Math.Tanh(Double) Metode
Beberapa informasi terkait produk prarilis yang dapat diubah secara signifikan sebelum dirilis. Microsoft tidak memberikan jaminan, tersirat maupun tersurat, sehubungan dengan informasi yang diberikan di sini.
Menghasilkan tangen hiperbolik dari sudut yang ditentukan.
static double Tanh(double value);
public static double Tanh(double value);
static member Tanh : double -> double
Public Shared Function Tanh (value As Double) As Double
- value
- Double
Sudut, diukur dalam radian.
Tangen hiperbolik dari value
. Jika value
sama dengan NegativeInfinity, metode ini mengembalikan -1. Jika nilai sama dengan PositiveInfinity, metode ini mengembalikan 1. Jika value
sama dengan NaN, metode ini mengembalikan NaN.
Contoh berikut menggunakan Tanh untuk mengevaluasi identitas tangen hiperbolik tertentu untuk nilai yang dipilih.
// Example for the hyperbolic Math::Tanh( double ) method.
using namespace System;
// Evaluate hyperbolic identities with a given argument.
void UseTanh( double arg )
double tanhArg = Math::Tanh( arg );
// Evaluate tanh(X) == sinh(X) / cosh(X).
Console::WriteLine( "\n Math::Tanh({0}) == {1:E16}\n"
" Math::Sinh({0}) / Math::Cosh({0}) == {2:E16}", arg, tanhArg, (Math::Sinh( arg ) / Math::Cosh( arg )) );
// Evaluate tanh(2 * X) == 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X)).
Console::WriteLine( " 2 * Math::Tanh({0}) /", arg, 2.0 * tanhArg );
Console::WriteLine( " (1 + (Math::Tanh({0}))^2) == {1:E16}", arg, 2.0 * tanhArg / (1.0 + tanhArg * tanhArg) );
Console::WriteLine( " Math::Tanh({0}) == {1:E16}", 2.0 * arg, Math::Tanh( 2.0 * arg ) );
// Evaluate a hyperbolic identity that is a function of two arguments.
void UseTwoArgs( double argX, double argY )
// Evaluate tanh(X + Y) == (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y)).
Console::WriteLine( "\n (Math::Tanh({0}) + Math::Tanh({1})) /\n"
"(1 + Math::Tanh({0}) * Math::Tanh({1})) == {2:E16}", argX, argY, (Math::Tanh( argX ) + Math::Tanh( argY )) / (1.0 + Math::Tanh( argX ) * Math::Tanh( argY )) );
Console::WriteLine( " Math::Tanh({0}) == {1:E16}", argX + argY, Math::Tanh( argX + argY ) );
int main()
Console::WriteLine( "This example of hyperbolic Math::Tanh( double )\n"
"generates the following output." );
Console::WriteLine( "\nEvaluate these hyperbolic identities "
"with selected values for X:" );
Console::WriteLine( " tanh(X) == sinh(X) / cosh(X)" );
Console::WriteLine( " tanh(2 * X) == 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X))" );
UseTanh( 0.1 );
UseTanh( 1.2 );
UseTanh( 4.9 );
Console::WriteLine( "\nEvaluate [tanh(X + Y) == "
"(tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y))]"
"\nwith selected values for X and Y:" );
UseTwoArgs( 0.1, 1.2 );
UseTwoArgs( 1.2, 4.9 );
This example of hyperbolic Math::Tanh( double )
generates the following output.
Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:
tanh(X) == sinh(X) / cosh(X)
tanh(2 * X) == 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X))
Math::Tanh(0.1) == 9.9667994624955819E-002
Math::Sinh(0.1) / Math::Cosh(0.1) == 9.9667994624955819E-002
2 * Math::Tanh(0.1) /
(1 + (Math::Tanh(0.1))^2) == 1.9737532022490401E-001
Math::Tanh(0.2) == 1.9737532022490401E-001
Math::Tanh(1.2) == 8.3365460701215521E-001
Math::Sinh(1.2) / Math::Cosh(1.2) == 8.3365460701215521E-001
2 * Math::Tanh(1.2) /
(1 + (Math::Tanh(1.2))^2) == 9.8367485769368024E-001
Math::Tanh(2.4) == 9.8367485769368024E-001
Math::Tanh(4.9) == 9.9988910295055444E-001
Math::Sinh(4.9) / Math::Cosh(4.9) == 9.9988910295055433E-001
2 * Math::Tanh(4.9) /
(1 + (Math::Tanh(4.9))^2) == 9.9999999385024030E-001
Math::Tanh(9.8) == 9.9999999385024030E-001
Evaluate [tanh(X + Y) == (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y))]
with selected values for X and Y:
(Math::Tanh(0.1) + Math::Tanh(1.2)) /
(1 + Math::Tanh(0.1) * Math::Tanh(1.2)) == 8.6172315931330645E-001
Math::Tanh(1.3) == 8.6172315931330634E-001
(Math::Tanh(1.2) + Math::Tanh(4.9)) /
(1 + Math::Tanh(1.2) * Math::Tanh(4.9)) == 9.9998993913939649E-001
Math::Tanh(6.1) == 9.9998993913939649E-001
// Example for the hyperbolic Math.Tanh( double ) method.
using System;
class DemoTanh
public static void Main()
"This example of hyperbolic Math.Tanh( double )\n" +
"generates the following output." );
"\nEvaluate these hyperbolic identities " +
"with selected values for X:" );
Console.WriteLine( " tanh(X) == sinh(X) / cosh(X)" );
" tanh(2 * X) == 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X))" );
"\nEvaluate [tanh(X + Y) == (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) " +
"/ (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y))]" +
"\nwith selected values for X and Y:" );
UseTwoArgs(0.1, 1.2);
UseTwoArgs(1.2, 4.9);
// Evaluate hyperbolic identities with a given argument.
static void UseTanh(double arg)
double tanhArg = Math.Tanh(arg);
// Evaluate tanh(X) == sinh(X) / cosh(X).
"\n Math.Tanh({0}) == {1:E16}\n" +
" Math.Sinh({0}) / Math.Cosh({0}) == {2:E16}",
arg, tanhArg, (Math.Sinh(arg) / Math.Cosh(arg)) );
// Evaluate tanh(2 * X) == 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X)).
" 2 * Math.Tanh({0}) /",
arg, 2.0 * tanhArg );
" (1 + (Math.Tanh({0}))^2) == {1:E16}",
arg, 2.0 * tanhArg / (1.0 + tanhArg * tanhArg ) );
" Math.Tanh({0}) == {1:E16}",
2.0 * arg, Math.Tanh(2.0 * arg) );
// Evaluate a hyperbolic identity that is a function of two arguments.
static void UseTwoArgs(double argX, double argY)
// Evaluate tanh(X + Y) == (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y)).
"\n (Math.Tanh({0}) + Math.Tanh({1})) /\n" +
"(1 + Math.Tanh({0}) * Math.Tanh({1})) == {2:E16}",
argX, argY, (Math.Tanh(argX) + Math.Tanh(argY)) /
(1.0 + Math.Tanh(argX) * Math.Tanh(argY)) );
" Math.Tanh({0}) == {1:E16}",
argX + argY, Math.Tanh(argX + argY));
This example of hyperbolic Math.Tanh( double )
generates the following output.
Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:
tanh(X) == sinh(X) / cosh(X)
tanh(2 * X) == 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X))
Math.Tanh(0.1) == 9.9667994624955819E-002
Math.Sinh(0.1) / Math.Cosh(0.1) == 9.9667994624955819E-002
2 * Math.Tanh(0.1) /
(1 + (Math.Tanh(0.1))^2) == 1.9737532022490401E-001
Math.Tanh(0.2) == 1.9737532022490401E-001
Math.Tanh(1.2) == 8.3365460701215521E-001
Math.Sinh(1.2) / Math.Cosh(1.2) == 8.3365460701215521E-001
2 * Math.Tanh(1.2) /
(1 + (Math.Tanh(1.2))^2) == 9.8367485769368024E-001
Math.Tanh(2.4) == 9.8367485769368024E-001
Math.Tanh(4.9) == 9.9988910295055444E-001
Math.Sinh(4.9) / Math.Cosh(4.9) == 9.9988910295055433E-001
2 * Math.Tanh(4.9) /
(1 + (Math.Tanh(4.9))^2) == 9.9999999385024030E-001
Math.Tanh(9.8) == 9.9999999385024030E-001
Evaluate [tanh(X + Y) == (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y))]
with selected values for X and Y:
(Math.Tanh(0.1) + Math.Tanh(1.2)) /
(1 + Math.Tanh(0.1) * Math.Tanh(1.2)) == 8.6172315931330645E-001
Math.Tanh(1.3) == 8.6172315931330634E-001
(Math.Tanh(1.2) + Math.Tanh(4.9)) /
(1 + Math.Tanh(1.2) * Math.Tanh(4.9)) == 9.9998993913939649E-001
Math.Tanh(6.1) == 9.9998993913939649E-001
// Example for the hyperbolic Math.Tanh( double ) method.
// In F#, the tanh function may be used instead
open System
// Evaluate hyperbolic identities with a given argument.
let useTanh arg =
let tanhArg = Math.Tanh arg
// Evaluate tanh(X) = sinh(X) / cosh(X).
printfn $"""
Math.Tanh({arg}) = {tanhArg:E16}
Math.Sinh({arg}) / Math.Cosh({arg}) = {Math.Sinh arg / Math.Cosh arg:E16}"""
// Evaluate tanh(2 * X) = 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X)).
printfn $" 2 * Math.Tanh({arg}) / {2. * tanhArg}"
printfn $" (1 + (Math.Tanh({arg}))^2) = {2. * tanhArg / (1. + tanhArg * tanhArg):E16}"
printfn $" Math.Tanh({2. * arg}) = {Math.Tanh(2. * arg):E16}"
// Evaluate a hyperbolic identity that is a function of two arguments.
let useTwoArgs argX argY =
// Evaluate tanh(X + Y) = (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y)).
printfn $"\n (Math.Tanh({argX}) + Math.Tanh({argY})) /\n(1 + Math.Tanh({argX}) * Math.Tanh({argY})) = {(Math.Tanh argX + Math.Tanh argY) / (1. + Math.Tanh argX * Math.Tanh argY):E16}"
printfn $" Math.Tanh({argX + argY}) = {Math.Tanh(argX + argY):E16}"
printfn "This example of hyperbolic Math.Tanh( double )\ngenerates the following output."
printfn "\nEvaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:"
printfn " tanh(X) = sinh(X) / cosh(X)"
printfn " tanh(2 * X) = 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X))"
useTanh 0.1
useTanh 1.2
useTanh 4.9
printfn "\nEvaluate [tanh(X + Y) = (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y))]\nwith selected values for X and Y:"
useTwoArgs 0.1 1.2
useTwoArgs 1.2 4.9
// This example of hyperbolic Math.Tanh( double )
// generates the following output.
// Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:
// tanh(X) = sinh(X) / cosh(X)
// tanh(2 * X) = 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X))
// Math.Tanh(0.1) = 9.9667994624955819E-002
// Math.Sinh(0.1) / Math.Cosh(0.1) = 9.9667994624955819E-002
// 2 * Math.Tanh(0.1) /
// (1 + (Math.Tanh(0.1))^2) = 1.9737532022490401E-001
// Math.Tanh(0.2) = 1.9737532022490401E-001
// Math.Tanh(1.2) = 8.3365460701215521E-001
// Math.Sinh(1.2) / Math.Cosh(1.2) = 8.3365460701215521E-001
// 2 * Math.Tanh(1.2) /
// (1 + (Math.Tanh(1.2))^2) = 9.8367485769368024E-001
// Math.Tanh(2.4) = 9.8367485769368024E-001
// Math.Tanh(4.9) = 9.9988910295055444E-001
// Math.Sinh(4.9) / Math.Cosh(4.9) = 9.9988910295055433E-001
// 2 * Math.Tanh(4.9) /
// (1 + (Math.Tanh(4.9))^2) = 9.9999999385024030E-001
// Math.Tanh(9.8) = 9.9999999385024030E-001
// Evaluate [tanh(X + Y) = (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y))]
// with selected values for X and Y:
// (Math.Tanh(0.1) + Math.Tanh(1.2)) /
// (1 + Math.Tanh(0.1) * Math.Tanh(1.2)) = 8.6172315931330645E-001
// Math.Tanh(1.3) = 8.6172315931330634E-001
// (Math.Tanh(1.2) + Math.Tanh(4.9)) /
// (1 + Math.Tanh(1.2) * Math.Tanh(4.9)) = 9.9998993913939649E-001
// Math.Tanh(6.1) = 9.9998993913939649E-001
' Example for the hyperbolic Math.Tanh( Double ) method.
Module DemoTanh
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine( _
"This example of hyperbolic Math.Tanh( Double )" & _
vbCrLf & "generates the following output.")
Console.WriteLine( _
vbCrLf & "Evaluate these hyperbolic " & _
"identities with selected values for X:")
Console.WriteLine(" tanh(X) = sinh(X) / cosh(X)")
Console.WriteLine(" tanh(2 * X) = 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X))")
Console.WriteLine( _
vbCrLf & "Evaluate [tanh(X + Y) == (tanh(X) + " & _
"tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y))]" & _
vbCrLf & "with selected values for X and Y:")
UseTwoArgs(0.1, 1.2)
UseTwoArgs(1.2, 4.9)
End Sub
' Evaluate hyperbolic identities with a given argument.
Sub UseTanh(arg As Double)
Dim tanhArg As Double = Math.Tanh(arg)
' Evaluate tanh(X) = sinh(X) / cosh(X).
Console.WriteLine( _
vbCrLf & " Math.Tanh({0}) = {1:E16}" & _
vbCrLf & " Math.Sinh({0}) / Math.Cosh({0}) = {2:E16}", _
arg, tanhArg, Math.Sinh(arg) / Math.Cosh(arg))
' Evaluate tanh(2 * X) = 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X)).
Console.WriteLine( _
" 2 * Math.Tanh({0}) /", _
arg, 2.0 * tanhArg)
Console.WriteLine( _
" (1 + (Math.Tanh({0}))^2) = {1:E16}", _
arg, 2.0 * tanhArg /(1.0 + tanhArg * tanhArg))
Console.WriteLine( _
" Math.Tanh({0}) = {1:E16}", _
2.0 * arg, Math.Tanh((2.0 * arg)))
End Sub
' Evaluate a hyperbolic identity that is a function of two arguments.
Sub UseTwoArgs(argX As Double, argY As Double)
' Evaluate tanh(X + Y) = (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y)).
Console.WriteLine( _
vbCrLf & " (Math.Tanh({0}) + Math.Tanh({1})) /" & _
vbCrLf & "(1 + Math.Tanh({0}) * Math.Tanh({1})) = {2:E16}", _
argX, argY, (Math.Tanh(argX) + Math.Tanh(argY)) / _
(1.0 + Math.Tanh(argX) * Math.Tanh(argY)))
Console.WriteLine( _
" Math.Tanh({0}) = {1:E16}", _
argX + argY, Math.Tanh(argX + argY))
End Sub
End Module 'DemoTanh
' This example of hyperbolic Math.Tanh( Double )
' generates the following output.
' Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:
' tanh(X) = sinh(X) / cosh(X)
' tanh(2 * X) = 2 * tanh(X) / (1 + tanh^2(X))
' Math.Tanh(0.1) = 9.9667994624955819E-002
' Math.Sinh(0.1) / Math.Cosh(0.1) = 9.9667994624955819E-002
' 2 * Math.Tanh(0.1) /
' (1 + (Math.Tanh(0.1))^2) = 1.9737532022490401E-001
' Math.Tanh(0.2) = 1.9737532022490401E-001
' Math.Tanh(1.2) = 8.3365460701215521E-001
' Math.Sinh(1.2) / Math.Cosh(1.2) = 8.3365460701215521E-001
' 2 * Math.Tanh(1.2) /
' (1 + (Math.Tanh(1.2))^2) = 9.8367485769368024E-001
' Math.Tanh(2.4) = 9.8367485769368024E-001
' Math.Tanh(4.9) = 9.9988910295055444E-001
' Math.Sinh(4.9) / Math.Cosh(4.9) = 9.9988910295055433E-001
' 2 * Math.Tanh(4.9) /
' (1 + (Math.Tanh(4.9))^2) = 9.9999999385024030E-001
' Math.Tanh(9.8) = 9.9999999385024030E-001
' Evaluate [tanh(X + Y) == (tanh(X) + tanh(Y)) / (1 + tanh(X) * tanh(Y))]
' with selected values for X and Y:
' (Math.Tanh(0.1) + Math.Tanh(1.2)) /
' (1 + Math.Tanh(0.1) * Math.Tanh(1.2)) = 8.6172315931330645E-001
' Math.Tanh(1.3) = 8.6172315931330634E-001
' (Math.Tanh(1.2) + Math.Tanh(4.9)) /
' (1 + Math.Tanh(1.2) * Math.Tanh(4.9)) = 9.9998993913939649E-001
' Math.Tanh(6.1) = 9.9998993913939649E-001
Sudut, value
, harus dalam radian. Kalikan dengan Math.PI/180 untuk mengonversi derajat menjadi radian.
Metode ini memanggil runtime C yang mendasarinya, dan hasil yang tepat atau rentang input yang valid mungkin berbeda antara sistem operasi atau arsitektur yang berbeda.