Console.Beep Metode
Beberapa informasi terkait produk prarilis yang dapat diubah secara signifikan sebelum dirilis. Microsoft tidak memberikan jaminan, tersirat maupun tersurat, sehubungan dengan informasi yang diberikan di sini.
Memutar suara bip melalui speaker konsol.
Beep() |
Memutar suara bip melalui speaker konsol. |
Beep(Int32, Int32) |
Memutar bunyi bip frekuensi dan durasi tertentu melalui speaker konsol. |
- Sumber:
- Console.cs
- Sumber:
- Console.cs
- Sumber:
- Console.cs
Memutar suara bip melalui speaker konsol.
static void Beep();
public static void Beep();
public static void Beep();
public static void Beep();
static member Beep : unit -> unit
static member Beep : unit -> unit
static member Beep : unit -> unit
Public Shared Sub Beep ()
- Atribut
Metode ini dijalankan pada server, seperti SQL Server, yang tidak mengizinkan akses ke antarmuka pengguna.
Contoh berikut menunjukkan Beep metode . Contoh menerima angka dari 1 hingga 9 sebagai argumen baris perintah, dan memainkan bip sebanyak itu.
// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep() method.
using namespace System;
int main()
array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
int x = 0;
if ( (args->Length == 2) && (Int32::TryParse( args[ 1 ], x )) && ((x >= 1) && (x <= 9)) )
for ( int i = 1; i <= x; i++ )
Console::WriteLine( "Beep number {0}.", i );
Console::WriteLine( "Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep." );
This example produces the following results:
Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep
>beep 9
Beep number 1.
Beep number 2.
Beep number 3.
Beep number 4.
Beep number 5.
Beep number 6.
Beep number 7.
Beep number 8.
Beep number 9.
// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep() method.
using System;
class Sample
public static void Main(String[] args)
int x = 0;
if ((args.Length == 1) &&
(Int32.TryParse(args[0], out x)) &&
((x >= 1) && (x <= 9)))
for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Beep number {0}.", i);
Console.WriteLine("Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep.");
This example produces the following results:
Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep
>beep 9
Beep number 1.
Beep number 2.
Beep number 3.
Beep number 4.
Beep number 5.
Beep number 6.
Beep number 7.
Beep number 8.
Beep number 9.
// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep() method.
open System
let main args =
if args.Length = 1 then
match Int32.TryParse args[0] with
| true, x when x >= 1 && x <= 9 ->
for i = 1 to x do
Console.WriteLine $"Beep number {i}."
| _ ->
Console.WriteLine "Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep."
Console.WriteLine "Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep."
// This example produces the following results:
// >beep
// Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep
// >beep 9
// Beep number 1.
// Beep number 2.
// Beep number 3.
// Beep number 4.
// Beep number 5.
// Beep number 6.
// Beep number 7.
// Beep number 8.
// Beep number 9.
' This example demonstrates the Console.Beep() method.
Class Sample
Public Shared Sub Main(args() As String)
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer
If (args.Length = 1) _
AndAlso (Int32.TryParse(args(0), x) = True) _
AndAlso ((x >= 1) AndAlso (x <= 9)) Then
For i = 1 To x
Console.WriteLine("Beep number {0}.", i)
Next i
Console.WriteLine("Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep.")
End If
End Sub
End Class
'This example produces the following results:
'Usage: Enter the number of times (between 1 and 9) to beep
'>beep 9
'Beep number 1.
'Beep number 2.
'Beep number 3.
'Beep number 4.
'Beep number 5.
'Beep number 6.
'Beep number 7.
'Beep number 8.
'Beep number 9.
Secara default, bip bermain pada frekuensi 800 hertz untuk durasi 200 milidetik.
Beep membungkus panggilan ke fungsi Windows Beep. Apakah Beep menghasilkan suara pada versi Windows sebelum Windows 7 tergantung pada keberadaan chip timer interval 8254 yang dapat diprogram. Dimulai dengan Windows 7, itu tergantung pada perangkat suara default.
Berlaku untuk
Beep(Int32, Int32)
- Sumber:
- Console.cs
- Sumber:
- Console.cs
- Sumber:
- Console.cs
Memutar bunyi bip frekuensi dan durasi tertentu melalui speaker konsol.
static void Beep(int frequency, int duration);
public static void Beep(int frequency, int duration);
public static void Beep(int frequency, int duration);
static member Beep : int * int -> unit
static member Beep : int * int -> unit
Public Shared Sub Beep (frequency As Integer, duration As Integer)
- frequency
- Int32
Frekuensi bip, berkisar antara 37 hingga 32767 hertz.
- duration
- Int32
Durasi bip yang diukur dalam milidetik.
- Atribut
kurang dari 37 atau lebih dari 32767 hertz.
kurang dari atau sama dengan nol.
Metode ini dijalankan di server, seperti SQL Server, yang tidak mengizinkan akses ke konsol.
Sistem operasi saat ini bukan Windows.
Contoh ini menunjukkan Beep metode dengan memutar beberapa catatan pertama lagu melalui speaker konsol.
// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep(Int32, Int32) method
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
ref class Sample
// Define the frequencies of notes in an octave, as well as
// silence (rest).
enum class Tone
REST = 0,
GbelowC = 196,
A = 220,
Asharp = 233,
B = 247,
C = 262,
Csharp = 277,
D = 294,
Dsharp = 311,
E = 330,
F = 349,
Fsharp = 370,
G = 392,
Gsharp = 415
// Define the duration of a note in units of milliseconds.
enum class Duration
WHOLE = 1600,
HALF = Duration::WHOLE / 2,
QUARTER = Duration::HALF / 2,
EIGHTH = Duration::QUARTER / 2,
SIXTEENTH = Duration::EIGHTH / 2
// Define a note as a frequency (tone) and the amount of
// time (duration) the note plays.
value struct Note
Tone toneVal;
Duration durVal;
// Define a constructor to create a specific note.
Note( Tone frequency, Duration time )
toneVal = frequency;
durVal = time;
property Tone NoteTone
// Define properties to return the note's tone and duration.
Tone get()
return toneVal;
property Duration NoteDuration
Duration get()
return durVal;
// Play the notes in a song.
static void Play( array<Note>^ tune )
System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = tune->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
Note n = *safe_cast<Note ^>(myEnum->Current);
if ( n.NoteTone == Tone::REST )
Thread::Sleep( (int)n.NoteDuration );
Console::Beep( (int)n.NoteTone, (int)n.NoteDuration );
static void Main()
// Declare the first few notes of the song, "Mary Had A Little Lamb".
array<Note>^ Mary = {Note( Tone::B, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::GbelowC, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::B, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::B, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::B, Duration::HALF ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::A, Duration::HALF ),Note( Tone::B, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::D, Duration::QUARTER ),Note( Tone::D, Duration::HALF )};
// Play the song
Play( Mary );
int main()
This example produces the following results:
This example plays the first few notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
through the console speaker.
// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep(Int32, Int32) method
using System;
using System.Threading;
class Sample
public static void Main()
// Declare the first few notes of the song, "Mary Had A Little Lamb".
Note[] Mary =
new Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.GbelowC, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.B, Duration.HALF),
new Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.A, Duration.HALF),
new Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.D, Duration.QUARTER),
new Note(Tone.D, Duration.HALF)
// Play the song
// Play the notes in a song.
protected static void Play(Note[] tune)
foreach (Note n in tune)
if (n.NoteTone == Tone.REST)
Console.Beep((int)n.NoteTone, (int)n.NoteDuration);
// Define the frequencies of notes in an octave, as well as
// silence (rest).
protected enum Tone
REST = 0,
GbelowC = 196,
A = 220,
Asharp = 233,
B = 247,
C = 262,
Csharp = 277,
D = 294,
Dsharp = 311,
E = 330,
F = 349,
Fsharp = 370,
G = 392,
Gsharp = 415,
// Define the duration of a note in units of milliseconds.
protected enum Duration
WHOLE = 1600,
// Define a note as a frequency (tone) and the amount of
// time (duration) the note plays.
protected struct Note
Tone toneVal;
Duration durVal;
// Define a constructor to create a specific note.
public Note(Tone frequency, Duration time)
toneVal = frequency;
durVal = time;
// Define properties to return the note's tone and duration.
public Tone NoteTone { get{ return toneVal; } }
public Duration NoteDuration { get{ return durVal; } }
This example produces the following results:
This example plays the first few notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
through the console speaker.
// This example demonstrates the Console.Beep(Int32, Int32) method
open System
open System.Threading
// Define the frequencies of notes in an octave, as well as
// silence (rest).
type Tone =
| REST = 0
| GbelowC = 196
| A = 220
| Asharp = 233
| B = 247
| C = 262
| Csharp = 277
| D = 294
| Dsharp = 311
| E = 330
| F = 349
| Fsharp = 370
| G = 392
| Gsharp = 415
// Define the duration of a note in units of milliseconds.
type Duration =
| WHOLE = 1600
| HALF = 800
| QUARTER = 400
| EIGHTH = 200
// Define a note as a frequency (tone) and the amount of
// time (duration) the note plays.
type Note =
{ Tone: Tone
Duration: Duration }
// Play the notes in a song.
let play tune =
for n in tune do
if n.Tone = Tone.REST then
Thread.Sleep(int n.Duration)
Console.Beep(int n.Tone, int n.Duration)
// Declare the first few notes of the song, "Mary Had A Little Lamb".
let mary =
[ { Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.GbelowC; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.HALF }
{ Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.A; Duration = Duration.HALF }
{ Tone = Tone.B; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.D; Duration = Duration.QUARTER }
{ Tone = Tone.D; Duration = Duration.HALF } ]
// Play the song
play mary
// This example plays the first few notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
// through the console speaker.
' This example demonstrates the Console.Beep(Int32, Int32) method
Imports System.Threading
Class Sample
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Declare the first few notes of the song, "Mary Had A Little Lamb".
Dim Mary As Note() = { _
New Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.GbelowC, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.B, Duration.HALF), _
New Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.A, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.A, Duration.HALF), _
New Note(Tone.B, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.D, Duration.QUARTER), _
New Note(Tone.D, Duration.HALF)}
' Play the song
End Sub
' Play the notes in a song.
Protected Shared Sub Play(tune() As Note)
Dim n As Note
For Each n In tune
If n.NoteTone = Tone.REST Then
Console.Beep(CInt(n.NoteTone), CInt(n.NoteDuration))
End If
Next n
End Sub
' Define the frequencies of notes in an octave, as well as
' silence (rest).
Protected Enum Tone
REST = 0
GbelowC = 196
A = 220
Asharp = 233
B = 247
C = 262
Csharp = 277
D = 294
Dsharp = 311
E = 330
F = 349
Fsharp = 370
G = 392
Gsharp = 415
End Enum 'Tone
' Define the duration of a note in units of milliseconds.
Protected Enum Duration
WHOLE = 1600
End Enum 'Duration
' Define a note as a frequency (tone) and the amount of
' time (duration) the note plays.
Protected Structure Note
Private toneVal As Tone
Private durVal As Duration
' Define a constructor to create a specific note.
Public Sub New(frequency As Tone, time As Duration)
toneVal = frequency
durVal = time
End Sub
' Define properties to return the note's tone and duration.
Public ReadOnly Property NoteTone() As Tone
Return toneVal
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property NoteDuration() As Duration
Return durVal
End Get
End Property
End Structure 'Note '
'This example produces the following results:
'This example plays the first few notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
'through the console speaker.
End Class
Beep membungkus panggilan ke fungsi Windows Beep. Apakah Beep menghasilkan suara pada versi Windows sebelum Windows 7 tergantung pada keberadaan chip timer interval 8254 yang dapat diprogram. Dimulai dengan Windows 7, itu tergantung pada perangkat suara default.