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Canvas component properties (preview)

Canvas components allow makers to create different types of properties to relay values or logic between the component and the app that is hosting the component. Properties are an essential part of creating interactive and reusable components.


  • This is a preview feature.
  • Preview features aren't meant for production use and might have restricted functionality. These features are subject to supplemental terms of use, and are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.


Before you can use this feature, it needs to be turned on in your app settings.

  1. Open your canvas app for editing in Power Apps Studio. On the command bar, select Settings > Updates.

  2. On the Preview tab, find and turn on the Enhanced component properties settings.

Types of properties

There are four types of properties available to makers:

  1. Data properties: Data properties pertain to data, like a color or text value. A Data property can be set to be Input or Output, which indicates if the component provides data to the app (Output) or the app provides data to the component (Input). Data properties are the only properties that participate in app data flow.
  2. Function properties: Function properties are related to logic, such as performing a calculation based on specific parameters or altering text. A Function property can be set to be Input or Output, which indicates if the component provides a function the app can call (Output), or the app provides a function the component can call (Input). Function properties do not participate in an app's data flow, and cannot use component or app variables.
  3. Action properties: Action properties are a type of property that deals with logic and behaves like an Output Function. Thus, the component has the logic defined, and that logic can use chained expressions and manipulate collections or variables ("behavior"). For example, a Clear() Action property could provide functionality the app can call to clear out some values in the component, or a Save() Action property that updates a datasource.
  4. Event properties: Event properties are a category of property that involves logic and functions as an Input Function. Thus, the app defines the logic, which the component can call and that logic can use chained expressions and manipulate collections or variables ("behavior"). Typically these properties' names reflect an event such as OnSelect or OnChanged.

Data property

A data property's usage is easy to imagine. Standard controls in apps typically have several data properties, to set default values, text color, size, etc. Let's look at a simple example where we wish to make properties of a control within the component available to the hosting app. In this example, our component is named Component1. We will put a slider control in inside our component. We will have an Input property to specify the color from the consuming app, and an Output property where the component can tell the app what the current value of the slider is. The following example assumes your component contains a Slider control named Slider.

  1. In the property pane of the component, select New custom property.
  2. On the New custom property pane, enter display name Slider Color.
  3. Select Property type of Data and select Property definition value Input.
  4. Finally, from the Data type dropdown, select Color.
  5. Click Create.

Next, select the Slider1 Slider control. Find its ValueFill property and in the formula bar, enter Component1.SliderColor. Component1 refers to the name of our component, and SliderColor is the name of the property we added previously.

Now our component has a SliderColor property which can be set in the consuming app, to pass a color into the component to set the slider's ValueFill property.

We also wish to provide the value of the slider to the consuming app. To accomplish this, we will add an Output property.

  1. In the property pane of the component, select New custom property.
  2. On the New custom property pane, enter display name Slider Value.
  3. Select Property type of Data and select Property definition value Output.
  4. Finally, from the Data type dropdown, select Number.
  5. Click Create.

When a Data property is Output, the component provides the value to the consuming app. To set the formula for this, we need to set the new SliderValue property in the component to the Value property of the slider.

  1. In the property pane of the component, click on the Slider Value property.
  2. In the formula bar, replace the default value of 100 with the following formula: Slider1.Value.

Now our component's SliderValue property will reflect the value of the slider inside the component, which can then be read from the consuming app.

Function property

A function property contains an expression that returns a value. Typically, the function takes some arguments which it uses to calculate or determine the value to return.


Function properties currently cannot access variables or component values and properties, and cannot trigger data flow. Any required values have to be passed in as arguments.

An Output function is a simple way to create a custom function for Power Apps. The component defines an Output function with an expression that takes some arguments and returns a value. This function can then be used in an app using the component's name (say Component1) by calling Component1.MyFunction(arg1, arg2).

An Input function is a way for a consuming app to provide logic to a component, similar to a function pointer or callback function. For example, your component may be dealing with people's names and have an input function with arguments firstname and lastname and respects a string back. The app could define the function expression to return $"{firstname} {lastname}" or it could choose to define an expression for $"{lastname}, {firstname}". The component can just call the function the app maker has provided, and use the returned string.

Action property

Action properties are similar to function properties of type Output, but they allow side-effect formulas, and expression chaining. A component could have an action property named AddRecord that allows the app to add a record to a collection inside the component, or a Reset action that clears variables or collections inside the component.

In the example of the slider examples used for the Data property earlier, we can introduce an action property called ResetValue to set the slider back to its default value. We can use the formula Reset( Slider1 ) for this. Now, instances of our component in the app can call Component1.ResetValue() to set the slider back to the default value.

Event property

There are many common Event-type properties, effectively input behavior function properties, in standard controls. OnSelect on the button control is the most obvious example. A component could define any number of event properties, and call these events like a function. For example, a component that has a button control could have an event property named OnButtonClicked. In the button control's OnSelect the component can call its Component1.OnButtonClicked() property. A consuming app can then define its own logic for this property, to act when the button inside the component is pressed.

Default values for properties or arguments

Default values can provide a default value for an argument or property in case none is set. This doesn't makes sense for some types of properties. However, in some cases they can be used to provide an expected schema for a record. By providing a default record, a record type is established as the expected schema.

For example, an Action property named AddRecord accepts a record to be added to a local collection. To provide the schema of the expected record, a maker has to add a default value for this AddRecord property's argument.