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Stress Testing without ACT

The official MS Tool to stress your apps is ACT, however it's not ready to test enterprise applications, basically I missed two things

  • Support to Client Certificates
  • Support to .NET languages

So, my decission is to build my own Thread based tester, of course in c#.  It's my first time I code using threads, so here is my first approach.

What I want is to call several times to the same method (without parameters, and returns void), the first step is to define a delegate like this:

public delegate void WorkerMethodDelegate();

Now I'm going to define a new class, that receives this delegate in the constructor:

public MultiThreadRunner(WorkerMethodDelegate m)


_method = m;


I need a public method "Run" that indicates how many threads should run this method:

public void Run(int times)


      _threads = new Thread[times];

      for (int i=0;i<times;i++)


            _threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_method));





To finish this class I need to know how long should I wait untill all my threads have finished, so I complete the Run method:

public void Run(int times)


      _threads = new Thread[times];

      for (int i=0;i<times;i++)


            _threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_method));




      bool finished = false;

      while (finished!=true)


            finished = threadPoolFinished();




private bool threadPoolFinished()


      bool result = true;

      int numThreads = _threads.Length;

      for (int i=0;i<numThreads;i++)


            result &= ( _threads[i].ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped );


      return result;


And that's it !!

I don't know how comformant is this code, but IT JUST WORKS.

I'm waiting for your comments  about how to improve this class, so  here is the complete class.

using System;

using System.Threading;

namespace PerfTestRunner


      public delegate void WorkerMethodDelegate();

      public class MultiThreadRunner


            WorkerMethodDelegate _method;

            Thread[] _threads;

            public MultiThreadRunner(WorkerMethodDelegate m)


                  _method = m;


            public void Run(int times)


                  _threads = new Thread[times];

                  for (int i=0;i<times;i++)


                        _threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_method));




                  bool finished = false;

                  while (finished!=true)


                        finished = threadPoolFinished();




            private bool threadPoolFinished()


                  bool result = true;

                  int numThreads = _threads.Length;

                  for (int i=0;i<numThreads;i++)


                        result &= ( _threads[i].ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped );


                  return result;



