Array.Length Properti
Beberapa informasi terkait produk prarilis yang dapat diubah secara signifikan sebelum dirilis. Microsoft tidak memberikan jaminan, tersirat maupun tersurat, sehubungan dengan informasi yang diberikan di sini.
Mendapatkan jumlah total elemen di semua dimensi Array.
property int Length { int get(); };
public int Length { get; }
member this.Length : int
Public ReadOnly Property Length As Integer
Jumlah total elemen di semua dimensi Array; nol jika tidak ada elemen dalam array.
Array multidmensional dan berisi lebih dari elemen Int32.MaxValue .
Contoh berikut menggunakan Length properti untuk mendapatkan jumlah total elemen dalam array. Ini juga menggunakan GetUpperBound metode untuk menentukan jumlah elemen di setiap dimensi array multidmensional.
using System;
public class Example
public static void Main()
// Declare a single-dimensional string array
String[] array1d = { "zero", "one", "two", "three" };
// Declare a two-dimensional string array
String[,] array2d = { { "zero", "0" }, { "one", "1" },
{ "two", "2" }, { "three", "3"},
{ "four", "4" }, { "five", "5" } };
// Declare a three-dimensional integer array
int[, ,] array3d = new int[,,] { { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } },
{ { 7, 8, 9 }, { 10, 11, 12 } } };
private static void ShowArrayInfo(Array arr)
Console.WriteLine("Length of Array: {0,3}", arr.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Number of Dimensions: {0,3}", arr.Rank);
// For multidimensional arrays, show number of elements in each dimension.
if (arr.Rank > 1) {
for (int dimension = 1; dimension <= arr.Rank; dimension++)
Console.WriteLine(" Dimension {0}: {1,3}", dimension,
arr.GetUpperBound(dimension - 1) + 1);
// The example displays the following output:
// Length of Array: 4
// Number of Dimensions: 1
// Length of Array: 12
// Number of Dimensions: 2
// Dimension 1: 6
// Dimension 2: 2
// Length of Array: 12
// Number of Dimensions: 3
// Dimension 1: 2
// Dimension 2: 2
// Dimension 3: 3
open System
let showArrayInfo (arr: Array) =
printfn $"Length of Array: {arr.Length,3}"
printfn $"Number of Dimensions: {arr.Rank,3}"
// For multidimensional arrays, show number of elements in each dimension.
if arr.Rank > 1 then
for dimension = 1 to arr.Rank do
printfn $" Dimension {dimension}: {arr.GetUpperBound(dimension - 1) + 1,3}"
printfn ""
// Declare a single-dimensional string array
let array1d = [| "zero"; "one"; "two"; "three" |]
showArrayInfo array1d
// Declare a two-dimensional string array
let array2d =
array2D [ [ "zero"; "0" ]; [ "one"; "1" ]
[ "two"; "2" ]; [ "three"; "3" ]
[ "four"; "4" ]; [ "five"; "5" ] ]
showArrayInfo array2d
// Declare a three-dimensional integer array
let array3d = Array3D.create 2 2 3 "zero"
showArrayInfo array3d
// The example displays the following output:
// Length of Array: 4
// Number of Dimensions: 1
// Length of Array: 12
// Number of Dimensions: 2
// Dimension 1: 6
// Dimension 2: 2
// Length of Array: 12
// Number of Dimensions: 3
// Dimension 1: 2
// Dimension 2: 2
// Dimension 3: 3
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
' Declare a single-dimensional string array
Dim array1d() As String = {"zero", "one", "two", "three"}
' Declare a two-dimensional string array
Dim array2d(,) As String = {{"zero", "0"}, {"one", "1"},
{"two", "2"}, {"three", "3"},
{"four", "4"}, {"five", "5"}}
' Declare a three-dimensional integer array
Dim array3d(,,) As Integer = New Integer(,,) {{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}},
{{7, 8, 9}, {10, 11, 12}}}
End Sub
Private Sub ShowArrayInfo(arr As Array)
Console.WriteLine("Length of Array: {0,3}", arr.Length)
Console.WriteLine("Number of Dimensions: {0,3}", arr.Rank)
' For multidimensional arrays, show number of elements in each dimension.
If arr.Rank > 1 Then
For dimension As Integer = 1 To arr.Rank
Console.WriteLine(" Dimension {0}: {1,3}", dimension,
arr.GetUpperBound(dimension - 1) + 1)
End If
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' Length of Array: 4
' Number of Dimensions: 1
' Length of Array: 12
' Number of Dimensions: 2
' Dimension 1: 6
' Dimension 2: 2
' Length of Array: 12
' Number of Dimensions: 3
' Dimension 1: 2
' Dimension 2: 2
' Dimension 3: 3
Mengambil nilai properti ini adalah operasi O(1).
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