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Tenant-to-tenant migrations


The new and improved Power Platform admin center is now in public preview! We designed the new admin center to be easier to use, with task-oriented navigation that helps you achieve specific outcomes faster. We'll be publishing new and updated documentation as the new Power Platform admin center moves to general availability.

The tenant-to-tenant migration feature allows you to transfer an environment from one tenant to another. This feature supports scenarios such as merging multiple tenants into one and facilitating company acquisitions. The environment doesn't actually move, but rather is linked to another tenant. The environment still exists but isn't part of the source tenant anymore. It's accessible and managed under the destination tenant. There are no user interface changes or version changes as part of this move.

Before you get started

Be aware of the following before starting a tenant-to-tenant migration.


Tenant-to-tenant migrations will be supported on Managed Environments in the future.

  • Supported environment types: Production and sandbox only.
  • Not supported environment types: Default, developer, trial, and Teams environment types aren't supported. Government Community Cloud (GCC) to public clouds and vice versa aren't supported.
  • Components not supported include Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, Omnichannel for Customer Service, component library, Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys, and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data.
  • Specific steps required for Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Pages, and Microsoft Copilot Studio are called out in the premigration and post-migration steps.
  • A Dataverse organization linked to a finance and operations organization can't be migrated to a different tenant.
  • You might need to reconfigure some applications and settings after tenant-to-tenant migration, such as Dynamics 365 for Outlook, server-side sync, SharePoint, and others.
  • Once users are created and configured, you must create a user mapping file, which is described later in this article.
  • If the mapped user has a mailbox in the destination tenant, then the mailbox is automatically configured during the migration. For all other users, you need to reconfigure the mailbox.
    • If the same mailbox is used in the target tenant,, then the mailbox is used by default. Before the tenant-to-tenant migration, customers need to migrate and configure their mailboxes on the target tenant.
    • If you're using the default onmicrosoft domain,, the post-migration domain name is changed to Customers need to reconfigure the mailbox. Learn more about configuring the mailbox in Connect to Exchange Online.


Be sure to complete the following prerequisites before you start the migration process:

  • Create users in the target tenant, including:
    • Create users in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Entra ID.
    • Assign licenses.
  • You must have admin privileges with Power Platform or Dynamics 365 to perform the migration.
  • The PowerShell for Power Platform Administrators module is the recommended PowerShell module for interacting with admin capabilities. Learn more in Get started with PowerShell for Power Platform Administrators.

Preparation process

Complete the following procedures for Power Automate, Power Apps, Copilot Studio, and Power Pages before the migration. You also must create a user mapping file.

Prepare Power Automate

If your flows are already defined in Dataverse, then no extra work is required.

Any Power Automate flows that should be migrated need to have their definitions added into Dataverse solutions in the source environment. Learn more in Add an existing cloud flow into a solution. This can be done in bulk by running the Add-AdminFlowsToSolution cmdlet.

Prepare Power Apps

Any Power Apps must be manually exported. We don't support the migration of customer connectors, connections, or gateways. If you have any of these components set up, they must be manually reconfigured after the migration.

For solution-aware apps

  1. For apps that are solution aware, go to Power Apps, navigate to the Solutions page, and export all apps and solutions. You can export them individually or group them together in a single solution, if they're not already.

  2. Delete these solution-aware apps in the environment after exporting them.

  3. Apps belonging to managed solutions can only be deleted by deleting the solution.

  4. Apps that are in an unmanaged solution can be deleted by using the Delete from this environment option.


    Solution-aware canvas apps, custom pages, or component libraries that you don't delete from an environment before migration won't work after the migration completes.

For apps that aren't solution aware

  1. Go to Power Apps, and then select Apps.

  2. For each app that you want to move, select More Commands and then select Export package (preview).

  3. Enter the details required to perform the export of the app, and then select Export. Once the export completes, a download begins.

    The resulting file contains the app package that was selected.

  4. Repeat these steps until all apps have been exported.

  5. Delete these nonsolution-aware apps from the environment.

An admin can also view or delete canvas apps from the list in the admin portal by completing the following steps:

  1. Go to the Power Platform admin center and then select the environment from Manage.
  2. Under the Resources action, select Power Apps to view and delete them.

Prepare Copilot Studio

Any Copilot Studio chatbots must be manually exported. Some dependent components of chatbots must be manually reconfigured during or after the migration. For example, connections, environment variables, and custom connectors must be manually reconfigured during or after the migration.

Chatbots are solution aware. Go to Power Apps, navigate to the Solutions page, and export all chatbot solutions, either individually or grouped together in a single solution. Learn more in Export and import bots using solutions.

Prepare Power Pages

The following steps must be done for each website in an environment:

  1. Sign in to the environment.
  2. Open the admin center.
  3. Delete the website.

Create a user mapping file

Create a user mapping file for the source environment to be transferred to the target environment. It's essential to note that each environment requires an individual mapping file. Be sure that users are present and authorized in both the originating and destination tenants, as this is required for a successful migration. The users' domains may vary between source and target, provided they're active.

  1. Create a user mapping file named usermapping.csv.


    The file name is case sensitive. Make sure records are separated by a comma, not a semicolon.

  2. Accurately record the details of users, including their source and destination email IDs. Make sure there are no extra spaces before and after the header. Your mapping file should look like the following example:

    Source Destination

For full access users

  1. Access the source environment.

  2. Use Advanced Find to look for users.

  3. Select Use Saved View > Full Access Users, and then select Edit Columns.

  4. Remove all columns except the Full Name column.

  5. Select Add Columns > Windows Live ID.

  6. Select OK > Results to see the list of full access users.

  7. Select all the records, select Export Users in the ribbon, and then choose Static Worksheet.

  8. Follow steps 1-7 above for the destination tenant, if possible. You should now have two separate Excel sheets: one for the source and one for the target tenant.

  9. Open the Excel files for editing.

  10. Starting with the source Excel sheet, copy the records under the Windows Live ID column into Notepad. Don't copy the header.

  11. Save the Notepad file.

  12. Enter the destination Windows Live ID (UPNs) in the same Notepad document to the right of the corresponding source UPN. Be sure to separate source and destination UPNs with a comma (,).


  13. Save as a CSV file.

For administrative access users

  1. Access the source environment.
  2. Use Advanced Find to look for users.
  3. Select Use Saved View > Administrative Access Users, and then select Results to see the list of administrative access users.
  4. If you decide not to include any of these users, skip the following steps. Otherwise, to include these users in the mapping file, do the following:
    1. Find the corresponding users in the destination tenant.

    2. Make sure a valid license is assigned to the destination user in the destination tenant.


      If the destination user isn't assigned any license, the migration fails.

    3. Save the CSV file that has both full access users and administrative access users mapped.


Before proceeding with the migration, make sure you review and complete the preparation process. After you've completed the preparation process, complete the following sections to migrate.

Install PowerShell for Power Platform Administrators (both source and target admins)

The PowerShell for Power Platform Administrators module is the recommended PowerShell module for interacting with admin capabilities. For information that helps you get started with the PowerShell for Power Platform Administrators module, go to Get started with PowerShell for Power Platform Administrators and Installing PowerShell for Power Platform Administrators.

Install or update the necessary module by using one of the following commands:

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell
Update-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell

Install Azure PowerShell on Windows (both source and target admins)

The Azure PowerShell module is a rollup module. Installing the Azure PowerShell module downloads the generally available modules and makes their cmdlets available for use. Learn more in Install Azure PowerShell on Windows.

Use the Install-Module cmdlet to install the Azure PowerShell module:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

Sign in to Microsoft Power Platform (both source and target admins)

Sign in to Microsoft Power Platform. This step allows administrators to authenticate and access the Power Platform environment.


Submit migration request (source admin)

To initiate a tenant-to-tenant migration, the source tenant's Dynamics 365 or Power Platform administrator must submit a request to the target tenant using the following command and provide the environment name ID and tenant ID.

You must have Power Platform administrator or Dynamics 365 administrator credentials to complete this step.

TenantToTenant-SubmitMigrationRequest –EnvironmentName {EnvironmentId} -TargetTenantID {TenantID}

You can view the status and MigrationID using the following command:



Record the MigrationID, which is used in further migration commands. Source Tenant MigrationID is different from Destination Tenant MigrationID.

View and approve migration request (target admin)

The admin of the destination tenant should run the following command to see all the migration requests and status. The admin can review all the migration requests and options to approve or reject.



TenantToTenant-ManageMigrationRequest -MigrationId {MigrationId from above command to approve or deny}

Once a request is approved, the admin of the destination tenant can notify the admin of the source tenant to proceed with the next step of the migration.

Generate a shared access signature (SAS) URL (source admin)

This step involves creating the SAS URL, which is used later for uploading the user mapping file. Run the following PowerShell command, substituting EnvironmentId with the actual environment ID.

GenerateResourceStorage-PowerAppEnvironment –EnvironmentName {EnvironmentId}


Make sure that the environment is not in Admin Mode and the user has the Basic User role assigned in the environment.

Sample output

Code        :
Description :
Headers     :
Error       :
Errors      :
Internal    : @{sharedAccessSignature=}

Upload the user mapping file (source admin)

The next step involves transferring the user mapping file to the previously established SAS URL. To accomplish this, run the following commands in Windows PowerShell ISE, ensuring that the parameters SASUri and FileToUpload contain the appropriate information about your environment. This step is crucial for accurately uploading mapping of the users in the system.


The installation of the Azure module is required to run the script mentioned. Complete the following steps with Windows PowerShell ISE.

$SASUri ="Update the SAS Uri from previous step”
$Uri = [System.Uri] $SASUri
$storageAccountName = $uri.DnsSafeHost.Split(".")[0]
$container = $uri.LocalPath.Substring(1)
$sasToken = $uri.Query
# File to upload
# Note that the file name should be usermapping.csv (case sensitive) with comma separated values.
$fileToUpload = 'C:\filelocation\usermapping.csv'
# Create a storage context
$storageContext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -SasToken $sasToken
# Upload the file to Azure Blob Storage
Set-AzStorageBlobContent -File $fileToUpload -Container $container -Context $storageContext -Force

Prepare the environment migration (source admin)

The following step involves conducting comprehensive validations to ensure that every user listed in the user mapping file is verified and currently active within the target tenant.

MigrationId can be viewed using the "TenantToTenant-ViewMigrationRequest" command in the source tenant.

-MigrationId {MigrationId} 
-TargetTenantId {TargetTenantId} 
-ReadOnlyUserMappingFileContainerUri {SasUri}


While passing the SASUri value, you must provide the parameter like this:

Sample output

Code        : 202
Description : Accepted

This step's duration varies depending on the number of users in the user mapping file. You can monitor the progress of this step by using the TenantToTenant-GetStatus command, provided below.

Check status (source admin)

TenantToTenant-GetMigrationStatus -MigrationId {MigrationId}

Sample output

  • Validate Tenant To Tenant Migration: Running
  • Validate Tenant To Tenant Migration: Succeeded
  • Validation Failed, Errors are updated on the blob here: SASURI

Errors and how to resolve them

  • If you receive an error that says, The User mapping file provided for Tenant To Tenant migration is invalid, check if the user mapping file name is correct and that the user mapping file has a comma to separate values.
  • Line '{line numbers}' have the same '{emailID}': Make sure there aren't any duplicate entries.
  • Invalid Email Format '{emailid}': Make sure the email format is correct for
  • Target on line '{linenumber}' is same as source emailId: Make sure the Destination Email is different from the Source Email.
  • Each line must have exactly two columns: '{line numbers}': Make sure each row has only two columns: the source and destination columns. Remove any extra commas.

After fixing user mapping errors, you need to reupload the user mapping file using the same SAS URI.

Download the error report (source admin)

If any errors are in the user mapping file, there's an option to download an error report. This can be done by directly copying and pasting the SasUrl provided in the Tenant-To-Tenant-GetMigrationStatus command or by using the following commands that use the SAS URI from the previous step to check status and the desired location to download the error report.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Run the following command with Windows PowerShell ISE.

    Import-Module Az.Storage 
    # Define the SAS URI of the blob
    $sasUri = " Update the SAS Uri from previous step "
    # Define the path where the blob will be downloaded
    $destinationPath = "C:\Downloads\Failed\"
    # Split the SAS URI on the '?' character to separate the URL and the SAS token
    $url, $sasToken = $sasUri -split '\?', 2
    $containerName = $url.Split('/')[3]
    $storageAccountName = $url.Split('/')[2].Split('.')[0]
    $storageContext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -SasToken $sasToken
    Get-AzStorageBlobContent -Blob "usermapping.csv" -Container $containerName -Destination $destinationPath -Context $storageContext 
  2. Fix the issues in the user mapping file.

  3. Reupload the file using the steps in Upload the user mapping file (source admin).

After successfully completing the Prepare the environment migration (source admin), you may proceed with the Migrate the environment (source admin) procedure to migrate the environment. Perform the migration within the next seven days. If you don't complete the migration in the next seven days, you must start the Prepare the environment migration (source admin) procedure again.

Migrate the environment (source admin)

The MigrationId can be viewed using the TenantToTenant-ViewMigrationRequest command in the source tenant.

-MigrationId {MigrationId}
-TargetTenantId {TargetTenantId}

Get status (source admin)

TenantToTenant-GetMigrationStatus -MigrationId {MigrationId}

Sample output

  • Migrate Environment: Running
  • Migrate Environment: Succeeded


If you encounter any issues running the above commands, submit a support request to get help.

Post-migration process

After moving environments to another tenant:

  • The environment URL, organization ID (OrgID), and the name don't change.
  • The source environment doesn't have Dataverse.
  • Users not included in the mapping file won't be migrated and mapped post-migration.

Complete the following procedures for Power Automate, Power Apps, Copilot Studio, and Power Pages.

Post-migration process for Power Automate

After the migration has completed, step through the Review components section as a checklist to get flows and other components adjusted and activated. The key steps are:

  1. Create connections for all connection references.
  2. Start all flows, including starting child flows before parent flows.
  3. For any HTTP triggered flows, retrieve the new URL and place it in any calling apps or flows to refresh those references.

Post-migration process for Power Apps

For solution-aware apps

  1. Select the new environment from Power Apps and navigate to the Solutions page.
  2. Select Import and use the file selector to select the packages exported from the above step.
  3. Confirm that the import was successfully completed by checking the solution contents of the migrated environment.

For apps that aren't solution aware

  1. Go to Power Apps.
  2. Select the new environment from the environment dropdown list.
  3. Select Apps.
  4. Select Import canvas app.
  5. Upload the app package file.
  6. Complete all of the import option selections, and then select Import.
  7. Repeat these steps until all apps have been imported.

Post-migration process for Copilot Studio

  1. Select the new environment from Power Apps and navigate to the Solutions page.
  2. Select Import and use the file selector to select the packages exported from the above step.
  3. Confirm that the import was successfully completed by checking the solution contents of the migrated environment.

Post-migration process for Power Pages

The following steps must be completed for each website in the environment.

  1. Sign in to the environment.
  2. Open the admin center.
  3. Provision the website with the same portal type and language.

After completing all of the above steps and the migration, you may validate the environment in the target tenant. Later, you can delete the source environment in the Power Platform admin center.

Frequently asked questions

Are background operations enabled during tenant-to-tenant migration?

Administration mode is enabled during tenant-to-tenant migration, therefore background operations don't run. Learn more in Administration mode.

Can we migrate all users of the Dataverse organization?

We can migrate all users of the Dataverse organization only if users exist in the destination tenant. For example:,,