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Brian Jones: Office Solutions

I'm Brian Jones, the group program manager of the Office Solutions Framework team.

Spreadsheet formula bugs

I saw this blog post from Rob Wier the other day, and I thought it would be worth drilling into a...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/12/2007

WordprocessingML Document Model

I thought it might be worthwhile to give a bit of an overview of the WordprocessingML model that you...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/11/2007

Open XML timeline

I posted on this earlier in the year, but I thought it was worth repeating, as I've seen a number of...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/09/2007

A couple interesting topics I wanted to link to today: Rick Jelliffe makes my week – Rick has a...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/06/2007

Back from vacation with some good Open XML news

Hey folks, sorry for not posting in awhile. I was initially going to be on a two week vacation...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/02/2007

Microsoft Office not dumped by Science and Nature

I saw this article today, and wanted to make sure that folks weren't confused about the latest with...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/18/2007

Open XML in Science and Nature; Deploying Office 2007; and more…

Here are a few interesting links I came across this week: Open XML in Science and Nature - Murray...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/13/2007

IBM shows off solutions for OpenXML

Stephen was telling me about this article that IBM had written that demonstrated: "consuming and...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/12/2007

HP asks for Open XML approval at ISO

The member list over at is definitely growing rapidly. I think they've already...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/11/2007

Altova’s XMLSpy supports Open XML

Altova's XMLSpy now has rich support for working with the Open XML formats. As they say in their...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/08/2007

Wouter’s updates on the ISO meetings

Wouter has been participating in the Dutch ISO standardization meetings where they are looking of...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/07/2007

Article on “Using Java to Crack Office 2007”

There is an article up on InfoQ showing how you can use Java to work with the Open XML formats. Go...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/07/2007

More blogs on the Open XML dev tools

Some more folks posted about the Open XML formats SDK which we released yesterday as a technology...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/05/2007

Open XML SDK – tech preview

Last week I pointed out the open source project to create a Java library for programming against the...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/04/2007

Open XML Java Library

The OpenXML4J project website is now up and running: This is an open...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 06/01/2007

Simple SpreadsheetML file Part 3 - Formatting

Over 5 months later, I've finally had some free time to pull together part 3 of my "Intro to...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 05/29/2007

Custom Schemas are the key for interoperability with your business data

Doug had a great post last week discussing the importance of custom defined schemas. Check it out:...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 05/21/2007

German standards body creates new working group to focus on interoperability

I was having lunch with Jean Paoli today and he told me about this press release that came out this...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 05/11/2007

OpenXML Community Growing

Wow, I've been trying to pull together my next "Intro to SpreadsheetML" post for over two weeks now...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 05/08/2007

A few updates on the OpenXML formats

Sorry I've been offline for the past couple weeks. I've been meaning to post some content for awhile...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 04/20/2007

Breaking free of the politics

It's good to see the latest news out of Malaysia, where they have decided to take a step back from...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 04/04/2007

Visual tool for developers working with the Open XML formats

For those of you who are working with Open XML files, there is a great tool out there on Codeplex...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 04/03/2007

DIS 29500 (Office Open XML) moves on to the next phase

Ecma just posted a press release this morning announcing that Office Open XML has now officially...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 04/02/2007

Differences in vocabulary

The workshop I attended last week at Harvard was a really great learning experience for me. I spend...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/28/2007

Standards in Government

It's been a really exciting first day out here at Harvard. Jerry Mechling and the rest of the folks...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/21/2007

Programming against the OpenXML formats with Java

For those of you looking into what type of Java support there is for the OpenXML formats, you should...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/20/2007

Standards workshop at Harvard this week

Tomorrow I'm heading out to Massachusetts for what should be a very interesting event at Harvard....

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/19/2007

Working with XBRL

Doug Mahugh had a post last week showing how you could leverage the custom schema support in OpenXML...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/15/2007

Examples of programming with SpreadsheetML

Erika is working on pulling together more coding examples for the OpenXML formats. We've seen a...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/14/2007

Get CompanyWeb to work with new extensions

David Overton has a blog post describing how folks with SBS can make a few updates so they get the...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/13/2007

How to create and consume OpenXML formats

With all the talk last week of the OpenXML support that is now in OpenOffice, I thought it would...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/12/2007

Florida House of Reps leveraging OpenXML

Florida's House of Representatives had a pilot project last year where they were able to leverage...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/09/2007

How microformats relate to custom XML

I've blogged a few times about the support for custom defined schema in the OpenXML formats....

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/05/2007

Novell talks about the OpenXML support in OpenOffice

There's a little blurb up on the Novell PR blog talking a bit more about the OpenXML translator...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/05/2007

OpenOffice support for the OpenXML formats

I just saw that the Novell folks have released a version of OpenOffice with support for the Ecma...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 03/02/2007

Datawatch builds reports using SpreadsheetML

Datawatch just announced the availability of Monarch V.9.0 which has the ability to output rich...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 02/27/2007

Bulk upgrade your binary files to OpenXML

The Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) was released earlier this week. It's a tool that helps...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 02/23/2007

Beyond the basics

It's interesting to see the varying emotions people have had in reaction to the standardization of...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 02/20/2007

You’re either with us or you’re against us

I'm sure most of you have had those annoying conversations with folks on a topic where that person...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 02/15/2007

Sun building support for SpreadsheetML into OpenOffice

I missed this last week: It looks...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 02/12/2007

Update on OpenXML at ISO

I'm heading out to New York for a few days, but I wanted to send out a quick note around the ISO...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 02/08/2007

Texas looks at the interoperability of file formats

For those of you interested in the policies/politics side of file formats, I've seen a couple folks...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 02/06/2007

Conversation with Jon Udell on XML in Office

I talked with Jon last week about XML in Office and he just posted it up on Channel 9 today:...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 02/06/2007

ODF to OpenXML conversion complete

Huge news to wrap up the week! The open source project for creating a translator between the ODF...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 02/02/2007

I had a few interesting articles I thought folks might be interested in: Miguel de Icaza – The EU...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/31/2007

File Formats on the Colbert Report (sort of)

There's something odd about working on a feature in Office that one of the last things any average...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/30/2007

Webcast on Open XML development at Mindjet

A few months ago I blogged about a company called Mindjet who had built OpenXML support into their...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/29/2007

Explanation of the ISO “Fast-Track” process

The Fast-Track process for OpenXML is just now getting underway, and there about 6 more months of...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/29/2007

History of office XML formats (1998-2006)

I thought it might be interesting to look at a timeline of the past 8 years or so in terms of ODF...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/25/2007

Passing the OpenXML standard over to ISO

I've been reading some pretty wild stuff lately in the blogosphere around OpenXML and its submission...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/19/2007

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