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Thread.Resume Metode



Thread.Resume has been deprecated. Please use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex, Event, and Semaphore, to synchronize Threads or protect resources.


Thread.Resume has been deprecated. Use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex, Event, and Semaphore, to synchronize Threads or protect resources.


Thread.Resume has been deprecated. Please use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex, Event, and Semaphore, to synchronize Threads or protect resources.

Melanjutkan utas yang telah ditangguhkan.

 void Resume();
[System.Obsolete("Thread.Resume has been deprecated.  Please use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex, Event, and Semaphore, to synchronize Threads or protect resources.", false)]
public void Resume();
[System.Obsolete("Thread.Resume has been deprecated. Use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex, Event, and Semaphore, to synchronize Threads or protect resources.")]
public void Resume();
[System.Obsolete("Thread.Resume has been deprecated.  Please use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex, Event, and Semaphore, to synchronize Threads or protect resources.", false)]
public void Resume();
public void Resume();
[<System.Obsolete("Thread.Resume has been deprecated.  Please use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex, Event, and Semaphore, to synchronize Threads or protect resources.", false)>]
member this.Resume : unit -> unit
[<System.Obsolete("Thread.Resume has been deprecated. Use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex, Event, and Semaphore, to synchronize Threads or protect resources.")>]
member this.Resume : unit -> unit
[<System.Obsolete("Thread.Resume has been deprecated.  Please use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex, Event, and Semaphore, to synchronize Threads or protect resources.", false)>]
member this.Resume : unit -> unit
member this.Resume : unit -> unit
Public Sub Resume ()


Hanya .NET Core dan .NET 5+: Dalam semua kasus.

Utas belum dimulai, mati, atau tidak dalam status ditangguhkan.

Penelepon tidak memiliki yang sesuai SecurityPermission.



Jangan gunakan Suspend metode dan Resume untuk menyinkronkan aktivitas utas. Anda tidak memiliki cara untuk mengetahui kode apa yang dijalankan utas ketika Anda menangguhkannya. Jika Anda menangguhkan utas saat menahan kunci selama evaluasi izin keamanan, utas lain di mungkin diblokir AppDomain . Jika Anda menangguhkan utas saat menjalankan konstruktor kelas, utas lain dalam upaya untuk menggunakan kelas tersebut AppDomain diblokir. Kebuntuan dapat terjadi dengan sangat mudah.

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