider ) );
virtual signed char ToSByte( IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Convert::ToSByte( CalcNLimitAverage( SByte::MinValue, SByte::MaxValue, provider ) );
virtual float ToSingle( IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Convert::ToSingle( CalcNLimitAverage( Single::MinValue, Single::MaxValue, provider ) );
virtual UInt16 ToUInt16( IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Convert::ToUInt16( CalcNLimitAverage( UInt16::MinValue, UInt16::MaxValue, provider ) );
virtual UInt32 ToUInt32( IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Convert::ToUInt32( CalcNLimitAverage( UInt32::MinValue, UInt32::MaxValue, provider ) );
virtual UInt64 ToUInt64( IFormatProvider^ provider )
// The Double conversion rounds UInt64.MaxValue to an invalid
// UInt64 value, so the following limit must be used.
return Convert::ToUInt64( CalcNLimitAverage( 0, 18446744073709550000.0, provider ) );
virtual Object^ ToType( Type^ conversionType, IFormatProvider^ provider )
return Convert::ChangeType( Average( GetAverageInfo( provider )->TypeOfAverage ), conversionType );
virtual String^ ToString( IFormatProvider^ provider )
AverageType avgType = GetAverageInfo( provider )->TypeOfAverage;
return String::Format( "( {0}: {1:G10} )", avgType, Average( avgType ) );
// Display a DataSet with three different format providers.
void DisplayDataSet( DataSet^ ds )
IFormatProvider^ null = nullptr;
String^ fmt = "{0,-12}{1,20}{2,20}{3,20}";
AverageInfo^ median = gcnew AverageInfo( AverageType::Median );
AverageInfo^ geMean = gcnew AverageInfo( AverageType::GeometricMean );
// Display the dataset elements.
if ( ds->Count > 0 )
Console::Write( "\nDataSet: [{0}", ds->Item[ 0 ] );
for ( int iX = 1; iX < ds->Count; iX++ )
Console::Write( ", {0}", ds->Item[ iX ] );
Console::WriteLine( "]\n" );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "Convert::", "Default", "Geometric Mean", "Median" );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "---------", "-------", "--------------", "------" );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToBoolean", Convert::ToBoolean( ds, null ), Convert::ToBoolean( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToBoolean( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToByte", Convert::ToByte( ds, null ), Convert::ToByte( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToByte( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToChar", Convert::ToChar( ds, null ), Convert::ToChar( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToChar( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( "{0,-12}{1,20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}"
"{2,20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}{3,20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", "ToDateTime", Convert::ToDateTime( ds, null ), Convert::ToDateTime( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToDateTime( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToDecimal", Convert::ToDecimal( ds, null ), Convert::ToDecimal( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToDecimal( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToDouble", Convert::ToDouble( ds, null ), Convert::ToDouble( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToDouble( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToInt16", Convert::ToInt16( ds, null ), Convert::ToInt16( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToInt16( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToInt32", Convert::ToInt32( ds, null ), Convert::ToInt32( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToInt32( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToInt64", Convert::ToInt64( ds, null ), Convert::ToInt64( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToInt64( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToSByte", Convert::ToSByte( ds, null ), Convert::ToSByte( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToSByte( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToSingle", Convert::ToSingle( ds, null ), Convert::ToSingle( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToSingle( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToUInt16", Convert::ToUInt16( ds, null ), Convert::ToUInt16( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToUInt16( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToUInt32", Convert::ToUInt32( ds, null ), Convert::ToUInt32( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToUInt32( ds, median ) );
Console::WriteLine( fmt, "ToUInt64", Convert::ToUInt64( ds, null ), Convert::ToUInt64( ds, geMean ), Convert::ToUInt64( ds, median ) );
int main()
Console::WriteLine( "This example of the "
"Convert::To<Type>( Object*, IFormatProvider* ) methods "
"\ngenerates the following output. The example "
"displays the values \nreturned by the methods, "
"using several IFormatProvider objects.\n" );
// To call a [ParamArray] method in C++, you cannot just
// list the parameters, you need to build an array.
array<Double>^dataElem = gcnew array<Double>(6);
dataElem[ 0 ] = 10.5;
dataElem[ 1 ] = 22.2;
dataElem[ 2 ] = 45.9;
dataElem[ 3 ] = 88.7;
dataElem[ 4 ] = 156.05;
dataElem[ 5 ] = 297.6;
DataSet^ ds1 = gcnew DataSet( dataElem );
DisplayDataSet( ds1 );
dataElem = gcnew array<Double>(5);
dataElem[ 0 ] = 359999.95;
dataElem[ 1 ] = 425000;
dataElem[ 2 ] = 499999.5;
dataElem[ 3 ] = 775000;
dataElem[ 4 ] = 1695000;
DataSet^ ds2 = gcnew DataSet( dataElem );
DisplayDataSet( ds2 );
This example of the Convert::To<Type>( Object*, IFormatProvider* ) methods
generates the following output. The example displays the values
returned by the methods, using several IFormatProvider objects.
DataSet: [10.5, 22.2, 45.9, 88.7, 156.05, 297.6]
Convert:: Default Geometric Mean Median
--------- ------- -------------- ------
ToBoolean True True True
ToByte 103 59 67
ToChar g ; C
ToDateTime 2003-05-13 15:30:23 2003-05-13 15:29:39 2003-05-13 15:29:47
ToDecimal 103.491666666667 59.4332135445164 67.3
ToDouble 103.491666666667 59.4332135445164 67.3
ToInt16 103 59 67
ToInt32 103 59 67
ToInt64 103 59 67
ToSByte 103 59 67
ToSingle 103.4917 59.43321 67.3
ToUInt16 103 59 67
ToUInt32 103 59 67
ToUInt64 103 59 67
DataSet: [359999.95, 425000, 499999.5, 775000, 1695000]
Convert:: Default Geometric Mean Median
--------- ------- -------------- ------
ToBoolean True True True
ToByte 255 255 255
ToChar ? ? ?
ToDateTime 2003-05-22 08:05:19 2003-05-20 22:54:57 2003-05-19 10:21:59
ToDecimal 750999.89 631577.237188435 499999.5
ToDouble 750999.89 631577.237188435 499999.5
ToInt16 32767 32767 32767
ToInt32 751000 631577 500000
ToInt64 751000 631577 500000
ToSByte 127 127 127
ToSingle 750999.9 631577.3 499999.5
ToUInt16 65535 65535 65535
ToUInt32 751000 631577 500000
ToUInt64 751000 631577 500000
using System;
using System.Collections;
// Define the types of averaging available in the class
// implementing IConvertible.
public enum AverageType : short
None = 0,
GeometricMean = 1,
ArithmeticMean = 2,
Median = 3
// Pass an instance of this class to methods that require an
// IFormatProvider. The class instance determines the type of
// average to calculate.
public class AverageInfo : IFormatProvider
protected AverageType AvgType;
// Specify the type of averaging in the constructor.
public AverageInfo( AverageType avgType )
this.AvgType = avgType;
// This method returns a reference to the containing object
// if an object of AverageInfo type is requested.
public object GetFormat( Type argType )
if ( argType == typeof( AverageInfo ) )
return this;
return null;
// Use this property to set or get the type of averaging.
public AverageType TypeOfAverage
get { return this.AvgType; }
set { this.AvgType = value; }
// This class encapsulates an array of double values and implements
// the IConvertible interface. Most of the IConvertible methods
// return an average of the array elements in one of three types:
// arithmetic mean, geometric mean, or median.
public class DataSet : IConvertible
protected ArrayList data;
protected AverageInfo defaultProvider;
// Construct the object and add an initial list of values.
// Create a default format provider.
public DataSet( params double[ ] values )
data = new ArrayList( values );
defaultProvider =
new AverageInfo( AverageType.ArithmeticMean );
// Add additional values with this method.
public int Add( double value )
data.Add( value );
return data.Count;
// Get, set, and add values with this indexer property.
public double this[ int index ]
if( index >= 0 && index < data.Count )
return (double)data[ index ];
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"[DataSet.get] Index out of range." );
if( index >= 0 && index < data.Count )
data[ index ] = value;
else if( index == data.Count )
data.Add( value );
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"[DataSet.set] Index out of range." );
// This property returns the number of elements in the object.
public int Count
get { return data.Count; }
// This method calculates the average of the object's elements.
protected double Average( AverageType avgType )
double SumProd;
if( data.Count == 0 )
return 0.0;
switch( avgType )
case AverageType.GeometricMean:
SumProd = 1.0;
for( int Index = 0; Index < data.Count; Index++ )
SumProd *= (double)data[ Index ];
// This calculation will not fail with negative
// elements.
return Math.Sign( SumProd ) * Math.Pow(
Math.Abs( SumProd ), 1.0 / data.Count );
case AverageType.ArithmeticMean:
SumProd = 0.0;
for( int Index = 0; Index < data.Count; Index++ )
SumProd += (double)data[ Index ];
return SumProd / data.Count;
case AverageType.Median:
if( data.Count % 2 == 0 )
return ( (double)data[ data.Count / 2 ] +
(double)data[ data.Count / 2 - 1 ] ) / 2.0;
return (double)data[ data.Count / 2 ];
return 0.0;
// Get the AverageInfo object from the caller's format provider,
// or use the local default.
protected AverageInfo GetAverageInfo( IFormatProvider provider )
AverageInfo avgInfo = null;
if( provider != null )
avgInfo = (AverageInfo)provider.GetFormat(
typeof( AverageInfo ) );
if ( avgInfo == null )
return defaultProvider;
return avgInfo;
// Calculate the average and limit the range.
protected double CalcNLimitAverage( double min, double max,
IFormatProvider provider )
// Get the format provider and calculate the average.
AverageInfo avgInfo = GetAverageInfo( provider );
double avg = Average( avgInfo.TypeOfAverage );
// Limit the range, based on the minimum and maximum values
// for the type.
return avg > max ? max : avg < min ? min : avg;
// The following elements are required by IConvertible.
// None of these conversion functions throw exceptions. When
// the data is out of range for the type, the appropriate
// MinValue or MaxValue is used.
public TypeCode GetTypeCode( )
return TypeCode.Object;
public bool ToBoolean( IFormatProvider provider )
// ToBoolean is false if the dataset is empty.
if( data.Count <= 0 )
return false;
// For median averaging, ToBoolean is true if any
// non-discarded elements are nonzero.
else if( AverageType.Median ==
GetAverageInfo( provider ).TypeOfAverage )
if (data.Count % 2 == 0 )
return ( (double)data[ data.Count / 2 ] != 0.0 ||
(double)data[ data.Count / 2 - 1 ] != 0.0 );
return (double)data[ data.Count / 2 ] != 0.0;
// For arithmetic or geometric mean averaging, ToBoolean is
// true if any element of the dataset is nonzero.
for( int Index = 0; Index < data.Count; Index++ )
if( (double)data[ Index ] != 0.0 )
return true;
return false;
public byte ToByte( IFormatProvider provider )
return Convert.ToByte( CalcNLimitAverage(
Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue, provider ) );
public char ToChar( IFormatProvider provider )
return Convert.ToChar( Convert.ToUInt16( CalcNLimitAverage(
Char.MinValue, Char.MaxValue, provider ) ) );
// Convert to DateTime by adding the calculated average as
// seconds to the current date and time. A valid DateTime is
// always returned.
public DateTime ToDateTime( IFormatProvider provider )
double seconds =
Average( GetAverageInfo( provider ).TypeOfAverage );
return DateTime.Now.AddSeconds( seconds );
catch( ArgumentOutOfRangeException )
return seconds < 0.0 ? DateTime.MinValue : DateTime.MaxValue;
public decimal ToDecimal( IFormatProvider provider )
// The Double conversion rounds Decimal.MinValue and
// Decimal.MaxValue to invalid Decimal values, so the
// following limits must be used.
return Convert.ToDecimal( CalcNLimitAverage(
79228162514264330000000000000.0, provider ) );
public double ToDouble( IFormatProvider provider )
return Average( GetAverageInfo(provider).TypeOfAverage );
public short ToInt16( IFormatProvider provider )
return Convert.ToInt16( CalcNLimitAverage(
Int16.MinValue, Int16.MaxValue, provider ) );
public int ToInt32( IFormatProvider provider )
return Convert.ToInt32( CalcNLimitAverage(
Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue, provider ) );
public long ToInt64( IFormatProvider provider )
// The Double conversion rounds Int64.MinValue and
// Int64.MaxValue to invalid Int64 values, so the following
// limits must be used.
return Convert.ToInt64( CalcNLimitAverage(
-9223372036854775000, 9223372036854775000, provider ) );
public SByte ToSByte( IFormatProvider provider )
return Convert.ToSByte( CalcNLimitAverage(
SByte.MinValue, SByte.MaxValue, provider ) );
public float ToSingle( IFormatProvider provider )
return Convert.ToSingle( CalcNLimitAverage(
Single.MinValue, Single.MaxValue, provider ) );
public UInt16 ToUInt16( IFormatProvider provider )
return Convert.ToUInt16( CalcNLimitAverage(
UInt16.MinValue, UInt16.MaxValue, provider ) );
public UInt32 ToUInt32( IFormatProvider provider )
return Convert.ToUInt32( CalcNLimitAverage(
UInt32.MinValue, UInt32.MaxValue, provider ) );
public UInt64 ToUInt64( IFormatProvider provider )
// The Double conversion rounds UInt64.MaxValue to an invalid
// UInt64 value, so the following limit must be used.
return Convert.ToUInt64( CalcNLimitAverage(
0, 18446744073709550000.0, provider ) );
public object ToType( Type conversionType,
IFormatProvider provider )
return Convert.ChangeType( Average(
GetAverageInfo( provider ).TypeOfAverage ),
conversionType );
public string ToString( IFormatProvider provider )
AverageType avgType = GetAverageInfo( provider ).TypeOfAverage;
return String.Format( "( {0}: {1:G10} )", avgType,
Average( avgType ) );
class IConvertibleProviderDemo
// Display a DataSet with three different format providers.
public static void DisplayDataSet( DataSet ds )
string fmt = "{0,-12}{1,20}{2,20}{3,20}";
AverageInfo median = new AverageInfo( AverageType.Median );
AverageInfo geMean =
new AverageInfo( AverageType.GeometricMean );
// Display the dataset elements.
if( ds.Count > 0 )
Console.Write( "\nDataSet: [{0}", ds[ 0 ] );
for( int iX = 1; iX < ds.Count; iX++ )
Console.Write( ", {0}", ds[ iX ] );
Console.WriteLine( "]\n" );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "Convert.", "Default",
"Geometric Mean", "Median");
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "--------", "-------",
"--------------", "------");
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToBoolean",
Convert.ToBoolean( ds, null ),
Convert.ToBoolean( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToBoolean( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToByte",
Convert.ToByte( ds, null ),
Convert.ToByte( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToByte( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToChar",
Convert.ToChar( ds, null ),
Convert.ToChar( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToChar( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( "{0,-12}{1,20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}" +
"{2,20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}{3,20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",
"ToDateTime", Convert.ToDateTime( ds, null ),
Convert.ToDateTime( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToDateTime( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToDecimal",
Convert.ToDecimal( ds, null ),
Convert.ToDecimal( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToDecimal( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToDouble",
Convert.ToDouble( ds, null ),
Convert.ToDouble( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToDouble( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToInt16",
Convert.ToInt16( ds, null ),
Convert.ToInt16( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToInt16( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToInt32",
Convert.ToInt32( ds, null ),
Convert.ToInt32( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToInt32( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToInt64",
Convert.ToInt64( ds, null ),
Convert.ToInt64( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToInt64( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToSByte",
Convert.ToSByte( ds, null ),
Convert.ToSByte( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToSByte( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToSingle",
Convert.ToSingle( ds, null ),
Convert.ToSingle( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToSingle( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToUInt16",
Convert.ToUInt16( ds, null ),
Convert.ToUInt16( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToUInt16( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToUInt32",
Convert.ToUInt32( ds, null ),
Convert.ToUInt32( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToUInt32( ds, median ) );
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToUInt64",
Convert.ToUInt64( ds, null ),
Convert.ToUInt64( ds, geMean ),
Convert.ToUInt64( ds, median ) );
public static void Main( )
Console.WriteLine( "This example of " +
"the Convert.To<Type>( object, IFormatProvider ) methods " +
"\ngenerates the following output. The example " +
"displays the values \nreturned by the methods, " +
"using several IFormatProvider objects.\n" );
DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(
10.5, 22.2, 45.9, 88.7, 156.05, 297.6 );
DisplayDataSet( ds1 );
DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(
359999.95, 425000, 499999.5, 775000, 1695000 );
DisplayDataSet( ds2 );
This example of the Convert.To<Type>( object, IFormatProvider ) methods
generates the following output. The example displays the values
returned by the methods, using several IFormatProvider objects.
DataSet: [10.5, 22.2, 45.9, 88.7, 156.05, 297.6]
Convert. Default Geometric Mean Median
-------- ------- -------------- ------
ToBoolean True True True
ToByte 103 59 67
ToChar g ; C
ToDateTime 2003-05-13 15:04:12 2003-05-13 15:03:28 2003-05-13 15:03:35
ToDecimal 103.491666666667 59.4332135445164 67.3
ToDouble 103.491666666667 59.4332135445164 67.3
ToInt16 103 59 67
ToInt32 103 59 67
ToInt64 103 59 67
ToSByte 103 59 67
ToSingle 103.4917 59.43321 67.3
ToUInt16 103 59 67
ToUInt32 103 59 67
ToUInt64 103 59 67
DataSet: [359999.95, 425000, 499999.5, 775000, 1695000]
Convert. Default Geometric Mean Median
-------- ------- -------------- ------
ToBoolean True True True
ToByte 255 255 255
ToChar ? ? ?
ToDateTime 2003-05-22 07:39:08 2003-05-20 22:28:45 2003-05-19 09:55:48
ToDecimal 750999.89 631577.237188435 499999.5
ToDouble 750999.89 631577.237188435 499999.5
ToInt16 32767 32767 32767
ToInt32 751000 631577 500000
ToInt64 751000 631577 500000
ToSByte 127 127 127
ToSingle 750999.9 631577.3 499999.5
ToUInt16 65535 65535 65535
ToUInt32 751000 631577 500000
ToUInt64 751000 631577 500000
open System
open System.Collections
// Define the types of averaging available in the class
// implementing IConvertible.
type AverageType =
| None = 0s
| GeometricMean = 1s
| ArithmeticMean = 2s
| Median = 3s
// Pass an instance of this class to methods that require an
// IFormatProvider. The class instance determines the type of
// average to calculate.
type AverageInfo(avgType: AverageType) =
// Use this property to set or get the type of averaging.
member val TypeOfAverage = avgType with get, set
interface IFormatProvider with
// This method returns a reference to the containing object
// if an object of AverageInfo type is requested.
member this.GetFormat(argType: Type) =
if argType = typeof<AverageInfo> then
// This class encapsulates an array of double values and implements
// the IConvertible interface. Most of the IConvertible methods
// an average of the array elements in one of three types:
// arithmetic mean, geometric mean, or median.
type DataSet([<ParamArray>] values: double[]) =
let data = ResizeArray values
let defaultProvider =
AverageInfo AverageType.ArithmeticMean
// Add additional values with this method.
member _.Add(value: double) =
data.Add value
// Get, set, and add values with this indexer property.
member _.Item
with get (index) =
if index >= 0 && index < data.Count then
raise (InvalidOperationException "[DataSet.get] Index out of range.")
and set index value =
if index >= 0 && index < data.Count then
data[index] <- value
elif index = data.Count then
data.Add value
raise (InvalidOperationException "[DataSet.set] Index out of range.")
// This property returns the number of elements in the object.
member _.Count =
// This method calculates the average of the object's elements.
member _.Average(avgType: AverageType) =
if data.Count = 0 then
match avgType with
| AverageType.GeometricMean ->
let sumProd =
Seq.reduce ( * ) data
// This calculation will not fail with negative
// elements.
(sign sumProd |> float) * Math.Pow(abs sumProd, 1.0 / (float data.Count))
| AverageType.ArithmeticMean ->
Seq.average data
| AverageType.Median ->
if data.Count % 2 = 0 then
(data[data.Count / 2] + data[data.Count / 2 - 1]) / 2.0
data[ data.Count / 2]
| _ ->
// Get the AverageInfo object from the caller's format provider,
// or use the local default.
member _.GetAverageInfo(provider: IFormatProvider) =
let avgInfo =
if provider <> null then
provider.GetFormat typeof<AverageInfo> :?> AverageInfo
if avgInfo = null then
// Calculate the average and limit the range.
member this.CalcNLimitAverage(min: double, max: double, provider: IFormatProvider) =
// Get the format provider and calculate the average.
let avgInfo = this.GetAverageInfo provider
let avg = this.Average avgInfo.TypeOfAverage
// Limit the range, based on the minimum and maximum values
// for the type.
if avg > max then max elif avg < min then min else avg
// The following elements are required by IConvertible.
interface IConvertible with
// None of these conversion functions throw exceptions. When
// the data is out of range for the type, the appropriate
// MinValue or MaxValue is used.
member _.GetTypeCode() =
member this.ToBoolean(provider: IFormatProvider) =
// ToBoolean is false if the dataset is empty.
if data.Count <= 0 then
// For median averaging, ToBoolean is true if any
// non-discarded elements are nonzero.
elif AverageType.Median = this.GetAverageInfo(provider).TypeOfAverage then
if data.Count % 2 = 0 then
(data[data.Count / 2] <> 0.0 || data[data.Count / 2 - 1] <> 0.0)
data[data.Count / 2] <> 0.0
// For arithmetic or geometric mean averaging, ToBoolean is
// true if any element of the dataset is nonzero.
Seq.exists (fun x -> x <> 0.0) data
member this.ToByte(provider: IFormatProvider) =
Convert.ToByte(this.CalcNLimitAverage(float Byte.MinValue, float Byte.MaxValue, provider) )
member this.ToChar(provider: IFormatProvider) =
Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToUInt16(this.CalcNLimitAverage(float Char.MinValue, float Char.MaxValue, provider) ) )
// Convert to DateTime by adding the calculated average as
// seconds to the current date and time. A valid DateTime is
// always returned.
member this.ToDateTime(provider: IFormatProvider) =
let seconds = this.Average(this.GetAverageInfo(provider).TypeOfAverage)
DateTime.Now.AddSeconds seconds
with :? ArgumentOutOfRangeException ->
if seconds < 0.0 then DateTime.MinValue else DateTime.MaxValue
member this.ToDecimal(provider: IFormatProvider) =
// The Double conversion rounds Decimal.MinValue and
// Decimal.MaxValue to invalid Decimal values, so the
// following limits must be used.
Convert.ToDecimal(this.CalcNLimitAverage(-79228162514264330000000000000.0, 79228162514264330000000000000.0, provider) )
member this.ToDouble(provider: IFormatProvider) =
member this.ToInt16(provider: IFormatProvider) =
Convert.ToInt16(this.CalcNLimitAverage(float Int16.MinValue, float Int16.MaxValue, provider) )
member this.ToInt32(provider: IFormatProvider) =
Convert.ToInt32(this.CalcNLimitAverage(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue, provider) )
member this.ToInt64(provider: IFormatProvider) =
// The Double conversion rounds Int64.MinValue and
// Int64.MaxValue to invalid Int64 values, so the following
// limits must be used.
Convert.ToInt64(this.CalcNLimitAverage(-9223372036854775000., 9223372036854775000., provider) )
member this.ToSByte(provider: IFormatProvider) =
Convert.ToSByte(this.CalcNLimitAverage(float SByte.MinValue, float SByte.MaxValue, provider) )
member this.ToSingle(provider: IFormatProvider) =
Convert.ToSingle(this.CalcNLimitAverage(float Single.MinValue, float Single.MaxValue, provider) )
member this.ToUInt16(provider: IFormatProvider) =
Convert.ToUInt16(this.CalcNLimitAverage(float UInt16.MinValue, float UInt16.MaxValue, provider) )
member this.ToUInt32(provider: IFormatProvider) =
Convert.ToUInt32(this.CalcNLimitAverage(float UInt32.MinValue, float UInt32.MaxValue, provider) )
member this.ToUInt64(provider: IFormatProvider) =
// The Double conversion rounds UInt64.MaxValue to an invalid
// UInt64 value, so the following limit must be used.
Convert.ToUInt64(this.CalcNLimitAverage(0, 18446744073709550000.0, provider) )
member this.ToType(conversionType: Type, provider: IFormatProvider) =
Convert.ChangeType(this.Average(this.GetAverageInfo(provider).TypeOfAverage), conversionType)
member this.ToString(provider: IFormatProvider) =
let avgType = this.GetAverageInfo(provider).TypeOfAverage
$"( {avgType}: {this.Average avgType:G10} )"
// Display a DataSet with three different format providers.
let displayDataSet (ds: DataSet) =
let fmt obj1 obj2 obj3 obj4 = printfn $"{obj1,-12}{obj2,20}{obj3,20}{obj4,20}"
let median = AverageInfo AverageType.Median
let geMean =
AverageInfo AverageType.GeometricMean
// Display the dataset elements.
if ds.Count > 0 then
printf $"\nDataSet: [{ds[0]}"
for i = 1 to ds.Count - 1 do
printf $", {ds[i]}"
printfn "]\n"
fmt "Convert." "Default" "Geometric Mean" "Median"
fmt "--------" "-------" "--------------" "------"
fmt "ToBoolean"
(Convert.ToBoolean(ds, null))
(Convert.ToBoolean(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToBoolean(ds, median))
fmt "ToByte"
(Convert.ToByte(ds, null))
(Convert.ToByte(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToByte(ds, median))
fmt "ToChar"
(Convert.ToChar(ds, null))
(Convert.ToChar(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToChar(ds, median))
printfn $"""{"ToDateTime",-12}{Convert.ToDateTime(ds, null).ToString "20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}{Convert.ToDateTime(ds, geMean).ToString "20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}{Convert.ToDateTime(ds, median).ToString "20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}"""
fmt "ToDecimal"
(Convert.ToDecimal(ds, null))
(Convert.ToDecimal(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToDecimal(ds, median))
fmt "ToDouble"
(Convert.ToDouble(ds, null))
(Convert.ToDouble(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToDouble(ds, median))
fmt "ToInt16"
(Convert.ToInt16(ds, null))
(Convert.ToInt16(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToInt16(ds, median))
fmt "ToInt32"
(Convert.ToInt32(ds, null))
(Convert.ToInt32(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToInt32(ds, median))
fmt "ToInt64"
(Convert.ToInt64(ds, null))
(Convert.ToInt64(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToInt64(ds, median))
fmt "ToSByte"
(Convert.ToSByte(ds, null))
(Convert.ToSByte(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToSByte(ds, median))
fmt "ToSingle"
(Convert.ToSingle(ds, null))
(Convert.ToSingle(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToSingle(ds, median))
fmt "ToUInt16"
(Convert.ToUInt16(ds, null))
(Convert.ToUInt16(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToUInt16(ds, median))
fmt "ToUInt32"
(Convert.ToUInt32(ds, null))
(Convert.ToUInt32(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToUInt32(ds, median))
fmt "ToUInt64"
(Convert.ToUInt64(ds, null))
(Convert.ToUInt64(ds, geMean))
(Convert.ToUInt64(ds, median))
"""This example of the Convert.To<Type>( object, IFormatprovider) methods
generates the following output. The example displays the values
returned by the methods, using several IFormatProvider objects.
let ds1 = DataSet(10.5, 22.2, 45.9, 88.7, 156.05, 297.6)
displayDataSet ds1
let ds2 = DataSet(359999.95, 425000, 499999.5, 775000, 1695000)
displayDataSet ds2
// This example of the Convert.To<Type>( object, IFormatprovider) methods
// generates the following output. The example displays the values
// returned by the methods, using several IFormatProvider objects.
// DataSet: [10.5, 22.2, 45.9, 88.7, 156.05, 297.6]
// Convert. Default Geometric Mean Median
// -------- ------- -------------- ------
// ToBoolean True True True
// ToByte 103 59 67
// ToChar g ; C
// ToDateTime 2003-05-13 15:04:12 2003-05-13 15:03:28 2003-05-13 15:03:35
// ToDecimal 103.491666666667 59.4332135445164 67.3
// ToDouble 103.491666666667 59.4332135445164 67.3
// ToInt16 103 59 67
// ToInt32 103 59 67
// ToInt64 103 59 67
// ToSByte 103 59 67
// ToSingle 103.4917 59.43321 67.3
// ToUInt16 103 59 67
// ToUInt32 103 59 67
// ToUInt64 103 59 67
// DataSet: [359999.95, 425000, 499999.5, 775000, 1695000]
// Convert. Default Geometric Mean Median
// -------- ------- -------------- ------
// ToBoolean True True True
// ToByte 255 255 255
// ToChar ? ? ?
// ToDateTime 2003-05-22 07:39:08 2003-05-20 22:28:45 2003-05-19 09:55:48
// ToDecimal 750999.89 631577.237188435 499999.5
// ToDouble 750999.89 631577.237188435 499999.5
// ToInt16 32767 32767 32767
// ToInt32 751000 631577 500000
// ToInt64 751000 631577 500000
// ToSByte 127 127 127
// ToSingle 750999.9 631577.3 499999.5
// ToUInt16 65535 65535 65535
// ToUInt32 751000 631577 500000
// ToUInt64 751000 631577 500000
Imports System.Collections
Module IConvertibleProviderDemo
' Define the types of averaging available in the class
' implementing IConvertible.
Enum AverageType as Short
None = 0
GeometricMean = 1
ArithmeticMean = 2
Median = 3
End Enum
' Pass an instance of this class to methods that require an
' IFormatProvider. The class instance determines the type of
' average to calculate.
Public Class AverageInfo
Implements IFormatProvider
Protected AvgType As AverageType
' Specify the type of averaging in the constructor.
Public Sub New( avgType As AverageType )
Me.AvgType = avgType
End Sub
' This method returns a reference to the containing object
' if an object of AverageInfo type is requested.
Public Function GetFormat( argType As Type ) As Object _
Implements IFormatProvider.GetFormat
If argType Is GetType( AverageInfo ) Then
Return Me
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
' Use this property to set or get the type of averaging.
Public Property TypeOfAverage( ) As AverageType
Return Me.AvgType
End Get
Set( ByVal value as AverageType )
Me.AvgType = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
' This class encapsulates an array of Double values and implements
' the IConvertible interface. Most of the IConvertible methods
' return an average of the array elements in one of three types:
' arithmetic mean, geometric mean, or median.
Public Class DataSet
Implements IConvertible
Protected data As ArrayList
Protected defaultProvider As AverageInfo
' Construct the object and add an initial list of values.
' Create a default format provider.
Public Sub New( ParamArray values( ) As Double )
data = New ArrayList( values )
defaultProvider = New AverageInfo( _
AverageType.ArithmeticMean )
End Sub
' Add additional values with this method.
Public Function Add( value As Double ) As Integer
data.Add( value )
Return data.Count
End Function
' Get, set, and add values with this indexer property.
Default Public Property Item(index As Integer) As Double
If index >= 0 AndAlso index < data.Count Then
Return System.Convert.ToDouble( data( index ) )
Throw New InvalidOperationException( _
"[DataSet.get] Index out of range." )
End If
End Get
If index >= 0 AndAlso index < data.Count Then
data( index ) = value
ElseIf index = data.Count Then
data.Add( value )
Throw New InvalidOperationException( _
"[DataSet.set] Index out of range." )
End If
End Set
End Property
' This property returns the number of elements in the object.
Public ReadOnly Property Count( ) As Integer
Return data.Count
End Get
End Property
' This method calculates the average of the object's elements.
Protected Function Average( ByVal avgType As AverageType ) As Double
Dim SumProd As Double
Dim Index As Integer
If data.Count = 0 Then Return 0.0
Select Case avgType
Case AverageType.GeometricMean
SumProd = 1.0
For Index = 0 To data.Count - 1
SumProd *= data( Index )
Next Index
' This calculation will not fail with negative
' elements.
Return Math.Sign( SumProd ) * Math.Pow( _
Math.Abs( SumProd ), 1.0 / data.Count )
Case AverageType.ArithmeticMean
SumProd = 0.0
For Index = 0 To data.Count - 1
SumProd += data( Index )
Next Index
Return SumProd / data.Count
Case AverageType.Median
If data.Count Mod 2 = 0 Then
Return ( data( data.Count \ 2 ) + _
data( data.Count \ 2 - 1 ) ) / 2.0
Return data( data.Count \ 2 )
End If
End Select
End Function
' Get the AverageInfo object from the caller's format
' provider, or use the local default.
Protected Function GetAverageInfo( _
provider As IFormatProvider ) As AverageInfo
Dim avgInfo As AverageInfo = Nothing
If Not provider Is Nothing Then
avgInfo = provider.GetFormat( GetType( AverageInfo ) )
End If
Return IIf( avgInfo Is Nothing, defaultProvider, avgInfo )
End Function
' Calculate the average and limit the range.
Protected Function CalcNLimitAverage( min As Double, _
max As Double, provider as IFormatProvider ) As Double
' Get the format provider and calculate the average.
Dim avgInfo As AverageInfo = GetAverageInfo( provider )
Dim avg As Double = Average( avgInfo.TypeOfAverage )
' Limit the range, based on the minimum and maximum values
' for the type.
Return IIf( avg > max, max, IIf( avg < min, min, avg ) )
End Function
' The following elements are required by IConvertible.
' None of these conversion functions throw exceptions. When
' the data is out of range for the type, the appropriate
' MinValue or MaxValue is used.
Public Function GetTypeCode( ) As TypeCode _
Implements IConvertible.GetTypeCode
Return TypeCode.Object
End Function
Function ToBoolean( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
Boolean Implements IConvertible.ToBoolean
' ToBoolean is false if the dataset is empty.
If data.Count <= 0 Then
Return False
' For median averaging, ToBoolean is true if any
' non-discarded elements are nonzero.
ElseIf AverageType.Median = _
GetAverageInfo( provider ).TypeOfAverage Then
If data.Count Mod 2 = 0 Then
Return ( data( data.Count \ 2 ) <> 0.0 Or _
data( data.Count \ 2 - 1 ) <> 0.0 )
Return data( data.Count \ 2 ) <> 0.0
End If
' For arithmetic or geometric mean averaging, ToBoolean is
' true if any element of the dataset is nonzero.
Dim Index As Integer
For Index = 0 To data.Count - 1
If data( Index ) <> 0.0 Then Return True
Next Index
Return False
End If
End Function
Function ToByte( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As Byte _
Implements IConvertible.ToByte
Return Convert.ToByte( CalcNLimitAverage( _
Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToChar( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As Char _
Implements IConvertible.ToChar
Return Convert.ToChar( Convert.ToUInt16( _
CalcNLimitAverage( 0.0, &HFFFF, provider ) ) )
End Function
' Convert to DateTime by adding the calculated average as
' seconds to the current date and time. A valid DateTime is
' always returned.
Function ToDateTime( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
DateTime Implements IConvertible.ToDateTime
Dim seconds As Double = Average( _
GetAverageInfo( provider ).TypeOfAverage )
Return DateTime.Now.AddSeconds( seconds )
Catch ex As ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Return IIf( seconds < 0.0, DateTime.MinValue, _
DateTime.MaxValue )
End Try
End Function
Function ToDecimal( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
Decimal Implements IConvertible.ToDecimal
' The Double conversion rounds Decimal.MinValue and
' Decimal.MaxValue to invalid Decimal values, so the
' following limits must be used.
Return Convert.ToDecimal( CalcNLimitAverage( _
-79228162514264330000000000000.0, _
79228162514264330000000000000.0, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToDouble( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider) As _
Double Implements IConvertible.ToDouble
Return Average( GetAverageInfo( provider ).TypeOfAverage )
End Function
Function ToInt16( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
Short Implements IConvertible.ToInt16
Return Convert.ToInt16( CalcNLimitAverage( _
Int16.MinValue, Int16.MaxValue, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToInt32( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
Integer Implements IConvertible.ToInt32
Return Convert.ToInt32( CalcNLimitAverage( _
Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToInt64( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As Long _
Implements IConvertible.ToInt64
' The Double conversion rounds Int64.MinValue and
' Int64.MaxValue to invalid Long values, so the following
' limits must be used.
Return Convert.ToInt64( CalcNLimitAverage( _
-9223372036854775000, 9223372036854775000, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToSByte( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
SByte Implements IConvertible.ToSByte
' SByte.MinValue and SByte.MaxValue are not defined in
' Visual Basic.
Return Convert.ToSByte( CalcNLimitAverage( _
-128, 127, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToSingle( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
Single Implements IConvertible.ToSingle
Return Convert.ToSingle( CalcNLimitAverage( _
Single.MinValue, Single.MaxValue, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToUInt16( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
UInt16 Implements IConvertible.ToUInt16
' UInt16.MinValue and UInt16.MaxValue are not defined in
' Visual Basic.
Return Convert.ToUInt16( CalcNLimitAverage( _
0, &HFFFF, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToUInt32( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
UInt32 Implements IConvertible.ToUInt32
' UInt32.MinValue and UInt32.MaxValue are not defined in
' Visual Basic.
Return Convert.ToUInt32( CalcNLimitAverage( _
0, 4294967295, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToUInt64( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider ) As _
UInt64 Implements IConvertible.ToUInt64
' UInt64.MinValue and UInt64.MaxValue are not defined in
' Visual Basic. The Double conversion would have rounded
' UInt64.MaxValue, so the following limit must be used.
Return Convert.ToUInt64( CalcNLimitAverage( _
0, 18446744073709550000.0, provider ) )
End Function
Function ToType( ByVal conversionType As Type, _
ByVal provider As IFormatProvider) As Object _
Implements IConvertible.ToType
Return Convert.ChangeType( Average( GetAverageInfo( _
provider ).TypeOfAverage ), conversionType )
End Function
Overloads Function ToString( ByVal provider As IFormatProvider _
) As String Implements IConvertible.ToString
Dim avgType as AverageType = _
GetAverageInfo( provider ).TypeOfAverage
Return String.Format( "( {0}: {1:G10} )", avgType, _
Average( avgType ) )
End Function
End Class
' Display a DataSet with three different format providers.
Sub DisplayDataSet( ds As DataSet )
Dim fmt As String = "{0,-12}{1,20}{2,20}{3,20}"
Dim median As AverageInfo = New AverageInfo( AverageType.Median )
Dim geMean As AverageInfo = _
New AverageInfo( AverageType.GeometricMean )
Dim iX As Integer
' Display the dataset elements.
If ds.Count > 0 Then
Console.Write( vbCrLf & "DataSet: [{0}", ds( 0 ) )
For iX = 1 To ds.Count - 1
Console.Write( ", {0}", ds( iX ) )
Next iX
Console.WriteLine( "]" & vbCrLf )
End If
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "Convert.", "Default", _
"Geometric Mean", "Median" )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "--------", "-------", _
"--------------", "------" )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToBoolean", _
Convert.ToBoolean( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToBoolean( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToBoolean( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToByte", _
Convert.ToByte( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToByte( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToByte( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToChar", _
Convert.ToChar( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToChar( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToChar( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( "{0,-12}{1,20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}" & _
"{2,20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}{3,20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", _
"ToDateTime", Convert.ToDateTime( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToDateTime( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToDateTime( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToDecimal", _
Convert.ToDecimal( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToDecimal( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToDecimal( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToDouble", _
Convert.ToDouble( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToDouble( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToDouble( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToInt16", _
Convert.ToInt16( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToInt16( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToInt16( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToInt32", _
Convert.ToInt32( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToInt32( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToInt32( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToInt64", _
Convert.ToInt64( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToInt64( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToInt64( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToSByte", _
Convert.ToSByte( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToSByte( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToSByte( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToSingle", _
Convert.ToSingle( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToSingle( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToSingle( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToUInt16", _
Convert.ToUInt16( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToUInt16( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToUInt16( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToUInt32", _
Convert.ToUInt32( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToUInt32( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToUInt32( ds, median ) )
Console.WriteLine( fmt, "ToUInt64", _
Convert.ToUInt64( ds, Nothing ), _
Convert.ToUInt64( ds, geMean ), _
Convert.ToUInt64( ds, median ) )
End Sub
Sub Main( )
Console.WriteLine( _
"This example of the Convert.To<Type>( Object, " & _
"IFormatProvider ) methods " & vbCrLf & "generates " & _
"the following output. The example displays the " & _
"values " & vbCrLf & "returned by the methods, " & _
"using several IFormatProvider objects." & vbCrLf )
Dim ds1 As New DataSet( 10.5, 22.2, 45.9, 88.7, 156.05, 297.6 )
DisplayDataSet( ds1 )
Dim ds2 As New DataSet( _
359999.95, 425000, 499999.5, 775000, 1695000 )
DisplayDataSet( ds2 )
End Sub
End Module
' This example of the Convert.To<Type>( Object, IFormatProvider ) methods
' generates the following output. The example displays the values
' returned by the methods, using several IFormatProvider objects.
' DataSet: [10.5, 22.2, 45.9, 88.7, 156.05, 297.6]
' Convert. Default Geometric Mean Median
' -------- ------- -------------- ------
' ToBoolean True True True
' ToByte 103 59 67
' ToChar g ; C
' ToDateTime 2003-05-13 14:52:53 2003-05-13 14:52:09 2003-05-13 14:52:17
' ToDecimal 103.491666666667 59.4332135445164 67.3
' ToDouble 103.491666666667 59.4332135445164 67.3
' ToInt16 103 59 67
' ToInt32 103 59 67
' ToInt64 103 59 67
' ToSByte 103 59 67
' ToSingle 103.4917 59.43321 67.3
' ToUInt16 103 59 67
' ToUInt32 103 59 67
' ToUInt64 103 59 67
' DataSet: [359999.95, 425000, 499999.5, 775000, 1695000]
' Convert. Default Geometric Mean Median
' -------- ------- -------------- ------
' ToBoolean True True True
' ToByte 255 255 255
' ToChar ? ? ?
' ToDateTime 2003-05-22 07:27:49 2003-05-20 22:17:27 2003-05-19 09:44:29
' ToDecimal 750999.89 631577.237188435 499999.5
' ToDouble 750999.89 631577.237188435 499999.5
' ToInt16 32767 32767 32767
' ToInt32 751000 631577 500000
' ToInt64 751000 631577 500000
' ToSByte 127 127 127
' ToSingle 750999.9 631577.3 499999.5
' ToUInt16 65535 65535 65535
' ToUInt32 751000 631577 500000
' ToUInt64 751000 631577 500000
consente all'utente di specificare informazioni di conversione specifiche delle impostazioni cultura sul contenuto di value
. Ad esempio, se value
è un String oggetto che rappresenta un numero, provider
potrebbe fornire informazioni specifiche delle impostazioni cultura sulla notazione utilizzata per rappresentare tale numero.
I tipi di base ignorano provider
, tuttavia, il parametro può essere usato se value
è un tipo definito dall'utente che implementa l'interfaccia IConvertible .
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Questa API non è conforme a CLS.
Converte il valore dell'intero senza segno a 64 bit specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(System::UInt64 value);
public static short ToInt16 (ulong value);
static member ToInt16 : uint64 -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As ULong) As Short
- value
- UInt64
Intero senza segno a 64 bit da convertire.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente a value
- Attributi
è maggiore di Int16.MaxValue.
L'esempio seguente tenta di convertire ogni elemento in una matrice di interi lunghi senza segno in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
ulong[] numbers = { UInt64.MinValue, 121, 340, UInt64.MaxValue };
short result;
foreach (ulong number in numbers)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(number);
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to a {2} value {3}.",
number.GetType().Name, number,
result.GetType().Name, result);
catch (OverflowException) {
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.",
number.GetType().Name, number);
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the UInt64 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
// Converted the UInt64 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
// Converted the UInt64 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
// The UInt64 value 18446744073709551615 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
let numbers =
[| UInt64.MinValue; 121uL; 340uL; UInt64.MaxValue |]
for number in numbers do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 number
printfn $"Converted the {number.GetType().Name} value {number} to a {result.GetType().Name} value {result}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"The {number.GetType().Name} value {number} is outside the range of the Int16 type."
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the UInt64 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
// Converted the UInt64 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
// Converted the UInt64 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
// The UInt64 value 18446744073709551615 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Dim numbers() As ULong = { UInt64.MinValue, 121, 340, UInt64.MaxValue }
Dim result As Short
For Each number As ULong In numbers
result = Convert.ToInt16(number)
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to a {2} value {3}.", _
number.GetType().Name, number, _
result.GetType().Name, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", _
number.GetType().Name, number)
End Try
' The example displays the following output:
' Converted the UInt64 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
' Converted the UInt64 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
' Converted the UInt64 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
' The UInt64 value 18446744073709551615 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Questa API non è conforme a CLS.
Converte il valore dell'intero senza segno a 32 bit specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(System::UInt32 value);
public static short ToInt16 (uint value);
static member ToInt16 : uint32 -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As UInteger) As Short
- value
- UInt32
Intero senza segno a 32 bit da convertire.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente a value
- Attributi
è maggiore di Int16.MaxValue.
L'esempio seguente tenta di convertire ogni elemento in una matrice di interi senza segno in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
uint[] numbers = { UInt32.MinValue, 121, 340, UInt32.MaxValue };
short result;
foreach (uint number in numbers)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(number);
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to a {2} value {3}.",
number.GetType().Name, number,
result.GetType().Name, result);
catch (OverflowException) {
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.",
number.GetType().Name, number);
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the UInt32 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
// Converted the UInt32 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
// Converted the UInt32 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
// The UInt32 value 4294967295 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
let numbers =
[| UInt32.MinValue; 121u; 340u; UInt32.MaxValue |]
for number in numbers do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 number
printfn $"Converted the {number.GetType().Name} value {number} to a {result.GetType().Name} value {result}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"The {number.GetType().Name} value {number} is outside the range of the Int16 type."
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the UInt32 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
// Converted the UInt32 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
// Converted the UInt32 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
// The UInt32 value 4294967295 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Dim numbers() As UInteger = { UInt32.MinValue, 121, 340, UInt32.MaxValue }
Dim result As Short
For Each number As UInteger In numbers
result = Convert.ToInt16(number)
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to a {2} value {3}.", _
number.GetType().Name, number, _
result.GetType().Name, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", _
number.GetType().Name, number)
End Try
' The example displays the following output:
' Converted the UInt32 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
' Converted the UInt32 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
' Converted the UInt32 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
' The UInt32 value 4294967295 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Questa API non è conforme a CLS.
Converte il valore dell'intero senza segno a 16 bit specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(System::UInt16 value);
public static short ToInt16 (ushort value);
static member ToInt16 : uint16 -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As UShort) As Short
- value
- UInt16
Intero senza segno a 16 bit da convertire.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente a value
- Attributi
è maggiore di Int16.MaxValue.
L'esempio seguente tenta di convertire ogni elemento in una matrice di interi senza segno a 16 bit in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
ushort[] numbers = { UInt16.MinValue, 121, 340, UInt16.MaxValue };
short result;
foreach (ushort number in numbers)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(number);
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to a {2} value {3}.",
number.GetType().Name, number,
result.GetType().Name, result);
catch (OverflowException) {
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.",
number.GetType().Name, number);
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the UInt16 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
// Converted the UInt16 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
// Converted the UInt16 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
// The UInt16 value 65535 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
let numbers =
[| UInt16.MinValue; 121us; 340us; UInt16.MaxValue |]
for number in numbers do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 number
printfn $"Converted the {number.GetType().Name} value {number} to a {result.GetType().Name} value {result}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"The {number.GetType().Name} value {number} is outside the range of the Int16 type."
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the UInt16 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
// Converted the UInt16 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
// Converted the UInt16 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
// The UInt16 value 65535 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Dim numbers() As UShort = { UInt16.MinValue, 121, 340, UInt16.MaxValue }
Dim result As Short
For Each number As UShort In numbers
result = Convert.ToInt16(number)
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to a {2} value {3}.", _
number.GetType().Name, number, _
result.GetType().Name, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", _
number.GetType().Name, number)
End Try
' The example displays the following output:
' Converted the UInt16 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
' Converted the UInt16 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
' Converted the UInt16 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
' The UInt16 value 65535 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte la rappresentazione di stringa specificata di un numero in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(System::String ^ value);
public static short ToInt16 (string value);
public static short ToInt16 (string? value);
static member ToInt16 : string -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As String) As Short
- value
- String
Stringa che contiene il numero da convertire.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente al numero in value
oppure 0 (zero) se value
è null
non è costituito da un segno facoltativo seguito da una sequenza di cifre (da 0 a 9).
rappresenta un numero minore di Int16.MinValue o maggiore di Int16.MaxValue.
Nell'esempio seguente le rappresentazioni di stringa di interi a 16 bit con il metodo utilizzano la ToInt16
formattazione predefinita.
// Example of the Convert::ToInt16( String* ) and
// Convert::ToInt16( String*, IFormatProvider* ) methods.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
const __wchar_t * protoFmt = L"{0,-20}{1,-20}{2}";
// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
void ConvertToInt16( String^ numericStr, IFormatProvider^ provider )
Object^ defaultValue;
Object^ providerValue;
// Convert numericStr to Int16 without a format provider.
defaultValue = Convert::ToInt16( numericStr );
catch ( Exception^ ex )
defaultValue = GetExceptionType( ex );
// Convert numericStr to Int16 with a format provider.
providerValue = Convert::ToInt16( numericStr, provider );
catch ( Exception^ ex )
providerValue = GetExceptionType( ex );
Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), numericStr, defaultValue, providerValue );
int main()
// Create a NumberFormatInfo object and set several of its
// properties that apply to numbers.
NumberFormatInfo^ provider = gcnew NumberFormatInfo;
// These properties affect the conversion.
provider->NegativeSign = "neg ";
provider->PositiveSign = "pos ";
// These properties do not affect the conversion.
// The input string cannot have decimal and group separators.
provider->NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
provider->NumberGroupSeparator = ",";
array<Int32>^sizes = {3};
provider->NumberGroupSizes = sizes;
provider->NumberNegativePattern = 0;
Console::WriteLine( "This example of\n"
" Convert::ToInt16( String* ) and \n"
" Convert::ToInt16( String*, IFormatProvider* ) "
"\ngenerates the following output. It converts "
"several strings to \nshort values, using "
"default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.\n" );
Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), "String to convert", "Default/exception", "Provider/exception" );
Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), "-----------------", "-----------------", "------------------" );
// Convert strings, with and without an IFormatProvider.
ConvertToInt16( "12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "+12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "pos 12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "-12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "neg 12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "12345.", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "12,345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "(12345)", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "32768", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "-32769", provider );
This example of
Convert::ToInt16( String* ) and
Convert::ToInt16( String*, IFormatProvider* )
generates the following output. It converts several strings to
short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
String to convert Default/exception Provider/exception
----------------- ----------------- ------------------
12345 12345 12345
+12345 12345 FormatException
pos 12345 FormatException 12345
-12345 -12345 FormatException
neg 12345 FormatException -12345
12345. FormatException FormatException
12,345 FormatException FormatException
(12345) FormatException FormatException
32768 OverflowException OverflowException
-32769 OverflowException FormatException
// Example of the Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
// Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider ) methods.
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class ToInt16ProviderDemo
static string format = "{0,-20}{1,-20}{2}";
// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
return exceptionType.Substring(
exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
static void ConvertToInt16( string numericStr,
IFormatProvider provider )
object defaultValue;
object providerValue;
// Convert numericStr to Int16 without a format provider.
defaultValue = Convert.ToInt16( numericStr );
catch( Exception ex )
defaultValue = GetExceptionType( ex );
// Convert numericStr to Int16 with a format provider.
providerValue = Convert.ToInt16( numericStr, provider );
catch( Exception ex )
providerValue = GetExceptionType( ex );
Console.WriteLine( format, numericStr,
defaultValue, providerValue );
public static void Main( )
// Create a NumberFormatInfo object and set several of its
// properties that apply to numbers.
NumberFormatInfo provider = new NumberFormatInfo();
// These properties affect the conversion.
provider.NegativeSign = "neg ";
provider.PositiveSign = "pos ";
// These properties do not affect the conversion.
// The input string cannot have decimal and group separators.
provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
provider.NumberGroupSeparator = ",";
provider.NumberGroupSizes = new int[ ] { 3 };
provider.NumberNegativePattern = 0;
Console.WriteLine("This example of\n" +
" Convert.ToInt16( string ) and \n" +
" Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider ) " +
"\ngenerates the following output. It converts " +
"several strings to \nshort values, using " +
"default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.\n" );
Console.WriteLine( format, "String to convert",
"Default/exception", "Provider/exception" );
Console.WriteLine( format, "-----------------",
"-----------------", "------------------" );
// Convert strings, with and without an IFormatProvider.
ConvertToInt16( "12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "+12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "pos 12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "-12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "neg 12345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "12345.", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "12,345", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "(12345)", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "32768", provider );
ConvertToInt16( "-32769", provider );
This example of
Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider )
generates the following output. It converts several strings to
short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
String to convert Default/exception Provider/exception
----------------- ----------------- ------------------
12345 12345 12345
+12345 12345 FormatException
pos 12345 FormatException 12345
-12345 -12345 FormatException
neg 12345 FormatException -12345
12345. FormatException FormatException
12,345 FormatException FormatException
(12345) FormatException FormatException
32768 OverflowException OverflowException
-32769 OverflowException FormatException
// Example of the Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
// Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider ) methods.
open System
open System.Globalization
let format obj1 obj2 obj3 = printfn $"{obj1,-20}{obj2,-20}{obj3}"
// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.' + 1)
let convertToInt16 (numericStr: string) (provider: IFormatProvider) =
// Convert numericStr to Int16 without a format provider.
let defaultValue =
Convert.ToInt16 numericStr
|> string
with ex ->
getExceptionType ex
// Convert numericStr to Int16 with a format provider.
let providerValue =
Convert.ToInt16(numericStr, provider)
|> string
with ex ->
getExceptionType ex
format numericStr defaultValue providerValue
// Create a NumberFormatInfo object and set several of its
// properties that apply to numbers.
let provider = NumberFormatInfo()
// These properties affect the conversion.
provider.NegativeSign <- "neg "
provider.PositiveSign <- "pos "
// These properties do not affect the conversion.
// The input string cannot have decimal and group separators.
provider.NumberDecimalSeparator <- "."
provider.NumberGroupSeparator <- ","
provider.NumberGroupSizes <- [| 3 |]
provider.NumberNegativePattern <- 0
"""This example of
Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider )
generates the following output. It converts several strings to
short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
format "String to convert" "Default/exception" "Provider/exception"
format "-----------------" "-----------------" "------------------"
// Convert strings, with and without an IFormatProvider.
convertToInt16 "12345" provider
convertToInt16 "+12345" provider
convertToInt16 "pos 12345" provider
convertToInt16 "-12345" provider
convertToInt16 "neg 12345" provider
convertToInt16 "12345." provider
convertToInt16 "12,345" provider
convertToInt16 "(12345)" provider
convertToInt16 "32768" provider
convertToInt16 "-32769" provider
// This example of
// Convert.ToInt16( string ) and
// Convert.ToInt16( string, IFormatProvider )
// generates the following output. It converts several strings to
// short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
// String to convert Default/exception Provider/exception
// ----------------- ----------------- ------------------
// 12345 12345 12345
// +12345 12345 FormatException
// pos 12345 FormatException 12345
// -12345 -12345 FormatException
// neg 12345 FormatException -12345
// 12345. FormatException FormatException
// 12,345 FormatException FormatException
// (12345) FormatException FormatException
// 32768 OverflowException OverflowException
// -32769 OverflowException FormatException
' Example of the Convert.ToInt16( String ) and
' Convert.ToInt16( String, IFormatProvider ) methods.
Imports System.Globalization
Module ToInt16ProviderDemo
Dim format As String = "{0,-20}{1,-20}{2}"
' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String
Dim exceptionType As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
Return exceptionType.Substring( _
exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
End Function
Sub ConvertToInt16( numericStr As String, _
provider As IFormatProvider )
Dim defaultValue As Object
Dim providerValue As Object
' Convert numericStr to Int16 without a format provider.
defaultValue = Convert.ToInt16( numericStr )
Catch ex As Exception
defaultValue = GetExceptionType( ex )
End Try
' Convert numericStr to Int16 with a format provider.
providerValue = Convert.ToInt16( numericStr, provider )
Catch ex As Exception
providerValue = GetExceptionType( ex )
End Try
Console.WriteLine( format, numericStr, _
defaultValue, providerValue )
End Sub
Sub Main( )
' Create a NumberFormatInfo object and set several of its
' properties that apply to numbers.
Dim provider As NumberFormatInfo = new NumberFormatInfo( )
' These properties affect the conversion.
provider.NegativeSign = "neg "
provider.PositiveSign = "pos "
' These properties do not affect the conversion.
' The input string cannot have decimal and group separators.
provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."
provider.NumberGroupSeparator = ","
provider.NumberGroupSizes = New Integer( ) { 3 }
provider.NumberNegativePattern = 0
Console.WriteLine( "This example of" & vbCrLf & _
" Convert.ToInt16( String ) and " & vbCrLf & _
" Convert.ToInt16( String, IFormatProvider ) " & _
vbCrLf & "generates the following output. It " & _
"converts several strings to " & vbCrLf & "Short " & _
"values, using default formatting " & _
"or a NumberFormatInfo object." & vbCrLf )
Console.WriteLine( format, "String to convert", _
"Default/exception", "Provider/exception" )
Console.WriteLine( format, "-----------------", _
"-----------------", "------------------" )
' Convert strings, with and without an IFormatProvider.
ConvertToInt16( "12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "+12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "pos 12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "-12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "neg 12345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "12345.", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "12,345", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "(12345)", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "32768", provider )
ConvertToInt16( "-32769", provider )
End Sub
End Module
' This example of
' Convert.ToInt16( String ) and
' Convert.ToInt16( String, IFormatProvider )
' generates the following output. It converts several strings to
' Short values, using default formatting or a NumberFormatInfo object.
' String to convert Default/exception Provider/exception
' ----------------- ----------------- ------------------
' 12345 12345 12345
' +12345 12345 FormatException
' pos 12345 FormatException 12345
' -12345 -12345 FormatException
' neg 12345 FormatException -12345
' 12345. FormatException FormatException
' 12,345 FormatException FormatException
' (12345) FormatException FormatException
' 32768 OverflowException OverflowException
' -32769 OverflowException FormatException
L'uso del ToInt16(String) metodo equivale al passaggio value
al Int16.Parse(String) metodo .
viene interpretato usando le convenzioni di formattazione delle impostazioni cultura correnti.
Se si preferisce non gestire un'eccezione se la conversione non riesce, è invece possibile chiamare il Int16.TryParse metodo . Restituisce un Boolean valore che indica se la conversione ha avuto esito positivo o negativo.
Vedi anche
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte la rappresentazione di stringa di un numero in una base specificata nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(System::String ^ value, int fromBase);
public static short ToInt16 (string value, int fromBase);
public static short ToInt16 (string? value, int fromBase);
static member ToInt16 : string * int -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As String, fromBase As Integer) As Short
- value
- String
Stringa che contiene il numero da convertire.
- fromBase
- Int32
Base del numero in value
, che deve essere 2, 8, 10 o 16.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente al numero in value
oppure 0 (zero) se value
è null
Il valore di fromBase
non è 2, 8, 10 o 16.
, che rappresenta un numero con segno non in base 10, è preceduto da un segno negativo.
è Empty.
contiene un carattere che corrisponde a una cifra non valida nella base specificata da fromBase
. Il messaggio di eccezione indica che non ci sono cifre da convertire se il primo carattere in value
non è valido; in caso contrario, il messaggio indica che value
contiene caratteri finali non validi.
, che rappresenta un numero con segno non in base 10, è preceduto da un segno negativo.
rappresenta un numero minore di Int16.MinValue o maggiore di Int16.MaxValue.
Nell'esempio seguente viene tentato di interpretare ogni elemento in una matrice di stringhe come stringa esadecimale e convertirla in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
using System;
public class Example
public static void Main()
string[] hexStrings = { "8000", "0FFF", "f000", "00A30", "D", "-13",
"9AC61", "GAD" };
foreach (string hexString in hexStrings)
try {
short number = Convert.ToInt16(hexString, 16);
Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1:N0}.", hexString, number);
catch (FormatException) {
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is not in the correct format for a hexadecimal number.",
catch (OverflowException) {
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is outside the range of an Int16.", hexString);
catch (ArgumentException) {
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is invalid in base 16.", hexString);
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted '8000' to -32,768.
// Converted '0FFF' to 4,095.
// Converted 'f000' to -4,096.
// Converted '00A30' to 2,608.
// Converted 'D' to 13.
// '-13' is invalid in base 16.
// '9AC61' is outside the range of an Int16.
// 'GAD' is not in the correct format for a hexadecimal number.
open System
let hexStrings =
[| "8000"; "0FFF"; "f000"; "00A30"
"D"; "-13"; "9AC61"; "GAD" |]
for hexString in hexStrings do
let number = Convert.ToInt16(hexString, 16)
printfn $"Converted '{hexString}' to {number:N0}."
| :? FormatException ->
printfn $"'{hexString}' is not in the correct format for a hexadecimal number."
| :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"'{hexString}' is outside the range of an Int16."
| :? ArgumentException ->
printfn $"'{hexString}' is invalid in base 16."
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted '8000' to -32,768.
// Converted '0FFF' to 4,095.
// Converted 'f000' to -4,096.
// Converted '00A30' to 2,608.
// Converted 'D' to 13.
// '-13' is invalid in base 16.
// '9AC61' is outside the range of an Int16.
// 'GAD' is not in the correct format for a hexadecimal number.
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim hexStrings() As String = { "8000", "0FFF", "f000", "00A30", "D", _
"-13", "9AC61", "GAD" }
For Each hexString As String In hexStrings
Dim number As Short = Convert.ToInt16(hexString, 16)
Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1:N0}.", hexString, number)
Catch e As FormatException
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is not in the correct format for a hexadecimal number.", _
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is outside the range of an Int16.", hexString)
Catch e As ArgumentException
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is invalid in base 16.", hexString)
End Try
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' Converted '8000' to -32,768.
' Converted '0FFF' to 4,095.
' Converted 'f000' to -4,096.
' Converted '00A30' to 2,608.
' Converted 'D' to 13.
' '-13' is invalid in base 16.
' '9AC61' is outside the range of an Int16.
' 'GAD' is not in the correct format for a hexadecimal number.
Se fromBase
è 16, è possibile prefisso il numero specificato dal value
parametro con "0x" o "0X".
Poiché il segno negativo non è supportato per rappresentazioni numeriche non di base 10, il ToInt16(String, Int32) metodo presuppone che i numeri negativi usino la rappresentazione di complemento di due. In altre parole, il metodo interpreta sempre il bit binario con ordine più alto di un intero (bit 15) come bit di segno. Di conseguenza, è possibile scrivere codice in cui un numero non di base 10 non compreso nell'intervallo del Int16 tipo di dati viene convertito in un Int16 valore senza che il metodo generi un'eccezione. L'esempio seguente incrementa Int16.MaxValue per uno, converte il numero risultante nella relativa rappresentazione stringa esadecimale e quindi chiama il ToInt16(String, Int32) metodo. Anziché generare un'eccezione, il metodo visualizza il messaggio "0x8000 converte in -32768".
// Create a hexadecimal value out of range of the Int16 type.
string value = Convert.ToString((int) short.MaxValue + 1, 16);
// Convert it back to a number.
short number = Convert.ToInt16(value, 16);
Console.WriteLine("0x{0} converts to {1}.", value, number);
catch (OverflowException)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '0x{0}' to a 16-bit integer.", value);
// Create a hexadecimal value out of range of the Int16 type.
let value = Convert.ToString(int Int16.MaxValue + 1, 16)
// Convert it back to a number.
let number = Convert.ToInt16(value, 16)
printfn $"0x{value} converts to {number}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"Unable to convert '0x{value}' to a 16-bit integer."
' Create a hexadecimal value out of range of the Int16 type.
Dim value As String = Convert.ToString(CInt(Short.MaxValue) + 1, 16)
' Convert it back to a number.
Dim number As Short = Convert.ToInt16(value, 16)
Console.WriteLine("0x{0} converts to {1}.", value, number)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '0x{0}' to a 16-bit integer.", value)
End Try
Quando si eseguono operazioni binarie o conversioni numeriche, è sempre responsabilità dello sviluppatore verificare che un metodo usi la rappresentazione numerica appropriata per interpretare un determinato valore. Come illustrato nell'esempio seguente, è possibile assicurarsi che il metodo gestisca correttamente i overflow recuperando prima di tutto il segno del valore numerico prima di convertirlo nella relativa rappresentazione stringa esadecimale. Generare un'eccezione se il valore originale è positivo, ma la conversione in un intero restituisce un valore negativo.
// Create a hexadecimal value out of range of the Short type.
int sourceNumber = (int) short.MaxValue + 1;
bool isNegative = (Math.Sign(sourceNumber) == -1);
string value = Convert.ToString(sourceNumber, 16);
short targetNumber;
targetNumber = Convert.ToInt16(value, 16);
if (! isNegative && ((targetNumber & 0x8000) != 0))
throw new OverflowException();
Console.WriteLine("0x{0} converts to {1}.", value, targetNumber);
catch (OverflowException)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '0x{0}' to a 16-bit integer.", value);
// Displays the following to the console:
// Unable to convert '0x8000' to a 16-bit integer.
// Create a hexadecimal value out of range of the Short type.
let sourceNumber = int Int16.MaxValue + 1
let isNegative = sign sourceNumber = -1
let value = Convert.ToString(sourceNumber, 16)
let targetNumber = Convert.ToInt16(value, 16)
if not isNegative && targetNumber &&& 0x8000s <> 0s then
raise (OverflowException())
printfn $"0x{value} converts to {targetNumber}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"Unable to convert '0x{value}' to a 16-bit integer."
// Displays the following to the console:
// Unable to convert '0x8000' to a 16-bit integer.
' Create a hexadecimal value out of range of the Short type.
Dim sourceNumber As Integer = CInt(Short.MaxValue) + 1
Dim isNegative As Boolean = (Math.Sign(sourceNumber) = -1)
Dim value As String = Convert.ToString(sourceNumber, 16)
Dim targetNumber As Short
targetNumber = Convert.ToInt16(value, 16)
If Not isNegative And ((targetNumber And &H8000) <> 0) Then
Throw New OverflowException()
Console.WriteLine("0x{0} converts to {1}.", value, targetNumber)
End If
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '0x{0}' to a 16-bit integer.", value)
End Try
' Displays the following to the console:
' Unable to convert '0x8000' to a 16-bit integer.
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Questa API non è conforme a CLS.
Converte il valore dell'intero con segno a 8 bit specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(System::SByte value);
public static short ToInt16 (sbyte value);
static member ToInt16 : sbyte -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As SByte) As Short
- value
- SByte
Intero con segno a 8 bit da convertire.
Intero con segno a 8 bit equivalente a value
- Attributi
Nell'esempio seguente ogni elemento viene convertito in una matrice di byte firmati in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
sbyte[] numbers = { SByte.MinValue, -1, 0, 10, SByte.MaxValue };
short result;
foreach (sbyte number in numbers)
result = Convert.ToInt16(number);
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to the {2} value {3}.",
number.GetType().Name, number,
result.GetType().Name, result);
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the SByte value -128 to the Int16 value -128.
// Converted the SByte value -1 to the Int16 value -1.
// Converted the SByte value 0 to the Int16 value 0.
// Converted the SByte value 10 to the Int16 value 10.
// Converted the SByte value 127 to the Int16 value 127.
let numbers =
[| SByte.MinValue; -1y; 0y; 10y; SByte.MaxValue |]
for number in numbers do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 number
printfn $"Converted the {number.GetType().Name} value {number} to the {result.GetType().Name} value {result}."
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the SByte value -128 to the Int16 value -128.
// Converted the SByte value -1 to the Int16 value -1.
// Converted the SByte value 0 to the Int16 value 0.
// Converted the SByte value 10 to the Int16 value 10.
// Converted the SByte value 127 to the Int16 value 127.
Dim numbers() As SByte = { SByte.MinValue, -1, 0, 10, SByte.MaxValue }
Dim result As Short
For Each number As SByte In numbers
result = Convert.ToInt16(number)
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to the {2} value {3}.", _
number.GetType().Name, number, _
result.GetType().Name, result)
' The example displays the following output:
' Converted the SByte value -128 to the Int16 value -128.
' Converted the SByte value -1 to the Int16 value -1.
' Converted the SByte value 0 to the Int16 value 0.
' Converted the SByte value 10 to the Int16 value 10.
' Converted the SByte value 127 to the Int16 value 127.
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- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Restituisce l'intero con segno a 16 bit specificato; non viene eseguita alcuna conversione effettiva.
static short ToInt16(short value);
public static short ToInt16 (short value);
static member ToInt16 : int16 -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Short) As Short
- value
- Int16
Intero con segno a 16 bit da restituire.
viene restituito invariato.
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- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore dell'intero con segno a 64 bit specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(long value);
public static short ToInt16 (long value);
static member ToInt16 : int64 -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Long) As Short
- value
- Int64
Intero con segno a 64 bit da convertire.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente a value
è maggiore di Int16.MaxValue o minore di Int16.MinValue.
Nell'esempio seguente viene tentato di convertire ogni elemento in una matrice di interi lunghi in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
long[] numbers = { Int64.MinValue, -1, 0, 121, 340, Int64.MaxValue };
short result;
foreach (long number in numbers)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(number);
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to the {2} value {3}.",
number.GetType().Name, number,
result.GetType().Name, result);
catch (OverflowException) {
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.",
number.GetType().Name, number);
// The example displays the following output:
// The Int64 value -9223372036854775808 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted the Int64 value -1 to the Int16 value -1.
// Converted the Int64 value 0 to the Int16 value 0.
// Converted the Int64 value 121 to the Int16 value 121.
// Converted the Int64 value 340 to the Int16 value 340.
// The Int64 value 9223372036854775807 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
let numbers =
[| Int64.MinValue; -1; 0; 121; 340; Int64.MaxValue |]
for number in numbers do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 number
printfn $"Converted the {number.GetType().Name} value {number} to the {result.GetType().Name} value {result}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"The {number.GetType().Name} value {number} is outside the range of the Int16 type."
// The example displays the following output:
// The Int64 value -9223372036854775808 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted the Int64 value -1 to the Int16 value -1.
// Converted the Int64 value 0 to the Int16 value 0.
// Converted the Int64 value 121 to the Int16 value 121.
// Converted the Int64 value 340 to the Int16 value 340.
// The Int64 value 9223372036854775807 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Dim numbers() As Long = { Int64.MinValue, -1, 0, 121, 340, Int64.MaxValue }
Dim result As Short
For Each number As Long In numbers
result = Convert.ToInt16(number)
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to the {2} value {3}.", _
number.GetType().Name, number, _
result.GetType().Name, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", _
number.GetType().Name, number)
End Try
' The example displays the following output:
' The Int64 value -9223372036854775808 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
' Converted the Int64 value -1 to the Int16 value -1.
' Converted the Int64 value 0 to the Int16 value 0.
' Converted the Int64 value 121 to the Int16 value 121.
' Converted the Int64 value 340 to the Int16 value 340.
' The Int64 value 9223372036854775807 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
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- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore dell'intero con segno a 32 bit specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(int value);
public static short ToInt16 (int value);
static member ToInt16 : int -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Integer) As Short
- value
- Int32
Intero con segno a 32 bit da convertire.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente a value
è maggiore di Int16.MaxValue o minore di Int16.MinValue.
Nell'esempio seguente viene tentato di convertire ogni elemento in una matrice di interi in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
int[] numbers = { Int32.MinValue, -1, 0, 121, 340, Int32.MaxValue };
short result;
foreach (int number in numbers)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(number);
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to a {2} value {3}.",
number.GetType().Name, number,
result.GetType().Name, result);
catch (OverflowException) {
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.",
number.GetType().Name, number);
// The example displays the following output:
// The Int32 value -2147483648 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted the Int32 value -1 to a Int16 value -1.
// Converted the Int32 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
// Converted the Int32 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
// Converted the Int32 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
// The Int32 value 2147483647 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
let numbers =
[| Int32.MinValue; -1; 0; 121; 340; Int32.MaxValue |]
for number in numbers do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 number
printfn $"Converted the {number.GetType().Name} value {number} to a {result.GetType().Name} value {result}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"The {number.GetType().Name} value {number} is outside the range of the Int16 type."
// The example displays the following output:
// The Int32 value -2147483648 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted the Int32 value -1 to a Int16 value -1.
// Converted the Int32 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
// Converted the Int32 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
// Converted the Int32 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
// The Int32 value 2147483647 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Dim numbers() As Integer = { Int32.MinValue, -1, 0, 121, 340, Int32.MaxValue }
Dim result As Short
For Each number As Integer In numbers
result = Convert.ToInt16(number)
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to a {2} value {3}.", _
number.GetType().Name, number, _
result.GetType().Name, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", _
number.GetType().Name, number)
End Try
' The example displays the following output:
' The Int32 value -2147483648 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
' Converted the Int32 value -1 to a Int16 value -1.
' Converted the Int32 value 0 to a Int16 value 0.
' Converted the Int32 value 121 to a Int16 value 121.
' Converted the Int32 value 340 to a Int16 value 340.
' The Int32 value 2147483647 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore del numero a virgola mobile e con precisione doppia specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(double value);
public static short ToInt16 (double value);
static member ToInt16 : double -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Double) As Short
- value
- Double
Numero a virgola mobile a precisione doppia da convertire.
, arrotondato all'intero con segno a 16 bit più vicino. Se value
si trova a metà tra due numeri interi, viene restituito il numero intero pari; vale a dire, 4,5 viene convertito in 4, mentre 5,5 viene convertito in 6.
è maggiore di Int16.MaxValue o minore di Int16.MinValue.
Nell'esempio seguente ogni elemento viene convertito in una matrice di Double valori in un intero con segno a 16 bit. L'esempio illustra che qualsiasi parte frazionaria di un Double valore viene arrotondata prima di eseguire la conversione.
double[] values = { Double.MinValue, -1.38e10, -1023.299, -12.98,
0, 9.113e-16, 103.919, 17834.191, Double.MaxValue };
short result;
foreach (double value in values)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(value);
Console.WriteLine("Converted {0} to {1}.", value, result);
catch (OverflowException)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", value);
// -1.79769313486232E+308 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// -13800000000 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted -1023.299 to -1023.
// Converted -12.98 to -13.
// Converted 0 to 0.
// Converted 9.113E-16 to 0.
// Converted 103.919 to 104.
// Converted 17834.191 to 17834.
// 1.79769313486232E+308 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
let values =
[| Double.MinValue; -1.38e10; -1023.299; -12.98
0; 9.113e-16; 103.919; 17834.191; Double.MaxValue |]
for value in values do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 value
printfn $"Converted {value} to {result}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"{value} is outside the range of the Int16 type."
// -1.79769313486232E+308 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// -13800000000 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted -1023.299 to -1023.
// Converted -12.98 to -13.
// Converted 0 to 0.
// Converted 9.113E-16 to 0.
// Converted 103.919 to 104.
// Converted 17834.191 to 17834.
// 1.79769313486232E+308 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Dim values() As Double = { Double.MinValue, -1.38e10, -1023.299, -12.98, _
0, 9.113e-16, 103.919, 17834.191, Double.MaxValue }
Dim result As Short
For Each value As Double In values
result = Convert.ToInt16(value)
Console.WriteLine("Converted {0} to {1}.", value, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("{0} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", value)
End Try
' -1.79769313486232E+308 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
' -13800000000 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
' Converted -1023.299 to -1023.
' Converted -12.98 to -13.
' Converted 0 to 0.
' Converted 9.113E-16 to 0.
' Converted 103.919 to 104.
' Converted 17834.191 to 17834.
' 1.79769313486232E+308 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
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- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore del numero decimale specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(System::Decimal value);
public static short ToInt16 (decimal value);
static member ToInt16 : decimal -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Decimal) As Short
- value
- Decimal
Numero decimale da convertire.
, arrotondato all'intero con segno a 16 bit più vicino. Se value
si trova a metà tra due numeri interi, viene restituito il numero intero pari; vale a dire, 4,5 viene convertito in 4, mentre 5,5 viene convertito in 6.
è maggiore di Int16.MaxValue o minore di Int16.MinValue.
Nell'esempio seguente viene tentato di convertire ogni elemento in una matrice di Decimal valori in un intero con segno a 16 bit. L'esempio illustra che qualsiasi parte frazionaria di un Decimal valore viene arrotondata durante l'esecuzione della conversione.
decimal[] values = { Decimal.MinValue, -1034.23m, -12m, 0m, 147m,
9214.16m, Decimal.MaxValue };
short result;
foreach (decimal value in values)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(value);
Console.WriteLine("Converted {0} to {1}.", value, result);
catch (OverflowException)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is outside the range of the Int16 type.",
// The example displays the following output:
// -79228162514264337593543950335 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted -1034.23 to -1034.
// Converted -12 to -12.
// Converted 0 to 0.
// Converted 147 to 147.
// Converted 9214.16 to 9214.
// 79228162514264337593543950335 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
let values =
[| Decimal.MinValue; -1034.23m; -12m; 0m
147m; 9214.16m; Decimal.MaxValue |]
for value in values do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 value
printfn $"Converted {value} to {result}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"{value} is outside the range of the Int16 type."
// The example displays the following output:
// -79228162514264337593543950335 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
// Converted -1034.23 to -1034.
// Converted -12 to -12.
// Converted 0 to 0.
// Converted 147 to 147.
// Converted 9214.16 to 9214.
// 79228162514264337593543950335 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
Dim values() As Decimal = { Decimal.MinValue, -1034.23d, -12d, 0d, 147d, _
9214.16d, Decimal.MaxValue }
Dim result As Short
For Each value As Decimal In values
result = Convert.ToInt16(value)
Console.WriteLine("Converted {0} to {1}.", value, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("{0} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", _
End Try
' The example displays the following output:
' -79228162514264337593543950335 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
' Converted -1034.23 to -1034.
' Converted -12 to -12.
' Converted 0 to 0.
' Converted 147 to 147.
' Converted 9214.16 to 9214.
' 79228162514264337593543950335 is outside the range of the Int16 type.
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Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
La chiamata di questo metodo genera sempre un'eccezione InvalidCastException.
static short ToInt16(DateTime value);
public static short ToInt16 (DateTime value);
static member ToInt16 : DateTime -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As DateTime) As Short
- value
- DateTime
Valore di data e ora da convertire.
Questa conversione non è supportata. Non vengono restituiti valori.
Questa conversione non è supportata.
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore del carattere Unicode specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(char value);
public static short ToInt16 (char value);
static member ToInt16 : char -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Char) As Short
- value
- Char
Carattere Unicode da convertire.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente a value
è maggiore di Int16.MaxValue.
Nell'esempio seguente viene tentato di convertire ogni elemento in una matrice di Char valori in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
char[] chars = { 'a', 'z', '\x0007', '\x03FF',
'\x7FFF', '\xFFFE' };
short result;
foreach (char ch in chars)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(ch);
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' converts to {1}.", ch, result);
catch (OverflowException) {
Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert u+{0} to an Int16.",
// The example displays the following output:
// 'a' converts to 97.
// 'z' converts to 122.
// '' converts to 7.
// 'Ͽ' converts to 1023.
// '翿' converts to 32767.
// Unable to convert u+FFFE to an Int16.
let chars =
[| 'a'; 'z'; '\u0007'; '\u03FF'; '\u7FFF'; '\uFFFE' |]
for ch in chars do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 ch
printfn $"'{ch}' converts to {result}."
with :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"Unable to convert u+{int ch:X4} to an Int16."
// The example displays the following output:
// 'a' converts to 97.
// 'z' converts to 122.
// '' converts to 7.
// 'Ͽ' converts to 1023.
// '翿' converts to 32767.
// Unable to convert u+FFFE to an Int16.
Dim chars() As Char = { "a"c, "z"c, ChrW(7), ChrW(1023), _
ChrW(Short.MaxValue), ChrW(&hFFFE) }
Dim result As Short
For Each ch As Char in chars
result = Convert.ToInt16(ch)
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' converts to {1}.", ch, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert u+{0} to an Int16.", _
End Try
' The example displays the following output:
' 'a' converts to 97.
' 'z' converts to 122.
' '' converts to 7.
' 'Ͽ' converts to 1023.
' '翿' converts to 32767.
' Unable to convert u+FFFE to an Int16.
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore dell'intero senza segno a 8 bit specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(System::Byte value);
public static short ToInt16 (byte value);
static member ToInt16 : byte -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Byte) As Short
- value
- Byte
Intero senza segno a 8 bit da convertire.
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente a value
Nell'esempio seguente ogni elemento viene convertito in una matrice di Byte valori in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
byte[] bytes = { Byte.MinValue, 14, 122, Byte.MaxValue};
short result;
foreach (byte byteValue in bytes)
result = Convert.ToInt16(byteValue);
Console.WriteLine("The Byte value {0} converts to {1}.",
byteValue, result);
// The example displays the following output:
// The Byte value 0 converts to 0.
// The Byte value 14 converts to 14.
// The Byte value 122 converts to 122.
// The Byte value 255 converts to 255.
let bytes = [| Byte.MinValue; 14uy; 122uy; Byte.MaxValue |]
for byteValue in bytes do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 byteValue
printfn $"The Byte value {byteValue} converts to {result}."
// The example displays the following output:
// The Byte value 0 converts to 0.
// The Byte value 14 converts to 14.
// The Byte value 122 converts to 122.
// The Byte value 255 converts to 255.
Dim bytes() As Byte = { Byte.MinValue, 14, 122, Byte.MaxValue}
Dim result As Short
For Each byteValue As Byte In bytes
result = Convert.ToInt16(byteValue)
Console.WriteLine("The Byte value {0} converts to {1}.", _
byteValue, result)
' The example displays the following output:
' The Byte value 0 converts to 0.
' The Byte value 14 converts to 14.
' The Byte value 122 converts to 122.
' The Byte value 255 converts to 255.
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- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore booleano specificato nell'intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente.
static short ToInt16(bool value);
public static short ToInt16 (bool value);
static member ToInt16 : bool -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Boolean) As Short
- value
- Boolean
Valore booleano da convertire.
Il numero 1 se value
è true
; in caso contrario, 0.
L'esempio seguente converte i valori true
booleani e false
i Int16 valori.
bool falseFlag = false;
bool trueFlag = true;
Console.WriteLine("{0} converts to {1}.", falseFlag,
Console.WriteLine("{0} converts to {1}.", trueFlag,
// The example displays the following output:
// False converts to 0.
// True converts to 1.
let falseFlag = false
let trueFlag = true
printfn $"{falseFlag} converts to {Convert.ToInt16 falseFlag}."
printfn $"{trueFlag} converts to {Convert.ToInt16 trueFlag}."
// The example displays the following output:
// False converts to 0.
// True converts to 1.
Dim falseFlag As Boolean = False
Dim trueFlag As Boolean = True
Console.WriteLine("{0} converts to {1}.", falseFlag, _
Console.WriteLine("{0} converts to {1}.", trueFlag, _
' The example displays the following output:
' False converts to 0.
' True converts to 1.
Si applica a
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
- Origine:
- Convert.cs
Converte il valore dell'oggetto specificato in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
static short ToInt16(System::Object ^ value);
public static short ToInt16 (object value);
public static short ToInt16 (object? value);
static member ToInt16 : obj -> int16
Public Shared Function ToInt16 (value As Object) As Short
- value
- Object
Oggetto che implementa l'interfaccia IConvertible oppure null
Intero con segno a 16 bit equivalente a value
oppure zero se value
è null
Il formato di value
non è appropriato per un tipo Int16.
rappresenta un numero minore di Int16.MinValue o maggiore di Int16.MaxValue.
Nell'esempio seguente viene tentato di convertire ogni elemento in una matrice di oggetti in un intero con segno a 16 bit.
object[] values= { true, -12, 163, 935, 'x', new DateTime(2009, 5, 12),
"104", "103.0", "-1", "1.00e2", "One", 1.00e2};
short result;
foreach (object value in values)
try {
result = Convert.ToInt16(value);
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to the {2} value {3}.",
value.GetType().Name, value,
result.GetType().Name, result);
catch (OverflowException) {
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.",
value.GetType().Name, value);
catch (FormatException) {
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is not in a recognizable format.",
value.GetType().Name, value);
catch (InvalidCastException) {
Console.WriteLine("No conversion to an Int16 exists for the {0} value {1}.",
value.GetType().Name, value);
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the Boolean value True to the Int16 value 1.
// Converted the Int32 value -12 to the Int16 value -12.
// Converted the Int32 value 163 to the Int16 value 163.
// Converted the Int32 value 935 to the Int16 value 935.
// Converted the Char value x to the Int16 value 120.
// No conversion to an Int16 exists for the DateTime value 5/12/2009 12:00:00 AM.
// Converted the String value 104 to the Int16 value 104.
// The String value 103.0 is not in a recognizable format.
// Converted the String value -1 to the Int16 value -1.
// The String value 1.00e2 is not in a recognizable format.
// The String value One is not in a recognizable format.
// Converted the Double value 100 to the Int16 value 100.
let values: obj[] =
[| true; -12; 163; 935; 'x'; DateTime(2009, 5, 12)
"104"; "103.0"; "-1"; "1.00e2"; "One"; 1.00e2 |]
for value in values do
let result = Convert.ToInt16 value
printfn $"Converted the {value.GetType().Name} value {value} to the {result.GetType().Name} value {result}."
| :? OverflowException ->
printfn $"The {value.GetType().Name} value {value} is outside the range of the Int16 type."
| :? FormatException ->
printfn $"The {value.GetType().Name} value {value} is not in a recognizable format."
| :? InvalidCastException ->
printfn $"No conversion to an Int16 exists for the {value.GetType().Name} value {value}."
// The example displays the following output:
// Converted the Boolean value True to the Int16 value 1.
// Converted the Int32 value -12 to the Int16 value -12.
// Converted the Int32 value 163 to the Int16 value 163.
// Converted the Int32 value 935 to the Int16 value 935.
// Converted the Char value x to the Int16 value 120.
// No conversion to an Int16 exists for the DateTime value 5/12/2009 12:00:00 AM.
// Converted the String value 104 to the Int16 value 104.
// The String value 103.0 is not in a recognizable format.
// Converted the String value -1 to the Int16 value -1.
// The String value 1.00e2 is not in a recognizable format.
// The String value One is not in a recognizable format.
// Converted the Double value 100 to the Int16 value 100.
Dim values() As Object = { True, -12, 163, 935, "x"c, #5/12/2009#, _
"104", "103.0", "-1", _
"1.00e2", "One", 1.00e2}
Dim result As Short
For Each value As Object In values
result = Convert.ToInt16(value)
Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to the {2} value {3}.", _
value.GetType().Name, value, _
result.GetType().Name, result)
Catch e As OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int16 type.", _
value.GetType().Name, value)
Catch e As FormatException
Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is not in a recognizable format.", _
value.GetType().Name, value)
Catch e As InvalidCastException
Console.WriteLine("No conversion to an Int16 exists for the {0} value {1}.", _
value.GetType().Name, value)
End Try
' The example displays the following output:
' Converted the Boolean value True to the Int16 value 1.
' Converted the Int32 value -12 to the Int16 value -12.
' Converted the Int32 value 163 to the Int16 value 163.
' Converted the Int32 value 935 to the Int16 value 935.
' Converted the Char value x to the Int16 value 120.
' No conversion to an Int16 exists for the DateTime value 5/12/2009 12:00:00 AM.
' Converted the String value 104 to the Int16 value 104.
' The String value 103.0 is not in a recognizable format.
' Converted the String value -1 to the Int16 value -1.
' The String value 1.00e2 is not in a recognizable format.
' The String value One is not in a recognizable format.
' Converted the Double value 100 to the Int16 value 100.
Se value
non null
è , questo metodo esegue il wrapping di una chiamata all'implementazione IConvertible.ToInt16 del tipo sottostante di value
Si applica a
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