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Use the new and improved Power Platform admin center (preview)


The new and improved Power Platform admin center is now in public preview! We designed the new admin center to be easier to use, with task-oriented navigation that helps you achieve specific outcomes faster. We'll be publishing new and updated documentation as the new Power Platform admin center moves to general availability.

[This article is prerelease documentation and is subject to change.]

We're happy to announce the public preview of the new and improved Power Platform admin center! The new Power Platform admin center is designed with an outcome-driven approach, where all functionality is intuitively organized in pages based on administrative tasks. The new admin center isn't just task-oriented, it also helps you achieve specific outcomes and goals. The design focuses on providing an optimal user experience, catering to a wide range of stakeholders with varying needs.


  • This is a preview feature.
  • Preview features aren’t meant for production use and might have restricted functionality. These features are subject to supplemental terms of use, and are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.

When and how can customers benefit from the new experience?

All customers can access the public preview of the new Power Platform admin center starting November 24, 2024. Customers in some regions might have earlier access.

To start using it, turn on the Try the new admin center toggle in the upper-right corner of the current admin center.

Screenshot of the Try the new admin center toggle in the current Power Platform admin center window.

After you turn on the toggle, you can explore the new interface with its logically organized pages. To revert to the classic admin center, turn off the toggle at any time.

Where are pages from the classic admin center in the new one?

Most of the pages from the classic admin center are available in the new one, either in their original form or with improved functionality. The following table outlines where to find them in the updated layout.

Item number Classic admin center New admin center
1 Home Home
2 Environments Manage > Environments
3 Environment groups Manage > Environment groups
4 Advisor Action center > Recommendations
5 Security Security
6 Analytics Work in progress

Note:  Analytics experiences from the classic amin center are currently in the process of being migrated to the new admin center. Updates will be provided in the future about these experiences.
7 Billing > Licenses Licensing > Products > Power Apps
8 Billing > Plans Licensing > Pay-as-you-go plans
9 Settings Manage > Tenant settings
10 Copilot Copilot
11 Resources > Capacity Licensing > Capacity add-ons
12 Resources > Catalogs Deployment > Catalogs
13 Resources > Dynamics 365 apps Manage > Products > Dynamics 365 apps
14 Resources > Power Pages sites Manage > Products > Power Pages sites

Note: The security data of Pages will be moved to Security > Products > Power Pages.
15 Help + Support Support
16 Data integration Not applicable

Note: Experiences from Data integration pages won't be migrated in the current form.
17 Data (Preview) Manage > Data (Preview)
18 Policies > Data policies Security > Access control > Data policies
19 Policies > Tenant isolation Security > Access control > Tenant isolation
20 Policies > Customer Lockbox Security > Compliance > Customer Lockbox
21 Policies > Enterprise policies Security > Compliance > Enterprise policies
22 Policies > Billing policies Not applicable

Note: Experiences from Billing policies pages won't be migrated in the current form.
23 Admin Centers Admin Centers

What else is included in the new admin center?

In addition to reorganized pages based on admin tasks, we're introducing a new monitoring pages experience. Monitoring pages allow admins and makers to track performance statistics in their tenant, helping them identify app accessibility problems or slow-loading Power Pages sites.

These new experiences help you measure and improve the operational health of your organizational resources such as apps. They provide insights into overall operational health in a tenant or specific environments. Metrics are derived from aggregated event logs of runtime activities, with recommendations based on these logs or static analysis of resource properties. Event logs used for metric calculations are available for review and download for further analysis.

What's next?

Over the coming months, we'll add more features to assist admins with day-to-day tasks, including application lifecycle management. Stay tuned for more information!