ServicePoint Kelas
Beberapa informasi terkait produk prarilis yang dapat diubah secara signifikan sebelum dirilis. Microsoft tidak memberikan jaminan, tersirat maupun tersurat, sehubungan dengan informasi yang diberikan di sini.
Menyediakan manajemen koneksi untuk koneksi HTTP.
public ref class ServicePoint
public class ServicePoint
type ServicePoint = class
Public Class ServicePoint
- Warisan
Contoh kode berikut membuat objek ServicePoint yang tersambung ke URI
// This example shows how to use the ServicePoint and ServicePointManager classes.
// The ServicePointManager class uses the ServicePoint class to manage connections
// to a remote host. The networking classes reuse service points for all
// requests to a given URI. In fact, the same ServicePoint object
// is used to issue requests to Internet resources identified by the same
// scheme identifier (for example, HTTP) and host fragment (for example,
// This should improve your application performance.
// Reusing service points in this way can help improve application performance.
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Text::RegularExpressions;
void ShowProperties( ServicePoint^ sp )
Console::WriteLine( "Done calling FindServicePoint()..." );
// Display the ServicePoint Internet resource address.
Console::WriteLine( "Address = {0}", sp->Address );
// Display the date and time that the ServicePoint was last
// connected to a host.
Console::WriteLine( "IdleSince = {0}", sp->IdleSince );
// Display the maximum length of time that the ServicePoint instance
// is allowed to maintain an idle connection to an Internet
// resource before it is recycled for use in another connection.
Console::WriteLine( "MaxIdleTime = {0}", sp->MaxIdleTime );
Console::WriteLine( "ConnectionName = {0}", sp->ConnectionName );
// Display the maximum number of connections allowed on this
// ServicePoint instance.
Console::WriteLine( "ConnectionLimit = {0}", sp->ConnectionLimit );
// Display the number of connections associated with this
// ServicePoint instance.
Console::WriteLine( "CurrentConnections = {0}", sp->CurrentConnections );
if ( sp->Certificate == nullptr )
Console::WriteLine( "Certificate = (null)" );
Console::WriteLine( "Certificate = {0}", sp->Certificate );
if ( sp->ClientCertificate == nullptr )
Console::WriteLine( "Client Certificate = (null)" );
Console::WriteLine( "Client Certificate = {0}", sp->ClientCertificate );
Console::WriteLine( "ProtocolVersion = {0}", sp->ProtocolVersion->ToString() );
Console::WriteLine( "SupportsPipelining = {0}", sp->SupportsPipelining );
Console::WriteLine( "UseNagleAlgorithm = {0} ", sp->UseNagleAlgorithm.ToString() );
Console::WriteLine( "Expect 100-continue = {0}", sp->Expect100Continue.ToString() );
void makeWebRequest( int hashCode, String^ Uri )
HttpWebResponse^ res = nullptr;
// Make sure that the idle time has elapsed, so that a new
// ServicePoint instance is created.
Console::WriteLine( "Sleeping for 2 sec." );
Thread::Sleep( 2000 );
// Create a request to the passed URI.
HttpWebRequest^ req = dynamic_cast<HttpWebRequest^>(WebRequest::Create( Uri ));
Console::WriteLine( "\nConnecting to {0} ............", Uri );
// Get the response object.
res = dynamic_cast<HttpWebResponse^>(req->GetResponse());
Console::WriteLine( "Connected.\n" );
ServicePoint^ currentServicePoint = req->ServicePoint;
// Display new service point properties.
int currentHashCode = currentServicePoint->GetHashCode();
Console::WriteLine( "New service point hashcode: {0}", currentHashCode );
Console::WriteLine( "New service point max idle time: {0}", currentServicePoint->MaxIdleTime );
Console::WriteLine( "New service point is idle since {0}", currentServicePoint->IdleSince );
// Check that a new ServicePoint instance has been created.
if ( hashCode == currentHashCode )
Console::WriteLine( "Service point reused." );
Console::WriteLine( "A new service point created." );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "Source : {0}", e->Source );
Console::WriteLine( "Message : {0}", e->Message );
if ( res != nullptr )
// Show the user how to use this program when wrong inputs are entered.
void showUsage()
Console::WriteLine( "Enter the proxy name as follows:" );
Console::WriteLine( "\tcs_servicepoint proxyName" );
int main()
array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
int port = 80;
// Define a regular expression to parse the user's input.
// This is a security check. It allows only
// alphanumeric input strings between 2 to 40 characters long.
Regex^ rex = gcnew Regex( "^[a-zA-Z]\\w{1,39}$" );
if ( args->Length < 2 )
return -1;
String^ proxy = args[ 1 ];
if ( (!rex->Match(proxy))->Success)
Console::WriteLine( "Input string format not allowed." );
return -1;
String^ proxyAdd = String::Format( "http://{0}:{1}", proxy, port );
// Create a proxy object.
WebProxy^ DefaultProxy = gcnew WebProxy( proxyAdd,true );
// Set the proxy that all HttpWebRequest instances use.
WebRequest::DefaultWebProxy = DefaultProxy;
// Get the base interface for proxy access for the
// WebRequest-based classes.
IWebProxy^ Iproxy = WebRequest::DefaultWebProxy;
// Set the maximum number of ServicePoint instances to
// maintain. If a ServicePoint instance for that host already
// exists when your application requests a connection to
// an Internet resource, the ServicePointManager object
// returns this existing ServicePoint instance. If none exists
// for that host, it creates a new ServicePoint instance.
ServicePointManager::MaxServicePoints = 4;
// Set the maximum idle time of a ServicePoint instance to 10 seconds.
// After the idle time expires, the ServicePoint object is eligible for
// garbage collection and cannot be used by the ServicePointManager.
ServicePointManager::MaxServicePointIdleTime = 10000;
ServicePointManager::UseNagleAlgorithm = true;
ServicePointManager::Expect100Continue = true;
ServicePointManager::CheckCertificateRevocationList = true;
ServicePointManager::DefaultConnectionLimit = ServicePointManager::DefaultPersistentConnectionLimit;
// Create the Uri object for the resource you want to access.
Uri^ MS = gcnew Uri( "" );
// Use the FindServicePoint method to find an existing
// ServicePoint object or to create a new one.
ServicePoint^ servicePoint = ServicePointManager::FindServicePoint( MS, Iproxy );
ShowProperties( servicePoint );
int hashCode = servicePoint->GetHashCode();
Console::WriteLine( "Service point hashcode: {0}", hashCode );
// Make a request with the same scheme identifier and host fragment
// used to create the previous ServicePoint object.
makeWebRequest( hashCode, "" );
// This example shows how to use the ServicePoint and ServicePointManager classes.
// The ServicePointManager class uses the ServicePoint class to manage connections
// to a remote host. The networking classes reuse service points for all
// requests to a given URI. In fact, the same ServicePoint object
// is used to issue requests to Internet resources identified by the same
// scheme identifier (for example, HTTP) and host fragment (for example,
// This should improve your application performance.
// Reusing service points in this way can help improve application performance.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Mssc.Services.ConnectionManagement
class TestServicePoint
private static void ShowProperties(ServicePoint sp)
Console.WriteLine("Done calling FindServicePoint()...");
// Display the ServicePoint Internet resource address.
Console.WriteLine("Address = {0} ", sp.Address.ToString());
// Display the date and time that the ServicePoint was last
// connected to a host.
Console.WriteLine("IdleSince = " + sp.IdleSince.ToString());
// Display the maximum length of time that the ServicePoint instance
// is allowed to maintain an idle connection to an Internet
// resource before it is recycled for use in another connection.
Console.WriteLine("MaxIdleTime = " + sp.MaxIdleTime);
Console.WriteLine("ConnectionName = " + sp.ConnectionName);
// Display the maximum number of connections allowed on this
// ServicePoint instance.
Console.WriteLine("ConnectionLimit = " + sp.ConnectionLimit);
// Display the number of connections associated with this
// ServicePoint instance.
Console.WriteLine("CurrentConnections = " + sp.CurrentConnections);
if (sp.Certificate == null)
Console.WriteLine("Certificate = (null)");
Console.WriteLine("Certificate = " + sp.Certificate.ToString());
if (sp.ClientCertificate == null)
Console.WriteLine("ClientCertificate = (null)");
Console. WriteLine("ClientCertificate = " + sp.ClientCertificate.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("ProtocolVersion = " + sp.ProtocolVersion.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("SupportsPipelining = " + sp.SupportsPipelining);
Console.WriteLine("UseNagleAlgorithm = " + sp.UseNagleAlgorithm.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Expect 100-continue = " + sp.Expect100Continue.ToString());
private static void makeWebRequest(int hashCode, string Uri)
HttpWebResponse res = null;
// Make sure that the idle time has elapsed, so that a new
// ServicePoint instance is created.
Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 2 sec.");
// Create a request to the passed URI.
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Uri);
Console.WriteLine("\nConnecting to " + Uri + " ............");
// Get the response object.
res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
ServicePoint currentServicePoint = req.ServicePoint;
// Display new service point properties.
int currentHashCode = currentServicePoint.GetHashCode();
Console.WriteLine("New service point hashcode: " + currentHashCode);
Console.WriteLine("New service point max idle time: " + currentServicePoint.MaxIdleTime);
Console.WriteLine("New service point is idle since " + currentServicePoint.IdleSince );
// Check that a new ServicePoint instance has been created.
if (hashCode == currentHashCode)
Console.WriteLine("Service point reused.");
Console.WriteLine("A new service point created.") ;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
if (res != null)
// Show the user how to use this program when wrong inputs are entered.
private static void showUsage()
Console.WriteLine("Enter the proxy name as follows:");
Console.WriteLine("\tcs_servicepoint proxyName");
public static void Main(string[] args)
int port = 80;
// Define a regular expression to parse the user's input.
// This is a security check. It allows only
// alphanumeric input strings between 2 to 40 characters long.
Regex rex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z]\w{1,39}$");
if (args.Length < 1)
string proxy = args[0];
if (!(rex.Match(proxy)).Success)
Console.WriteLine("Input string format not allowed.");
string proxyAdd = "http://" + proxy + ":" + port;
// Create a proxy object.
WebProxy DefaultProxy = new WebProxy(proxyAdd, true);
// Set the proxy that all HttpWebRequest instances use.
WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = DefaultProxy;
// Get the base interface for proxy access for the
// WebRequest-based classes.
IWebProxy Iproxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;
// Set the maximum number of ServicePoint instances to
// maintain. If a ServicePoint instance for that host already
// exists when your application requests a connection to
// an Internet resource, the ServicePointManager object
// returns this existing ServicePoint instance. If none exists
// for that host, it creates a new ServicePoint instance.
ServicePointManager.MaxServicePoints = 4;
// Set the maximum idle time of a ServicePoint instance to 10 seconds.
// After the idle time expires, the ServicePoint object is eligible for
// garbage collection and cannot be used by the ServicePointManager object.
ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime = 10000;
ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm = true;
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
ServicePointManager.CheckCertificateRevocationList = true;
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = ServicePointManager.DefaultPersistentConnectionLimit;
// Create the Uri object for the resource you want to access.
Uri MS = new Uri("");
// Use the FindServicePoint method to find an existing
// ServicePoint object or to create a new one.
ServicePoint servicePoint = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(MS, Iproxy);
int hashCode = servicePoint.GetHashCode();
Console.WriteLine("Service point hashcode: " + hashCode);
// Make a request with the same scheme identifier and host fragment
// used to create the previous ServicePoint object.
makeWebRequest(hashCode, "");
' This example shows how to use the ServicePoint and ServicePointManager classes.
' The ServicePointManager class uses the ServicePoint class to manage connections
' to a remote host. The networking classes reuse service points for all
' requests to a given URI. In fact, the same ServicePoint object
' is used to issue requests to Internet resources identified by the same
' scheme identifier (for example, HTTP) and host fragment (for example,
' Reusing service points in this way can help improve application performance.
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Namespace Mssc.Services.ConnectionManagement
Module M_TestServicePoint
Class TestServicePoint
Private Shared Sub ShowProperties(ByVal sp As ServicePoint)
Console.WriteLine("Done calling FindServicePoint")
' Display the ServicePoint Internet resource address.
Console.WriteLine(("Address = " + sp.Address.ToString()))
' Display the date and time that the ServicePoint was last
' connected to a host.
Console.WriteLine(("IdleSince = " + sp.IdleSince.ToString()))
' Display the maximum length of time that the ServicePoint instance
' is allowed to maintain an idle connection to an Internet
' resource before it is recycled for use in another connection.
Console.WriteLine(("MaxIdleTime = " + sp.MaxIdleTime.ToString()))
Console.WriteLine(("ConnectionName = " + sp.ConnectionName))
' Display the maximum number of connections allowed on this
' ServicePoint instance.
Console.WriteLine(("ConnectionLimit = " + sp.ConnectionLimit.ToString()))
' Display the number of connections associated with this
' ServicePoint instance.
Console.WriteLine(("CurrentConnections = " + sp.CurrentConnections.ToString()))
If sp.Certificate Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("Certificate = (null)")
Console.WriteLine(("Certificate = " + sp.Certificate.ToString()))
End If
If sp.ClientCertificate Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("ClientCertificate = (null)")
Console.WriteLine(("ClientCertificate = " + sp.ClientCertificate.ToString()))
End If
Console.WriteLine("ProtocolVersion = " + sp.ProtocolVersion.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(("SupportsPipelining = " + sp.SupportsPipelining.ToString()))
Console.WriteLine("UseNagleAlgorithm = " + sp.UseNagleAlgorithm.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Expect 100-continue = " + sp.Expect100Continue.ToString())
End Sub
Private Shared Sub makeWebRequest(ByVal hashCode As Integer, ByVal Uri As String)
Dim res As HttpWebResponse = Nothing
' Make sure that the idle time has elapsed, so that a new
' ServicePoint instance is created.
Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 2 sec.")
' Create a request to the passed URI.
Dim req As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(Uri), HttpWebRequest)
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Lf + "Connecting to " + Uri + " ............"))
' Get the response object.
res = CType(req.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Console.WriteLine("Connected." + ControlChars.Lf)
Dim currentServicePoint As ServicePoint = req.ServicePoint
' Display new service point properties.
Dim currentHashCode As Integer = currentServicePoint.GetHashCode()
Console.WriteLine(("New service point hashcode: " + currentHashCode.ToString()))
Console.WriteLine(("New service point max idle time: " + currentServicePoint.MaxIdleTime.ToString()))
Console.WriteLine(("New service point is idle since " + currentServicePoint.IdleSince.ToString()))
' Check that a new ServicePoint instance has been created.
If hashCode = currentHashCode Then
Console.WriteLine("Service point reused.")
Console.WriteLine("A new service point created.")
End If
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine(("Source : " + e.Source))
Console.WriteLine(("Message : " + e.Message))
If Not (res Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
' Show the user how to use this program when wrong inputs are entered.
Private Shared Sub showUsage()
Console.WriteLine("Enter the proxy name as follows:")
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "vb_servicepoint proxyName")
End Sub
' This is the program entry point. It allows the user to enter
' a server name that is used to locate its current homepage.
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim proxy As String = Nothing
Dim port As Integer = 80
' Define a regular expression to parse the user's input.
' This is a security check. It allows only
' alphanumeric input strings between 2 to 40 characters long.
Dim rex As New Regex("^[a-zA-Z]\w{1,39}$")
If args.Length = 0 Then
' Show how to use this program.
End If
proxy = args(0)
If (Not (rex.Match(proxy)).Success) Then
Console.WriteLine("Input string format not allowed.")
End If
' Create a proxy object.
Dim proxyAdd As String
proxyAdd = "http://" + proxy + ":" + port.ToString()
Dim DefaultProxy As New WebProxy(proxyAdd, True)
' Set the proxy that all HttpWebRequest instances use.
WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = DefaultProxy
' Get the base interface for proxy access for the
' WebRequest-based classes.
Dim Iproxy As IWebProxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy
' Set the maximum number of ServicePoint instances to maintain.
' Note that, if a ServicePoint instance for that host already
' exists when your application requests a connection to
' an Internet resource, the ServicePointManager object
' returns this existing ServicePoint. If none exists
' for that host, it creates a new ServicePoint instance.
ServicePointManager.MaxServicePoints = 4
' Set the maximum idle time of a ServicePoint instance to 10 seconds.
' After the idle time expires, the ServicePoint object is eligible for
' garbage collection and cannot be used by the ServicePointManager.
ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime = 10000
ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm = True
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = True
ServicePointManager.CheckCertificateRevocationList = True
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = _
' Create the Uri object for the resource you want to access.
Dim MS As New Uri("")
' Use the FindServicePoint method to find an existing
' ServicePoint object or to create a new one.
Dim servicePoint As ServicePoint = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(MS, Iproxy)
Dim hashCode As Integer = servicePoint.GetHashCode()
Console.WriteLine(("Service point hashcode: " + hashCode.ToString()))
' Make a request with the same scheme identifier and host fragment
' used to create the previous ServicePoint object.
makeWebRequest(hashCode, "")
End Sub
End Class
End Module
End Namespace
, HttpWebRequest
, ServicePoint
, dan WebClient
usang, dan Anda tidak boleh menggunakannya untuk pengembangan baru. Gunakan HttpClient sebagai gantinya.
Kelas ServicePoint menangani koneksi ke sumber daya Internet berdasarkan informasi host yang diteruskan di Pengidentifikasi Sumber Daya Seragam (URI) sumber daya sumber daya. Koneksi awal ke sumber daya menentukan informasi yang dipertahankan objek ServicePoint, yang kemudian dibagikan oleh semua permintaan berikutnya ke sumber daya tersebut.
ServicePoint objek dikelola oleh kelas ServicePointManager dan dibuat, jika perlu, dengan metode ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint. ServicePoint objek tidak pernah dibuat secara langsung tetapi selalu dibuat dan dikelola oleh kelas ServicePointManager. Jumlah maksimum objek ServicePoint yang dapat dibuat diatur oleh properti ServicePointManager.MaxServicePoints.
Setiap objek ServicePoint mempertahankan koneksinya ke sumber daya Internet hingga diam lebih lama dari waktu yang ditentukan dalam properti MaxIdleTime. Ketika ServicePoint melebihi nilai MaxIdleTime, ServicePoint dapat didaur ulang ke koneksi lain. Nilai default MaxIdleTime diatur oleh properti ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime.
Ketika properti ConnectionLeaseTimeout diatur ke nilai selain -1, dan setelah waktu yang ditentukan berlalu, koneksi ServicePoint aktif ditutup setelah melayani permintaan berikutnya. Ini berguna untuk aplikasi yang tidak memerlukan koneksi aktif yang dibuka tanpa batas waktu, karena secara default.
Dalam kondisi beban tinggi, beberapa aplikasi mungkin kehabisan utas gratis di ThreadPool, yang dapat menyebabkan performa sistem yang buruk (seperti waktu transaksi tinggi dan variabel).
Address |
Mendapatkan Pengidentifikasi Sumber Daya Seragam (URI) server yang tersambung dengan objek ServicePoint ini. |
BindIPEndPointDelegate |
Menentukan delegasi untuk mengaitkan IPEndPoint lokal dengan ServicePoint. |
Certificate |
Mendapatkan sertifikat yang diterima untuk objek ServicePoint ini. |
ClientCertificate |
Mendapatkan sertifikat klien terakhir yang dikirim ke server. |
ConnectionLeaseTimeout |
Mendapatkan atau mengatur jumlah milidetik setelah koneksi ServicePoint aktif ditutup. |
ConnectionLimit |
Mendapatkan atau mengatur jumlah maksimum koneksi yang diizinkan pada objek ServicePoint ini. |
ConnectionName |
Mendapatkan nama koneksi. |
CurrentConnections |
Mendapatkan jumlah koneksi terbuka yang terkait dengan objek ServicePoint ini. |
Expect100Continue |
Mendapatkan atau menetapkan nilai Boolean yang menentukan apakah perilaku 100-Lanjutkan digunakan. |
IdleSince |
Mendapatkan tanggal dan waktu objek ServicePoint terakhir kali tersambung ke host. |
MaxIdleTime |
Mendapatkan atau mengatur jumlah waktu koneksi yang terkait dengan objek ServicePoint dapat tetap menganggur sebelum koneksi ditutup. |
ProtocolVersion |
Mendapatkan versi protokol HTTP yang digunakan objek ServicePoint. |
ReceiveBufferSize |
Mendapatkan atau mengatur ukuran buffer penerima untuk soket yang digunakan oleh ServicePointini. |
SupportsPipelining |
Menunjukkan apakah objek ServicePoint mendukung koneksi yang disalurkan. |
UseNagleAlgorithm |
Mendapatkan atau menetapkan nilai Boolean yang menentukan apakah algoritma Nagle digunakan pada koneksi yang dikelola oleh objek ServicePoint ini. |
CloseConnectionGroup(String) |
Menghapus grup koneksi yang ditentukan dari objek ServicePoint ini. |
Equals(Object) |
Menentukan apakah objek yang ditentukan sama dengan objek saat ini. (Diperoleh dari Object) |
GetHashCode() |
Mengembalikan nilai hash untuk instans ServicePoint. |
GetHashCode() |
Berfungsi sebagai fungsi hash default. (Diperoleh dari Object) |
GetType() |
Mendapatkan Type instans saat ini. (Diperoleh dari Object) |
MemberwiseClone() |
Membuat salinan dangkal dari Objectsaat ini. (Diperoleh dari Object) |
SetTcpKeepAlive(Boolean, Int32, Int32) |
Mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan opsi tetap hidup pada koneksi TCP. |
ToString() |
Mengembalikan string yang mewakili objek saat ini. (Diperoleh dari Object) |