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The XP Customer (Fad or Fashion)

It has been my first "Panel", so I first of all I would like to introduce you to he talk "format"....

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/28/2004

Alan Kay

I didn't know who was Alan Kay, but yesterday, when I thought there was nothing interesting to see...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/28/2004

Objects, Patterns, Wiki and XP

Ward Cunningham talked about eXtreme Programming, I liked too much this talk because he was capable...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2004

The Software Architect

This is my first Practitioner Report. It's a kind of session where a set of proffesionals talks...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2004

The Future of Programming

It's the opening keynote of OOPSLA.The Future of Programming from Richard Rashid of MS Research. I...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2004

Integration Patterns

Today I've spend the whole day learning about Enterprise Integration Patterns This tutorial is...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2004

Code Complete 2

The first talk of today was CodeComplete 2 by Steve McConnell. His popular book Code Complete has...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2004

I know, Google is the BEST, however it's good to know that there are different alternatives out...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/26/2004

Aspect Oriented Programming

I'm not a Java developer, however I'm very interested in AOP, and I'm sure this tutorial it's going...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/25/2004

User Centered Design

The first Tutorial I have choose was about Model Driven Architecture, however this tutorial has been...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/25/2004


This is my first time at OOPSLA ( All the IT conferences I've been in my life...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/25/2004

Windows Protected Files Replacement

Today I've disoverd Notepad2, a notepad replacement with syntax highlighting for most popular...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/10/2004

VS 2005 Team System wiki

I found this link in Channel9, and I will spend some time reading it. Stay...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/06/2004

Versioning Nightly Builds with NAnt and CC.Net

I've been trying to set up a continuous integration environment using NAnt, and CC.Net, but I did'nt...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/04/2004

NUnit & VS Integration Macro

I'm always using a simple macro to configure test projects in VS, here is the macro updated to NUnit...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/10/2004

Viewing Xml with InternetExplorer template

Since IE knows how to open a XML doc, and showing with colors and a collapsable tree, looks like if...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/05/2004

Wow !! XmlSerializer in ClientSide JavaScript

It's too late to ingestigate this...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/25/2004

Catalog of Non-Software Examples of Design Patterns

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/17/2004

ProcessStart IE

Everytime I tried to launch IE and point to a URL, I spend some time to understand how and why IE...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/17/2004

I'm a Lucky Lookout User !!

Some time ago I found here a link to lookout (an outlook plug in to search your local mail), it has...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/28/2004

InfoPath blogger

This is the first post I'm writing from Infopath, I found the form available to download here:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/28/2004

Biztalk vs Business components

Every program has a "flow" or any kind of "main routine" where you can inspect the different steps...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/28/2004

CSS Creator It's a Web site with a great collection of tips, links, and everything you...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/23/2004

MS Communities

Now this blog is listed in the "official" MS Communities Blog Portal [...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/21/2004

Multimedia WebPage

I have a series of videos I want to publish in a multimedia web page, so it's my opportunity to get...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/19/2004

Nice Collection of Crypto Code

Michel I. Gallant is a security MVP, he has a nice collectio of crypto related samples showing the...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/08/2004

Great Presentations about Agile Practices with .NET . . .

I've just found the presentation that PeterProvost has upload to Geek Noise:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/05/2004

donBox on DCOM

Yesterday I saw Dbox talking about service orientation, he was comparing different transport...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/02/2004

TechEd Preconference

The TechEd starts tomorrow, however I got a chace to assist to the "PreConferece" sessions, and I...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/28/2004


Raul post in his blog (eXtreme Programming. Net) a few lines of code demonstrating how to read...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/18/2004

DOMInspector for IE

When I discover Mozilla I get impressed about the DOMInspector included with it, a very useful tool...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/18/2004

TechEd 2004 Europe

Which are the most exciting topics we will learn in TechEd04? I expect to assist sessions covering...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/16/2004

Benefits of Datasets vs. Custom Entities

Benefits of Datasets vs. Custom Entities is a nice post talking about this popular discussion, with...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/14/2004


devMetrics is a free addin for VS7.1 (also has a commnad line interface) to generate basic code...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/14/2004


Today I've read in jamesnewkirk blog a post about code templates, it's time to promote AutoCode...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/14/2004

Fun with CSS

I've been playing around with CSS tonite, it's an icredible technology..

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/13/2004

Logs and Traces in .Net

I need to add tracing capabilities to my current app, just the ability to set an error level (INFO,...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/07/2004


Yesterday I start to read Test Driven Development in Microsoft.NET it's so great that I could not...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 04/15/2004

LINK:>Testing Resources

Browsing the fit wiki found this interesting document. some links are...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 03/28/2004

Explore the fit acceptance testing framework

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 03/28/2004

NUnit From VS

Last week I found the best VS+NUnit add in I know until now:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 03/22/2004

Stress Testing without ACT

The official MS Tool to stress your apps is ACT, however it's not ready to test enterprise...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 03/16/2004

Refactoring and SourceControl

One of the most common refactorings is to rename members: methods, classes, variables and so on,...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 03/08/2004

WebProjects Problems

Using Vs WebProjects and VSS have differnet problems in a dev environment. Fritz onion has a nice...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/20/2004

Custom Configuration

A Configuration mechanism to allow the unit testing of different config values.

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/10/2004


How do you name your private members? camelCased or PascalCased? I think the use of camelCase syntax...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/06/2004

Procesar XMLs Grandes

Estudiar la mejor forma de procesar documentos XML muy grandes en el lado del servidor. (Stream...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/02/2004

Mock Objects

Mirar la implementación de Mock.NET y el uso de NMock desde CruiseControl.NET

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/02/2004


Publicada la primera versión del artículo "La Lista De Tareas"....

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/02/2004

Crear Tareas de Versionado para MSBuild

Tengo que pasar mis tareas de versionado de NAnt para que se integren con MSBuild, y de paso...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/02/2004

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