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Frequently asked questions for wrap

Frequently asked questions about the wrap feature are listed below.

Can single tenant customers use wrap with Power Apps?

Yes. Both single tenant and multitenant customers can use wrap. However, it's important to assign a correct account type for your app on Azure portal if you're creating a new app registration manually. See App registration for directions on how to select a correct account type to prepare your app for wrap.

Does the wrap feature in Power Apps support Customer-Managed Keys (CMK) or Lockbox capabilities?

No. The wrap feature in Power Apps doesn't support Customer-Managed Keys (CMK) or Lockbox capabilities. Wrap for Power Apps uses Azure DevOps build pipelines to build mobile apps. Customer assets might be exposed in the build pipeline to Microsoft service operators.

Can I create mobile apps with Power Apps?

Yes. More information: Creating mobile apps with Power Apps

If I create a mobile app with Power Apps, does Microsoft release it for me?

No. Microsoft wraps your app in a native mobile app shell for you to digitally sign and distribute.

How do I digitally sign my mobile app?

You can automatically sign your mobile app package in Step 2: Target Platforms step in wrap wizard. You'll need to create and prepare your Azure Key Vault to take advantage of automatic mobile app signing feature in wrap wizard. For information on how to code sign your app manually, see instructions here: Android, iOS and Google Play Store.

Can I use Xcode to digitally sign my mobile apps for iOS?

No. Signing your mobile app with Xcode isn't supported in wrap. To digitally sign your wrapped mobile app package for iOS, see Code sign for iOS.

How do I distribute my mobile app?

It depends on your business scenario. You can use Microsoft Intune, Microsoft App Center, Google Play or Apple Business Manager.

How do I configure my mobile app for distribution through Microsoft Intune?

Wrap wizard automatically configures your app for distribution with Microsoft Intune. To troubleshoot, you can manually grant all the canvas app(s) that you intend to wrap Microsoft Mobile Application Management API permission manually. More information: Configure the API permissions for your app manually.

Do I need to rewrap and redistribute my mobile app frequently?

Power Apps Mobile is updated periodically. Hence, to ensure compatibility with the latest Power Apps release versions, benefit from bug-fixes and new platform features, we recommend that you rewrap and redistribute your mobile app to your end users at least on a monthly basis.

Do I need to rewrap and redistribute my mobile app after making changes to the canvas app(s) included in the package?

No. Published changes to the included canvas app(s) are downloaded automatically by existing, released versions of your mobile app. However, we recommend that you rewrap and redistribute your mobile app on a monthly basis to benefit from platform bug fixes, updates and new features.

How do I update the icons and colors in my mobile app?

You can update icons and colors in your mobile app by rewraping your apps with new icons and colors and redistributing the updated mobile app package.

How do I add or remove canvas apps in my wrapped mobile app?

You can add or remove canvas apps by rewraping your mobile app package with a new set of included apps and redistributing your mobile package.

What are Primary and Secondary apps in the context of wrap?

Primary app provides the main experience of your mobile app. Secondary apps are bundled for performance reasons and must be linked from your primary app. See wrap multiple canvas apps together.

What are the advantages of including Secondary apps in the bundle, if I can still Launch() them without doing so?

Including Secondary apps in the bundle provides a better Launch time performance when opening them for the first time. However, it's entirely optional to bundle Secondary apps with the Primary app. If you have many Secondary apps, you may choose to not bundle them to reduce the total size of the app bundle.

Can I add apps that use Power BI data to wrap?

Yes. Wrap wizard automatically configures your mobile app to be able to use Power BI. To troubleshoot, you can manually grant Power BI API permission to all your apps that use Power BI data. More information: Configure the API permissions for your app manually

Yes. You can use ms-mobile-apps:///providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/<appID>?tenantId=<tenantId> schema to deep link into your wrapped mobile apps. Refer to Using deep links with wrapped mobile apps for more information.

Why do I see this error message when I try to open my wrapped native app on a mobile device: You can't get there from here error message

Your organization might have Require Approved Client App conditional access policy that restricts access to mobile apps. To fix this issue, see, Edit your conditional access policy.

Can I create B2C mobile apps with Power Apps?

No. Power Apps is a platform for creating business applications and uses Microsoft Entra authentication. The wrap feature wraps existing canvas apps for the same set of end users.

Do we need a premium license to package the app?

No, you don't need a premium license for wrap. However, if your APK uses certain connectors, you will need to pay according to the requirements of those connectors.

Can I delete wrap projects?

No, wrap projects can't be deleted but you can delete the project APK files from your storage location.

How can we ensure that customers outside the home tenant can't access the app even if we enable multitenant access during registration?

Users outside the home tenant can't access Wrap projects unless both the Azure admin and the maker explicitly share the app with the user. The app ensures proper data separation across organizations by embedding the tenant identifier in the authentication token. This mechanism allows the app to verify the user's tenant and grant access only to data relevant to that tenant.

Can we allow users from outside home tenant to access wrap projects?

The Wrap App supports multi-tenancy. To enable this feature, the Azure admin must take additional steps:

  1. Add users from outside the home tenant as guests in Azure.
  2. Include these guests in the Azure Conditional Access process. Additionally, the maker must share the app with these guest IDs within Power Apps.

Why am I not able to Sign into my wrapped Application?

  1. Verify if the user has access to the PowerApps application. More information: Share a canvas app with your organization
  2. If access is confirmed, check the app's Azure conditional policies. Admin access is required to review these policies. More information: View applied Conditional Access details in the Microsoft Entra activity logs
  3. To troubleshoot sign-in errors, copy the correlation ID from the mobile screen where the sign-in is failing and refer How to troubleshoot Microsoft Entra sign-in errors to understand the error and the failing policies.
  4. Check Microsoft Entra authentication and authorization error codes.

When do you need to re-wrap?

How to find your Azure admin?

  • Go to the Microsoft Entra roles and administration portal. More information: Microsoft Entra admin center
  • Search for global administration in the search bar.
  • Select the Active assignments tab.
  • Review the list of owners for the active assignments.

See also