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Brian Jones: Office Solutions

I'm Brian Jones, the group program manager of the Office Solutions Framework team.

No more anonymous comments?

Lately I've been wondering if the discussions in the comments portion of my blog would be more...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/31/2008

A few interesting links I wanted to point out: Content Reuse with Open XML and XSLT – Alexander Falk...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/31/2008

Buzzword now supports reading and writing Open XML

We had all the noise last week about IBM supporting Open XML in a number of their products. Today I...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/30/2008

OASIS ODF committee considering joining DIN to help with translation and interop

This is very cool. It looks like the OASIS committee is looking at coming on board to help out with...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/29/2008

A few interesting and entertaining links to end the week: IBM's Stance Against OpenXML Is...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/25/2008

Translating OpenXML into DAISY

Reed announced today that the first alpha build of the OpenXML to DAISY translator is now available...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/25/2008

Improvements in Password Hashing

There were a number of comments raised by national bodies about the password hashing (encryption)...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/23/2008

A few interesting links out there today: A Closer Look At Those "Single Standard" Policy Mandates –...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/23/2008

Reuse of existing standards

In looking through some of the work Ecma has done to identify in a clear way how existing standards...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/22/2008

suppressTopSpacingWP – Compat Settings #1

I know a lot of people were worried about a subset of the compatibility settings in wordprocessingML...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/18/2008

Add new functionality now or later?

One thing we had to think about in TC45 when dealing with the national body comments was how to deal...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/18/2008

Google support for Open XML formats

I noticed this last week but forgot to blog about it. If you do a google search and the result is an...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/17/2008

More info on DAISY and OpenXML

Very cool video with the DAISY Consortium's Secretary General George Kerscher discussing DAISY and...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/17/2008

"yip-yip-yahoo" (2)

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/16/2008

Mapping documents in the binary format (.doc; .xls; .ppt) to the Open XML format

I wanted to call everyone's attention to a few interesting developments in Ecma's proposed...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/16/2008

Responses now complete for all 3,522 comments

Yesterday night Ecma TC45 and the Editor of DIS 29500 were able to publish the final drop of our...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/14/2008


Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 01/13/2008

Gray Knowlton discusses the compatibility pack statistics

Gray just recently started blogging and has an interesting post about the number of downloads we've...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 12/26/2007

500+ national body comments posting today

Ecma is posting a new status update today. We’re in progress updating 500+ new national body...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 12/21/2007

Why all the secrecy?

Alex Brown, a long time member of SC34 and the convener of the upcoming BRM for DIS 29500 provided...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 12/13/2007

Office 2007 SP1 is now available

SP1 for Office 2007 is now available for download. One of the interesting fixes we made was based on...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 12/12/2007

Over halfway there… including some positive changes to the Open XML standard

I had mentioned that the members of Ecma TC45 all met last week in Kyoto to continue working through...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 12/11/2007

IBM’s Rob Weir makes it clear… he wants war

Last spring, we saw some positive developments in the file format world. We started to reach a...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 12/09/2007

Season's greetings everyone

I'm heading home from Kyoto tomorrow after some very productive Ecma meetings. I think you'll all be...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 12/07/2007

Weird Moment of the Day

I saw this blog from one of the current chairs of the ODF committee in OASIS:...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 12/07/2007

It’s hard damned work trying to make this process look so bad

Ecma TC45 and the project editor are making great progress in the resolution of comments we received...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 12/04/2007

Standards expert Jan van den Beld now blogging

Jan van den Beld, a long time member of the standards community and former Secretary General of Ecma...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 11/27/2007

Interoperability Track at XML Conference 2007

For those of you planning on being in the Boston area next week, you should plan on checking out the...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 11/26/2007

Update on Open XML’s ISO progress

I wanted to provide a bit of an update on how things are going in TC45 as we look through the...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 11/19/2007

Accessibility of OpenXML

Well, I've come back up for air briefly and wanted to quickly point out to folks a really important...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 11/14/2007

I'm pretty knee deep in work for the next version of Office, as well as the ISO comments on OpenXML,...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 10/17/2007

New Beta of WordPerfect with Open XML and ODF support

Corel just announced the availability of a new beta version of WordPerfect that provides support for...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 10/03/2007

Well I thought I would have time to work more on the FAQ the past couple weeks, but that was naive...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 09/28/2007

A new FAQ page now available

OK, I'll admit its pretty lame that it's been almost two weeks since my last post. I've been pretty...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 09/17/2007

Frequently Asked Questions

Andrew Sayers had a great suggestion that I should have a page set up that gives an overview of the...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 09/17/2007

Another word-processor supporting Open XML

It looks like AbiWord, which is an open source word processing application is now working on Open...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 09/04/2007

We’re getting closer to ISO approval of Open XML!

Well, we're almost done with the latest stage in the ISO standardization of Open XML. On Monday, all...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 08/31/2007

Ecma meetings in Toronto

Well we're in the middle of our last face to face meeting for Ecma TC45 before the ISO vote on...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 08/28/2007

US to vote “yes” on Open XML

Similar to what we just saw from Germany earlier this week, the US has voted to approve Open XML as...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 08/24/2007

Back from Winnipeg

I was out for the past week at a family event in Winnipeg. I didn't have any access to e-mail or...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 08/23/2007

Why there’s no “Microsoft” in Open XML

Here are a couple cool screenshots from Stephen McGibbon where he shows an OpenXML spreadsheet file...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 08/15/2007

Sorry for just posting links the past week or so. I haven't had much time to pull anything new...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 08/10/2007

iWork ‘08 supports the Open XML formats

I talked the other week about how the iPhone supports the Open XML formats. It's pretty incredible...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 08/08/2007

Back from vacation with good news

Well, I just got back from vacation this afternoon, and it looks like there were some great...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 08/01/2007

Going offline for a week

I'll be offline for the next week or so. Sorry if I don't answer your e-mails or comments during...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/20/2007

US will take a vote on “yes with comments”

Doug Mahugh has another update on what's going on with the US review of the Open XML standard....

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/20/2007

Jason Matusow talks about the US vote

Jason is on the standards team in Microsoft, and he has a blog post discussing some of the moves to...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/19/2007

iPhone supports Open XML

This is pretty cool. I already talked about how there is support for the open xml formats on the...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/17/2007

Open XML news

Here are a few interesting links related to the Open XML formats US technical committee reaches...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/17/2007

Importing your XML into a spreadsheet

I'm going to try to get back on top of all the e-mails folks have been sending me. If you've...

Author: I'm Brian Jones Date: 07/16/2007

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