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Add a Microsoft Dataverse database


The new and improved Power Platform admin center is now in public preview! We designed the new admin center to be easier to use, with task-oriented navigation that helps you achieve specific outcomes faster. We'll be publishing new and updated documentation as the new Power Platform admin center moves to general availability.

You can create a database and build apps by using Dataverse as a data store. You can either create your own custom tables or use the predefined tables. To create a database, you first need to either create an environment, or be assigned to an existing environment as an Environment Admin. In addition, you must be assigned the appropriate license. For information on purchasing a plan for using Dataverse, see Pricing info.

You can only add a single database to an environment. This topic applies to those who haven't yet added a Dataverse database to an environment.

There are various ways to add or create a database:

  • In the Microsoft Power Platform admin center
  • In the Tables pane of Power Apps (


For security reasons, we do not support creating a copy of the database for local use.

Add a database in the admin center

  1. In the admin center, in the left navigation pane, select Environments.

  2. Select the environment to which you want to add the database.

  3. Select + Add database.

    Add a database.

  4. Enter the following, and then select Add.

    Setting Description
    Language The default language for this environment. More information: Dataverse language collations
    Currency The base currency used for reporting.
    Enable Dynamics 365 apps Select Yes and make a selection to automatically deploy apps such as Dynamics 365 Sales and Dynamics 365 Customer Service.
    Deploy sample apps and data Select Yes to include sample apps and data. Sample data gives you something to experiment with as you learn. You must select No for Enable Dynamics 365 apps for this setting to appear.
    Security group Select a security group to restrict access to this environment.

Create a database in the Tables pane of Power Apps

  1. Sign in to Power Apps.

  2. In the left pane, expand the Data section, select Tables in the left navigation pane.

  3. Select Create a database to create the database.

    Create database from tables.

Security model for the databases

When a database is created, the users who have environment roles assigned to them, will continue to maintain those privileges.
Users with Environment Admin role are assigned to System Administrator role. Users with Environment Maker continue to possess the same role.

You can assign additional users to pre-defined roles or even create custom roles. See Database Security for more details.


On creating the database, any security group assigned to Environment Admin or Environment Maker role will not be honored any more. Currently, assigning permissions in database, do not support Microsoft Entra security group.

License and security permissions

To create a database, you must be an administrator in the selected environment, and the appropriate license must be assigned to you. From the environment, you can further configure security permissions for other users by using the Security tab. For more information, see Configure database security.

Privacy notice

With the Microsoft Power Apps Common Data Model we collect and store custom table and column names in our diagnostic systems. We use this knowledge to improve the Common Data Model for our customers. The table and column names that Creators create help us understand scenarios that are common across the Microsoft Power Apps community and ascertain gaps in the service’s standard table coverage, such as schemas related to organizations. The data in the database tables associated with these tables is not accessed or used by Microsoft or replicated outside of the region in which the database is provisioned. Note, however, the custom table and column names may be replicated across regions and are deleted in accordance with our data retention policies. Microsoft is committed to your privacy as described further in our Trust Center.